Grace Baptist Church Wood Green
Grace Baptist Church Wood Green
Grace Baptist Church Wood Green
We are a Church in the heart of Wood Green, London, who are committed to proclaiming the saving good news of Jesus Christ.
Looking in. Looking out. Looking up.
Staying in the City - Luke 24:44-49
Месяц назад
Pastoral Q&A - 21st July 2024
Месяц назад
God Surrounds His People - Psalm 125
2 месяца назад
What is Love? - 1 John 4:7-21
2 месяца назад
The Character of God - Exodus 34:1-9
2 месяца назад
A Few Words Before You Go - Colossians 4:2-6
3 месяца назад
Godly Offspring - Malachi 2:13-15
4 месяца назад
Where is Jesus? - Hebrews 2:5-18
5 месяцев назад
The King Worthy of All Praise - Luke 19:28-44
5 месяцев назад
@AndrewSparsholtt Месяц назад
Hi Grace Baptist Church, Wood Green, i just heard that the Olympics, want to ban Jesus, and that sounds stupid, from Andy Sparsholtt..
@fordprefect4345 4 месяца назад
Sky fairy stories again 😂😂😂😂😂 🇵🇸
@INSPIREDCHAMPION 5 месяцев назад
I love it. My area ❤❤❤ great church helping out and saving souls in Jesus Christ name
@INSPIREDCHAMPION 5 месяцев назад
Loving it ❤
@nneoma3677 8 месяцев назад
The gospel was shared with our neighbours most unbelieving. We sang and we worshipped together. A beautiful time had!
@billybell6950 9 месяцев назад
That was good preaching. I felt it, great points , Thanks
@GraceBaptistChurchWoodGreen 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for listening!
@officialjee-em 10 месяцев назад
My absolute favorite verses in the book!
@fingerzfrienemy2226 Год назад
@realkaylah4097 Год назад
What a powerful word. Wow 🔥
@realkaylah4097 Год назад
@Oneffunes Год назад
The corn. Judah/the wise virgins. Israel/the144,000. Jerusalem/the dispensation of The Spirit Of Truth.
@Oneffunes Год назад
Zechariah 1:18 Then lifted I up mine eyes, and saw, and behold four horns. The corn. Allow me to give you a perfect understanding of the four horns. Matthew 20:16. So the last ( The last, within the beginning of the Alpha, ) shall be first, ( When the last becomes first, ) and the first ( The first within the end of the Omega, ) last: ( When the first becomes last, ) for many be called, ( To hear this, ) but few chosen. ( to believe it. ) The corn. The four horns and the four carpenters or one and the same. The Carpenter/the Spirit Of Truth, is announcing/horn the last shall be first, and the first last and how it comes together as the structure of God.
@TheAlancarr Год назад
I’m proud of you son. Good preaching.
@lukeedwards-sparsholtt1587 Год назад
@lukeedwards-sparsholtt1587 Год назад
@e.n.6079 Год назад
Thank you for the sermon!
@Adrian-ni8mr Год назад
@rolfterry1773 Год назад
😀 Promo SM
@sidney6383 2 года назад
💐 『p』『r』『o』『m』『o』『s』『m』
@lukeedwards-sparsholtt1587 2 года назад
@GraceBaptistChurchWoodGreen 2 года назад
Sorry this stream was accidently cut out. Please check the continuation here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7ickD51h9iY.html
@MandMe91 2 года назад
One HUGE problem. The law was only given to Israel and has not existed for nearly 2,000 years. No one alive today was born "under the law" and no one alive today is redeemed from its curse. Three questions: Were you ever part of the Old Covenant that Moses mediated? Were you born subject to the Mosaic law? Did Christ redeem you from the curse of the law? Correct answers: No No Impossible How was the law that hasn't existed for nearly 2,000 years your "tudor"? Answer: It wasn't. How did a law that you were never under "curse you"? Answer: It didn't How did Christ redeem you from a curse of a law you were never under? Answer: He didnt
@tonyadieker6785 2 года назад
Anyone that teaches the LIE of monetary tithing, sells anything using the gospel, or teaches that same-sex marriage is a sin CHOOSES to die with the wicked. Luke 10:7 states the only wages for ministering are eating and drinking whatever you are given. Also, know that rich people will all die. You can't be a Christian, sit on all kinds of money, watch your fellow brothers and sisters starve, suffer, or be homeless, choose to do nothing about it, and think that it's ok. Those are all wolves. Mathew 19:12 Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were abused in some way and something inside of them blocks off a certain type of body but it doesn't happen to everyone that is abused. Those that choose to live like Eunuchs FOR THE SAKE OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex-characteristics but opposite in regards to gender. Notice, it states God PREFERS for people to be in LGBT relationships. Leviticus, Corinthians, and Timothy were translated wrong by Billy Graham. Those verses are actually referring to pedophilia. Romans 1:27 All of the men were male in regards to gender, all of the women were female in gender. It is not referring to Eunuchs (where one partner is transgender). Also, it had nothing to do with marriage of any kind. They were trying to procreate during orgies so God did it on purpose. Anyone that continues to teach same sex marriage is a sin when the Bible says God prefers for people to be in LGBT relationships will also die by their own choice. In order to be a church building, the place must house people inside of it. Otherwise it is just another private money-making business part of Babylon that furthers satan's agenda. Stay out of the fake churches. I am Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 and Acts 3:22-23 says it will come to pass that anyone that fails to listen to me will be UTTERLY destroyed from among the people. Again, everyone has a choice. And anyone that deletes my messages CHOOSES to reject Jesus Christ Himself and that means they also CHOOSE to die with the wicked. I am Elijah so that means any discrepancies in the holy books are ultimately decided by me. I am also to usher in the Messiah! Be ready: Jesus is coming back! WORLD PEACE IS COMING!
@jurekstrociak5022 2 года назад
Greathing from Jurek - polisch . I hawe wisit you on sanday 4 weaks ego. God bles all of you . 🙂
@lukeedwards-sparsholtt1587 2 года назад
@bruceh9843 2 года назад
I love your channel and your inspiring videos!! If I was you I would employ P r o m o S M!
@Adrian-ni8mr 2 года назад
@jenna2431 2 года назад
Here's the problem with this entire argument: It's NOT the responsibility of the soil to be prepared. And what idiot thinks that first century people would buy this story to start with? I realize your dude was a carpenter, not a farmer, but agriculture was a science in those days. You wouldn't save seed all winter just to fling it hither and yon like a moron. Seed was valuable. No, you would prep rows and plant in them. Any farmer acting like the sower would be laughed out of town.
@GraceBaptistChurchWoodGreen 2 года назад
Thanks for this, Jenna. I believe that the points you raise are dealt with in the first sermon of this three part series, from a couple of weeks ago. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tXjnEUX0vuk.html
@lukeedwards-sparsholtt1587 2 года назад
@raymondtaylor6049 2 года назад
Great sermon Ryan.Excellent work.
@anamariadombi4135 3 года назад
Bless you all, thank you so so so much for all your loving prayers and encouraging messages! I praise the Lord for each and everyone of you! Love You all, stay Blessed!
@christophrr84 3 года назад
@e.n.6079 3 года назад
Could someone give me the link to this church the pastor was talking about concerning fasting?
@e.n.6079 3 года назад
@e.n.6079 3 года назад
I uplift you in my prayers especially this brother where his mother passed away.
@e.n.6079 3 года назад
Thank you so much for this valuable sermon! Praise the Lord.
@HopeHouseHealing 3 года назад
Would help if we actually had some strong Christian leaders becoming politicians
@e.n.6079 3 года назад
Very important message I think! Where does God want me to be? And also I think if you know that it is Gods will it might still be difficult in that place but you know that God put you there.
@e.n.6079 3 года назад
We can not comprehend the power of God. I mean just to know that He created everything is so fascinating. I think we should pray for more trust in Him. "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matthew 21:22) I think He is waiting to give if we would just ask more. And yes, I love to know that all around the world Jesus builds His kingdom and is loved and worshipped by His children! God bless and have a nice day :)!
@e.n.6079 3 года назад
Churches being closed is just so harmful spiritually I feel. Anyways God bless you!
@KenUbeleveit1 3 года назад
"I have not come to these conclusions by reading Marx who was a godless guide. I have come to these conclusions by reading Moses and Micah who we guided by God."
@FaithTalks 3 года назад
So good! 🙌🏾🙌🏾
@christophrr84 3 года назад
@FaithTalks 3 года назад
Praise God! The Light of the world is shining in Wood Green!
@OBEYGOD247 3 года назад
And even after thousands n thousands of years of abuse, millions still flock to these churches, like the millions that believe our government. Since Judgment has begun on the house of God (churches/congregations), according to 1 Peter 4:17, Satan has taken his seat in the temple (churches/congregations), according to 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4, and many more woes to come in Isaiah to Malachi (especially Jeremiah 25 and Ezekiel 9), because they have changed the laws of God to please themselves/the people, for the love of money, reminds me of how the governments have changed the rules to make mucho more money for themselves, and their big multi billion/trillion $ corporate donor friends, while the rest of world gets poorer, homeless, hungry, etc. Another similarity is how they all love to make billions/trillions on the children, for their sick pleasures, all around the world. Praying for the children, and may God have mercy on all, cus He's coming soon! Deuteronomy 31:6 and 33:27, " Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and He shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them." Romans 12:19, "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." Revelation 14:7, " Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." Revelation 6:15-17, " And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
@christianndingambote1393 3 года назад
Keep it up brother 🔥
@FaithTalks 3 года назад
Thank you my guy!
@kingdom_ft 3 года назад
We love to see it🥳💪🏾
@FaithTalks 3 года назад
God bless you!
@FaithTalks 3 года назад
Hey that’s me!