『Rebel Rewrite』
『Rebel Rewrite』
『Rebel Rewrite』
Welcome to Rebel Rewrite! I'm Pat, your guide through the captivating world of movies and TV shows. Here, we dive deep into the essence of storytelling, dissecting what makes our favorite narratives tick. But hey, let's set the record straight: I'm not here to impose my views as gospel.

It's all about the thrill of the ride. Together, we'll journey through the highs and lows of cinema, shedding light on what works, what doesn't, and why. And hey, if you find yourself nodding along or shaking your head in disagreement, that's all part of the fun. Because at Rebel Rewrite, every opinion counts.

With each video, I'm honing my own storytelling skills, learning as much as I'm teaching. So, whether you're here for the insights, or just to geek out, you're part of the journey.

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9 месяцев назад
@user-oo1yk6is9e 3 дня назад
Excellent breakdown.
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 дня назад
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for watching and commenting.
@karachaffee3343 10 дней назад
I say Frunderfrimp! Ectochimpsy!
@Rebel_Rewrite 10 дней назад
Don't know wha that means, but thanks for watching.
@degarmoj1 11 дней назад
So ZS. This more than ever is a case of, you have the most freedom, outside of making a movie you are producing by yourself using your own studio….so you really can’t blame NF like many did with WB (where yes, there was legit issues, but still, ZS wasn’t a fit for DC anyway).
@Rebel_Rewrite 10 дней назад
I'd place the majority of the blame (about 80%) on ZS, with the rest on NF. NF handed him a blank check and let him produce without oversight, which is a producer's dream. Unfortunately, it can also result in a huge pile of crap, and in this case, that's exactly what happened. Thanks for watching, and I appreciate the comment.
@ZeroHero-yp9lx 11 дней назад
Some call the movie a masterpiece, but I vehemently disagree. The opening is just a rip off of 2001: A Space Odyssey (talk about unoriginal), the little girls begin smashing the baby dolls (some have called this scene an allegory for abortion) after seeing Margot Barbie. This is supposed to show how kids get bored of one thing and then move on to the next. The problem is that baby dolls are like Barbie's cousin, Barbie is a plastic doll, which means the girls will eventually tire of Barbie and move on. The ending shows Barbie walking away from Barbie Land and her very own people who adore her, to become human. This scene is important cuz it shows Barbie not caring about anyone but herself. Everyone waves goodbye at Barbie, Ken even thanks her, but there isn't a single shot of Barbie looking back to acknowledge any of them. Barbie's decision to become real is baffling. The made-up world of Barbie Land can be unmade, but the real world is broken beyond repair. Some found Barbie going to the doctor funny, but all I wanted to know was the result of her appointment (she's probably dunzo). Barbie's creator Ruth Handler (real person) explained to her that humans have only one ending, and then you die. But "Stereotypical Barbie" (code for "Blonde Bimbo") wants to grow old and die! Earlier Barbie said: "I don’t think I have an ending." [Ruth] That was always the point. I created you so you wouldn’t have an ending. (talk about contradictory) [Aaron Dinkins] Is Barbie Land like an alternate reality or is it like a place where your imagination… [all] Yes! (WTF!) When Ken takes over Barbie Land we are never shown how himbo does this. When Barbie returns with her human owner, Gloria, and her daughter (why are they even here?) [Barbie] Either you’re brainwashed, or you’re weird and ugly. It looks like the Barbie movie is brainwashing naive girls into mistreating men, and that it's ok. We are never shown equality, [narrator] And one day, the Kens will have as much power and influence in Barbie Land as women have in the Real World. Immediate after Gloria says: "No, I don’t want to. I can’t." Greta Gerwig didn't know anything about Barbie and had to go to Barbie boot camp before filming. Her own mother was never a fan of Barbie and discouraged her from playing with them. But Greta has ADHD (which explains a little) so her mom renege and got her hand-me-down Barbies from neighbors who outgrew them, and they were all missing shoes (which is where the whole stupid flat feet joke emanated). Margot Robbie (who is also exec producer of film) handpicked Greta to direct. (BIG MISTAKE!) Greta not only directed but co-wrote Barbie with her husband (who said in an interview that he made some calls to try and get out of doing the movie). Clearly these people have no idea what they're doing and are wrongfully chosen to tell Barbie's story, which btw is not even about Barbie. Greta is basically making a mockery of Barbie and making it about US! Greta Gerwig is disrespectful and unforgivable for deliberately destroying Barbie & Ken's iconic relationship, despite the obvious fact that they are literally made for each other. AND they were named after actual siblings, Barbara and Kenneth Handler. Barbara is mentioned in the film but NOT Kenneth. Kenneth came out to his folks as gay but sadly died of AIDS. Greta doesn't care about any of that and is only interested in spreading her ideologies that nobody asked for, especially not in a Barbie movie of all things. I believe the reason why Barbie doesn't love Ken is cuz her owner, Gloria, doesn't really love her husband. Gloria's backstory is never fleshed out, but they mentioned "The Shining" in the car. I think Gloria is like Jack Nicholson's character in "The Shining" and will try to kill her husband, but using Barbie. So she gets the house (Dreamhouse) and every night is girls night. The annoying daughter, Sash,a is seen wearing a girly pink dress near the end and Barbie wears the infamous Birkenstock sandals, thereby eliminating individuality in favor of conformity. SMH.
@Rebel_Rewrite 11 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the Barbie movie. It's clear you have a strong opinion. You bring up some interesting points, and I partially agree and disagree with them. Here’s my opinion on the criticism mentioned: *Unoriginal Opening* : It's true that Barbie pays homage to "2001: A Space Odyssey," but this isn't necessarily a negative. Paying homage is a common practice in filmmaking and can be seen as a form of respect and acknowledgment of influential works. "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once" used it as well, but nobody cared because it was a good movie. The Akira Slide is an iconic scene that gets replicated a lot within anime and live-action movies. The scene in question, where the little girls smash their baby dolls after encountering Barbie, serves a symbolic purpose. It illustrates Ruth Handler's revolutionary idea that girls could aspire to be more than housewives. By introducing Barbie, a doll that represented career women, astronauts, and doctors, Handler challenged the limited roles society envisioned for girls at that time. I think the intention was well-portrayed. Using an iconic scene didn’t bother me much. I actually liked how Gerwig used it to depict ushering in a new era. But admittedly, it is a bit lazy and prevents Gerwig from distinguishing herself from other directors by just copying others. *Barbie's Selfishness* : As for the portrayal of Barbie leaving Barbieland to become human, it's a significant moment in the film. Barbie's decision to walk away from her perfect world can be seen as a metaphor for personal growth. However, Ken immersed himself in the real world and experienced it. His experiences and development were just passed onto her at the end, which was a very questionable narrative decision. In my eyes, her leaving Barbieland also undermined the idea of what she is supposed to represent. *Negative Gender Message* : When it comes to the dynamics between Barbie and Ken, it's important to note that the film aims to explore themes of identity, independence, and gender roles. The portrayal of Ken as feeling overshadowed and wanting his own identity is a throwback to how housewives were treated in the US in the early 1900s to mid-50s. The juxtaposition between the male-dominated real world and the female-dominated Barbieland wasn’t lost on me. What I despised was how they passed off Barbieland as a paradise of equality, when in reality it was the exact same oppressive domination but with reversed gender roles. The attempt to gaslight the audience into believing that only women in charge means equality is misleading. In reality, equal opportunity does not equate to equal outcome and is unfair by default-but I digress. *Underdeveloped Characters* : Gloria, Sasha, and her husband were completely underdeveloped, especially Sasha and her conflict with her mother. Sasha cared more about her Dad than Gloria did when they left for Barbieland. *Gerwig's Lack of Knowledge* : It's worth noting that creative interpretation often brings fresh perspectives to beloved characters and stories. Gerwig's vision for Barbie differs from the traditional narrative and aims to address broader societal issues. For me, her interpretation completely missed the point of what the character is and supposedly stands for. In conjunction with shoe-horning in her political views where they don’t belong, or at times, are outright wrong, made it even worse. *Gloria and her Husband* : You bring up an intriguing point. If Gloria's depression and lack of love for her husband were indeed passed onto Barbie, it would make sense that Barbie's behavior towards Ken mirrors this dynamic. It's an interesting perspective that adds a layer of psychological depth to the characters' interactions. This insight highlights how the film's narrative might be exploring complex human emotions and relationships through its characters. However, I feel like this type of complexly implemented relationship is way above the writer's ability. It’s probably just a coincidence. Thanks for watching. I appreciate the comments and your insights.
@ZeroHero-yp9lx 10 дней назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite I agree, but the first thing one remembers is the opening and end of a movie. There's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from someone else's work, but you don't open with it. It's not only lazy but shows a lack of creativity. Don't even get me started on Greta Gerwig's vision of Barbie Land, it's devoid of imagination and where the hells the water? If she had just watched a couple of episodes of Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse or any Lego movie, she'd know that just cuz they're toys don't mean they can't be shown eating and drinking. Movies like Clueless, Legally Blonde, or even Mannequin look more akin to a true Barbie movie. Imagine something you love that's turned into a movie, but the person behind it doesn't truly grasp what it's all about. Some fans of Batman hated the depiction of their beloved hero in the campy 60s TV series. William Dozier, who is responsible for developing the series, had never before read comic books and treated Batman as a joke, he even made himself the narrator. Mindy Kaling doesn't understand Scooby-Doo and thinks only morons watch cartoons, so she made VELMA all about herself and ridiculed everyone else.
@Rebel_Rewrite 10 дней назад
I don't think the beginning and the end are the most memorable parts of a movie by default. I believe it depends on the individual and how they perceive it. There are many movies where I completely forget how they started because the starting hook wasn't engaging enough or it didn't have one at all. I completely forgot that "Barbie" parodied "2001: A Space Odyssey" until you mentioned it. I recognized and registered it, but I just didn't feel too strongly about it. You must also consider that some people in the audience (most children probably) didn't get the reference at all. Therefore, I don't think it was that important to most. Regarding Barbieland, it's supposed to work like a child's imagination. It's like when children play tea party or house. When they do, they tend not to have liquids and actual foods, because it's imagined. That's why there's no water or food. That is also the reason why Barbie floats out of the house when she uses the car. Children grab the toy and place it in the car directly, rather than realistically, step by step, moving the doll and using the car doors, etc. If I had made the movie, I'd have used actual Barbie and Ken dolls and stop motion when in Barbieland, and only used actors (real people) when outside of Barbieland, ergo reality, to create a clear distinction. Having real people act like dolls works, but it doesn't create that perfect illusion. It's similar to when bad CGI is used in real-world scenes. Adaptation of Books: Just recently, George R. R. Martin spoke out about not respecting the original creator's intention and vision when adapting books, etc. While I agree with that, you will never be able to adapt something 1 to 1. The moment you sell the rights to something, it's out of the original creator's hands. The real problem is the arrogance and audacity of the people adapting other people's works, thinking they know better without consulting the original creator, and even when they do, their input is disregarded. The same thing happened with Stephen King's "The Shining." While the novel is centered around Jack struggling with addiction and redemption, mirroring King's own battle with alcoholism, Kubrick at that time portrayed him as an axe-murdering madman and made it a full-on horror movie. Of course, King hates it, but nobody sides with King in that debate. Everyone just praises Kubrick's work even though it disrespects and omits many major themes from the novel. I think it always depends on how much was changed and how significant the changes are. Nobody has issues with Peter Jackson's "LOTR" even though he omitted the character of Tom Bombadil from the first book/movie. Thanks for commenting. I appreciate the insights.
@ZeroHero-yp9lx 9 дней назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite Obviously you sound very knowledgeable, a writer perhaps? Please forgive my layman's terms. [narrator] When you’re playing with Barbies nobody bothers to walk them down the stairs and out the door, et cetera. You just pick them up and put them where you want them to go. "You use your imagination." We are shown Barbie floating down from her Dreamhouse but never flying back up to her bedroom. If this world is supposed to be how kids imagination fly, shouldn't we be seeing them all flying then? The movie never explicitly says it's a kids imaginary world, one only assumes. Would a child create a matriarchal society? Probably if they were raised in a cult. If the children of the world are playing with their dolls, their imagination would differ from everyone else's. Idk any kid who enjoys talk of politics, do you? Some kids love playing with their mermaid dolls in real water. There's actually a Barbie color reveal doll that changes color in water. Margot Robbie explained that there are no elements in Barbie Land. No water or fire. (In Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse there is an abundance of very real water but no real fire for obvious reasons) Greta Gerwig was apparently that insistent that Barbie Land couldn't be cluttered, and as a result, there's no trash in Barbie Land. And of course, there's no need to get clean if there's nothing to make you dirty! It would be a real mess if parents had to contend with water splashing all over the place when their kids were playing with Barbies, so Gerwig decided there would be no water in Barbie Land - not in the shower, the ocean, or even Barbie's pool, which is actually just a flat, blue-painted surface. (This is apparently how imagination works?) "When children play tea party or house. They tend not to have liquids and actual foods, because it's imagined. That's why there's no water or food." But when we enter into their imagination it then becomes very real. The empty cups are then filled with liquid. In the real world the cups are empty, but in the imaginary world it's not. I hope this makes more sense. The movie is rated PG-13 but I don't think she thought of what children want when making the movie. (ADHD kicking in) To think she has two sons and kept using the word patriarchy. (No wonder Shakira and her boys hated the film) I'm really sorry, I don't like arguing. I never liked debates in school. I just really hated the movie (obviously) and was hoping it was something else. Thank You.
@Rebel_Rewrite 9 дней назад
Yeah, I write. I look at these movies mostly from a writing perspective (story structure, pacing, character development, etc.) and less at creative choices, artistic interpretations, or technical implementations (use of colors, filming techniques, etc.), unless it's very noticeable. Making these videos is a sort of mental exercise to identify issues and solve them so I don't end up making the same mistakes. With that said, overall, I agree with your statements and criticism. *Child vs. Adult* Barbieland's imagined world is highly inconsistent. On the one hand, the narrator points out they behave like a child imagines (the stair quote). But if they actually behaved as if children were playing with them, some Kens and Barbies would've been left lying face down on the ground somewhere in the streets when the day ended (the kid didn’t tidy up). Aside from the stair joke, there’s not much to go on as to where or what Barbieland is: real or imaginative. On the other hand, they win Nobel prizes and discuss limiting a company's right to free speech in order to curb plutocracies. They keep throwing around five-dollar words like fascism, equality, and patriarchy but never bother to explain them, or when they do, explain them wrongly or poorly. These are neither the vocabulary nor the thoughts of a child. So, yeah, there’s absolutely a massive disconnect. For me personally, the immersion and suspension of disbelief were broken during the opening credits when the characters started spouting political nonsense, injecting the director's beliefs into the story rather than trying to create a believable world. *Imagination vs. Reality* "But when we enter into their imagination, it then becomes very real. The empty cups are then filled with liquid. In the real world, the cups are empty, but in the imaginary world, they’re not. I hope this makes more sense." This can be debated back and forth. Something real in a child's imagination still doesn't materialize in the real world. The distinction between the reality and imagination of Barbieland was poorly explained. I feel like its only purpose was to be used comedically, like Barbie's inability to sip tea in the real world or the car flipping off the road without damage. If Barbieland is a shared imagination among children, then there wouldn’t be a consensus. What kind of tea is it? Black tea, green tea, chamomile tea? Is it salt water or fresh water? Does the child even know the difference? It’s an interesting thought experiment for sure, but at this point, it’s getting way too complex and philosophical. Greta Gerwig's choices to exclude elements like water and fire to avoid clutter and messes make practical sense. This decision might have unintentionally limited the imaginative aspect, though. Frankly, I don't think Gerwig put that much thought into it, to be honest. Anyway, I’ve shared my opinion on that matter. If you want to further explore that theme, I suggest you post on Reddit. Having more people share their opinions on that subject might be less biased and more insightful due to differing viewpoints. *PG-13* I did not know that the movie had a PG-13 rating, making it kind of pointless. Knowing that, it feels like the movie totally missed the mark in my opinion. But it kind of explains why it was filled with awkward political babble; it basically excluded children as the target audience. Overall, I thought the movie was disappointing, but I didn’t hate it. I just don’t feel strongly enough about Barbie to care, nor do I have any fond memories of playing with Barbies. My sister had Barbie dolls, and that’s about it. Thanks for commenting.
@Rojin_04 12 дней назад
I haven't watched the movie, but just from what I've seen, i definitely like Ken more.
@Rebel_Rewrite 11 дней назад
Ken had a lot of screen time, funny jokes, dance numbers, and a song. Aside from that Ryan Gosling did a great job and he even performed the Ken song at the Oscars. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@Rojin_04 11 дней назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite np! I love your content!
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 14 дней назад
Hey Pat .. things had became very hard here , my grandma hás just recently passed away due kidney failrue, she was hopistalized one week ago, know i just got the news about her passing, my mother is crying aloud , i am só depressed i dont know what do do for now one, i blame myself for no being at the hospital, blaming the stupid mayor of my hometown for not investing on right medicine for for everthing
@Rebel_Rewrite 14 дней назад
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing. My condolences to you and your family during this difficult time. Please, don't blame yourself for not being at the hospital-her illness and passing were beyond your control. Blaming the mayor or anyone else won't help with your grief. Instead, try to focus your energy on supporting your family, especially your mother. Being there for each other is what matters most right now. I can relate to your feelings of regret and sadness. Shortly before my grandmother died, I was supposed to visit her with my family, but I couldn't go. When my family visited her, I had one last video call with her. That night, she passed away in her sleep. Initially, I had thoughts like, "I should have been there," or "I should've chosen differently," but as time passed, I realized that what happened was beyond my control. These feelings of regret will linger, but they will decrease over time. You'll come to accept that sometimes, despite our best intentions, things don't go as we hope. Take comfort in the memories you have and the time you did share. Right now, focus on being there for your family and allowing them to be there for you. It's okay to grieve and take your time to heal. Take care, Pat
@TheDr502 24 дня назад
I agree with a lot of your complaints about underdeveloped concepts such as Wish's underdeveloped magic system, lack of world-building, and poor characterization. I blame that on the movie's bad pacing. It was BLAZING fast. They wanted to fill in the gaps with songs, not plot development. -The people of Rosas are shown to be dancing, jubilant, and happy. There's no sign that this king is treating them terribly. There's no underlying current of misery or any subtle sign of a dysfunctional society. The worst he's doing is refusing to grant people's wishes, which actually makes sense given that there could be wishes that are dangerous, lethal, or otherwise negative. So, where's the problem? -They probably mention her dad twice in the movie, although he's talked about as if he was an important person in Asha's life. Why not explore her relationship with her dad? -The Star (who's quite squishy and cute like Kirby) is a threat to King Magnifico's power because he can also produce magic like Magnifico does. What dictates who's capable of producing magic in this setting? How does one learn how to become a wizard, or is a person simply born with magical powers? Why does simply looking into this magic book poison King Magnifico and turn him into flipping Lex Luthor? Why not show more of how the movie's magic system works? -King Magnifico is established to have had some signs of childhood trauma. They also show a tapestry that showed his hometown's destruction. What wish was granted that led to the destruction of his childhood hometown? How does that influence his obsession with not granting wishes out of some paranoia about the potential threat of granting every wish? Why not show more of this guy's background? -What the heck happened to the king? Why is he suddenly so narcissistic after a meeting with Rosa's townsfolk? Why is he suddenly so mean-spirited toward his wife in the last 30 min of the movie, when he had been treating her with respect the whole movie? Why not establish these bad character traits earlier on in the movie? All of these problems could've been resolved and all of these questions could've been answered with better pacing. One can't even say it was a casualty of the SAG-AFTRA and WGA (aka the Hollywood writer and actor) strikes because the production times of Across the Spider-Verse, Barbie, Ninja Turtles, Mario, and even Pixar's own Elemental coincided with the strikes, too. Those all did fine, overall. It almost makes me wonder if the movie was rushed out, maybe to meet Disney's 100th anniversary.
@Rebel_Rewrite 23 дня назад
I appreciate your perspective on the issues you highlighted, but I disagree. I don't think these problems are directly related to the pacing of the story. The issues with Wish's underdeveloped magic system, lack of world-building, and poor characterization stem from the narrative structure and script development rather than the speed at which the plot unfolds. Here’s why: *World-Building and Magic System* : The movie's fast pacing contributes to a feeling of rushing through the story, but the real issue lies in the lack of detailed exposition and coherent rules for the magic system. World-building requires effort and integration into the plot, not just more screen time. The movie failed to implement its magic elements naturally into the narrative, regardless of pacing. *Characterization* : Developing characters, such as exploring Asha's relationship with her father or King Magnifico's background and motivations, depends on the quality of the script and the depth given to these characters. The movie is missing strategic flashbacks and character interactions necessary for the audience to gain the needed insight. *King Magnifico’s Transformation* : King Magnifico's abrupt change points to inconsistent character development rather than a pacing issue. Proper foreshadowing is the culprit, not the pacing framework. Effective storytelling ensures characters are believable and gradually develop. This is a matter of scriptwriting, not pacing. *Plot Development vs. Songs* : The decision to prioritize songs over plot development is a creative choice. It impacts how the story feels but doesn't inherently relate to pacing. The overuse of songs to supplement missing plot and character development resulted in a rushed pace due to missing context. In summary, while a slower pace or longer runtime might have provided more time to explore these elements, the core issue is how the existing time and narrative devices were badly constructed. Better integration of world-building, character backstories, and consistent character development are the actual culprits, regardless of the pacing. I also don't think the strike was the main reason. But it's possible that it influenced Wish's post-production phase. Even then, the influence would have been marginal, unless they pointed out it was crap and had to be reworked from the ground up. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 27 дней назад
Also i watched Abigail the vampire ballerina movie it was a goofy fun definely my favorite films of the year
@Rebel_Rewrite 26 дней назад
I saw that as well. I was entertained and I thought it was okay. My favorite movie so far is Dune 2. Night Swim is a close second. I'm looking forward to watching Kingdom of the planet of the Apes. And I'm gonna take a good look at the upcoming The Crow reboot.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 26 дней назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite also another thing that makes me sad its that Brazil as i mention in or last conversations its a third word country , sad that most filmography its just comedy or soap opera, i mean before i set on biology i wanted to be a movie director , but working as director its dificult , plus mine directors inspiration are Tim Burton, Guilermo del Toro, Stephen sommers, Timur Bekamabatov, the radio silence duo , plus mine genre are fiction, fantasy, horror , making acation stylized acation sequences, ( bullets fly in slow motion, rember Timur did wanted) , or making creatures niether human size ( like Stephen mummy or Guilermo creatures) , or kaiju size (Godzilla, kong) would required lot of CG & make up worst give that my country govermant its terrible & shaddy in funding as you mention there know way the were green light these things , what you think also i mean europe hás you own big budget fantasy or low budget horror films like Hammer, and Ásia especilay china makes monky king/ journey into a west blockbuster i mean Brazil need its own b / blockbuster movie session
@Rebel_Rewrite 26 дней назад
I don't think that's necessarily true. While it's true that Brazil doesn't invest much in its movie industry, almost no other country does either. All the large studios like Walt Disney, Warner Bros., Universal, Sony, and Paramount are privately owned companies and mostly located in the U.S. For most foreigners, it's very difficult to act in or work on movies and television there. That's why most actors, directors, and writers work for low pay or no pay in indie movies-or they move to L.A. There are movies that, despite their low budget, found great success due to their intriguing ideas. "Saw" is one of them, as well as "Mad Max." The most notable one by far is "The Blair Witch Project." Blaming your country isn't going to help your situation. Besides, Brazil has produced some incredible films, like "Cidade de Deus" ("City of God"), which is one of my all-time favorites. You don't have to stop wanting to become a director; you just need a plan how to become one. I write novels. They haven't been published yet, and the chances of a publisher taking a chance on me are very low because, for one; nobody knows who I am, and secondly, they don't know if my book will sell. I built a website and had it for a year with a few excerpts from my manuscripts, but nobody visited the page - not even once. That's why I created this RU-vid channel to attract an audience that might be interested in my books and stories. Honestly, I'm progressing slower than I imagined because I had no idea how do anything. My background is in financial services, not videography, but I won't let that stop me. I'm figuring things out as I go along. It's slow, but preserverance is key. I definetly underestimated how much time and effort is spent ont building a channel and making entertaining and engaging videos. But as the quality of my content improves and the more content I have, the more subscribers I get. Rather than saying my country doesn't invest enough in my writing, I try to make something happen myself. Think about what you can do and control, not what you can't do and can't control. Hope that helps.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 27 дней назад
Hey pat i know you may not get into poltics niether do i , but why are poltics are very igonrant, shaddy, & manepulitive about climate criss its no only Trump, Bolsonaro its everyone in the world, sure there people that care. But why man why everyone can understabd the importance trees, fresh air & clean water
@Rebel_Rewrite 27 дней назад
There are a few reasons but these three are the main reasons why I don't think most politicians care about environmental issues: Economic Interests: Many politicians are backed by powerful industries, such as fossil fuels or big players in manufacuring (car companies for example). These parties have a significant financial interest in maintaining the status quo. These industries lobby heavily and fund political campaigns, leading politicians to prioritize economic interests over environmental concerns. Short Term Goals: Politicians focus on short-term goals to secure immediate results that will help them win their next election. Climate action requires long-term planning and large investments (tax money). It won't yield immediate benefits or visible results within a single electoral term, that's why they're low priority for many politicians. Global Coordination: Effective climate action requires global cooperation, which is challenging to achieve. Different countries have varying levels of economic development and priorities, making it difficult to agree on unified actions and policies. That's just my opinon though.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 27 дней назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite and sucks that capitalism can go off the rails with people minds still its the only thing that make the word spin, and actualy the other ideolgy comunism its much worse especialy in North korea , and dont get pat sometimes which ideolgy you thinks its best for a society and its enviromental
@Rebel_Rewrite 26 дней назад
Best ideology in my opinon is Social Democracy. Many economincally strong countries in Europe use it, or a form of it.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 27 дней назад
Nice change man
@Rebel_Rewrite 27 дней назад
Thanks. I hope it's gonna help with the RU-vid algorithm.
@RyanKarolak Месяц назад
Good video. I pretty much agree with everything you said. Some better writing and editing decisions alone, while by no means make it a good movie, I think would have helped a lot and at least kept the audience engaged. I think I am fairly forgiving of movies if I can find something to keep me interested, but I struggled with the first half of part 2 due to its slow pace and how little invested I felt in the story and characters. The movie had some beautiful scenes - ones signature of Snyder's style. It also had some interesting ideas and potentially interesting stories and characters, but the terrible writing and editing made most of the movie and characters forgettable. Holding back on the exposition and trusting the audience more, plus adding more b-plots to flush out the characters I think would have helped. A lot of reviews go over how much Rebel Moon took from other movies. I don't personally think that's the main issue with the movies. A New Hope did a lot of the same thing taking from existing movies, but A New Hope worked because it felt like everything fit together and worked towards making an original vision. Rebel Moon didn't feel like it had that consistency and forethought.
@Rebel_Rewrite 29 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your insightful views. Regarding the point about borrowing from other movies, you’re absolutely right. Rebel Moon isn’t the first film to draw inspiration from existing works, and it won’t be the last. As you mentioned, A New Hope borrowed elements from earlier sources. George Lucas was inspired by classic space operas like “Flash Gordon” and the French comic series “Valérian and Laureline.” Additionally, the concept of a sprawling, interconnected universe with thousands of cities and planets has been a recurring theme in science fiction. In the case of Rebel Moon the execution fell short. Somehting that I can appreciate about Star Wars are the many creative designs that make it futuristic, and memorable. Whereas Rebel Moon borrowed ideas and styles from existing, past cultures; "German WW 2" uniforms and Roman togas. Rebel Moon's creativity felt stifled. Thanks again for watching and commenting.
@tonyraju631 Месяц назад
Blame Netflix, For hiring Zack Snyder
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
I do like Snyder's movies for the most part, and Rebel Moon is his idea. He just isn't a good enough writer. What it really boils down to is hiring someone who understands how to write compelling characters and knows actual worldbuilding. Snyder relies almost too exclusively on visual storytelling. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs Месяц назад
Hey pat i came to tell you the a south region of Brazil has be strike by a flood 😢, there lots of deceassed & missing persons reports lots of people are using boats to rescue surviors , if international celebrtites like Beyoncé has been report send help denotaion to the civilians what bug about me that this could avoid its made by a climate problem caused by us some people calling out the Lula adiminstration for lincing to the Madonna tour instead our helping people , its sucks that Brazil its treated as a 3 class country just beacuse its started as a colonization land ,by the portuguese & spanish , hell america started also as a colonzes yet they beacame top country of the world do you think its the fault of my politicians i mean Brazil has potentional
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
I hope you and your family are save from all this. From what I've heard President Lula has pledged 1 billion to those affected by the flood. Let's hope that this commitment translates into effective relief efforts on the ground. 🙏 Brazil indeed has immense potential and many ressources, and it's essential for its leaders to prioritize the well-being of their citizens. While historical factors and colonization play a role in shaping a country's trajectory, it's ultimately the decisions made by politicians and policymakers today that determine its future. Another factor is the deforstation of the Amazon rain forest. Because of a lack of trees, the now wastelands, don't hold back the water as much. But the flooding and rain are unusal weather phenomenon. And they keep plaguing the entire world. South East Asia is suffering from an extreme heat wave right now as well.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs Месяц назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite no we are okay, it was another city but still it was pretty sad to see that disaster. Also o watched Abigail was a Pretty cool movie
@YouShouldntBeDancing Месяц назад
The secret to this album is you gotta smoke weed when you listen to it. Then its truths are unraveled. Ask anybody.
@carlosdelfino3589 Месяц назад
there is a rule, to always look for somebody to blame, when a snyder movie comes out.... ^^ The man is a total idiot AND he is a terrible film maker---just wait for the directors cut^^HAHAHAHAHAHA
@meahoohenehene Месяц назад
Blame Snyder or netflix? answer: yes.
@geniusandabsent-minded1390 Месяц назад
Amazing objective analysis. I really appreciated your detailed explanation of why exactly some things in the movie didn't work. Subscribed to your channel
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
Thank you for commenting and the supporting. I appreciate it.
@ernestocaro9802 Месяц назад
Subscriber #90 over here, great content man you definitely deserve more subscribers/views
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
Appreciate the kind words and encourgment. It's partially my fault though. The cahnnel name isn't good. It's not well optimazied for searches. I've been working on rebranding though and I'm hoping to finish at the end of the month. Witha new, banner, logo, and channel name.
@ernestocaro9802 Месяц назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite Good luck!
@kaveiros75 Месяц назад
I actually liked the assassination scene. After her initial inner struggle she finally gave in to Belissarius commands, despite her will. Then he right away betrays her to serve his own purposes and this was the last small small push she actually needed to switch camps. But... the other scene of revealing that the princess is alive, seems too stupid and effortless to me. A scene that contradicted with the previous one (I am guessing that there will be some magical and hi-tech kind of ressurection again) and was made only so that there can be a sequel. As if taking down Belissarius for good couldn't have been enough of a motive.
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
I think the assassination scene could've worked for me if we had more insight into Belisarius and Kora's relationship. Throughout both movies, they never really engage with each other. They have no dialog except for when she's a child on her home planet. The audience doesn't know if Kora has expressed doubts before and if she shot the princess to prove her loyalty to Belisarius, or if she's always been loyal. We have no clear image of how good or bad their relationship is. Due to that, the betrayal lost a significant amount of impact - for me. I couldn't tell how sudden or telegraphed Belisarius' betrayal was. Given what we know, it was very illogical. He could've used the assassination to get rid of a political rival, perhaps rather than a loyal companion. Another reason I didn't mention why I disliked the scene is how Kora was robbed of her decision to rebel. After Belisarius' betrayal, realistically, she had no choice but to take up arms and rebel. She wasn't pushed over the edge (internal conflict), Belisarius' betrayal forced her to switch sides in order to survive (external influence). The princess surviving isn't an issue, if the reveal of her survival was better implemented into the story. Perhaps if the information led to a subplot, where Korra faces a dilemma: abduct a person aboard the main ship who knows the princess's location, or prevent the cannon from destroying the village and villagers. I hope that helps clarify my view on this. Thanks for watching and I appreciate your comment.
@SuCKeRPunCH187 Месяц назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite snyder never really has his characters speak.
@alicerivierre Месяц назад
Yeah, what a lousy movie. And the movie's defenders are making lame points in a childlike viewpoint. They can't possibly think that such a childish teenager who blew a tantrum because the king told her no for asking for her grandpa's wish is the hero of the story. Her character arc sucked, no development, no charm, no anything.
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
It's sad to see after 100 years of being in the business and with a huge budget at their disposal, Wish is the best they can come up with. Thanks for commenting.
@alicerivierre Месяц назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite yeah, anytime. I'm just so disappointed with the movie's execution and direction. It totally sucks. And it totally bothers me that people who do love this movie are delusional over the plot line and soundtrack. Disney is just trying to gaslight us into thinking which is lesser of two evils or something.
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
I'm really curious to konw what the people who worked on this (animators, marketing dept, etc.) thought about the movie, because at some point they had to realize that it's trash. Somehow everybody just seemed to have accepted the fact and continued polishing the turd, as they say.
@alicerivierre Месяц назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite yeah, they act as if they're proud of it being a masterpiece when really it's not. They ought to be embarrassed that not too many people like this piece of crap.
@Muna-Jlore0997 Месяц назад
I didn’t enjoy the movie. And the people who enjoys it, be my guest. The movie is terrible in the worst of ways. Asha who is the antagonist of the film couldn’t accept no for an answer. Not only that, she has the audacity to convinced the queen that her husband is evil. Which btw, why Amaya sided with Asha?? Amaya should know her husband more than this entitled brat. Plus, Asha left out a very, VERY important detail to her generic friends when Magnifico told her his tragic story. You know, the almost burnt tapestry as a reminder; where the king was just a wee boy and lost his parents by selfish and greedy people and burn everything into the ground. Yeah, Asha left that whole info and never brought it up. And Amaya too, surprisingly.
@GameKeeper28 Месяц назад
Also make the goat an actual character with actual jokes. Maybe he could of been the voice of reason like Sebastain was with Ariel or have him struggle with his new found awakening.
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
The goat and the star were both wasted character opportunities, in addition to her 6 random friends. Thanks for commenting.
@tomperkins4965 Месяц назад
they make those disney cartoon movies just to sell Huggies training diapers pants
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
Even if they licensed Wish designs to diaper companies, the profits won't be nowhere near enough to cover the losses. Thanks for commenting.
@taliagmail.com2005 Месяц назад
i just felt like this movie was too rushed i am so happy in the last few days of 2023 i got to see wonka instead of this mvie at the cinema. whil wonka on the other hand wasn't rsuhed at all
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
Wonka was everything Wish should've been. Heartwarming story, good characters, simple plot, good visuals and music. I saw a few reviews complain about Wonka that there's not enough of a connection to the old Wonka (Charlie and the chocolate factory, 1971) which makes no sense. It's a new take on the story for a new generation of children, not a continuation of a story targeted at ~50 year old adults. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@taliagmail.com2005 Месяц назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite also its supposed to be a prequel to gene wilder also who wants wonka movie with the same damn story that is overdone
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
I agree and disagree with that statement. Watching the same thing over and over again is boring, but it also depends on how memorable the plot is. Charlie and the chocolate factory is very unique. It was rebooted in 2005, therefore an *updated* version to watch is available. Rebooting such an updated version in 2023 doesn't make much sense. But there are other instances where periodically updating a movie makes sense. One example I can think of is the latest iteration of A Star Is Born, starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. The original is from 1937. It was rebooted with respectively contemporary popular actors in 1954, then in 1976, and lastly in 2018. Another one might be made in ~2045. And then there are monster movies like Godzilla. The plot or premise never changes but it's still always popular.
@TheMayhemMutant9047 Месяц назад
you know the older I get I realized we treated Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man to harshly.
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
The Garfield era movies had some of the best CGI and they had good plot points; Gwen Stacy, Peter's parents, and his strained relationship with Harry Osborne. But the overall writing was weak and the casting choices and character designs were questionable at times. I think the biggest issue was that the Tobey Maguire movies were still fresh in people's memories. The Tom Holland ones because of their connection to the MCU managed to ride the hype - and of course they were well produced. I liked the Andrew Garfield era, but the Maguire one is more nostalgic and with a more memorable cast. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@Ryan-ke5uq Месяц назад
I agree with most of your points, except for your note about Magnifico being good-natured and having the best interest of his people at heart at 5:50. Magnifico is an obvious narcissist, but he only seems benevolent at first because the people aren't questioning or challenging him in anyway. The first time he's questioned even a little bit he snaps and says he gets to decide. If he does anything nice for the people, it's only because he needs their undying loyalty and gratitude. He even quantifies that in his song about how many wishes he granted, as if to say "this amount seems just right to get the love and admiration I need from the people." If he really cared about them, he'd be granting wishes daily, at least the ones he deemed wouldn't be detrimental to Rosas. The movie isn't super clear on this, but I wonder if Magnifico knew that taking the wishes was causing people to feel like they've lost a part of themselves (at least at the beginning before he used the plot device book). On another point, I also found it annoying that the movie made it seem like the people were all living their best lives, except for Simon. He's the only character that seems to be suffering, though that may be because the focus is on the 7 characters under 18, except Simon who has lost his wish when he turned 18. Another glaring issue is the grandfather's wish. They clearly state the grandfather is 100 years old, but Magnifico looks to be in his 40s. When Magnifico either became king or figured out magic, did he round up everybody over 18 and collect all their wishes in bulk? Depending on when Magnifico started this, that was probably sometime in the last 20 years, so Sabino would have been 80 or older. For 80 years he never bothered to fulfill his own wish to inspire young people, which is just ridiculous. Even if somehow he would have figured it out in those 20 years, you'd think his wife or the other people in town would know what Sabino wanted to do with his life. Heck, I know that the person at Kroger I see a couple times a month has a kid and wants to be a nurse. You'd think a small town would have everybody knowing what their neighbors dreams are. Ryan George had a joke in his Pitch Meeting video about nobody ever writing down their wishes or telling anybody else about them before they're taken. Even if it didn't occur to somebody to write down their wishes in a normal situation, you'd think you'd write it down when you knew it would disappear as soon as you turned 18 and the king took it, at least from talking to other people who had that happen to them. Maybe an unmentioned rule of the magic is you can't talk about or write down your wish or it'll never come true.
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
My wording in the video was poor. I made Magnifico sound more caring than he was, but his motivation was to prevent the same tragedy he suffered as a child from happening again. What really bothered me about him was that he had no narcissistic tendencies at first and seemingly acquired them on a whim once questioned. The transition wasn't gradual; it felt abrupt and forced to me. If the movie had made it clear that he wasn't doing it for the good of the people but that he wanted to primarily protect himself-being self-absorbed-by policing others, I would've been okay with it. In one frame in the movie at around 1:21:05, right when Magnifico was imprisoned in the crystal, you see a mask resembling the magic mirror from Snow White. I assume that's the reason he was almost forced to develop narcissistic tendencies to create that Easter egg. I did not perceive him as a well-rounded character but rather one that was changed to fit the part when needed. Asha lived with her Grandfather and Mother all her life, and with her father until he died. Therefore, if losing a wish made them so depressed or sad, wouldn't Asha have noticed that? You could even make a counter-argument here that forgetting your wish and the worries that come along with it will help you lead a long life. After all, Saba made it all the way to 100. The last two points are excellent. I'd guess Magnifico's age to be around 50-55+, but regardless of his age, Saba would've been 65 at the lowest when Rosa's was established. That means he spent a large portion of his life pursuing his dream before giving it up willingly. If you're a parent, wouldn't you know about your child's wish or have a vague idea what it might be? The only explanation I can think of is that the wish is magically removed from everyone once it is handed over. I appreciate the comment and the insight. Thank you for watching.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs Месяц назад
I think the idea of a tribe of indeginous Spiderman was complete the jump the shark moment, the thing that should work if the girls beacme the spider womans in the climax also there were plans to put Spiderman in the story
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
When I first heard about the Madame Web movie, I thought they were gonna introduce Morlun and he was gonna hunt down Spider Totems, but instead we got this disappointing mess. Did you have any ideas on how to improve the story? I think a more interesting Villain like Morlun, could've really helped this movie. Since he kills all Spider totems, it doesn't need to be Peter Parker / Spider-Man. It could've been any Spider-Man, ro Woman, as long as they have abilities, but oh, well.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs Месяц назад
​@@Rebel_Rewritei think the Kraven could be a moderaest sucess beacuse of the Logan/ Rambo style plot , but who knows
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
Kraven's stunts, action, revenge plot, and the fact that it's R-rated help it get attraction. In the trailer they showed how Kraven got his powers, and it's not very confidence inspiring. Financially, I predict it'll do better than Madame Web or Morbius but I believe it will struggle to breakeven. I hope the rumors about Aaron Tyler-Johnson becoming the next Bond will spark curiosity and people are gonna check out Kraven.
@ilianahernandez7287 Месяц назад
@0deadx21 Месяц назад
Do they even know what a damsel is? It's an UNMARRIED WOMAN/GIRL. The main character loses that title 15 minutes into the movie. Nice when a title matches the movie - dumb and nonsensical.
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
If they had chosen any other title, and removed the first bit of narration in the movie, it could've been an average adventure movie. But no, they had to rub it in. Thanks for watching and I appreciate the comment.
@Mireychen Месяц назад
Its the first disney movie were the villainess wins
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
Depends. Does Maleficent count or not? 🤔
@JoeyXSmith Месяц назад
I just though the main character was selfish. She got upset because he wouldn't grant her grandad wish and thats it . I think the King not granting some wishs because it might dangerous is a valid reason. The sudden turn of the King becoming evil was poorly executed.
@Rebel_Rewrite Месяц назад
Yes, she was very selfish. Her grandfather never asked for his wish to come true. She decided that on her own. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@AvatAR42420 2 месяца назад
I like channels that don't just dunk on media that they think is bad, but offer how they would fix the issues. Keep it up!
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
I'm glad you enjoyed my video. I am fully aware that criticizing someone else's work comes across as audacious and wanting to *improve* on it, may be perceived as insolent. But that is never my intention. I will praise the aspects I enjoy but I'm not afraid to point out what I dislike and why. I try to stay objective, provide constructive criticism, and not simply hate on someone else's efforts. My goal is to offer insights for improvement. The most important thing for me is explaining why I dislike certain plot points, or characters, etc, and provide a different - although, subjective - take on it. First and Foremost, I do it to improve my own abilities and foster my own growth. I create and post these videos online because I'm curious to know what other people think. I'm particularly interested to see if there a discrepancy between what I thought and how other people perceived it. If there are differences, I want to understand if it's an oversight or lack of insight, on my part. I made a video about Transformers 7 - Rise of the Beasts a while back and thought people would agree with my viewpoints. They didn't. The video was downvoted a lot, but nobody commented on it saying I was wrong either. I'm still not sure what the issue with that one was. WIthout feedback I'm unable to tell if I am in the wrong , if perhaps the video was badly produced, or simply recommend to the wrong people by the algorithm. Anyway, thanks for commenting. I appreciate the engagement.
@Bunni504 2 месяца назад
I don’t even bother to remember the protagonist name. She is so boring. Your main character or characters should never be boring nor unforgettable. Even a bad character is better cause you can remember them. It’s boring/forgettable characters that are the worse. They make me feel nothing about them.
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
It's important to create characters that resonate with the audience. Asha was no different than any of the other forgettable background characters. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
@Alex-mh5mu 2 месяца назад
Asha is my favorite disney villain
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
She's right up there with Jafar and Scar. 😂
@alicerivierre Месяц назад
Ooh, sick burn! Guess Disney didn't expect that, huh? Woof! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
@BurgundyMermaid 2 месяца назад
Disney has no excuse whatsoever for the train wreck that ended up being Wish’s script. The original concept for the movie was actually quite interesting, with the star shapeshifter love interest and the king/queen villain duo. I would’ve LOVED a married Disney villain power couple. The fact that the original concept was rejected in favor of a preachy, illogical mess that called the heroic king the villain and the self-centered brat the hero is appalling. And the CGI looked like something from the early 2000s.
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
I'm not sold on the shapeshifting star love interest, but it sounds more interesting then what we got. I can see why they decided to drop it, though. I don't think the star being a love interest would've made much of a difference. Since the King's unreasonable wish keeping and the loss of wishes were the core concepts. In my opinion, a love story would've detracted even more from the badly thought out main concept - wish granting and magic - and felt more like filler to cover it up. But I'm not familiar with the original idea, so I can't say how important of a key role the love interest would've played. The married villain couple sounds cool and interesting. Gives off Disney-esque Bonnie and Clyde vibes. Which reminds me, I forgot to mention how bothered I was by how quickly the queen betrayed her husband and teamed up with a bunch of random kids to take him down. She wasn't very torn about it either. I was expecting her to have an inner conflict about it but at the end, she even seemed happy. Almost, as if she had finally managed to escaped an abusive relationship. Their relationship really felt off to me at the end there. Thanks for watching. I appreciate the comment.
@BurgundyMermaid 2 месяца назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite That’s fair. Personally, I prefer the idea of the star shapeshifter romance, because love stories are such a vital part of Disney’s history. If Wish wants to claim to be a centennial celebration of Disney, I think paying tribute to their love stories is very important. But I couldn't agree more about the queen in the movie. I hated how she stabbed her husband in the back and couldn’t have cared less about saving him. The movie tried to claim that using the evil book even once would damn a person forever, but that made no sense at all. What the queen should’ve done was assume the book was lying (it was a book of evil after all) and fight to get the man she loved back. Disney’s history is big on saying that true love’s kiss is powerful enough to break any curse. How cool would it have been to have the VILLAIN, instead of a princess, saved by true love’s kiss?
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
That's a good point. Going back to the roots and paying homage to the classic, princess love stories could've been the right play here. Adding a novel twist like saving the villain instead of defeating and imprisoning him and you have an interesting new take on a classic story. Asha, the shapeshifting love interest, and the queen could've teamed up and tried to free Magnifico from the corruption of the book to save Rosas. With a scenario like this, further tension can be added if Asha secretly didn't believe in saving the King, and planned to betray the queen, should the opportunity arise. A movie like that could've been a great new gateway movie into classic fairy tales for a new generation while being novel, and nostalgic, for older generations.
@GalaxyRoyal 2 месяца назад
Now that Wish is on Disney+ aswell of the confirmation during the end credits: After Peter Jöback the Swedish voice of Aladdin as King Magnifico, Jannike Kruse the Norwegian voice of Jasmine from Aladdin in the 90s also made her return as the Norwegian voice as Queen Amaya so it’s like Aladdin & Jasmine got both their whole new wish granted with a royal transition from Agrabah to Rosas. 🧞‍♂️⭐️
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
Let's hope the next Disney project they collaborate on will be a bigger success.
@GalaxyRoyal 2 месяца назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite Hopefully with better written story and new characters who would be more important and useful into their role. Jannike Kruse is also celebrating her 30th anniversary of animated dubbing and it’s great that she’s got a new Disney role in Norwegian many years later! 🇳🇴
@mrmechpunch4653 2 месяца назад
I am not sure if wish was agenda driven or just a lazy "just for the sake of aniversary" project. I don't usually care about the visuals, but I atleast want a engaging storyline... honestly... you are right on alot of points... but for some reason I kinda want this movie to be a "bad ending scenario". They could've gone and made the movie in the way as "Asha wanting to set free the wishes for the people's sake" and then when magnifico gets captured we get a scene of realization, where magnifico gives out a "I told you so" speech. Magnifico could've been potrayed as a flawed king, who meant to do right, but got desperate at a sign of danger. The whole consuming wishes for magic is a great idea and Magnifico would have the outright evil and very darksided wishes as his main powersource, because he wanted to re-write and grant the vague or questionable wish in a way that would not only make a person happy, but also benefit the kingdom's peace. The book could've been sentient and give out faint whispers that go louder with each evil wish consumed. Only once magnifico runs out of evil wishes and the books voice is almost omnipresently loud he would consider taking the less incriminating wishes. then again I am probably trying to fix damage that is already done and ranting on a great youtube video that does what I am doing now probably better.
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
Regarding Disney's typical release schedule, they often aim for Thanksgiving/Christmas releases, tapping into the holiday season's family-oriented audience. This time around was the centennial anniversary and the producers intended to incorporate the wish-granting-theme for which Disney is known for. They just failed to create a compelling story and the movie ended up feeling *forced* to me. While a bad ending might not align with Disney's usual fare, introducing a darker turn in the middle of the movie - releasing all wishes and creating a chaos where laws of physics, and whatnot, were broken - could add tension and depth to the story without necessarily compromising its overall family-friendly appeal. The idea of Asha and the King being forced to work together as they strive to undo the chaos could create compelling character dynamics. The concept of the book whispering ominous thoughts is a great idea. Making it an ancient evil wizard's powerful tome, which starts out as a helpful companion but turns out to control it’s user, could’ve been a great twist. A plot device like a power hungry book that needs to consume wishes to grant wishes, could’ve also been interesting. When the King runs out of *bad* wishes to sacrifice, he’s forced to feed the book *vague* wishes, and eventually *good* wishes, but nothing helps to keep the whispers from becoming louder. This wouldn't just solve Magnifico's abrupt transition into a villain but provides a reason for him to collect and keep the wishes in the first place as well. Thanks for watching and I appreciate the thoughtful comment.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 2 месяца назад
Hey pat i want to know that my favorite historical figures are Abraham Lincoln & Joan darc well just beacuse i watched the luc besson milla jovich film & Abe Lincoln vampire hunter yeah but still i watched some videos of history showes the dark truth people said the joan was possibly schizophrinic de you belive in that? Also as for Abe the reason the people hate vampire hunter beacue despite also the fantastical premise , they make Lincoln too heroic e goody shoes , and reality despite abolity slavery, he did for political reasons not beacuse he feels sorry for the slaves , but that kind hurt my adiminstration for them, but as you maention about the boys, no one its perfect, a hero is to good to exist beacuse he dont have flaws , Joan & Abraham have they own flaws but i think they were real heroes, a preffers him over Bolsonaro, Lula, Trump & biden, and i prefer Joan over merry sue still i think that benjamin Walker/ Milla Jovovich did a nice job what you think?
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
It's been ages since I've seen any Jeanne of Arc movies. When the Milla Jovovich one came out in the same year there was one starring Leelee Sobieski. From what I remember the movies were okay. For the most part, I'm not really into historical movies. I like documentaries, but not fictional history movies. With that said, one of my favorite movies is Kingdom of Heaven. It is based on actual historical characters, but the plot is overdramatized or outright fiction. It's still a good and entertaining movie. The Gandhi movie starring Sir Ben Kingsley is good and accurate, but 4 hours long. I guess those two would be my favorite historical characters. Regarding, people talking to God. Back then they were either saints or sinners. Mental health care has only been a subject for the last century. The chances of Jeanne being schizophrenic are actually quite high. Nobody can actually prove it, but evidence suggests it.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 2 месяца назад
And Abe what you think about my opinion one him
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
Abraham Lincoln was a very talented and smart man. He accomplished many significant things that still shape society - first and foremost America - today.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 2 месяца назад
I think it was ok, to bem fair Mille Bobby Brown awalys looks good to be fair i think the movie media explore her to much what i heard ever since she became eleven
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
In the grand scheme of things, the movie was alright. My biggest gripe was that they advertised it as not being a damsel in distress movie, only ending up being nothing but a damsel in distress movie. If they had just dropped those literal two first sentences in the movie and instead embraced being a generic fantasy movie, with a more fitting title, I probably wouldn't have even made this video. In a way, the producers accomplished what they set out to do; create buzz. If this is the reception they wanted though, is another story. Regarding Millie Bobby Brown, I don't feel like she's being pushed more than other female actress that came before her. When someone is popular, they tend to be in everything. She's kinda the female face of Netflix thanks to Stranger Things' success. Zendaya is also in a lot of productions these days, as well as Florence Pugh.
@GalaxyRoyal 2 месяца назад
It’s funny how you added the mushroom on Mirabel considering that Vajen Van Der Bosch as the Dutch voice of Mirabel is also the Dutch voice of Peach in The Super Mario Bros Movie.
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
Would've been more funnier if she had voiced Toad.
@GalaxyRoyal 2 месяца назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite Well the funniest part is that Kaycie Chase as the French voice of Isabella actually voiced a Yellow Toad with that quote « How? Look at us, we’re adorable! » and Lumalee in The Super Mario Bros Movie. Also Ewout Eggink as the Dutch voice of Bruno is also the Dutch voice of the Talking Flower in Super Mario Bros Wonder.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 2 месяца назад
once again Disney is dead
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
Let's hope Inside Out 2 isn't too much of a failure. Pete Docter isn't directing or credit as a writer, therefore my expectations are fairly low.
@christianmontilla7706 2 месяца назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite Bro. It's just a movie. It had a Beautiful concept on adventure and experience and now you complain in that!!!!😡😡😡
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
I'm confused, which movie are you talking about, Wish?
@christianmontilla7706 2 месяца назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite Yes. Wish. Cause you were blaming the artist. They did nothing wrong.
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
I'm blaming the writers for not being able to write an interesting story. I never blamed the artists. I even praised Chris Pine for giving a good voice over performance.
@KingOfMumbles485... 2 месяца назад
The Super Mario Bros movie is the exact opposite when it comes to references as in easter eggs.
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
They implementation of Super Mario Games into actual plot points in the movie (Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Jumpman, etc.) gave the movie an additional level of depth. Honestly, I was expecting something similar in Wish, but it turned out ot be such a let down. There are a few Easter Eggs, like; Magnifico will become the mirror on the wall in snow white, and then there is a Peter Pan looking adult who wants to fly. Also, I think Asha is supposed to be a new iteration of cinderella's fairy godmother. But the Easter Eggs are too subtlety hinted at and easily missed.
@GalaxyRoyal 2 месяца назад
There are 6 voice actors of King Magnifico who also voiced a character in The Super Mario Bros Movie: - Raphael Rossatto: Mario & Magnifico in Brazilian Portuguese 🇧🇷 - Máté Szabó: Toad & Magnifico in Hungarian 🇭🇺 - Uroš Buh: Toad & Magnifico in Slovenian 🇸🇮 - Christos Thanos: Donkey Kong & Magnifico in Greek 🇬🇷 - Kenneth Christensen: Donkey Kong & Magnifico in Danish 🇩🇰 - Jeppe Beck Laursen: Bowser & Magnifico in Norwegian 🇳🇴
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
Voice actors are often used multiple times for various roles. American voice actor Christopher Sabat for example has been in many popular anime that have aired from the year 2000 onward.
@GalaxyRoyal 2 месяца назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite True but it depends on the voice director’s decision. For example, France went with French actor Lambert Wilson from The Matrix movies and Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris. He played in English then dubbed himself in French but even if he looks like Magnifico, his voice doesn’t fit at all that I cringed from both of his speaking and singing voice! Oh how I wished they would brought back iconic Disney voices or an actual voice actor who would fit better for Magnifico. As for Asha’s French voice, she’s the perfect cast and for her first time role in voice acting, Océane Demontis did an excellent work. 😉
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
You seem to be very interested in voice acting. Is voice acting an interest of yours?
@GalaxyRoyal 2 месяца назад
How interesting there’s the comparison between Aladdin and Wish considering that Peter Jöback as the Swedish voice of Aladdin from the 90s made his return as the Swedish voice of King Magnifico.
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
Interesting coincidence. Maybe Peter Jöback likes wishes. Thanks for commenting.
@GalaxyRoyal 2 месяца назад
You’re welcome and he got his wish granted for still being popular in Sweden as Aladdin, becoming a singer, playing musicals in United States and in England. Now he’s got a whole new Disney role 30 years later after Aladdin. He had so much fun playing Magnifico in Swedish 🇸🇪 and it took him one month for recording all songs and scenes that it’s now his favourite character. 😉
@HypnoAngel. 3 месяца назад
Wish is the type of movie youll forget about a week after its released 💀💀
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
Very true. The forgettable movie title doesn't help either. Thanks for commenting.
@HypnoAngel. 2 месяца назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite LMAO RIGHT, AND YW
@GalaxyRoyal 2 месяца назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite Even Wish the online shop aswell which is so fitting. And that’s why in some countries they changed the name. 😂
@suzanne6005 2 месяца назад
I knew I it was a generic story line from the moment I saw the trailer. Overly abusive greedy villain, not really fleshed out main character protagonists
@LadyLeomon Месяц назад
You’re being WAY too kind dude, I’d forget it by the third day after seeing it 😏😏😏
@Basicstuff555 3 месяца назад
You have potential
@Rebel_Rewrite 2 месяца назад
Thank you! I appreciate the kind words.
@danielkeller1337 3 месяца назад
Yeah, it is to Disney's Star Wars definitely as well as the prequels and originals. Just proving Snyder is a superior director. Prequels and Originals of Star Wars will always be great though as well as the awesome EU.
@Rebel_Rewrite 3 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the comparison between Disney's Star Wars, the prequels, and the originals!
@AveryChristy 3 месяца назад
This movie was just terrible.
@Rebel_Rewrite 3 месяца назад
It's still watchable though. It's not something you'd ever recommend to someone but it's not hilariously bad enough to be entertaining like the infamous Samurai Cop or Birdemic. To say it's terrible is a bit too much. It was just bland and unoriginal. A truly terrible movie from recent history would be last year's Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey. Thanks for Watching though. I appreciate the comment.
@_aullik 3 месяца назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite Isn't a terrible movie one you just don't wanna watch? I wanna watch good movies and sometimes i watch shite movies cause its entertaining. But terrible movies, specially those that should be story driven but are mostly plot hole and deus ex machina driven are frankly unwatchable. The entire time watching it im in grieve for the potential.
@Rebel_Rewrite 3 месяца назад
Tl; dr: By my standards calling Rebel Moon terrible is too harsh. The movie's potential was wasted due to poor writing. I agree with your statement. But I personally, distinguish between terrible movies and bad movies. For me, a terrible movie has no redeeming qualities. It has poor acting, dialog, pacing, CGI, low budget, soundtrack, and everything else, like Birdemic. Such movies can still be entertaining but for the wrong reasons. A bad movie to me is something like Wonder Woman 1984. It had high production values, an established fanbase, good actors, and a big marketing budget. The plot was nonsensical and incoherent and ended up ruining the movie. It was a terrible waste of potential, but from a production standpoint, the movie itself wasn't terrible. To me, wasted potential doesn't equate to a terrible movie but rather a disappointing, or plain bad movie. Thanks for commenting.
@_aullik 3 месяца назад
@@Rebel_RewriteOk, so its just different naming conventions. What you call bad i call terrible, what you call terrible i call shite.
@Rebel_Rewrite 3 месяца назад
Essentially, yes.
@spencesanders7879 3 месяца назад
To say the movie sucked is to give it far too much credit....
@Rebel_Rewrite 3 месяца назад
There were a few things about the movie that were okay, or good; the music complimented the setting well, the action scenes were well-choreographed, and the CGI and VFX was decent. Regardless of the end result, the production quality was still very high. But the bad elements definitely outweighed the good; boring characters, unoriginal setting, and forgettable plot. Given the budget and renowned cast, it was definitely a major let down. Based on the fact that not everything about it was terrible, though, I'd argue that the movie sucked is a fair assessment. Thanks for watching. I appreciate your comment.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 3 месяца назад
Funfact this was suposed to be a real star wars movie but Disney & Kathleen Kennedy said no to r rated star Wars
@Rebel_Rewrite 3 месяца назад
Honestly, I feel like Star Wars was more brutal than Rebel Moon. As far as I can remember, there was nothing in particular that needed an R rating except for Ed Skrein being naked. Maybe that's just me though.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 4 месяца назад
Hey pat have you heard about an infamous episode of hey arnold calles Arnold betarys iggy its about a kid named iggy who has bunny pyjamas and Arnold discover he tells him not to tell about but in the next day Stinky & sid somehow guessed and they tell the whole school Arnold them gets the blamed by iggy, he tried to apoligize everything ( doing the honework washing iggy laundry) but iggy wont accept him tell Arnold that the only way to apologise he to wear the same pyjams in public wich arnold shockingly accept just he gets humilates Iggy then learns about the truth form sid & Stinky but its to late Arnold its humilated in everyone it was so depressed and wrong in the same way in the end Arnold cut ties with iggy if iggy tried to apologise have heard this episode but if not watch and tell me what you thought
@Rebel_Rewrite 4 месяца назад
Hey Johnny, I watched the episode - at least the Iggy part. It's not a good episode. I'm not sure why it's infamous, but it's definitely a bad episode. The reason is because there is no moral to the story. There are two things I disliked in particular. Firstly, why is wearing bunny pajamas frowned upon? Maybe Iggy just likes bunnies. Therefore scrutinizing someone for liking something is wrong. It reminds me of a story of a kid I read about who was bullied at school. It was a boy who wore pink shoes with Zebra print. The other students made fun of him because he was wearing girl shoes. When he was asked why he wore them, he said; Zebra's are his favorite animal and he simply liked the print. The color didn't matter to him. The episode should've either really used something that's actually embarrassing, like tripping in public, or had a lesson about not judging other people's preferences and instead accept them. Secondly, when Arnold is about to come out of the house, Iggy overhears Sid and Stinky, and learns that Arnold did not betray him. This ruins another possible moral Iggy could've learned; do not wish something upon others you do not wish upon yourself. He could've thought that humiliating Arnold would make it better but, instead just feel bad about the bullying. This ways, he'd learn something about himself, and that forgiveness is better than vengeance. When he asks Arnold for forgiveness, Arnold should forgive him. The public shaming was an odd choice as well. I think it would've been better if Arnold offered to wear the bunny suit and allowed Iggy to take a picture of him wearing it. Iggy agrees with the intent of show the picture around school if Arnold lied to him ever again. But then Stinky and Sid overhear him having a secret appointment at school after class. They follow him, bringing the whole class with them. When Arnold goes to change into the bunny suit and comes back the whole school is laughing at him. Now Iggy is in the same position as Arnold was. They talk, Arnold believes him, and they make up. That's what I think. Why do you think it is considered a bad episode, or do you think it's good?
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 4 месяца назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite o thought it was bad beacuse Arnold has some bad luck/ humaliting attacks espacially by Helga , but never this humaliting thing i swear man when watched i thought iggy its not gonna do anything ? No , worse everyone that Arnold know were laughing ( helga obivously harold, rhonda, pheobe , even Eugene who its a nice kid the only character that was absent was Gerald who should be there to protecd Arnold , hell if i was there i would do the same thing , worse man i used to have a emberrased moment with a Spiderman pyjamas i used to have i wake up very late to School i dindt meanage to dress up the school uniform i was mocked hell the teacher was mocked tell me that If i dresses well next week i would get for her a girlfriend , to this day i have a autistic group chat i tell they about that day they tell me that she was sarcarstic tell me to get dressed up, pat i was in four grade just like the HA characters i was not indend to tell this to you but after tou tell about the boy with the zebra & pink shoes i want to tell this true story I came thing about that they cant show that kids can be cruel but insceure i mean think about the other characters Helga ( abusive father, drunk mother, a neurotic puppet sister) Harold ( momma boy , weight woe) Rhonda ( realies to much on money, & possible neglteful rich parents and there a episode when she goes broke) Sid ( acuatlly he come from a broke house) Stinky ( poor kid in the farmer countryside) I think what would happen of Helga who tormentd Arnold was dogbite ( be bullied) what If hear poems were revelaed to the public the kids almost blackmailed her with a ballet photo of her If i idefinty with Helga but imagine if i hás a crush on her but she bully humileted me should i humileted her to as a payback or thats wrong just like Iggy Hell remeber the movie Bridge to terabitha the bully girl who tormentd josh hutcherson, & anna Sophia Robb in Brazil she shares the same Brazilian voices actress of helga and they payback her about leak a secret crush on her i kept wonder what you happend to helga If this thing play There is videos explained about the dark & tragic side of the HA! Characters ( helga,harold, Rhonda, Eugene) to bem fair do you belive about there some one just like Helga, Sid rhonda, pheobe, Lila, harold on real life ?
@Rebel_Rewrite 3 месяца назад
Do I believe, that there are characters like, Helga, Sid, Rhonda, Phoebe, etc.? Absolutely. The characters in the show are realistically portrayed with relatable issues in relatable circumstances. That's what made the show popular - even to this day. Most children's tv shows tend to have either unrealistic, but entertaining characters (Kim Possible, Sailor Moon), almost adult characters (Filmore, Gargoyles) or whacky, child friendly characters, (Spongebob, Care Bears, etc.) That's why Hey Arnold stands out. The only other shows that come close, that I know of, are Disney's Weekenders , and Disney's Recess, but the latter one still had a lot of one dimensional characters. Sorry about the Spider-Man thing. My worst experience, was when I was 9 or 10 years old I had a piano recital once. We were given a week to decide what songs we wanted to play. When I had chosen mine, my piano teacher said other kids had already chosen them, and I needed to learn other songs because they didn't want repeated songs. So, I did. The time was nowhere near enough to learn the new songs. During the recital I couldn't play the songs at all. It was really bad. When I was done with my performance, nobody in the audience clapped and I just walked off the stage. That was pretty humiliating. The head teacher of the piano school order me to quit playing because there was a waitlist of interested students and I wasn't good enough. I was never into playing the piano much and I had never any aspirations of becoming a piano player, but it still stings, because I knew how to play the piano. It wasn't my fault I had to learn new songs just for the recital. But that day I learned how unfair the world can be. Anyway, enough with the depressing stuff. Have you heard, they're planning on making a mini tv show based on the Black Mirror episode. It's the one with the IT guy (Jesse Plemons) stealing the DNA of his co-workers for his Game. It could be good. The idea has potential since digital identity theft is huge deal, especially in this day and age. Also, I saw the Trailer for Madame Web and I think the movie is gonna bomb hard similarly like the recent The Marvels movie. What do you think?
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 3 месяца назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite i just heard about the spin off news , Also about mademe Web o AM going to watch this week but i heard the the first reactions are bad calling the new Morbius or the female Morbius ( not obivously suprise it had the same screenwriters for Morbius) but i gonna watch to see how bad it is , but in a positive thing could be enterntaing bad as Morbius Also i think it would happen also with Kraven the Hunter só the razzies got new movies for next year Also pat coming next week & month i Will give a pause on the social media beacuse as my collage class will return they give an intern role a medic clinic here my city só i will online class intern shift & spanish class , só a gonna have a rocky & responsible life this year but hey that not me Its over when i on day off or the week Holliday ( saturday & sunday ) i can send some news To be fair despite i studing biology ( beacuse i like Animals) i originaly wanted to be a movie director but my parents could find a nice film School right for my thing , as time goes by i Discover that its difucult to a forgeing filmmaker to get Hollywood success , like the Brazilian director jose Padilha he had problems with his Robocop remake with the executives which why it bombed, so last i was scared about this intern thing but i calm myself not to worry unless i be more pratical & responsible i could solve things well , i hope i do, but little do you know i wrote i book acuatlly a draft but want to publish its romatic - drama about an autistic boy & a ballerina girl i hope It could became a film
@Rebel_Rewrite 3 месяца назад
Good Luck with your studies. Yeah, I have a lot going on as well. Money's always tight especially these days with the global economy tanking everywhere and the costs rising. I am working on a new video. It should be out on Thursday. Once it's out, I'll try to keep to a schedule releasing a video every two weeks. But we'll see. Hopefully no more components in my pc break this year. Anyway, it was nice talking to you. See you around.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 5 месяцев назад
Hey man just as we wrapped the year i just wanna to know what you think could be the upcoming razzies nomations, here is my possibilts Winnee the Pooh blood & Honey Meg 2 the trench ( i watched on cinemas and was laughbly wired but hey i have some fun , but must liley will be nomine in the catagories Renfield ( i liked but i think nicolas cage could be nomiated) Peter pan & Wendy ( all the catagories, i was going to included the actors who played peter & wendy but after the firestarter controversy, i will include worst actor for jude law) Shazam fury of the gods Expandbles 4 Family switch ( a Netflix comedy with Jennifer garner i watched it was ok , but i definly see as a contender) The flash ( this one is tricky but i wil give worst actor for erza miller for its controversy, worst screenplay , worst screen combo, worst remake rip off, sequel of evey past superhero multiverse movie Knights of zoadiac ( the anime saint seyia got a movie with sean bean and it was compred to dragonball evolution) Ant man quatomania most likely The marvels mabye worst actress for brie larson The litte marmaid worst remake What you think ?
@Rebel_Rewrite 5 месяцев назад
Hey man, good to hear from you again. I have very similar picks. Winnie the Pooh - Blood and Honey: The movie was terrible and an absolute letdown. I'm pretty convinced they will win a Razzie. Meg 2: Didn't particularly like the movie. I thought the idea was interesting but it was badly executed. Although I expected more, the movie still somehow met my expectations. Renfield: I thought the movie was okay and entertaining enough. I enjoyed Nicholas Hoult's performance. That saved it for me. The only thing that annoyed me was Awkwafina. It's a personal opinion thing. Nick Cage was just being Nick Cage. Peter Pan and Arielle: Haven't watched either but from what I've heard both were terrible and had racial controversies surrounding them. So, the chances of them winning a Razzie are pretty high. Shazam Fury of the Gods, Blue Beetle, and The Flash are also possible nominees. Shazam was bad. Blue Beetle was boring to me. And, although I enjoyed The Flash movie, I think the off-screen controversies surrounding Ezra Miller and the five-year delay make it a strong contender for the nominees. Ant-Man Quantumania: I don't understand why the movie gets so much hate. I didn't think it was a masterpiece. It was boring, predictable, and run-of-the-mill superhero action, but I don't think it's bad enough for the Razzies. Time will tell. For me, Eternals was much worse. The Marvels: It has similar issues as Ant-Man. It was okay, but was nothing special. At least it was short. I think the M-she-U controversies might be the reason it'll net it at least a Razzie nomination. Exp4ndables: Haven't seen it. If there are four of them, that means there must be an audience for it. Family Switch: Haven't seen it. Don't know much about it. Sounds like another iteration of Body Swap comedy. Knights of the Zodiac: Haven't seen it either. Heard it was trash. The other four that might have a chance to win something are: - Haunted Mansion: overall boring despite having many good actors in it. - Ghosted: terrible spy romance movie. - Heart of Stone: another spy movie that has little to no story and nothing but action scenes. - Indiana Jones: I thought it was okay, but too long and plagued by the same issues as the last Jurassic Park. Both try to be James Bond too much. What are your thoughts on these four?
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 5 месяцев назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite these ones could also pat its been a wired year here in Brazil with a hot crisis o got fever sick but now am fine, also Man, i just think have you heard about ukranie x russia & Israel x palestine its realy been crappy, what i want just pat its just peace & hope, despite leaving in wired times i do belive that maybe some good things ( but still bad things) will come next year but only time will tell trust me man.i lernaed for you só merry Christmas
@Rebel_Rewrite 5 месяцев назад
Hey man, sorry for the late reply and merry christmas to you too! I hope you enjoy the holidays. This year has been crazy for sure. Back in 2020 we were all hoping for the year to end so we can get back to our daily lives, and now, 3 years later we're standing at the brink of a global war. Economically, many countries are going down the drain as inflation keeps rising, but at the end of the day we still need to live day by day, and we will always find a way. We have so far and we will continue to do so. I'm certain of it. I'm sure things will calm down in the near future, but inevitably, the next crisis will come. We will pay attention to that for a bit as the news cover it, but when the next catastrophe rolls around, we will forget about it again. It's an endless cycle. We tend to pay more attention to negative things because they make better headlines. Minor, good things always happen around us but we ignore them, because we've grown accustomed to them. Humans remember the one bad day, never the 20 good days we had before it. As long as you remember that, you won't lose hope. There is a saying that I like: "If you can't see the good, be the good." I hope that cheers you up a bit. And no matter how bad things get, you can turn things around as long as you don't give up. Sometimes, it's difficult to believe, but it's true. Merry Christmas, Johnny.
@JoaoGuilherme-hp6zs 5 месяцев назад
@@Rebel_Rewrite whow thanks about that line
@Rebel_Rewrite 5 месяцев назад
Hey Johnny, I just wanted to wish you a happy new year, all the best for the future, and say thank you for always commenting on my videos. Did you have any favorite movie this year? Mine would be Dungeons and Dragons and the Super Mario Bros. Movie. I enjoyed those two the most. FNAF, last voyage of the Demeter, and Guardians of the Galaxy were pretty enjoyable as well. But I personally thought this year didn't have many outstanding or memorable movies. Transformers was the let down of the year for me. Do you have any movies that you're looking forward to seeing in 2024? I don't really have any besides maybe Kraven and Madame Web. I'm curious to see if Sony can get its Spider-Man villainverse off the ground with this two or if it's headed in the same direction as the MCU and DCEU. Anyway, thanks again and I'm hoping to hear from you in 2024 again.