Alfurqan Islamic Centre Manchester
Alfurqan Islamic Centre Manchester
Alfurqan Islamic Centre Manchester
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@coding_akhi 18 часов назад
@coding_akhi 17 часов назад
@coding_akhi 16 часов назад
@Muslimah2107 20 часов назад
@Muslimah2107 20 часов назад
@tryingto7 20 часов назад
mashaaAllah what a beautiful lecturer, thanks to allah, to alfurqan islamic centre, and to ustadh yahya raabiy, may allah blessed us all.
@Ali19993 День назад
هذا تمطيط وتنطع لا داعي له في تلاوة كتاب الله الذي أنزله الله للهداية وليس للإطراب… نبينا عليه الصلاة والسلام وصحابته لم يكونوا يتلون القرآن بالمقامات الموسيقية… انق الله يا باكير… Mannerism and prolonging ahkam attajweed only to fit the maqam (musical maqam)… Our prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, did not recite the Quran with the maqamat… So why should we??!!!! Some scholars gave fatwa that reciting Quran with maqamat is HARAM… Fear Allah Bakeer!!! Stop singing the Quran like a song. It’s sickening!
@mohsinsharif8065 День назад
Jaza Kal Allah khair Ustad. Today i completed this series and with no doubt i must say i have never imagined this series would have such an impact on my life. I love ustad for the sake of Allah, one day In Shaa Allah i would love to meet him in person and thank him for teaching me the beautiful names of Allah.
@herbiologyclass6833 День назад
Dua for guidance. Yaa Muqallibul quloobo thabbit qalbi ala deenik. O turner of hearts ,keep my heart firm on your deen.
@abel-pw3dk День назад
Allahumme barik
@aisham1057 День назад
‏جزاك الله خير*
@aisham1057 День назад
Excellent Session!💙 جزاك الله يا أستاذ very beneficial knowledge that we all can use in our daily lives! May الله give us the ability to implement what was said here today by HIS mercy🤲🏽 اللهم آمين
@user-kq1gk6bw8f День назад
احنا اخواتكم ندائي إلي كل مسلم قال عزوجل (قُلْ إِنَّ رَبِّي يَبْسُطُ الرِّزْقَ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ وَيَقْدِرُ لَهُ وَمَا أَنْفَقْتُمْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ فَهُوَ يُخْلِفُهُ وَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ) وقال النبى ﷺ(ما نقص مال من صدقة ) رواه مسلم وقال ﷺ ( أنفق يابن آدم ينفق الله عليك) متفق عليه وقال ﷺ:( مَا مِنْ يَوْمٍ يُصبِحُ العِبادُفِيهِ إِلَّا مَلَكَانِ يَنْزِلانِ، فَيَقُولُ أَحَدُهُمَا: اللَّهُمَّ أَعْطِ مُنْفِقًا خَلَفًا، وَيَقُولُ الآخَرُ: اللَّهُمَّ أَعْطِ مُمْسِكًا تَلَفًا سِالُتتكِ بّالُلُُه 💔الُجْلُيَلُ الُجْبّارَ انَ تْنَقًذَنَا قًبّلُ انَ نَمٌوَتْ مٌنَ شِدِتْ الُجْوَع انَتٌْخيَكِ انَيَ دٌِخلُةِ ْعلُى الُلُُه تْمٌ ْعلُيَكِ انَيَ فَيَ وَجُْهك انَـيَ اخـتْكِ انَـيَ اتْرَجْـاكِ اتْـوَسِـلُ الُـيَـكِ انَـقًـذَنَا لُـوَجُْـه الُـلُُـه. يَــشِــُهدِ الُــلُــُه يَاٌخـيَ انَ مٌنَ الُــصّــبّاحُ حُـتْا الُـانَ يَــحُــرَمٌ ْعـــلُيَـنَـا الاكل غير الماء ( (اخواني اني اقسم بالله العلي العظيم على كتاب الله انني بنت يتيمه من اليمن ومعي اخوان صغار اقسم بالله على كتاب الله ان اخوتي ماعاد يقدرو ينطقو بكلمة من شدت الجوع وصاحب البيت يريد الإجار او بيخرجناإلئ الشارع و اني اسالك بالله وانشدك بمحمد رسول الله يااخي لوانت مسلم وتحب الخير واتساعدني ولو1000ريال يمني ان تتواصل معي اوتراسلني وتساب علئ هذا رقمي00967717354582وتطلب اسم بطاقتي وترسلي ولاتتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير فيااخي انت رجال إذاشفت اسرتك جاوعين تعمل المستحيل من اجل تامن لهم الاكب ولكن انابنت عيني بصيره ويدي قصيره ليس لي اب مثلك يسمح دمعتي ويحميني من الذل والاهانة😢 واخواني سغار شوف كيف حالتهم وساعدناوانقذناقبل أن يطردونا في الشارع نتبهدل او نموت من الجوع انااقسم بالله ألذي رفع سبع سموات بلاعمدوبسط الارض ومهداني لااكذب عليك بحرف من هذا الرساله واني ماطلبتك إلئ من ضيق ومن قسوت الضروف والحال الذي آحنافيه واناوأسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره علئ مساعدتنا لاتتاخر عليناوجزاك .ألله خير آلجزا.،.:':"'!-_^;"*-;:!!""':😢💔💔💔😥😥😭😭 (..)(..)(..)(*/□\*)(゜゜)(。。)(゜゜)(。。)°•☆▪︎¤¿¡¿¡¿¡¿¡¿¡¿¡؟!؛؟!؛!؛!😢🎉🎉🎉😢😢🎉😢🎉😢🎉😢😢🎉😊🎉🎉😊🎉😊😢😢
@user-kq1gk6bw8f День назад
I am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who brought us to this situation. By Allah Almighty, I did not write this appeal out of distress and distress. Poverty, O world, they have felt it So, I hope for you. By Allah Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, he ate what I had in the house. By Allah, my brothers, he is my brothers by sitting in the house. Who has no food? By God, we are in a very difficult situation. We have 6 people entering the house, and my father has died, and there is no one who can depend on us and who lives in it.We live in a rented house because we cannot pay the rent we owe. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' My brother, my first words are: I swear to God that I will not lie to you or deceive you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced from the war. My family and I live in a rented house in Al-Shahrab 15,000 Yemenis among us, and now we owe 45,000 for 3 months. The owner of the house is one of the people who does not have mercy, by God, my brother. He comes every day, insulting us, talking about us, and moving from the house to the street because we were unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and came back.They came back to talk to the neighbors and we were given the weekend. So we made him swear by God. He will take us out into the street. Have mercy on him and us. Our country is due to this war and we do not find food for our day, and my brothers and I live in a difficult life. Our father died, may God have mercy on him, and we have no one in this world who was with us in these harsh circumstances. My younger brothers went out into the street and saw...The neighbors eat and stand at their door in order to give them bread even if they break it. By God, to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, they closed the door and expelled them and came back crying. They are dying of hunger. No one has mercy on them and a holiday is returned. I have made a living, and now if one of us helps us with a kilo of flour, I swear to God, I am dying of hunger. My brother, I am an alien to God. Then, I ask you to help me for the sake of God. I ask you, by God, to love goodness and to help me, even if you can, by messaging me on WhatsApp.On this number 00967717354582 and ask for the name of my card and send it and do not be late and may God reward you with all the best, my brothers Sagar, see how they are and help us and save us before they throw us out in the street, you will be lost or we will die of hunger. My family and I ask you, by God, if you are able to help us, do not be late and may God reward you well..`/--~«««~-♡~♡~♡~~•~•~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡♡♡~~~: ~:~¡~¡~¡~;I.i.i.i.i.i. i.I.|-.........
@aboodhardan9644 День назад
اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد
@aboodhardan9644 День назад
اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد
@mmah1933 2 дня назад
@abdurahmanmohamed8084 2 дня назад
may allah grant us righteous beautiful spouses who will make us closer to Allah
@AlQaswa007 2 дня назад
Kindly upload hot topics pannel discussion!!
@feruzamirzakarimova2803 2 дня назад
May Allah be pleased with you ameen
@strivingslave5962 2 дня назад
44:33 Duaa for Tahajjud اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ نُورُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَنْ فِيهِنَّ وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ قَيِّمُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَنْ فِيهِنَّ وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ الْحَقُّ وَوَعْدُكَ حَقٌّ وَقَوْلُكَ حَقٌّ وَلِقَاؤُكَ حَقٌّ وَالْجَنَّةُ حَقٌّ وَالنَّارُ حَقٌّ وَالسَّاعَةُ حَقٌّ وَالنَّبِيُّونَ حَقٌّ وَمُحَمَّدٌ حَقٌّ اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ أَسْلَمْتُ وَعَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَبِكَ آمَنْتُ وَإِلَيْكَ أَنَبْتُ وَبِكَ خَاصَمْتُ وَإِلَيْكَ حَاكَمْتُ فَاغْفِرْ لِي مَا قَدَّمْتُ وَمَا أَخَّرْتُ وَمَا أَسْرَرْتُ وَمَا أَعْلَنْتُ أَنْتَ الْمُقَدِّمُ وَأَنْتَ الْمُؤَخِّرُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ This dua is an amazing dua! The best time to recite it is at tahajjud time. Oh Allah, all praise belongs to You, You are the giver of light to the heavens and earth and all who are in them, for You is all praise, You are the care taker of the heavens and earth and all who are in them, for You is all praise, You are the absolute truth, Your promise is true, Your word is true, Your meeting is definite, Heaven and Hell fire is true, the day of judgement is true, the Prophets are true, Muhammad is true, Oh Allah, only to You I submit, only upon You I rely, only in you I believe, only to You I return, only with your help do I debate, only You do I take as a judge, so forgive all that I have done or will do, all that I do openly and secretly, You are the one who puts (people) ahead and behind, there is none worthy of worship besides You.
@terryboylewastherealh4647 2 дня назад
@strivingslave5962 2 дня назад
4:10 Meaning of Haqq: 3 meanings: 1. Confirming with reality 4:27 Doing right thing at right time 4:35 Giving something its right 5:25 When there is some obligation involved, word haqq is used. 5:46 Truth vs Baatil (falsehood) Something you deserve (rights) When you do something properly in right place and right time
@mohamedisma3l 2 дня назад
1. [ 11:16 ] Your relationship with Allah SWT will provide your marriage with the successful foundation it needs. Never do you disobey Allah SWT with something except Allah SWT will destroy that something. Sins cause your blessings to disappear. 2. [ 19:12 ] Being self critical. Ibn Taymiyyah said “If you see someone retaliating (blaming others) after he has been harmed then know that this person suffers from a huge calamity. But if he does istighfar and seeks forgiveness it ends up being a blessing for him.” 3. [ 22:49 ] Stop continuously thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. Stop thinking that it’s easier to run from the problem than to fix it. 4. [ 24:55 ] Stop allowing the shayateen of the Ins to dictate your marriage. Don’t listen to people who are not wise and are devils trying to break you apart. 5. [ 26:01 ] Stop comparing your marriage to others. 6. [ 28:17 ] Stop the tit for tat. Stop holding each others mistakes and forgive them and overlook some of their mistakes. 7. [ 29:08 ] Stop having evil thoughts based on baseless assumptions and suspicions. 8. [ 30:17 ] Don’t forget the good times that you had between yourselves.
@mahmoudahmed-fz3uy 2 дня назад
Now I see why you love me ya rabi
@VMTNKKR 2 дня назад
may Allah guide the ummah from people who are not woorthy to be called sheikh or be used as religious references like abu taymiyyah.
@mrsr7954 2 дня назад
Subhanallah…he is not a sheikh to ask fatawas from and he hasnt said anything from his own opinion. May allah reward him for spreading islam
@yamphaal2733 День назад
Subhanallah, what you made utter such statements, what has he done..let’s fear Allah.
@mmah1933 2 дня назад
Thank you so much for this beautiful reminder❤
@amaturrahmaan964 2 дня назад
If we contemplate over Allah's creation, we will realise 2 things: 1. How Merciful is Allah swt. 2. That Allah swt would NEVER have left humankind without guidance, therefore He sent Messengers. That is why He said (from a verse in the Qur'an) that those who disbelieve did not give Allah His due right when they say Allah did not send a Messenger to them. P.S. I can't find reference for this verse, plz any hafidh/hafidhah can give reference for the same.
@TomPires12 2 дня назад
Do you know where I can find this in another language? Subtitles don't work for me
@bladding1 2 дня назад
Salaam, Sheikh mentioned a tafsir book - could you add a link here pls so we can benefit inshallah?
@abdinasirdahirali3746 2 дня назад
I'm a 25-year-old Muslim practicing the Deen of Allah with a master's degree in statistics. I want to marry a Muslim sister who is also practicing. Please pray for me so Allah will make it easy for me to find her.
@bluezombie7506 2 дня назад
InshAllah you will find a pious and have a wonderful life worshipping Allah (swt?
@helovesinaya 3 дня назад
‎جزاك الله خير
@mariatakeita8464 3 дня назад
23:28 correct it’s amazing 🥲 ❤❤
@ibrahimibnaminah7666 3 дня назад
Allahmudulillah. I think our shiek should start explaining books than making lectures.
@saliminadampha5309 3 дня назад
May Allah Azzawa'jal guide and protect us. This reminder is so beneficial.
@joytooraw1765 2 дня назад
@fahr.879 3 дня назад
[𝙎𝙚𝙚𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙆𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙡𝙚𝙙𝙜𝙚] Mu’awiyah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: If Allah intends goodness for someone, he gives him understanding of the religion. (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 71, Muttafaqun Alayhi)
@naturallyaishaj 3 дня назад
Several women "feel" as if they regret not getting married young because men will treat them like they are worthless. But the contrast is many wives that did get married young, have MANY regrets. So.....? Single, childless and alone is that worse than married, overwhelmed with children and miserable in your marriage ?
@mrmozai 3 дня назад
Neither scenario seems desirable. I think a person should do their best to find a spouse whether they are younger or older without forcing the issue. Allah knows best.
@user-ix2rp1gk4o День назад
That’s why you don’t stress too much about what is already written. Humans are never content. Finding that feeling of content is much more important because naturally as humans the grass is greener on the other side. People warn you from getting married too young so you can “live your life and not be tied down by children” but then they shame you for being older and not married. Just focus on making Allah pleased with you and that’s it Also just to add, most normal god fearing men absolutely do not hold the belief that “25 and above is expired” that’s very much an online thing. Regular guys that aren’t red pilled or chronically online do not care about that stuff. Trust me this is coming from a 25 and above range sister
@ARBLIMSTUDIO 3 дня назад
I admier your voice looklike misyari+syeikh Amir Al muhalhal +bandar balela❤❤❤
@TT-hx9nj 3 дня назад
Those that said voting is permissible were refuted with knowledge many times by other scholars and nobody has been able to respond yet. It is a clear cut issue. For example الرد على فتوى من اجاز التصويت للشيخ الحازمي and in Somali Sheikh Xassaan Xuseen has explained this issue in detail. There cannot be a less evil than shîrk and there cannot be a greater benefit than Tawheed. There is not a single instance of voting benefitting Muslims in a democratic system - and even if there was a benefit, which there wasn't - it cannot benefit more than Tawheed.
@AM-se2ic 3 дня назад
Is there a link to a text or pdf of this poem please?
@its2eezy 3 дня назад
i think you can find it by googling Sheikh Amir Bahjat poem
@AM-se2ic 3 дня назад
@@its2eezy couldn't find. Please help
@sidounanky4419 3 дня назад
MashaAllah Alhamdulilla ☝️☪️❤️🐝🕊️
@dinoslayerslayer435 4 дня назад
Mashallah may allah forgive all your sins
@aisham1057 4 дня назад
SubhanAllah! 💙 Excellent Khutbah جزاك الله خير استاذYA RABB! Give us the understanding of what was said here today so we can implement it in our lives moving forward by YOUR mercy! 🤲 اللهم امين
@PalestinianPalestinian12 4 дня назад
From Palestine, Gaza City call from Gaza from the midst of war death, hunger, destruction and pain. To the lovers of goodness, a kind greeting to every Muslim from a Palestinian mother from Gaza. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “We will never diminish the money you have given in charity.” narrated by Muslim ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"""""""""""""""""""💔 """"""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""" """" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "'" ""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''🤲 I have four orphan children, and we are in the midst of a war of extermination, displacement, hunger, pain, wounds, and deprivation. They were martyred in this war. My family and now I'm alone without a father. Today, I make this appeal to you from among the rubble and destruction, my brothers. I live under difficult circumstances, an unjust siege, and a blind war that destroyed my city in which I live, and my home that houses my children’s dreams. Today, I found myself living on top of the ruins of my home in a tent no more than a few meters long, with me and my four children. This is a very difficult thing that no human being can bear. I live in very difficult conditions without food, water, and flour due to the siege, and we drink water. Polluted due to lack of money and my children’s fear of war, and now I am asking for help and assistance in order to restore the smile of life to my children, and I am in dire need of your contribution in order to rebuild my house that was demolished, and I ask (WhatsApp me to donate 00970592511969)I wrote to you these short words that do not express a little of the pain and wounds that we are experiencing in Gaza, and I write these words to you while tears do not leave my eyes from the pain and cruelty of life. I hope that you will be supporters of my cause in all parts of the world and the ugliness of the injustice that we live in every day, but every minute. We lose loved ones every day. And do not forget the difficulty of life in a small tent that does not exceed a few meters. God was a protector for us from the heat of summer and the cold of winter in the tent, and today all my dreams are to drink a drop of cold, clean water in the summer and feed my children. Praise be to God in any case, this is God’s command. Note: I have a child who is sick in the eye, and he is forbidden by the doctor’s prescription from high heat and sunlight. How can he be in a very hot tent? Therefore, I ask you to help me in maintaining my house. 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@BuNu7 2 дня назад
اتق الله
@abuwarith1 5 дней назад
We have to try to sneak him into our city in the us.
@rosepetal5303 5 дней назад
Jazakhallah khair for such a beneficial talk. Hope the sheikh is feeling okay insha'Allah!
@fatimae19 5 дней назад
Ameen 🤲
@abel-pw3dk 5 дней назад
Amiin Amiin Amiin
@azizaali6113 5 дней назад
yes its true many husbands travel with their friends to commit ZINA, and thats true. This is exactly what happened to me and the reason i had to divorce him, and lots of secrecy especially hiding his mobile phone, i had no value or worth but treated as a servant. Alhamdulillah it was my decision to divorce him after 27 years of our marriage. he wasn't expecting that from me, unbelievably he never change after that but continued with his dirty works infact he got even worse, Allah has protected me and my children from his Fitna. we are in peace.