South Yorkshire ICS
South Yorkshire ICS
South Yorkshire ICS
Our vision is for our population of 1.5 million people in South Yorkshire to have the best possible start in life, with support to be healthy and live well, for longer.

To achieve this, we join forces with partners including regional NHS organisations (foundation trusts, primary care networks and hospitals) and local authority bodies (such as councils), and supporting bodies such as HealthWatch and the wider voluntary sector.

Our long-term aim is to break down organisational barriers so that we can wrap support, care and services around people as individuals and positively change lives.
Why is the QUIT Programme important?
2 года назад
Dr Richard Cullen JC CCG
3 года назад
AHPs Day 14 October 2020 - Julie Lowe
3 года назад
AHPs Day 14 Oct Trudy Sevens
3 года назад
AHPs Day 14 Oct Jo McNamara
3 года назад
@csengo70 10 месяцев назад
5 minutes on suicide. That's all this subject gets. Ppl don't give a f.
@dianafoster2867 Год назад
what a shame the audio quality is quite poor
@marthanwosu9937 Год назад
Nhs conflict resolution work book
@MrHalaalYT Год назад
I am doing my year 3 practical assessment, n this was a great help. Thank you
@jincygeorge8804 2 года назад
Any vacancies for registered nurses
@priscillaarthur6829 2 года назад
Can you apply for nursing associate whiles you are not in UK?
@Dr.JagCobra 2 года назад
I’m so sorry for all of you. I have chronic depression so I sometimes feel like leaving this world
@southyorkshireics8055 3 года назад
Responses to the questions to the JC CCCG can be found here: www.healthandcaretogethersyb.co.uk/about-us/minutes-and-meetings/questions-and-answers-joint-committee-ccgs
@ad.1237 5 лет назад
Can you do it even if you never worked in the healthcare sector before but you have health and social care level 3 btec?
@ad.1237 5 лет назад
Do you think it will be hard for someone who haven't worked in tur healthcare before to pass the apprenticeship?
@southyorkshireics8055 5 лет назад
Hello A Daillo, thanks very much for your interest. In relation to your question that would depend a little on a number of things, however, here is a link to more information www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/explore-roles/nursing/roles-nursing/nursing-associate
@johannahibbert603 2 года назад
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