Voices from Oxford is a wide-ranging series of webcasts that brings Oxford University faculty, students, and alumni to people around the world. You will find a selection of the ideas and activities presented in an open and accessible manner.

The webcasts are most often produced as mini-documentaries or as interviews. In contrast to a news channel, the topics do not follow the news agenda, but range across a wide range of issues, based on the topics on the agenda of some of Oxford's famous professors, alumni, students and many distinguished visitors to the University of Oxford.

The inspiration for Voices from Oxford (VOX) came from Alastair Cooke's famous 'Letter from America', broadcast for many years by the BBC. Like that programme, we will take an event, a story, or a person in the global community of Oxford to drive the development of a message of potential interest to people around the world.
VOX Rediscovering the real Darwin
3 года назад
Evolution Needs To Evolve
5 лет назад
Glyn Ford - Brexit
5 лет назад
Gary Force - G Force Digital
6 лет назад
Mad to be Normal Q&A
6 лет назад
EURACAN - Rare Cancers Conference
6 лет назад
Encaenia 2018
6 лет назад
Oxford Penicillin Blue Plaque
6 лет назад
AIM Day 2018 - Biomedical Imaging
6 лет назад
Dunn School Stem Cell Workshop
6 лет назад
@user-go5iv1jp1l Месяц назад
And there some who want to replace God creation by science. Thank you.
@kristennicole5019 2 месяца назад
This is a wonderful version! The chant can be happy, as a reminder! We can rewrite the history of the story Thank you.
@evakobela7725 2 месяца назад
@Vgallo 4 месяца назад
They overestimated the amount of knowledge contained within the human body and the genome m- which shows an extremely poor understanding of epistemology, drs often make elementary epistemological errors.
@Vgallo 4 месяца назад
Drs in general are poor thinkers in general, they have great rote memory but 0 training in critical thinking
@user-jo2cv1dy1b 5 месяцев назад
I LOVE people of color😡😡😡
@matthewphilip1977 6 месяцев назад
Respect to Johnson for doing this. Is it from Armando Ianucci or someone of that ilk? Great sketch, whoever it was by. And genius comedy name that, Sir Drummond Bone.
@idahlesegomalele6222 8 месяцев назад
12 years later, and im here
@shirleyarias5714 9 месяцев назад
Lo máximo de este artista es que el talento es maravilloso hermoso 👌👌👌
@spijkerpoes 11 месяцев назад
You didn't need a new airport, you need new plumbing for f sake
@lindathelighthouse6518 Год назад
What is Enlightenment - Learning to think for itself.
@hn6187 Год назад
johnson gets yet more private tuition for his gsce's, sits there preening, thinking it is conversation between equals; noble has scaled a mountain, johnson is still touching himself in a ditch on the side of a hillock
@brettjackson3479 Год назад
@awol2602 Год назад
Boris Johnson was very effective campaigning to win the general election in that he made use of that principal mentioned here of a popular common end point in his rhetoric. Apart from, as well as including, the skewing factor of 'getting Brexit done' in 2019, he also enthused about the prospects of providing a 'fantastic' range of public services, of building hospitals. of levelling up and many things that would, and did entice the non-tory voter. A feature of this particular interview is that Denis Noble was about to say more about ethics and principles but Boris Johnson interrupted him each time. This was also prophetic .
@basudewa2523 Год назад
Wish you a God health for Arties Arties Breaking new Akurat EXSUCUVE Kuwalishy Dedy PM moris Handsome off DEDY Bladeer PROPESSOR Scientist super power master king TELLER jeniuos COSMOS end for Harmony Asia Pacific Unieropa middle east posts world Citty new York Subang PORIDA EXlitika Dhekrorashy DHESing perparticion GOOD Debless
@paullees18 Год назад
An absolute reprobate.
@TzaddikMedia Год назад
I cannot imagine the original song to have ever been so cheerfully performed as this lol. It sounds like they're going on an afternoon adventure through the woods rather than consoling their persecuted coreligionists with deep and mystical lyrics in light of their impending massacre by the Church. But hey, that's just moi...
@enricoorlando9963 Год назад
A renaissance man, beautiful recordings were made by the great ensamble Charivari agréable
@artdonovandesign Год назад
Prof. Schaffer is a brilliant academic and one of the world's preeminent science communicators!
@tonyhall699 Год назад
Protest, otherwise we'll turn into Russia/China ...
@marvin19966 Год назад
The control theory terms are hilariously early 20th century - nowadays we would refer to setpoints, sensors and actuators
@marvin19966 Год назад
@ralfnefohnetla6796 Год назад
@ralfnefohnetla6796 Год назад
@Timbrock1000 Год назад
LONG STORY SHORT: The Brits give you a helping hand. In America, all you get is the middle finger!
@grego83160 Год назад
Fabulous !! thanks you !! 💖💖💖
@johnboyce1916 Год назад
Surely art, in all its forms, is expression and the soul of any community - deprive people of that and you have nothing
@mickeythompson9537 Год назад
£1000 fine... for being homeless and having no money. That's some Elite logic there.
@stanleybamford8570 Год назад
Where's my chalk
@johnboydojo Год назад
And mine!
@bristolfashion4421 2 года назад
The slow withdrawal by agencies large & small, from face-to-face interaction and and adoption of legal attack on those who continue with face-to-face dealings leaves us all the poorer. We withdraw from those with whom we share our spaces at our peril. Hats off to Mark and everybody else who helped and joined in.
@markarianludd5930 2 года назад
Anyone who references Fluxus is good in my book. Keep up the good work.
@drewcampbell8555 2 года назад
Love Mark Thomas. A hilarious comedian, but with the talent to really make you think about things in a different way. A brilliant situationist too. More situationist-comedies!
@jamesharris184 2 года назад
He's a lovely person.
@corryjookit7818 2 года назад
How many women had cars ? That's not a well advanced theory ! Using the Sufraggetes as an examples is utterly stupid and ridiculous. How many women had cars then ? Go on examine his stupid theory. Me ? I think they mostly got on bikes and buses, and that's if they could afford them.. Where would women get the money from ? He ignores the fact that those who led the way in the struggle for emancipation came from comfy lifestyles. At first I know, but it blows his crap apart.
@krishnatv2135 2 года назад
@Team--HuynhMy 2 года назад
hh nn
@VoidDragon82 2 года назад
Not very difficult to understand the difference between the US and the UK. There is no societal responsibility in the US, it's all about individual wants (a me me me culture), fear is prevalent and nurtured, its money driven and stepping on people to rise is encouraged; the exact opposite of the UK.
@Gardiaura 2 года назад
Medieval period ? It is heian The Classic period with murasaki ? Medieval period is from kamakura to the beginning of edo ?
@sardinhunt 2 года назад
Correction: Hanzi retained meaning, not just pronunciation. It's a pity that UK only cares about money. It would be nice to have detailed lessons and notes available online from all courses of all universities. Classrooms are slow anyway compared to textbooks and textbooks can be pirated. But still, it'd be a comfy background to listen to when you fall asleep. The noise of researchers struggling to find value in humanities is very pleasant
@louisgalfilla8427 2 года назад
Really what is homophobia ? Its seems as though if someone says anything about homosexuals they are homophobic some people just dont want be involved with homosexuality and i think they have a right just like homosexuals have a right to be themselves. Why are people so offended by people wanting to live as they believe.but at the same demanding their rights to do the same thing?? Man is not the owner of the world he is the pyscopath manager
@frankdsouza2425 2 года назад
Denis, A wonderful head of hair. Never mind the envious moaners. KEEP IT.
@rosemacaskie 2 года назад
Thank you for talking about the recking ball. I know that if i get minimally criticised, I just stop an activity. the critisism serves as a recking ball and I will tell the idea to my son and daughter, to help them in life, help them to keep their pecker up.
@rosemacaskie 2 года назад
You talked of a person iwht excellent results at university, maybe getting anxious. I read The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and she was doing very well in her studies and go depressed, It is very good book on how depression seems to mute you from the outside world. The bell jar comes down. Does anexcess of effort and the consequent stress cause depression? Churhill and Monty Don seem to ask, too much, maybe. of thmselves.
@rosemacaskie 2 года назад
One of hte ideas I recieved on meditation is that the training it gives in concentrating on the minimal will better their abilities at catching more from the people around them so to be useful to one person and also so as to allow them to pay attention to more than one person in a group at once. They wont be loking to something external to help them, their own sweet little baby, but to their hard work to help them. My fahter told me that a Bobby, police man is not meant to run to the scene of crime but walk to it. There might be some people present at eh scene of crime who are not seen at first, if you walk ot a scene of crime, you will get a better idea of what you are facing. The idea that learning to concentrate on the boring will help you to be a great person might give people a motive to meditate. I hthnk that if you give depressives a beautiful hting that might pull them out of their depresion, it will make them axious but if you give them a technic that hey control, like trying to understand others, and theri is an Ihdian woman can relax or help others by hugging them, maybe a mixture of relaxng people with her hug and of passing her own good vibs to such people. Such knowledge of what those who are mind full get to be able to do , might inspire thosr your are teaching mindfulness to. auxch pwoplw inspire me much more than maybe seeing God does.
@andreas-pryce 2 года назад
This song has a mystical meaning. The vowel sounds have meaning. Disconsolant refers to not yet having the consolomentum which is like a confirmation in the Cathar faith often given to a believer when their death is approaching.
@rosemacaskie 2 года назад
Does not hatha yoga work the body and by so doing being the quietest way of working the mind? I have a feeeling that the body might be a memory palace and that by working the body you may gently work on the mind, on traumas and such. My experience of eastern technics is mostly is from Ramiro Calle who in his classess is an extremely practicle practicle person and in you tube videos and novels but not his biography of buddha or books on yoga technic, an extremely dreamy one. So you tube videos in no way give an indication of some of his abilities. of course there is also a lot of information to be found on eastern technics oin films, the karate kid and many others and cartoons. I also look up some things on the internet. It was Ramiro¨s classes that allowed me to know how mediatation quietens the mind and makes you afterwards feel calmer and much more efficient as you are not a bubble with emotions that electrify you too much for you to feel very active though you may well hardly consciously notice them.
@rosemacaskie 2 года назад
Arent there just so many ideas in eastern meditational practices that it is really hard to talk about.
@rosemacaskie 2 года назад
There does exist the idea thsat the mind and body can cure itself: Not i think your habitual thoughts, ¨This moment of happyness isnot sufficiente to help me¨, but getting past those ideas by concentration on other things that allows people to silence the part of the brain that poduces such reiterative thought patterns so allowing other parts of the brain to deal with the problem. I have recently seen a program that among other things talked of people who have a transplant changing afterwards. A girl with a heart transplant started to do carpintery and later discovered that the man who was the doner of the heart had loved carpentry:
@kimmybonner5479 2 года назад
@kimmybonner5479 2 года назад
1rftgydfcg7gtzd🤔❤😃😃😃😃😃🦃fhgugjggoghcoggfuggfighgigkt cfoghgogjvlgovvkvob😡🍑urtgyuyruhyguyguguhkgtvivtcuctetgtfkfygughiuhuh6ri🍓🍍🍅🌽🍞🥜🍆🍑🥑 iv. jjgjvuu
@terryrodbourn2793 2 года назад
The Fall of manufacturing in America started in mid 1970s snd moved forward to today!