5 месяцев назад
Omniscience Chest Crafting - PoE 3.19
2 года назад
Best KB Corrupting Fever Wand
2 года назад
How to Craft The Best FR CoC Weapons
3 года назад
Crafting The Best Quivers in 3.15
3 года назад
@shaneabalos3354 3 дня назад
They never nerfed it the economy did with the price of Vivid Vultures now. xD
@Kure_Games Месяц назад
Average cost to craft?
@Elesshar Месяц назад
this is from 3.14, most crafting mechanics got nerfed, now it's a lot more expensive to make, and the craft is different
@Shinarock Месяц назад
what on earth is the "maven it" item
@Elesshar Месяц назад
it used to be called maven orb, now it's orb of dominance
@Shinarock Месяц назад
@@Elesshar aah thanks
@lesionsl2718 Месяц назад
yo where are you elesshar? 3.25 is insanely good content and your videos are genuinely the most helpful for getting better at poe :(
@joshsteiner5736 3 месяца назад
Be huge if you could give me some info. Trying to make a broken strength stacking helmet with fractured spell damage with the haunted mod and life with double influence. Is awakener orb the best approach? Will that work?
@jetlee88 3 месяца назад
hello ty for the video really apreciated. I need a ring with implicit 6% strenght and currently ppl its pricing this rings over 100d only for the pase or some random craft i dont need. Its really hard to hit this mod with harvest or beast ?? i dont have any idea about chances etc
@8manifest143 3 месяца назад
I'm gonna pretend like I didn't watch you create that.... without 30% quality.
@Elesshar 3 месяца назад
u can 30% quality it before the essence spam step with fossils(not worth using corpses), but it's w/e.
@8odycount 4 месяца назад
What do I have to change to make this helmet but with conc effect and burning damage fractured?
@Elesshar 4 месяца назад
uhmm probably try to fracture hypo+crit(but then u cant elevate it), then u awaken so it's elder+shaper and now u can roll conc, u horror spam+exalt/annull the prefixes for conc, suffix cannot+ veiled orb for +2 aoe, craft life and u are done, it's same mods but conc instead of aoe and +3 instead of +4 crit. or u can try to go for 3 mod fracture with inc aoe prefix too, and u don't craft life and u get an extra link (havn't crafted it in game so it might not be 100% accurate)
@dimitrikoblayev4423 4 месяца назад
Hey mate - grate vid. Not shown in the vid is if I wanted to craft conc effect and not +2 Aoe . What would the best way to do it So have shaper+elder influenced item and fractured hypo + inc aoe (shaper mods). Then do the step you shown to get +3% crit spell and 30% more ele from essence Then do suffix cannot be changed and slam exalts once for conc effect. If miss, scour and save suffixes since suffix cannot be changed and retry exalt slam once. Or Would it be better to hit conc effect with horror essence, craft prefix cannot be changed and then do harvest exalt (like 15,000 yellow juice I think) and pray to hit 1/6 3% crit. If miss, repeat steps again from start with horror to hit conc effect and keep doing it.
@Elesshar 4 месяца назад
uhmm probably try to fracture hypo+crit(but then u cant elevate it), then u awaken so it's elder+shaper and now u can roll conc, u horror spam+exalt/annull the prefixes for conc, suffix cannot+ veiled orb for +2 aoe, craft life and u are done, it's same mods but conc instead of aoe and +3 instead of +4 crit. or u can try to go for 3 mod fracture with inc aoe prefix too, and u don't craft life and u get an extra link (havn't crafted it in game so it might not be 100% accurate)
@dimitrikoblayev4423 4 месяца назад
@@Elesshar Tyvm, appreciate it!
@KCNN- 4 месяца назад
@elesshar May u help me sir ! What coffin is "Ritual base" ?
@KCNN- 4 месяца назад
i cant find in Trade
@ronnymohtar2258 4 месяца назад
so unlucky craft
@azure6051 4 месяца назад
i accidently fucked up at the adjacent beast outside of the 20%add party but i actually got 3 helmets with 20 aoe and hypothermia
@jordanmessec5332 4 месяца назад
“We got really unlucky”… meanwhile me not elevating my mod after 13 conflicts
@guilhermeokada4168 4 месяца назад
it would be so good to see grave crafting going core, but I know i'm delusional.
@SebbeD83 4 месяца назад
do I need to get the correct corpse types on all adjacent corpses? e.g. also get the right types in the addition item corner?
@Elesshar 4 месяца назад
if the adjacent effect one in the middle says a type, u have to match up down left right with the same type
@ВалераВласенков-ю2о 4 месяца назад
nice craft, got 3 trash helmets and 2 helmets with crit chance and area of effect fractured. Fantastic scam
@BusterGG 4 месяца назад
How would you go about putting in Conc effect as well? Cause that one was 250 div. Is it just exalt slamming and scouring until lucky?
@Elesshar 4 месяца назад
you need elder influence for conc, u need to get the fractured base on shaper, awaken orb elder on top of it, then do the same steps but now it's more expensive because there's more crit suffixes that u don't want, and then for the prefixes u have to block>slam>suffix cannot>scour untill conc, then u suffix cannot + veiled orb and hope u unveil +2 aoe, if u don't u have to suffix cannot+ annull and 50/50 chance to brick and go again, it's super expensive
@rayven3120 4 месяца назад
@@Elesshar can you tell me what u have to block for more chance to get conc effect when you ex the item ? Mana ? plz x)
@Drumwalk 4 месяца назад
Please help to the RF people like me, not this helmet that only buys people with mirrors.
@Schlaechter789 5 месяцев назад
That crafting spree LMFAO
@dervakommtvonhinten517 5 месяцев назад
so how do you get 3 different influences on it?
@Elesshar 5 месяцев назад
you can't max is 2, also this is an old craft don't follow it's from years ago
@panostade6820 5 месяцев назад
Any luck on boots with cooldown recovery and tailwind with spell suppress and movent spd? Great guide, i followed it and created 2 of these helms!
@jordanmessec5332 4 месяца назад
Hard to hit the spell suppression fracture in GY and it can still be removed by the awakener orb even if fractured. Very time consuming.
@ED-TwoZeroNine 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for the guide. I made one of these tonight, luckily the unveil hit first try. I got another shaper crown with crit 3% and area as the fracture, is it still worth crafting on?
@MrTokki 5 месяцев назад
Really interesting video! Thanks for putting this out there. Definitely a crazy chase goal for some builds. Question - I've been playing SSF. Where would I be able to find those special corpses for crafting grasping mail or the ritual base?
@uppermost865 5 месяцев назад
Breh ... for us normal human beings out there. Can't you just make an easy to understand video on how to craft epic boots or somesuch????
@yesir1726 5 месяцев назад
Hey mate would you have a recipe for 3 fractures including conc effect, hypo and aoe
@TROZJAN 5 месяцев назад
What’s this helmet for and what gems go in it
@Elesshar 5 месяцев назад
u can use it for a lot of builds, penance, storm brand, coc DD, any elemental spell tbh, it has very generic tags, aoe, elemental, hypothermia (as long as u do some cold it's good and helm gives flat cold). Only thing that would make it better is concentrated effect but that's elder and then the craft becomes way harder
@TROZJAN 5 месяцев назад
@@Elesshar can use on triple elemental bow with lightning arrow
@BrandonWu-z3p 5 месяцев назад
How did you get the 2 influences on your helmet?
@Elesshar 5 месяцев назад
it's only 1 influence, if u want 2 u have to awaken orb
@FreeEnricoPalazzo 4 месяца назад
@@Elesshar Do you keep the fractured mods on the awakened item?
@heqitao 5 месяцев назад
I love the honesty. So many other crafting videos remove the pain of hitting the mods you want and don't show the whole process. I understand that you got unlucky here, but it happens. Thx for all the work and outstanding info.
@TheFirstExelion 5 месяцев назад
I tried this craft and it took me 11 reforges to get T1 crit, there's something fishy going on here.
@KenjiYoshizato 5 месяцев назад
Bro spent 1 mirror to get 1 chaos 😂
@Hejti_ 5 месяцев назад
How to get Ritual and Shaper/Elder Influ corpses? Are they a rare drop or do i need to have some special allflame from something? Playing ssf so can't rly buy them.
@aaronlameox 5 месяцев назад
god this craft was hillarious
@TrueCasualYT 5 месяцев назад
RIP standard mirror items.
@natankanitz7969 5 месяцев назад
How do I awaken orb an elder item on a shaper fractured base? Does it need to be same base item?
@mickeyfenger547 5 месяцев назад
Very well done. Both explaining and the crafting (even tho you got very unlucky)
@lvh5981 5 месяцев назад
How are people hitting double influence + fracture? I see a bunch on trade of Shaper + Elder but I've tried like 5 gardens with multiple of the beasts and always only get Shaper OR Elder with a fracture but I can see some on trade that have all 3
@plplp4 5 месяцев назад
Awakener's orb. It might say "unable to use item" when you try to use it, but you just have to try again a few times (doesn't consume the orb if it fails) and it will eventually work.
@higajordan2736 5 месяцев назад
Hi Elesshar u think u can make a video for endgame phys bow for lightning arrow ?. Ty for all the work
@bvwalker1 5 месяцев назад
Wow! Amazing. I just wish I knew more about crafting. I’m a new player. Thank you for sharing. I will try doing this once I’m farther along. Only in act V, level 51.
@Taratua 5 месяцев назад
This is very expensive craft do more beginner friendly cheaper crafts first
@canadianboy8472 5 месяцев назад
As a ssf player how do I get the blizzard crown craft?? Is it dropped in the ritual? Or is it bought?
@Elesshar 5 месяцев назад
it might drop from allflames? not 100% sure i never got one
@michelleslay2701 5 месяцев назад
I think I bought one of your “bricks” because it hit fractured burning damage support
@princecuddle 5 месяцев назад
Ggg please learn from this and try to see how crafting could become so much better. The weird bug with the awakened orb.and being able to move fracture influenced mods should become a thing. But a item with a fracture should be allowed to be fractured again. Ignoring if the item is influenced or not. 1 fracture shouldn't break things. If the influenced mod is the one fractured then thar should be the only way to move fractured mods. This would be an amazing mechanic.
@Crystxllize 5 месяцев назад
setup would be pretty much the same for gloves right? do you perhaps have a graveyard setup for kb gloves?
@MrHermite 5 месяцев назад
Please make recipe for RF elder helm with conc effect and burning damage
@NehcoHarmegiddo 5 месяцев назад
This is how casinos work man, the house always wins. TBH after seeing this i dont want to craft anything in this game ever again.
@divinityai 5 месяцев назад
@jek93milani 5 месяцев назад
hi great vid can u still craft the helm if u fracture hypo and crit?
@Elesshar 5 месяцев назад
ye but it's extremely low chance to hit hypo and crit with our setup, just skip the inc aoe in that case i think
@jek93milani 5 месяцев назад
@@Elesshar i got 2 shaper helmets one correct and the other with fractured crit. So i just horror essence it and craft something?
@vwvwvsuki 5 месяцев назад
Watching him suffer is so entertaining
@grn8486 5 месяцев назад
Why not reforge caster (1/3) instead of reforge crit (1/6) for spell crit ?
@MM-yy9us 5 месяцев назад
wow crazy what ou have and can do, wish i had 1% of your currency and courage! cheers exile
@RoszierPOE 5 месяцев назад