Logan Noh
Logan Noh
Logan Noh
Young Prince
10 лет назад
Ozzy's Workout
11 лет назад
Pop Art
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Cute Puppy
11 лет назад
Beach Life
11 лет назад
Pour It Up
11 лет назад
Guns & Paint
11 лет назад
2012 Olympics
12 лет назад
12 лет назад
12 лет назад
Possessed By A Bear
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13 лет назад
13 лет назад
River Phoenix - Forever Young
13 лет назад
River Phoenix
13 лет назад
Broken Perceptions
14 лет назад
14 лет назад
Mr. Ferrai's Trip To L.A.
15 лет назад
15 лет назад
Not So Sweet 16
15 лет назад
Funny Commercials
15 лет назад
@rococo9342 23 дня назад
@ericpeterson6766 2 года назад
he never died...
@sunshineday166 2 года назад
River was so great in acting & life. He is deeply missed by me. I don't think he made a bad movie, at least to me. Love & miss you RIVER. RIP These days there are no actors that stand up 2 Rivers abilities.
@judytripp2914 2 года назад
River ,it's been 28 years today since you had to leave... May God bless and keep you ...😻🌝🌞🧡🖤🙏🎃🎃🎃🎃♥️🤗🤩😍🥰😘💯💋😇💘
@Leon-py2dc 3 года назад
I'm crying 😭
@trollme8646 3 года назад
I wish i could mount him
@judytripp2914 3 года назад
I see him as forever Young! But Rod Stewart version! I loved him since 91,when I was 6! He was the MOST BEAUTIFUL man I had EVER seen!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🧸💯
@heekyungkim8147 3 года назад
I remember crying when i heard the news about his death….
@soniso.l9365 3 года назад
¡Dios Mio! Esto llamó mi atención. En esos momentos en que murió River, los noticieros AUN colocaban: " Misteriosa muerte". Es que la mayoría de gente pensaba eso, que todo lo que ocurrió no estaba del todo claro, y yo también creo que fué así. Hubo muchas personas (testigos) en Viper Room esa noche y como no dieron su versión de lo que realmente hizo River esa noche y que hicieron las personas que estuvieron a su lado en ese momento; no salió nada en los diarios ésos días, ¿Porqué? se callaron, esos conocidos a qué le tenían miedo, no querían escándalo ¿porque éran famosos? Ahora, después de décadas, sólo recuerdan a River como que oficialmente murió de sobredosis, y nada más, sin toda la "historia completa".River cometió errores y excesos, sí, pero el no se suicidó, no quería morir, ni fué el único responsable de lo que se bebió esa noche, él tuvo responsabilidad, pero el que le dió ese cocktail excesivo, también lo tiene, y lo sabe en su conciencia, por algo salió corriendo ésa noche de la tragedia a encerrarse en su departamento por días, aterrorizado, con un Jhonny Depp, indiferente ante la muerte de River, a consolar al asustado responsable ( en parte) asegurándole que no iría a la cárcel, ¿porqué hace eso?, El que nada debe, nada teme, ó ¿si debe? Pero Dios todo lo ve, tal vez "algún día" se sabrá todo...Tal vez... lo bueno y lo malo que hicieron los más cercanos a la tragedia de ésa noche. RIVER PHOENIX, EL CHICO DORADO DE HOLLYWOOD ...LA PROMESA QUE HOLLYWOOD NUNCA CUMPLIO..EL MUNDO TUVO UN CRUSH CON RIVER PHOENIX... Esas frases aprietan mi corazón mucho cuando las escucho. Descansa en paz River, como ser humano, eras de los mejores, y eso es lo que importa, sin errores no seríamos humanos, eras un hombre con alma, honesto y auténtico y eso es escaso ahora.
@user-iy1rk1nr2b 3 года назад
Всегда молодой... ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
@deliacruz3033 3 года назад
Esto me hace llorar, como lo amo😿💔
@carmentaborda971 3 года назад
yo estoy igual...💔
@katherinenowicki4783 3 года назад
River rote a massige to me he a live and he well please people stop hating him saying nasty thangs a bout him I meet he a nice man
@catloveme3206 3 года назад
Rest in peace River 🌈
@nevaeh9420 3 года назад
@Ixkeixjneif 3 года назад
So painful... love you River
@propagandize9836 3 года назад
Raul Julia and River Phoenix both appeared on the Phill Donahue Show talking about vaccines etc. Both ended up dying 12 months apart and River had no trace marks on his arms. Makes you think...
@Iceis_Phoenix 3 года назад
He was murdered John Frushiante gave him lethal drink and never called 911
@user-iy1rk1nr2b 4 года назад
Талантливый актер, яркая личность, обаятельный человек... Любим и помним Ривера!
@danielstanco846 4 года назад
"I will never get out of here." 😢😞😞
@oopsdidntmeanto9203 4 года назад
This ain’t Logan
@grissellpz.santana1218 4 года назад
Message from River Phoenix! 135. (River Phoenix speaking:) I was so free! I was so happy! The wind was blowing through my hair, the sand was warm under my feet. The sun was beaming down upon my face, warm and tender, caressing me so softly like the hands of my mother. I danced and played with my sister, Rain. We were so happy. We were so free! My family was so happy! We didn't have many cares or worries; all we cared about was singing. We traveled and we met so many people and we were so happy and free. 136. It was the Children of God. You've heard of them by name, that crazy bunch of "Jesus Freaks" who traveled the world over telling everybody they met about Jesus, singing on the streets and always witnessing, always smiling and laughing. They were so crazy! They were so wild! People thought they were out of their minds, but they were free and they were happy. Those were my parents; they were hippies, they were "Jesus Freaks." But oh, how they loved Jesus! Oh, how they loved me and my sister! 137. We were like Gypsies. We traveled, we had hardly any belongings--I just had one little suitcase--but we had so much joy! We had so much peace. I knew my dad and my mom loved each other, and they loved me, and I loved Jesus. I loved singing and playing the guitar. I spoke Spanish, and I sang in Spanish, and the people were so sweet to us. They were kind and they helped us, and they gave us money when we needed it, because we were like beggars for Jesus. We didn't have anything. The only thing we had was the truth that we gave to people freely, so they gave us everything we needed. What a life! What a happy childhood! My parents were so good to me. They gave me so much love; they taught me so much. 138. But then we came back to America. We came back to America from South America, and it made such a difference in our lives! Pretty soon we weren't happy any more, we weren't free, we weren't traveling around, and we had lots of stuff. We had lots of things bogging us down and we weren't telling people about Jesus any more. 139. But God had given me talents to sing and dance, and I wanted to do something exciting! I wanted to do something with my time. I loved to be with people and talk to people and I had so much energy! I didn't want to just sit around and do the things that other little kids did. I wanted to reach out and break out and be free and do something and be somebody! I wanted to make a name for myself. I wanted to be famous! I was good. I knew I was good! I knew people were attracted to me and I had some kind of power. When I sang, people looked at me. I wanted to do something great! 140. Well, you know what I did with my life. You saw what I did with my life. It didn't take long before my mind was confused and the deceitfulness of riches pulled on me and weighed on me, and I couldn't give the message I wanted to give. I couldn't talk about the things I wanted to talk about. I couldn't be free and loving and sexy. I had to be hard and cruel. I had to be tough and mean. I had to be a smart guy. If I wanted to make it, I had to do it their way. I couldn't do it my way. I had to do what they told me to do. I had to say the things they told me to say, and be the way they wanted me to be. And because I wanted to make it, I did it their way. 141. I did what they wanted me to do. I played the roles they wanted me to play. And it worked. People started to notice me. People started to look at me and recognize me, and I really liked that. It made me feel like I was somebody. It made me feel like I was hot stuff, like I was a real stud and that all the girls wanted me. Everybody wanted to go to bed with me. Everybody wanted to be around me and be seen with me. It was pretty cool. 142. But I had to work hard to keep it up. I had to work so hard, because my life wasn't my own. I couldn't just go where I wanted to go and have the friends I wanted to have. I found that inside I was dying. My heart was dying. My heart was crying. So many times I was alone and I cried. I cried so many tears. I had so much, and everybody knew me and everybody wanted to be with me, but how many people really loved me? And how could I find that freedom that I once had, but had lost? How could I recapture that free spirit? How could I return to those warm sands and feel the wind blow through my hair and the sun soft on my face? How could I find the tenderness of love that I once had? 143. I was sick, sick inside. My heart was aching and broken. My life became so boring! Everything was work, nothing was fun. I had so much but I had so little! Isn't it strange that somebody can have everything and at the same time not have anything? Isn't it strange that somebody could be rich and yet be so poor? Or be so famous and yet nobody understands or knows him? That was me. 144. They pushed me and pushed me. They didn't want me to be free. They didn't want me to talk about love. They didn't want me to talk about God or Jesus or freedom or life or anything that really mattered. They only wanted me to talk about violence and horror and ugly sex and rebelliousness. I understand it now that I've come here. It's because so many people were watching me and following me, and they didn't want me to lead all those people to the truth, to light and joy and beauty and love. So they strangled me. They strangled the very life out of me! They smothered the love that I had. They took away the peace that I had. They took away the drive and the excitement for living that I had, and then they pushed me and drove me. They made me what they wanted me to be. I was a product of society. I was a product of Hollywood.* I was hardly a person. I was an object, I was an idol, I was a commodity, I was something they owned and used. *(Compared to other commercial stars of his day, River was considered by many to be somewhat of an "outsider" to Hollywood and untainted by its influence. However, when compared with the idealism, aspirations and freedom of his younger years, he apparently saw himself as having become a tool of the movie industry.) 145. Then they wanted to use me to terrify the little children. They wanted to use me for the Devil.* They wanted to use me as an instrument of hate and fear and darkness. But I couldn't do it, I couldn't go that far. That was too far. Inside I knew it was wrong. Inside I knew it was ugly and evil. It was sick! I couldn't stand what I had sunk to. I couldn't stand to live with myself. *(River seems to be referring here to plans for him to star as the interviewer in the 1994 horror film Interview with the Vampire. He died before filming began.) 146. Once I had everything: I had love, I had freedom, I had Jesus' Love so strong in my heart. I was a child of love, I was born to be free like the wind. I was born to live on the sand and run free as one of Jesus' love babies! But I had lost all that and I couldn't stand it, I couldn't bear it! I couldn't bear the emptiness. I couldn't bear how they used me and manipulated me. I couldn't bear how they wanted to use me to lead so many little ones astray--to teach children to fear and to hate and to desire the darkness. 147. So I ended it all. I finished it! I had to get out. I had to get away. Such vanity! Such emptiness! So evil! Such wicked people! They hate the children. They're trying to destroy all that's good. I couldn't stand to be a part of it any more, so I ended it all. 148. The most amazing thing is that finally I'm free again! Finally I'm a free child of love! Finally I have that love, that peace! I feel the sun on my face again. I'm free like the wind. And Jesus, He's real! He's powerful! He's the King! He's the one that rules the universe. He's the one who knows about love. Everything else you see is a joke, it's a game, it's false, it's a lie. The things that you don't see, that's where you'll find the truth; the things that you can't buy with money. 149. Nobody else can give you what Jesus gives you! Nobody else can take away the darkness like Jesus does. Nobody else can love you like Jesus does. No matter how good you've got it, or how bad you've got it, it doesn't matter, either way you need Jesus! He knows you, He loves you, and He wants you as His own. 150. Can't you see that the rest is all worthless? Can't you see that it's going nowhere? Can't you see that there's no end, there's no hope in sight? You're not free. You're a slave just like I was. 151. But you don't have to end it all. You don't have to go out like a coward, like I did. You can find the answer, you can find what you need. It's in Him! It's in Jesus, believe it or not! I know it's the furthest thing from your mind. But take Him! 152. No matter how bad you've been, no matter what you've done, He loves you. I know His Love is forever, because when I saw Him face to face, He loved me and He forgave me. He called me His own and He brought me into a beautiful Kingdom, a beautiful Paradise. It's so much more than I ever deserved, so much more than I ever expected, so much more beautiful than anything I ever saw on Earth. 153. If there's anything I want you to know, it's that He's real, and He's the only way you're ever going to be free! Don't tune me out. Don't blow me off, because I'm telling you the truth. I'm telling you as one who knows. I've seen Him and I know He's real and He loves me and He loves you. Don't pass up your chance. * * *
@Iceis_Phoenix 3 года назад
He wasn't a coward he was murdered via lethal drink at the VIPER ROOM nightclub. John Frusciante gave him a lethal drink River asked what was in it after he drank it and began to get sick abd seizure. John bailed and never called 911. John Depp kicked him to a cold sidewalk curb outside and never called 911 either. Both need PUNISHMENT. It was MURDER.
@Iceis_Phoenix 3 года назад
Ps. EVERYTHING you said about Jesus was beautiful ✝
@feliciagregory2531 4 года назад
@guadalupesosa. 4 года назад
@riverphoenixelmejoractorde5196 4 года назад
Love river Phoenix ❤️😍😘💯💟💗
@user-iq5ty1gp2h 4 года назад
River is genius......Forever Young...
@user-iq5ty1gp2h 3 года назад
Heath Ledger,James Dean...Forever in my mind....😞
@PaulybiGGballZ0820 4 года назад
This guy would have been a bigger star than anyone there is today
@lozanphoenix5096 5 лет назад
This made me cry, very hard especially the beginning, I could not imagine turning my tv on to those horrible and heartbreaking news, god knew I could not have handled it, I would’ve probably killed myself man, river you are the most special person in my life and you will forever be, I look for you in everyone I meet, I’m truly in love with every little detail about you, I think of you every second of every day, if You only knew how much you mean to me and so many others beautiful human beings, you inspire me everyday and I could not have asked for a better person to look up to, you are truly the best, your vulnerability and sweetness will forever be missed, you are in my heart forever and always, my dearest purest and loveliest riv, I love you from the very bottom of my heart. A heart so big, god wouldn’t let it live.L❤️
@emmahancock8911 5 лет назад
Has anyone wondered if there was foul play involved in Rivers death? He renounced drugs awhile before his death, specifically some of the drugs found in his system. It makes me wonder and worry
@SanzAMV7 4 года назад
@Iceis_Phoenix 3 года назад
He was murders via lethal drink. Illuminati puppets John Frusciante and Johnny Depp have Rivers blood on their hands.
@robertpinto9217 5 лет назад
What a shame. River you were the leader of the pack. If you were alive today your legacy would be beyond outstanding. You were a vegan since you were very young and you cared about animals and the earth. What a loss for this planet.
@robertpinto9217 5 лет назад
I only say that because I was watching his movies intently and there are so many similariti3s between us. Even gentically, we have the same hairline, ears, eyes, and hair. We look alike and we have the same mannerisms. I don't know for sure...
@doesanyonecare7845 5 лет назад
He is so hot and cute at the same time... sadly he's not here anymore...
@ludelirius1911 5 лет назад
My beautiful baby, rest in peace my love 😢😢💔💔😇😇
@Iceis_Phoenix 5 лет назад
Rest in peace angel 🌻🖤🌻
@robertpinto9217 5 лет назад
Something kind of strange about him and me. We both have the same initials. We both have the same mannerisms. We even look alike. He died on October 31st 1993. I was born April 1st 1994. I have been told by people including family that I look like him. Years ago, I almost died on Halloween. River Phoenix was a brilliant actor. I've been privileged to watch several of his films. God Bless you, River Phoenix.
@dawudyelton1392 5 лет назад
river's death is the model of what not to do, (at many recovery meetings and talks), his last night is looked into, on how easy u can mix certain chemicals and the possible outcome, even in death river's life can (and is) a model to help many recover or at least stop for a sec, and reflect on; may the Most High forgive us all our shortcomings and grant us mercy on the Day of Judgement...ameen(amen)
@Iceis_Phoenix 3 года назад
He was murdered.
@claudelamballe6097 5 лет назад
So Sad
@naodesista7019 5 лет назад
tão talentoso e se foi tão jovem , fico imaginando se ele estivesse vivo como ele estaria hoje .
@iswiftie 5 лет назад
Forever River 💐💕
@morimotoemily2511 6 лет назад
river, forever young with your great films...
@momomomo-go8ml 6 лет назад
この時私はまだ生まれていなかったけど、もし私が既に生まれていて、彼にハマっている最中だったら、このニュースは本当に辛すぎる。ある意味リアルタイムじゃなくて良かったのかもしれないけど、切実に生きていて欲しかった。 でも、リヴァーフェニックスは本当に魅力的で永遠に大好きな俳優。
@user-cy7mq5dk1o 6 лет назад
R.I.P ริเวอร์
@nickiflowers753 6 лет назад
You will always be forever young! Rip. River.💋
@nickiflowers753 6 лет назад
Beautiful name beautiful guy. Rip. River Phionix.
@Iceis_Phoenix 3 года назад
I miss him deeply 😢
@mikaelancholy 6 лет назад
The ending... :(
@carlyg158 6 лет назад
@LARyder55 6 лет назад
Chills...He was such a talented guy...would've blown away any actor today...... : (
@brittaniawilliams7340 6 лет назад
I'm literally crying right now😥😥
@NatMustaine 6 лет назад
Rest forever baby
@rosimeridasilva7836 7 лет назад
And very sad.He lived so little.He was such a good boy, he deserved have lived more. Really he will be forever young.
@fluchtwagenfahrerin24 7 лет назад
That's so weird to think that River died when I was 1 year old and now I am older than he ever got the chance to be...
@blairknight8615 23 дня назад
i just turned 41 and i am older than he ever got to be also. life is so unfair. he died when i was 9
@ANameofMineAintaName 7 лет назад
i'm proud to say that this world was very lucky to had once a creature like River Phoenix.. 💜