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What the hell is Zellij?
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3 Levels of Vim Refactoring
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What is "New wave Programming"?
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My Forever Dev Workflow
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Will this hurt or help Neovim?
2 месяца назад
Neovim and Git: SOLVED
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I'm never using Git the same way again
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What the hell is NULL-LS  | FREE COURSE // EP 4
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This weird word BOOSTS your programming career
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Every youtube programmers perfect morning...
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5 Tips to be a SUCCESSFUL Programmer
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Why I think IDEs suck
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What is happening with Flutter
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What the hell is HTMX?
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@sandworm9528 18 часов назад
There was a comment that suggested using windows instead. I reported it for promoting terrorism
@mrx4532 18 часов назад
arch installed successfully❤ thanks man
@thejezzi5219 21 час назад
I thought you aren’t supposed to source zshrc but to exec zsh?
@aeebeecee3737 22 часа назад
linux ecosystem always full of amazing new free stuff
@cbm_doomworld День назад
thanks for making these videos. This is great stuff.
@TheGoatsy День назад
Does it also uncomments the lines with gcc ?
@kishoregarapati1 День назад
I love your videos and find them really informative. Could you please make some videos on Rust programming? Watching you write and explain Rust code would be super motivating. Thanks a lot!
@abduddaiyan5815 День назад
I am trying to use neovim for 1 year or more but i couldn't , but after watching you i feel confided, thanks man.
@trizedlyza День назад
here I am building an index in /tmp using find, then egrep'ing through it like a caveman on my ancient boxes
@2bitninja280 День назад
This not available on all Linux systems
@mulchman День назад
Good ole Ga-know Stew! Been using Stow as well. Love your vids; keep it up, nerd!
I'm lost
@LOGoltem4682 День назад
"Let's say you're working in vim..." Pfff You Are Hilarious! xD
@paultapping9510 День назад
how have you dropped your input line below your command line like that?
@unbekannter_Nutzer День назад
Which Linux editor fails to handle large files, given enough RAM to load it? What do you consider to be a large file - multiple GB in size?
@deepblackoutlaw9640 День назад
Here is how I'd do it in visual studio: 1. CTRL + SHIFT + ARROW DOWN (×number of lines) 2. type " 3. Fn + ARROW LEFT 4. type ",
@MatiasBaldanza День назад
Outstanding. I have a questions. The % register, in my mac, holds the full path and filename. How do I access just the filename and extension without the absolute path? (Been looking for it, but can't see if this is a setting or I have to look elsewhere.)
@deadchannel8431 День назад
I tried messing with neovim, I can’t :( I just like vscode better. Sucks vscode destroys my work computer’s memory
@laughingvampire7555 День назад
vimscript is a simple scripting language, you can define functions and bind them to keys, or set options like you do in bash.
@FCcommando День назад
You explain things very nice!
@TheStrafendestroy День назад
So i can get lua and clangd to installed but for some reason asm_lsp will not install. Also in the mason logs its says lspconfig.util not found in the Mason Logs
@kurshadqaya1684 День назад
You look like famous kickboxer Zabit Samadov from Azerbaijan. 😁
@t0tobi День назад
Hey, this is a really good video. However, installing Arch into a VM circumvents all the real-world trouble someone faces when installing it on a regular computer. For instance, I have a recent Zenbook here. I don't want to get rid of the Windows partition yet, so welcome to the chaos of disabling Secure Boot, decrypting BitLocker, resizing partitions, yadda yadda.
@kipchickensout День назад
looks slower than just using Everything on windows, right clicking and choosing open in VSCode (unless automated)
@GaabrielRoodriz День назад
How to add autocomplete in Tmux?
@acorcoran42 День назад
Have you looked at the pros and cons of using nix and home-manager and/or nixvim instead of gnu stow? It looks like a large amount of setup work but once done it would be a cross distribution way of source controlling not only all your configs but also all your installed packages.
@xsanos2586 День назад
The arch installation with this method is easy as f but why the hell I have spanish lang?🤣
@Piespys День назад
i hate typing i like a mouse
@chocolate_squiggle День назад
Hmmm... I'd read about tiling windows managers several times over the years, I thought I must be missing something because I get they're lightweight and some people just like that., but I still never understood how & why they're supposedly 'better'. I really wanted to be convinced because I prefer functional & efficient over modern UX design. But every argument you gave, it's just exactly how I use my regular Cinnamon desktop already. My hands ALSO almost never leave the keyboard. I make extensive use of alt-tab, ctrl-tab, adding shift to reverse directions, and keyboard shortcuts for applications. So you can open a terminal or firefox in the time it takes for a single key-press? I do too. I can snap my application windows to corners or half-screens when I want to concentrate on several apps at once. Granted I can't tile three apps vertically as quickly as you showed, but I can do it (alt-space gives access to min/max/resize & move - all with keyboard). If they're all terminal based windows I can switch to tmux and achieve that a little quicker - still all completely keyboard based. I just don't see anything much at all, let alone anything compelling, that you showed in the first half of this video, that I don't already regularly do with my non-tiling based window manager. And then IF and WHEN I want to use a mouse to arrange windows differently, I ALSO have the option of doing that. So what does tiling offer me except for less resource usage? I'm not trying to be a dick, I acknowledge most people don't know how to make extensive use of keyboard shortcuts inside a GUI - but learning that is no different to having to learn i3 commands, surely?
@lucascaique2943 День назад
@davidoyinbo4591 День назад
How do you use the mason ui to install an lsp
@laughingvampire7555 День назад
Isn't it incredible how the vim community loves to attack emacs and at the same time copy everything from the emacs community, lol.
@sickcallranger2590 День назад
Thank you. I’m pretty new to Linux so this makes CTF a lot easier.
@samir3442 День назад
bro where is your startship.toml file it is not in the repo!!!
@TheBearmoth День назад
I'm now using bat instead of cat and it has a built in pager (amongst other cool features). Check it out! :D
@mohamedabdul633 День назад
What is your keyboard brand, and what keys do you use?
@johnmichalek9802 День назад
Great video! I’m a Debian fan but have messed with Arch in the past. Might try this on my netbook N450.
@WruGapps День назад
Or I dunno select your text and do a find replace start line end line to include your quotes/commas?
@jsap09 День назад
I’m not too familiar with tmux, but for this specific case couldn’t you just open multiple tabs?
@bestagidev 2 дня назад
Did you use kdenlive for editing?
@AlEbnereza 2 дня назад
That local diarrhea can be a pain tho…
@typecraft_dev 2 дня назад
@damianroiz128 2 дня назад
Thank you for your instruction, I followed you video but I got stuck at the end when changing the colours, can you please expand on how to execute cp ~/git/dotfiles/starship.toml ~/.config/starship.toml ?
@roideus 2 дня назад
What's your keyboard?
@typecraft_dev 2 дня назад
Happy hacking keyboard!
@mlv60 2 дня назад
i love theseeee!!!! (video series, but influencers mentioned as well)
@mprasanth18 2 дня назад
Rdr2 ❤️
@TS-po3fg 2 дня назад
What are some good beginner projects for someone who just got into bash and only knows the basics?
@paladine4life 2 дня назад
what if... i wanted to click everything?
@mulchman 2 дня назад
@14:12 first try, let's go
@salamoureux 2 дня назад
the starship.toml file isn't in your dotfiles repo, could you add it?
@davdeveloper 2 дня назад
For me the regular mac terminal looks just awesome. Simple is the best