Mayhem Preparedness
Mayhem Preparedness
Mayhem Preparedness
Welcome to Mayhem Country Living. We celebrate our independence and self reliance by drawing from our families histories and traditions. In essence we build our future by drawing from our past. We will show you how to grow, prepare and preserve foods through traditional and modern methods. We will show you how to grow your homestead, whether its an apartment balcony garden or permaculture on 40 acres. You dont have to grow everything you eat(we all cant do that) but we can grow healthier, better foods for our family. You will see prepping(yes we are), traditional bushcraft and modern survival skills. Welcome home y'all! We are glad your home.
Are you ready for the storm?
Год назад
You won’t have Thanksgiving
2 года назад
You better have a plan
2 года назад
Hold Fast
3 года назад
l need your help
3 года назад
People don't want freedom
3 года назад
How to take over a country
3 года назад
My partner...
3 года назад
Medicine Preps for your family
3 года назад
Deep pantry system
3 года назад
Kobalt 80 Volt Blower Review
3 года назад
Five Dollar Friday Preps  9:11:20
3 года назад
New House Problems
3 года назад
Bug out before the storm?
3 года назад
Walking into trouble!!
3 года назад
Are you ready for the storm?
3 года назад
Moving the chicken house
3 года назад
King snake comes to visit
3 года назад
Moving your preps
3 года назад
Preparing for the change
3 года назад
Travel safely tips part 2
4 года назад
Travel safety tips part one
4 года назад
New hatched softshell turtle
4 года назад
Emergency generators on the homestead
4 года назад
Fathers day party
4 года назад
Are you Prepared?
4 года назад
@Blockah 11 месяцев назад
Can you make a hand sized one to do the same?
@jewel2022now Год назад
Thanks for the information.
@asifniaziroughcityny Год назад
I just got for $17 super quality
@oldtimerlee8820 Год назад
Good advice! Did something today that I didn't have to do last year, up here in NC. Ran a 100' extension cord from my shop to the well for a heat lamp. Hopefully that and a dripping faucet will keep water flowing Friday night / Saturday morning. BTW, as to backup heat, if the generator fails, we have a Mr Buddy with both 1 lb & 20 lb tanks, a fireplace with some wood, and a cast iron box stove in my shop. Hoping we won't have to use any of them on this cold snap. Prayers for those who are getting the worst of this. According to local weather folks, there's good news in that the long range forecast for January is above normal temperatures. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. American
@mayhempreparedness6637 Год назад
Yep That’s a good idea for your pump house. Hope we don’t have to break out the back up propane. Praying for zero ice storms. Merry Christmas buddy
@christiebetts4970 Год назад
Staying alive is #1.My parents friends rode out Andrew in a closet.When they came out their neighborhood was destroyed
@bctruck Год назад
If I lived in a hurricane prone area, I would at least have a van with bunks and survival items I saw news video of people lining up for water the day before the hurricane was supposed to make landfall , and of course there were Black Friday fights.
@mayhempreparedness6637 Год назад
It just blows me away that as soon as they say something about a bad weather event people go to buy bottled water. No don’t get me wrong it’s good to have a few cases of bottled water but the stuff comes out of the tap steel and most people could go to Walmart and get a three or 5 gallon water tank in the camping section for pennies nearly and if you have a good filter your shit pretty much
@johnhouchin9663 Год назад
10 4 I am ready , but dont want to be overconfident.
@johnhouchin9663 Год назад
@drfalcon4102 Год назад
yep, I suspect some huge Changes
Trust in God and keep Your powder dry God-bless my 45/46
@drfalcon4102 2 года назад
It went down 30 cents here,, I susapect it will go up 70 cents, but, I guess we have plenty as sippy cup, released the reserves, and sent it over seas, I wonder whos pocket that money went into?
@mayhempreparedness6637 2 года назад
I’m just so glad that he’s taking care of China I was really worried about them. It has been keeping me up at night
@REVNUMANEWBERN 2 года назад
"Lake Mead in Crisis. Can HOOVER DAM reach a water level where it cant make any power? Jul 2, 2022" CHANNEL UnFluenced More scientific details
@mayhempreparedness6637 2 года назад
I’m gonna use a lot of the information that you sent me for video
@marvinclayton370Z 2 года назад
I have a new goal I want a 2 year supply of steaks in the freezer. You know I like my sweet potatoes too but I can grow them grow them lol. Let's not forget about toilet paper and you don't want to run out of that you will end up with a dirty sock lol. But good video my friend
@mayhempreparedness6637 2 года назад
I do not blame you at all buddy to your supply of steaks is fantastic. I’ll be happy with a two year supply of good meat
@marvinclayton370Z 2 года назад
@@mayhempreparedness6637 That's a goal I set for me vacuum pack should keep for a long time. I'm going to get up early in the morning and hunt for deals that's how you get the deals. Stakes normally cost me only 4 or $5 a piece even at the prices we have right now
@johnhouchin9663 2 года назад
Hallo ☆ getting sporty out. U all just hang in their.
@johnhouchin9663 2 года назад
Honestly, stay out of crowds, stay armed. Water canned food. U all will be fine.
@mayhempreparedness6637 2 года назад
All good suggestions. Stay safe John
@gravewalker1632 2 года назад
Hi first time here, you didn't say what breed the other two larger eggs were.
@oldtimerlee8820 2 года назад
Amen. Well said on all points. God Bless.
@mayhempreparedness6637 2 года назад
Thanks buddy
@MrBeefsnorkel 2 года назад
After i watch this video im going to bop my bussy in the club
@oldtimerlee8820 3 года назад
For Want of a Nail Working on it. Becoming a little more difficult everyday. Wasn't long ago that a quick trip (24 miles round trip) to Lowes or Home Depot to pick up supplies for a project was a no brainer. Working on a project, now, that it taking both of them, plus 4 other vendors to complete the task due to both pricing and availability issues. Between what I have on order and have to pick up locally, I HOPE to have everything needed by the first of this coming week. Your video reminded me of an old proverb. For Want of a Nail For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe the horse was lost. For want of a horse the rider was lost. For want of a rider the message was lost. For want of a message the battle was lost. For want of a battle the kingdom was lost. And all for the want of a horseshoe nail. ~ From Wikipedia
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
Yessir, Oddly enough I learned that as a nursery rhyme when I was it kid
@saltyshellback 3 года назад
Having lived through a few natural disasters, It seems that the main items in short supply afterwards are gasoline and electricity. Most people have enough food and water without doing anything special for at least 3 days. It takes minimal preparation to stock up on food and water. But the gasoline and power can take on average a week to come back on line. So for me, I keep a week's worth of gasoline for the cars at all times and I have a backup generator. 😉
@leastamongyou1111 3 года назад
@johnhouchin9663 3 года назад
@DemonBrewerEFG 3 года назад
I've been out of touch for a while brother lol. Great to see you still around and will check out the others!
@vyshnavcjoshy4766 3 года назад
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : 18cams.xyz !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1617901295
@oldtimerlee8820 3 года назад
When entering lbry TV, the message below appears. I've reset my lbry. bookmarks to odysee. From their home page, just search for Mayhem Preparedness and Mayhem Country Living. At those, click Follow. Videos from each will be on your odysee home page. I also bookmarked each separately. I'm no expert on any of this, just trying to be helpful in this world of constant change. Quote: lbry tv is being retired in favor of odysee com You will have to switch to the desktop app or odysee com in the near future. Your existing login details will work on odysee com and all of your other settings will be there. To see the active links in the quote use a search engine to go to lbry TV.
@oldtimerlee8820 3 года назад
When entering lbry TV, the message below appears. I've reset my lbry. bookmarks to odysee. From their home page, just search for Mayhem Preparedness and Mayhem Country Living. At those, click Follow. Videos from each will be on your odysee home page. I also bookmarked each separately. I'm no expert on any of this, just trying to be helpful in this world of constant change. Quote: lbry tv is being retired in favor of odysee com You will have to switch to the desktop app or odysee com in the near future. Your existing login details will work on odysee com and all of your other settings will be there. To see the active links in the quote use a search engine to go to lbry TV.
@maryfrances1202 3 года назад
God is in control
@chevy6299 3 года назад
OK I'm there where ever there is.
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
lol thanks buddy
@detroitredneckdetroitredne6674 3 года назад
I will find my way over there
@detroitredneckdetroitredne6674 3 года назад
Hello from Detroit Michigan brother
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
Hey buddy, hope you're doing well
@detroitredneckdetroitredne6674 3 года назад
@@mayhempreparedness6637 Doing well started a new job at R and L carriers Wish I was here 18 years ago great company if you know anybody who's looking for a job mentioned my name krromas1966@gmail.com
@warrenharrison9490 3 года назад
Ironically, this was the first post I have gotten in some time. These live ones seem to get more exposure.
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
That's very interesting I've gotten messages from friends of mine who said that they don't get any of my content and they are subscribed I Believe RU-vid is what is doing it because I speak out about Liberty and preparedness and stuff like that their algorithm does not like that
@chevy6299 3 года назад
Can't sign up anymore on lbry.tv must use odysee.com
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
@chevy6299 3 года назад
OK but they said you need to move to odysee.com soon.
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
It's all good if you're on one you're on both of them
@dannyberryhill5966 3 года назад
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
Hey buddy, been trying to catch up with you it's hard to since I am not on Facebook anymore. I hope you are doing fantastic give me a call if you need something
@dannyberryhill5966 3 года назад
I just found you on lbry.tv
@straysatyr 3 года назад
An absolutely lovely video. I have a bunch of these on my property and appreciated everything you had to say about them. Have you ever used the roots to make dye? Would you be willing to cover that and making the coffee substitute in another video?
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
I have not made dye from The Roots but I have dried the seeds roasted them and made coffee and it is decent I don't think it has as much caffeine as coffee but when you don't have any coffee this would work just go searching my video section and look up cleaver coffee
@jewel2022now Год назад
You need to use the roots for dye. It takes a lot, so is used sparingly
@chris9282 3 года назад
Hi Darren, high iron can be caused by eating cereal, pasta and bread that is "fortified". The iron they use in those is literally iron powder. If you take a bowl of corn flakes put water in it, let it soften up, then stir it up vigorously with a magnet you will see the iron powder on the magnet. Yummy.
@DemonBrewerEFG 3 года назад
I've seen this in crazy detail around me. Daily hearing, "Wish everything would go back to how it was." Same breath, "We need more government control." Oof. Good to see you my brother! Glad to hear Hooch is doing better!
@REVNUMANEWBERN 3 года назад
Agree Totally,
@oldtimerlee8820 3 года назад
A heck of a whole lot of truth in a few words, my friend. Many will yield a whole lot for more & more comfort and convenience. Drive through joints often result in empty kitchen cabinets. How much more will they yield in order to reach out for that $4 cup of coffee in the morning?
@chevy6299 3 года назад
Nailed it! Why someone would sell their soul to an HOA is beyond me.
@jayjohnson6158 3 года назад
HOA’s are for city dwelling yuppies.
@saltyshellback 3 года назад
There is a song by a group called DEVO that says "Freedom of choice is what you got...Freedom FROM choice, is what you want..."
@drfalcon4102 3 года назад
HOA is the work of the devil, why pay somebody who is gonna tell you how to have your home and property?
@chevy6299 3 года назад
This has been going on over 50 years. Look at the TV shows from the mid 50's, lots of drinking, sex is OK not being married, no religion and on and on. Good call on the Adult Beverages, I stopped in the early 90's.
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
Yessir Chevy, its really sad..
@REVNUMANEWBERN 3 года назад
Watched this infiltration in 4 different churches the last 10 years, and the business I worked for for 40+ years, we were bought out by a Global interest and then after they worked the process on us we were left without a job. The REAL sad part is the poor saps that this psycological process is being purpetrated on have NO idea what is happening BECAUSE of the deception. It typicially starts by a facilator personally surveying the group he want's to infiltrate, he accumalates their likes & dislikes and wants, sometimes this is also done in written form like a survey, then the facilitator begins to setup a enviroment that the people being surveyed want, in other words he becomes their "god" "santa clause" after he has meet many of these desires, wants, needs then he can have then eating out of his hand. IF you are in a church that has given you a survey to fill out about your desires, wants, wishes get the HELL out ASAP because you are fixing to be psycologicially minipilated and it is especially evil in a religious enviroment because your guard is down because of the trust factor. If you are in the business end working around such is more difficult, BUT, expect that the business is close to being taken over by outside interests or new management is determining WHO to get rid of.
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
Yessir its a very sad reality
@REVNUMANEWBERN 3 года назад
YUM, YUM !!!
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
Lol It was delicious!!
@TheRedneckprepper 3 года назад
Agreed, we'll get threw this
@rl5079 3 года назад
"get through" :)
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
@@rl5079 yessir.
@rl5079 3 года назад
I gotcha sir :) ....Stay safe out there
@christiebetts4970 3 года назад
Supper looked delicious
@mayhempreparedness6637 3 года назад
Yes ma'am it was fantastic!!
@REVNUMANEWBERN 3 года назад
EXCELLENT points, dads suggestion of learning more ways than 1 to make a living was superb.
@REVNUMANEWBERN 3 года назад
7:17 dog getting bootie
@REVNUMANEWBERN 3 года назад
As we say here in de souf we luvs our wemens
@saltyshellback 3 года назад
@Mayhemcountryliving 3 года назад
Thanks for watching!