Catholic Dad
Catholic Dad
Catholic Dad
A video collection of my thoughts as a gift for my children.
Don’t Be A Simp 462.
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March 25, 2023
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March 25, 2023
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March 25, 2023
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March 25, 2023
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March 25, 2023
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March 17, 2023
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What Does Religion Do For You?  460.
2 года назад
Are You A Nazi?  458
2 года назад
The Bible Alone 457.
2 года назад
The Big Lie 456.
2 года назад
Men Need Women…455.
2 года назад
Mommy Porn 454.
2 года назад
The pedestalization of Woman 453.
2 года назад
Rootin For Putin 451.
2 года назад
Sperm and a Wallet 450.
2 года назад
Strong Men Bring Good Times 449.
2 года назад
Psychology of Totalitarianism 448.
2 года назад
Natural Family Planning 447.
2 года назад
Galileo and Facemasks 446.
2 года назад
Humility and Contraception 445.
2 года назад
Awaken With JP on Abortion 443.
2 года назад
Machiavellian Fauci 442.
2 года назад
The Confessional and Idealists 441.
2 года назад
The Pieta 440.
2 года назад
@hagen4264 7 дней назад
Thank you for sharing this, I love every bit of it !
@kenparkhurst Месяц назад
Good points. I had actually never heard that NFP is only for serious reasons. Personally I think NFP really misses the point. The issue is not how we contraception or how we avoid having children. The real issue is why we don’t want to have children in the first place. Why is it not widely understood and taught that children are a blessing from God. That having and raising children is a beautiful gift that our loving Father has given humanity that we may share in His act of creation. Every human bears the image of God and every time we procreate we are reproducing His image and magnifying His glory. What more beautiful thing could a person do than this? I am so tired of Catholic clergy alike acting as if God is some kind of tyrant. Don’t do this and don’t do that, rather than a loving father who gives us beautiful opportunities to live a fruitful and abundant life according to His will.
@vbottoni 4 месяца назад
@godfirst2072 6 месяцев назад
Sounds like my husband
@user10cool 6 месяцев назад
CD, hope you start this channel back up again!
@alexhurtado4708 7 месяцев назад
Great to hear from a fellow Catholic 🙏
@userPs91victory 10 месяцев назад
👍🏽👏🏽protect your waist!
@goodenufgaming4266 10 месяцев назад
Get a belt
@S4LT3DD 10 месяцев назад
I know. I. Also know u completed it in traditional whitesock dadstyle, good job
@zoomingzoomi2486 10 месяцев назад
keep going
@catholicdad876 10 месяцев назад
I’ll keep trying
@KaanEsenkurt56 11 месяцев назад
Thank you man this helped 🙏🏻
@JanHubacek89 Год назад
Hi CD, I just want to express my gratitude for your channel. You truly inspire others! I'm curious if you've made a decision to conclude the channel or if you're simply taking a break? Thanks a lot for your hard work, and I hope everything goes well. Greetings from the Czech Republic! Jan
@be434 Год назад
Nice 💜🌝
@jaredbottoms889 Год назад
What do you think about the Catechism affirming the temperate use of tobacco but forbidding the use of anything that causes grave damage to one's health?
@melissawaggoner7509 Год назад
Why don’t men want to love and support women and children without sex? Why do they only joyfully do it if they are receiving satisfying sex?
@melissawaggoner7509 Год назад
Men love “their” women?
@GabrielDixonRibeiro Год назад
Amen brother, the world need more people like you, God bless.
@stldrew6810 Год назад
So now that the mainstream Catholic Church has gone woke, is it safe to say the Traditional catholic movement is just Authentic Catholicism?
@scotthoog3484 Год назад
stp nice
@scotthoog3484 Год назад
how fun awsome to see thanks for sharing
@Resource777 Год назад
Name of game?
@petertipster7800 Год назад
Dare we hope for the return of Catholic dad?
@jocampos7002 Год назад
I believe in God, indeed I do, and I know my faith has been growing a lot. I know only I can solve this problem, and I dont want to have my vision blurry... Soo I decided to have 2 weeks break from they bough. I'll put things this way, the first girl, I have been with her for 5 years, almost 6. She has vallues, a father figure, and catholic, always ready to help others. But I guess I started losing my interess in her because I was second guessing if she was/is the girl for me. Yes, she is consistent, she helps, and have only slept with me. But there is another side, were I got really disturbed. She has some ego problems -like the truth/logic is on her face, in a clear way, and she is soo proud... Keeps denying... She has entitlement issues... And the thing its a great issue, is the lack of critical thinking... I dont know I feel that I cherish her, I like her, but I dont know... her parents have spoiled her very much, Im not sure if even I like her, and we have a strong bond, if she has the capacities for a marriage, in terms of living a real life... Sometimes she gets hostile, and say passive agressive things to try to hurt me... soft.. But Its not nice...I am afraid that her ego issues, a litle entitulement, a bit lack of understanding others point of views, and her "princess" lifestyle may be a problem in the future. Sometimes I feel like its acting, or not 100% deep.. And the fact we sin easylly, And that is my fault too.. I mean, you must know how to clean, raise children, be smart, and feel faith We also have sexual sined for a lot of years.. And This is on me, but I cant or have extreme dificulties "controling my lust around" her Its a "At least we are in a relationship", "When we get marry it will stop be a sin" mentality I mean she is catholic but I dont know how to say, but sometimes I feel like she lacks some intelectual and deepness in some ways... But for real, she has values, understands (or makes me believe) that sex is not for any person, she cherish her intimacy, but its superficial in some ways... It the past she had showed some issues I trully didnt like, Ego problems, superficiality, some arrogance, two faces when we were with her family or friends... Sometimes I fear that I may have created a bound with a girl I should not And I gave her time because of that, but, even she is not super hot, she only slept with me, shes caring in her way, and has strong values... But somethings she doesnt have personal opinion? I feel like its missing critical thinking, and empathy in some ways... But she is resilient, and consistent, and dont let go easy. The second girl, I have met her while working. To be honest, I was tired of my ex girlfriend ego issues, that lead to strong fights, for stupid things.. And I swear that I have tried to stop looking at this other girl, trying to stop conecting to her... But as things went wrong my ex girlfriend, things were going fine with this other girl I respected the fact that she was working, she liked psycology, she was simple, always ready to help, sweet and nice in many ways. I tried not to, but indeed she melted my heart in some ways. Than, I found out she smoked weed, drinked badly, believed in astrology, piercings... welll, I did not judge her, because I have been there too... I had my past where I smoked, and grown a lot of weed, and got drunk sometimes, I had my past were I could not sense God. And was suposelly and atheist... But thanks to God I found my way out. And I wanted the best for her. Recue her in some ways. Some things were smart, intelectual, easy going. Others I was a little bit riscky and imprudent. For example, I was not even smoking, but I did one thing for her. I would smoke with her, if she promissed that we would not smoke for a week.Then I would smoke with her, then we do not smoke for two weeks... Then we dont smoke for a month... Then two months... Then 4 months... And now? We dont even want to smoke. And we had the chance, we just putted that asside and pray. Thanks God. I feel like, with the help of God, and its mainly God, I dived in the ocean of her problems. Of her issues... I gave her flowers, on the first day by surprise, when she showed me her face for the first time with no piercings. For showing her that the way God naturally made her is the most beautifull.... I made her understand that astrology is deceiving, and dangerous, and that makes more sense to love and be guided by the creator of the stars, that be guided by the stars themselves. In the beggining, I was craving my sexual sins and so did she, we slept togetter, had lots of sex. THAT IS A PROBLEM. The only thing I regret. But then we got above that sin. For my surprise we did. I cherish our intelectual, loving, funny godly talks. She doesnt fit with the world either. Now she does not smoke, nothing, not even tobaco. Not getting drunk.. She is studying. She is following God. Goes to the church and prays. She stopped sleeping around and seems to have better bondaries. Understands sexuality.. No piercings... And I love to see her happy, healty, with a future. She quited her social midia, and Im gona be honest, I trully wish her the best. We are similar, I could say I love her in some ways. She is very smart, inteligent, nice to people, empath most of the times expecially with kids and the ones in need. I feel like she feels things in a deeper way. And I am not joking. I feel very very bad for her, because its not her fault her father is not in her life, and that she has a extreme selfish narcissitic manipulative mother, who even though ther spiritisms... Its not her fault that she ended up in the world getting used by guys, and having fisical, emotional and spiritual damages... Trying to fulffil her heart with lust, pleasure, bad companies, psychedelic trips... And I have been there too so I trully wanted to help her... I feel that she is similar to me... And we have a" push to the right way efect" on each other. Even sexually and that amazes me. Sometimes i feel I grow in faith with her, we even pray the rozary. But for real, I also feel I cant ignore the signs. -50/70 minimum people she has had sex with before at 22years old Huge mother issues -Not a father figure -Having lots of guy "friends" -porn -Drugs -alcool -Emotional instability, mood swings -tantrums, and Anger issues. Trully anger issues -Self harm, she cutted her self in the past, beated herself -Avoiding responsability -Sometimes, unespectes selfishness, she has some issues understanding other points of view Im not dumb. I cant spot all the Red flags. I can realise that I may be blind to the truth. And probably even I find her -inteligente -smart -deep talk -understanding -helper, knows how to clean, and economically responsable -likes to read I mean I like her very very much... But I feel like she may be to broken.. She may not trully pair bond... Psychological damages... Traumas... I dont want my kids to know her mother had sex with multiple partners, sometimes at the same time... She is similar to me, I dont judge her, I dont make her feel bad, but I cant ignore she had 50/70 minimum guys with her, and the damage that that type of promiscuity makes... Most of all, I am afraid that she is a temptation between me and my ex girl? She still loves me, but I know she is getting tired too... And she may not be that smart, that inteligent, and have problems but at least I never question her love, and I know she only had sex and trully bounded with me. I wonder what Jesus would tell me... "You are right, the first girl is materialistic, and those ego problems are gona ruin you, in the future, she needs to seek god and put in practice genuilly. You were young and rushed in sex and its a bound you should break. And keep with the ex sinner girl because now she is redeimed, she is new and the bond of love will be stronger. The ex sinner girl makes you grow with her more than the other you know that" "Keep the first girl, who trully loves you , and always have been there for you, love her, start chasity values, lead in a example of god, do the right thing for her, dont follow tempation, you are blinded by love and you have lust the sinner girl, watchout for not loosing the love of your life. Dont be fooled, even if she seem to have changed be prudent and love the one who was here before" "Leave them both, not good for you" "Leave them both, regret your sins, you dont deserve neither one of them." Sometimes I feel more like the last one... Because I was divided in my feelings and that is messed up I dont want my insecurities to make me believe she is dommed because of her past. That is not what Jesus would do. If I dont forgive others, how will he forgive me? I also grow and feel way saint around her. I dont want to keep a bond that may not be trully good for me, of my ex girlfriend. What does it matter if shes only slept with me, but follows the world and God in practice is not the first priority? Material world I dont want to be decceived and ignore the fact that this girl is too damaged, broken, god forgives but will she sin again? We all do fall, with all those serious issues i know its almost 100% sure Im gona get hurt. I dont want to have messed up my pair bonding with my ex, and ahe really is the love of my life I dont know what to do. I want to follow Gods will. God knows its true. I may sin, I may not be perfect, but i seek him and ask for forgiveness. I want to submit to God fully. I wish and trully think that may be one of these girls. And I am soo afraid of not understanding the signs, or interpret bad, or even that even God loves me Im a sinner not in grace and he wont show me the signs... But I think its more about I understanding them Of these girls, I would like to marry the one God trully has for me. I dont know what to do... Thanks for your time. God may bless you, greeting from Portugal
@pckrnrnck Год назад
wow man what a story. i’m 17 and just went through a mutual breakup with a girl, she is a lot like the first girl, i hope someone answers you so i can read it too
@arunjoseph7354 Год назад
Huge shameful man
@CatholicK5357 Год назад
Thank you. This is very helpful.
@habib9817 Год назад
Thank you very much for this, really helps me understand the male mind and female mind, I've never thought about these things in the way you described in the video.
@catholicdad876 Год назад
Thanks for kind comment. I hope it helps you.
@habib9817 Год назад
@@catholicdad876 Yessirr it sure did!
@thedon978 Год назад
Very sensible presentation on Freemasonry and the influence it has had on our Church. Thank you.
@Nunes.mp4 Год назад
In nowadays, the true church live again in the catacombs. The communist invasion of Catholic churches takes place here in Brazil. There are several communist friars even being elected to public positions. Gradually the truth is being exposed here, but there are actions by communists in congress censoring the propagation of information (One of the reasons why they want to overthrow our current president). Look up Liberation Theology, Ernesto Cardenal (from Nicaragua). Look for the video of Pope John Paul II scolding Ernesto Cardenal because John Paul II has always been against Liberation Theology (which is clearly a communist doctrine).
@dianeh5685 2 года назад
Thank you, From Sierra Vista, Az
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
Hello from Idaho
@catherinerichardson6753 2 года назад
Thank you, Catholic Dad, for your insight on today's Gospel reading. I have learnt more about my Catholic Faith through listening to Catholic podcasts over the past 2 years than I have in 50 years of listening to priests' homilies! God bless you and your family. JMJ
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
Me too. You’re the best. Pax.
@tarugardiner4287 2 года назад
Yes I am saying that people are responsible for division , The devil is real alright ! In your mind ! If you make it the devil you worship and want to be a bad horrible being then that's your choice , the devil or Satan is not a physical being standing on a mountain barking out orders with great big horns and a pitch fork ! The devil is a mental state of mind ! It's very hard in this system to avoid the temptation of the devil as it has been designed everywhere you look to fall into the hell realm , I'm not perfect by any mean , but I sure try to discern what is righteous and what is not . The devil has its place , but once too many people fall then everybody loses it becomes contagious , then you end up with a careless , negligent society that will destroy themselves and the world . Bless you ! May you walk in light and become awakened and help bring the world back on track for your children's sake if you have any , if not do it for your fellow brevtheren . Peace be with you .
@tarugardiner4287 2 года назад
Don't blame the Devil , Blame people.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
I’m not sure I understand. Are you saying the devil isn’t real? Are you you saying the devil doesn’t want us divided?
@contrasedevacantism6811 2 года назад
I think the version of sola scriptura you have in mind is held by very few protestants; which is why it should be termed "solus scriptra" vs sola scriptura, which admits the role of the church in handing on revelation. Dr. Bryan Cross of called to communion discusses the differences between the two. In either case, both versions are false for the sole reason that apostolic tradition and an infallible magisterium (in the apostles; Matt 16:18-19) preceded scripture. Apostolic Tradition is not merely the handing on of revelation, but also the definitive rulings of the apostles handed on orally. Suan Sonna wrote a good article on academia called The Biblical Case for an Infallible Magisterium.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
Thanks for the comment. I’ll look into it.
@perpetuasmith7912 2 года назад
Such a great topic. In Martin Scorsese's film, 'Silence', the Japanese had very little access to biblical materials and mass yet they willingly laid their lives down for the faith. Maybe they didn't completely understand the logistics of Christianity but they did truly love Christianity.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
I have never seen it, but I’ll look into it. It sounds like a good lead. Thanks for the comment.
@perpetuasmith7912 2 года назад
This was very inspiring. Is it possible if you can make a video of young Catholics getting married in college?
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
My oldest son got married in college and had a baby. I’ll do some thinking. Thanks for the comment
@phoebedigs1356 2 года назад
Thank God for brave men like you. We need truth so badly in these crazy times. God Bless
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
Thanks for the comment. Please share with young unmarried adults. I wish I knew this stuff earlier.
@phoebedigs1356 2 года назад
@@catholicdad876 oh I will, I’ve been married 40 years and nobody ever told me this when I was first married. Even in marriage prep class.
@colettedonaghy3461 2 года назад
Yesss. I agree with you completely Thank God for your truth and honesty I am divorced and have 3 grown sons I didn’t want this divorce it nearly took my life and was horrible for the children Thanks to prayer and the sacraments I was able to find peace again The sons are mostly doing well and they stay in touch with him and 1 son lives with me He suffers from depression and anxiety---can you please say a prayer for Edmund to get well and get back to mass etc. Sorry for the long text God bless you and your family Yes we need to pray pray pray.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
I will put Edmund in our Rosary. Tell him that the principle way to cure depression in a young man is to do something difficult. Perhaps take a really hard laboring job, or start a weightlifting program. It does wonders for male psychology. Thanks for the comment. It inspires me.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
Thanks for the comment
@phoebedigs1356 2 года назад
I got married when I turned 20. All my Aunt tried to talk me into waiting. They said we needed to wait. Well, I’m so happy we didn’t listen to them. Celebrated my 40th anniversary this year. Thank you for this video. God Bless🙏🏻
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
The same thing happened to me. Just had my 24th, and I have 9 children. If I listened to all the advice, I’m sure I would have less kiddos. Plus, something about long marriages and families that inspire the world. Chesterton said that the most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.
@user10cool 2 года назад
This was a good one.
@livelikeidaho8171 2 года назад
This was an exceptional episode.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
Thank you. I think it just makes too much sense.
@livelikeidaho8171 2 года назад
This was an exceptional episode.
@contrasedevacantism6811 2 года назад
So you’re telling me.. a man has to put himself into an early grave just to please his ungrateful wife? What people need to do is repent of their disordered desires. The focus should be to be growing in virtue and raising godly children; not using the other for some utilitarian gain.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
I suppose that is one way to think of it. Another way would be, work hard and provide for the family and find joy in work. Most industrious people don’t die young. Also, I wouldn’t call the nature of women as ungrateful. Probably better to call most men lazy. One begets the other, I suppose.
@contrasedevacantism6811 2 года назад
@@catholicdad876 The focus of the video was material success, not spiritual excellence. Most women could care less about the latter, which already shows their desires are not properly ordered. It's been statistically proven that men live on average 2 years less than women; in part due to the fact that they have to work harder. Most women's goal is not to raise godly children or helping their spouses grow in virtue; marriage for them is primarily a self-serving enterprise. Not to say that men are entirely perfect in this regard either; but on average there are more virtuous men than women.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
I’m not sure I can agree with there being more virtuous men than women. Women have a burden of psychology that links there life with the survival of infants. If their reproductive imperative isn’t met, then it creates problems for them. Then then have the problem with infant survival. This takes a lot of resources which can not reasonably be procured by the mother. Therefore, they need a man to fulfill that duty. That is a cross of toil with sweat and tears. Women and men have different responsibilities. Sometimes our failures manifest themselves more obviously to others. Like Adam and Eve, men tend to abrogate their responsibility and women tend to control too much. We need each other to temporize these temptations. Both need to seek virtue. BTW, my opinion is that a failed woman with regards to virtue usually lies at the feet of her husband. He needs to protect her spiritual life from the temptation of control and excess. Just a thought.
@contrasedevacantism6811 2 года назад
@@catholicdad876 this is where I would differ. In the discernment of a potential spouse, men are more inclined (especially those who have more experience in this regard) with morally sound and integral women; whereas women seek primarily social status, etc. So in that sense, men are definitely more virtuous, or least have an appreciation more for moral goodness than women.
@anthonycovarrubias1451 2 года назад
This is very true. I gave a talk on the topic of chastity to a young adult group, and this is something I discussed (NFP and the Conjugal Right). The Catholic Church has always taught that you need grave reason for using NFP, and the vast majority of Catholics should avoid it altogether. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-2g8aUEpCr7k.html
@user10cool 2 года назад
I'd never heard the argument that it disrupts spousal union to abstain from the marital act when we want to engage in it, and engage in it when we don't have the desire. Spelled out like that, it seems like such an obvious recipe for disharmony and dissatisfaction. I love these videos.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
Hey, thanks for the kind words. All passions can be destructive unless directed towards the good. Passions of the flesh directed at the spouse brings holiness. Directed elsewhere, not so much. When a spouse denies the other spouse, those passions go elsewhere. They don’t cease to exist.
@user10cool 2 года назад
Insightful video as always
@Pure_Copium 2 года назад
The Russian people won't tolerate the war on family? The Russian state is the world champion of in abortion and AIDS, not a champion of Christian values. A similar "not my issue" attitude was held by many westerners during collapse of Yugoslavia, weapons embargoes were set, which meant that only Serb forces, supplied by the Yugoslav Red Army had access to large quantity of modern weapons, equipment and ammunition. The camps set up by these forces were disregarded, despite clear evidence, and are disregarded by people both left and right to this day. This train of thought ultimately lead to Srebrenica, a genocidal massacre so clear that the majority of the West was unable to turn a blind eye to it. There is a war against family lead in Ukraine right now, but it isn't lead by degenerate culture. It is lead by bullets which kill men who fight for their homes, by tanks which trample over their wives and by shells which shread their children to pieces.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
Thanks the comment. I think you prove my point. I have no idea who to believe. You speak with passion, is it worth the blood of my fellow countrymen? I suspect not. What happens in Ukraine is a problem for the Ukrainians and the European people. America was made great by keeping out of the corrupt dealings of foreign powers. This is how she became great. There are atrocities everywhere. We have 60 million dead babies in this country. I would rather fight that war. Ukraine and Russia in Europe with their pompous elite bastards can fight themselves. My children won’t die for that cause.
@Pure_Copium 2 года назад
@@catholicdad876 The idea of America going into an open conflict with another nuclear power is dubious at best, if not completley absurd. Sending supplies to Ukraine is not the cause of the current financial crisis. Besides, since when did America become great by keeping out of dealings of foreign powers? Have the wars of last century already been forgotten by the people of the United States? Doesn't the very title of the worlds leading superpower, wich America holds, depend on it's involvments in both the World Wars and in the Cold War? Indeed, America at it's greatest was not a timid observer while her sibling nations were being bled dry by godless tyrants and warlords, America was at her greatest when she stood up to those who slaughter their brethren without shame or fear of God.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
Your history is incorrect. America stayed out of foreign entanglements from her founding until the end of WWI. Even at that time, we allowed Europe to destroy herself before we entered. Our negotiated peace brought Hitler. We again allowed Europe to destroy herself again before we entered. Then we gave the spoils of war, half of Europe, to the Soviets. America is at her best when she stays out of foreign conflict and cares for her own citizens. Because we ignored the warning of Washington to stay out of foreign entanglements, I think that is why we are witnessing the death of our nation. The world will always be war hungry. Free people should avoid it at all costs.
@Pure_Copium 2 года назад
@@catholicdad876 Again, Americas dominance in the west (and to a large extenct, the rest of the world) was always predicated on it's support of it's allies. America didn't "give" half of Europe to the Soviets, they took it, because America hadn't acted fast enough. WW2 and rise of fascism weren't primarily caused by the peace agreements after WW1, but by the death and destruction brought by the war itself, the war which was only prolounged by the absence of America. America isn't great because it stood by as her brothers died, but because at a certain point, sooner or later, she intervined. Finally, last I checked, there were no American troops bleeding for Ukraine.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
Give it time. Also, our dollar is being looted by the war lords. Our poor are suffering for the folly of the new world order.
@jonathantinnely5107 2 года назад
A utilitarian view of humanity is not accurate. We need a biblically balanced view of marriage. Eve was created to be a companion and the marriage exists for mutual support. People seems to have a tendency to degrade the role of their spouses.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
Of course you are correct. I speak in hyperbole. The fact of the matter is, every spouse is a sinner in a fallen world. If someone brings heavenly expectations into marriage, he/she will be disappointed.
@nathandail1662 2 года назад
You can’t have a biblically balanced view of marriage without it being grounded on a realistic understanding of human nature. Otherwise you’re just naive and will become embittered and resentful at the nature of reality.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
My wife pointed out that CS Lewis wrote The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Sorry. I misspoke, and I don’t read fiction.
@catherinerichardson6753 2 года назад
Thank you, Catholic Dad, for this deep insight. You know, it's the only explanation that I've heard that could actually she'd some light on the absolute madness that we have in society at this s time, particularly after the overturning of Roe v Wade. Thank you for your past reflections. God bless you.
@catholicdad876 2 года назад
Wow. Thank you for the comment. When we ignore our nature…our culture is imperiled. How could we deny our reproductive imperative? It’s almost is if we lost our humanity.