Adam Movs
Adam Movs
Adam Movs
@GuardianDarzeit 3 дня назад
But who is the best killer? The artist or the Chicken Man?
@DJFNaFMan 4 дня назад
You can tell Mike cared deeply for Jimmy but knew that he changed for the worst. Also I think Jimmy and Gus would respect each other with both losing a loved one to the cartel and it changing them into a soulless money maker.
@monkiking778 10 дней назад
I think it’s interesting that every time nacho overcame one salamanca he get a far more ruthless and intelligent one in there place
@Burnthealphabetpeople 15 дней назад
gus didnt overcome hector. Hector got the last laugh and killed gus and seen him afraid in his last moments
@darthvocrum5719 17 дней назад
Lover? Wtf u talking about
@GunLut 21 день назад
I think that the writers and actors strike that went on during (pre-)production of this season shows. Hopefully season 3 will pick it up a bit
@kingDowahs 22 дня назад
The only reason we never saw Tuco and Gus meet was because Gus knew he couldn’t beat him since Tuco was the king
@Tas_Platts Месяц назад
Are you the dbd guy?? Ahzhmohvs or sumthin
@disgruntleddude6105 Месяц назад
They completely ruined Rhaenyra.
@theothernik Месяц назад
Gus beat the Salamancas by kissing men
@zacharymoyes4961 Месяц назад
was not expecting the voice telling me about which DBD killer is most loyal to the entity also talk about Lalo...
@nunyabusiness8000 Месяц назад
Not watching this video but I’m just gonna say. First half is good, second half is mid, final episode mostly missed. Biggest issue is setting up a whole lot and paying off very little.
@BigV24 Месяц назад
So why comment then…weird
@me-fm8nl Месяц назад
This season is mostly about characters. If we don't spend time with the characters, the things that happen to them won't hit the way the should. Also If you are not interested in seeing the main characters (Alicent Rhaenyra and Deamon) then there is no reason for you to watch. Their journey are the prime focus.
@Dashawn Месяц назад
One of the victims are dream fyre she's just locked up while still being claimed by a rider who literally doesn't ride her or interact with her she's just left "abandoned"
@shane1489 Месяц назад
I’ll just say that yeah it was not a thrilling finale but at least it left me wanting to see more. Can’t say that for almost any other shows.
@AdamMovs Месяц назад
Yea, I'm still invested too, for sure!
@beastymcfly4144 Месяц назад
you hit on what i think is the biggest issue, yet strangely one that i feel is not brought up in most complaints: the lack of characterization. I LOVED the first season, way more than it seems most people did. One large reason for that was I felt like i understood the characters and their motivations. Now in s2 the conflict is more straightforward yet i can’t understand characters that i thought i knew. the largest for me being Aemond and Corlys. I have no idea who they are anymore, how their minds operate. And that’s not to say they’ve changed, characters changing is a good thing. They’ve just become amorphous. It drives me nuts when someone’s first complaint is “it doesn’t make sense how x character traveled to x so quickly.” Like that is annoying but i don’t understand how that is what shapes your views of a show. to me, the bones will always be the characters and that’s where i’m feeling let down
@Arthur-nr5ci Месяц назад
Remember, if youre critical of the show it's only because there arent enough battles or action (cheap and lazy autoreponse from the stans).
@StrongLIfePower Месяц назад
I hope the House of the Dragon show runners and writers watch your review and improve season 3 the way you describe
@Emy-fv5ny Месяц назад
The problem is the script. It doesn't matter how much time the characters are on the screen if they are not doing anything relevant and coherent. And that what happened this season.
@Richard71834 Месяц назад
Do you guys not understand how quick the dance of dragons was? You guys want a battle each episode but every battle is fatal if you had a battle every episode the series would be over
@jrm371 Месяц назад
Alicent and Rhanera didn’t do anything all season, especially Alicent. Check that: no one really did anything.
@angryman2406 Месяц назад
I really really want them to divulge just how much a dragon costs to have on the screen. This keeps being used as a reason we don't get more of them, yet we have movies being made entirely out of pretty believable CGI all the time. I guess I just don't buy it, really. Has there ever been a break down of how much per second this apparent pinnacle of CG technology costs?
@lukedpk4557 Месяц назад
You said everything perfectly!
@JoJoJoker Месяц назад
Misandry was the cause of HotD S2’s shortcomings. They don’t want to give up the “men evil and violent, women just and diplomatic” motivations.
@officerfriendly99 Месяц назад
You sound like the dead by daylight guy
@AdamMovs Месяц назад
weird that
@icom782 Месяц назад
I sometimes wonder why wont directors and screenwriters just read people opinions/ideas/theories on how the story should evolve and then just do it.
@Mw1ng0l3 Месяц назад
I don't feel that's slow, it's more like pointless scenes, the pace would be perfect if there was more purpose to the scenes other than repeating what was already established
@Moriningland Месяц назад
I stopped at episode 5. I’m done and I’m done with all the other GRRM spinoffs that are in the works. Waste of time
@mariusxmeier2417 Месяц назад
Good review, I can see where you´re coming from. Personally I was on board with the show up until Episode 6, but yeah, we have to be honest and say that momentum is a huge factor of what makes a series like this great. I think a lot of people would have been displeased with GOT Season 2 without blackwater for example. Blackwater was the culmination of Tyrion´s arc. And personally I would have needed something like that for this season as well. And as you rightly point out, too many scenes of Alicent and Rhaenyra.
@akeelyaqub2538 Месяц назад
Season 1 had plot set ups that were paid off almost always in the same episode. Season 2s episodes were almost all set up with no payoff. Like you said each episode in s1 had its own small conflict that added to the overall conflict. Only the dragonseed pay off actually happened in the same episode it was set up in. Even though it was a big topic in the prior episodes before it.
@jacksonperez5615 Месяц назад
The showrunner and writers believe this is a story between Rhaenyra and Alicent, where it is actually a civil war between two sides. They have critically misunderstood the plot
@Morfe02 Месяц назад
Stop using women writers 😂 They dont have kids how the hell are gonna write Alicent and Rhaenyra like that They didnt even remember HER ONLY GRANDSON, HER SON EAT BY A DRAGON OR HER UNBORN DAUGHTER OE MAYBE HER HUSBAND exile by her own hand All interesting dialogue could be made with thouse characters in mind but nahhh better talk about Patriarchy for the 50 time or about flying to Essos why no Yass queens
@tonymontez2358 Месяц назад
Blame HBO for not giving them the budget money for episodes 9-10 this season would’ve been fine if we got the big battle that would’ve been episode 9 and the aftermath in episode 10
@Morfe02 Месяц назад
Writers boicot They cut the season and you can feel this was write by one guy or girl
@tonymontez2358 Месяц назад
@@Morfe02 yes it was because of the writers strike and the budget. Those dragon fights and epic battles cost millions to make, I think HBO should bet the bank and pay whatever the cost to get the epic battles and 10 episode seasons and make HOTD the best show on tv like GOT was before
@Morfe02 Месяц назад
@@tonymontez2358 of course but now is worst They have like 10 battles Next season dragón and soldiers They need like 6 seasons if is the budget but in 4 seasons means a lot of time Skip my god
@tonymontez2358 Месяц назад
@@Morfe02 idk if we’re getting 10 battles I think we might get 3 or 4 tho I’ve heard it cost around $50 million just to do one big battle. I get the feeling they really are trying to stretch the show for more seasons I’m sure they probably want more than 4 seasons plus HBO doesn’t have any other big shows so they might as well try to get get 6 or 7 seasons and flesh out all the characters
@Morfe02 Месяц назад
@@tonymontez2358 i really Hope at least 5 6 would be exagerated unless they have GOOD characters something very difficult if they spend time making fan-trailers about Game of THRONES instead of introducing the Riverlords or maybe Jeyne or the Winter wolves with Rodin
@mushrifahmed8107 Месяц назад
After seeing the scene between Rhaenyra and Alicent, I was wondering in what world does this kind of a meeting happen? And not just once but twice?! These 2 people are the leaders of 2 factions at war. How are they not even captured before being able to meet the other leader. The idea of something like this happening during any war time is unbelievable. The ony time something like this can happen is to negotiate peace terms or something like that (if I'm not mistaken). And the worst thing is both of these scenes did nothing good. In the 1st one I was so surprised that each of them brush off the death of their child and grandchild. And in the second one is just a character assassination of Alicent. All her motives and actions of all this time thrown down the drain. Why does Hollywood keep on hiring writers to push agendas instead of telling good stories?
@KMort Месяц назад
Heavy on the no lingering feelings about the deaths. I expected the death of Luke to affect Rhaenyra beyond ep 1, same for Aegon, Helaena and Alicent with Jahaerys. By the end of the season the characters all act like they forgot it happened entirely.
@sliceofheaven3026 Месяц назад
I think the lack of perspectives is for me the biggest issue of the series. We are way too focused on the queens and the other characters seem to pop out of nowhere when they are needed and then fade back into obscurity once they are no longer needed for the immediate plot. One example are the dragon riders who are just suddenly introduced withouth a lot of preamble. The whole thing just seems so abrupt. I also dont understand how these people who get basically a medievil equivalent of a nuclear weapon for some reason swear fealty immedialty to a queen in exile. Also dont the dragons communicate between each other at all? Dont they have any sort of hierarchy of leadership?.
@V123_5 Месяц назад
This is the dbd lore guy😳
@sonofsanguinius4880 Месяц назад
The showrunners deciding to make rhanyra the main character instead of going the GoT route where they have a bunch of characters whose story we follow was extremely stupid. In the books Rhaenyra didn't do much at this point in the war, and with the showrunners focusong so much on her it is highlighted and she seems way more useless than she is. She drains away screentime from the rest of team black. We at least know the people on the green council, like Larys, Otto Christon. I chalange you to name 3 non valiryan people o the black council. Rhaenyra is constantly arguing with a bunch of random nobles on her team and we have no idea who these people are and why would they be of any importance.
@JoJoJoker Месяц назад
Emma D’Arcy is a special person and therefore she gets all of the attention. Don’t be a hater!
@lucasdasilva23 Месяц назад
Exactly! I couldn't care less about the black council meetings. The greens have been consistently much more interesting to watch.
@9xprincess Месяц назад
Yes they made a mistake by making Rhaenyra be the main character. It made it that story perspectives and screen time couldn't be allotted to multiple characters during the war. A good number of whom as pointed out by many, play a more active role in the war then Rhaenyra and Alicent.
@nn-NeuralNetwork Месяц назад
We need a count of every council scene this season
@my2randomcents Месяц назад
Treating Dragons as props instead of having them be part of the lives of their riders is the most fucked up logic the writers could have
@bryceking1806 Месяц назад
Couldn’t agree more overall it wasn’t a terrible season my biggest criticism would be the scenes between alicent and raynera they just weren’t good and were by far the biggest change from the books they just don’t work
@John_The_Fourth Месяц назад
Biggest thing wrong for me, I have no interest in rewatching this season😂
@AdamMovs Месяц назад
yea, honestly feel the same
@TheRealHerbaSchmurba Месяц назад
Episode 1,2,4,5,6 and 7 are all good episodes to me. Overhated season. We got alot of character work for alot of characters. I dislike what they did to Alicent and the meetings between her and Rhaenyra but beyond that the main issues were the pacing and lack of focus on other characters like Rhaena, Baela, and Jace.
@b_a_t_m_a_n_ Месяц назад
8:48 this! Ryan condal saying that small folk mourn the beloved dragon meleys when the said dragon has killed thousands of them, reminded me of got8 'dany kinda forgot about the iron fleet.'
@GayPintoWalsh Месяц назад
Commenting before watching so I hope you hit on it but if this season only takes place over a month or so then Aegon has the most miraculous recovery in the history of Westeros. Dude survived Dragonfire melting him, at least a hundred foot fall, then a days worth, up to probably 3 days worth of riding around in a carriage exposed to any infection or anything that might come his way. Then all of his injuries heal up in like a week? His leg that was almost ripped off is now walkable. This show has ripped away any semblance of realism worse than GoT did with Arya. It’s despicable.
@Factboy12 Месяц назад
House of Bridgerton : Blood Origin.
@saranemcova5448 Месяц назад
Come on. Put some respect on Bridgerton.
@Factboy12 Месяц назад
@@saranemcova5448 No.
@jdh5224 Месяц назад
It goes to show that a multimillion dollar budget and all the cgi in the world cant replace good writing and story telling. I rewatched season 1 of GOT and god damn, I could watch them talk all day. HOTD season 2's writing was just bad. I don't even care about the lack of action/dragon battles. It's the nonsensical plot lines, monotonous storytelling,brain dead dialogue and character assassinations.
@trevormarshall2817 Месяц назад
Return from the dead ☠️
@InsolventGene Месяц назад
You should know of the fan's backlash against the writers Ryan Condal, Sara Hess for their inconsistent writing and irrational changes.
@ZanderStentz Месяц назад
It’s bad yes but comes nowhere near that
@ChildOfTheFlower Месяц назад
Is there? I have seen people who wanted D&D's heads running damage control for Condal and Hess for using the "strike and budget" excuse
@ZanderStentz Месяц назад
@@ChildOfTheFlower it’s not an excuse, yeah there writing flaws that they made, but hbo made them cut two episodes without warning them or allowing them to reshoot
@ChildOfTheFlower Месяц назад
@@ZanderStentz That doesn't explain getting rid of Maelor, 3 minutes of the North, Nettles omission, Alicent having nothing to do all season, Rhaenrya saying the same thing every episode, or 6 full episodes of Daemon getting a mushroom trip. Yes HBO did mess up but most of their problems are writing issues.
@ZanderStentz Месяц назад
@@ChildOfTheFlower I honestly dont care about the book, its harder for a tv show to have so many characters and they already have enough, it would just make things more confusing, I like the change to Rhaenyras character, but yes i wish that she would have been more active, and honestly for alicent, this season showed how insignificant she was, it gave her character conflict and made her do a 180 on everything, i do agree tho that her choice of going to Rhaenyra was stupid. i enjoyed Daemons arc it added more depth to his character, yes it was dragged and there was definitely scenes that should have been cut, but not most.
@VSG117 Месяц назад
Finally a channel telling truths