This channel is dedicated and devoted to proclaim the One True God and His Son Jesus Christ with the 3 Angels' Messages. You can support via Zelle &/or Venmo (journeymark@yahoo.com), Paypal (mllastimoso@gmail.com).

Website: www.marklastimoso.com (marklastimoso.com/)

Thank you so much.
@canadiancontrarian3668 4 часа назад
The water analogy is specious. The speaker is 'within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.' Matt 23:27.
@marklastimoso Час назад
@KentoMiyaura19 4 часа назад
Here is the false teacher once again...
@marklastimoso Час назад
Trinity is unscriptural. 1 Cor 8:6
@raysansonetti685 9 часов назад
1 John 5:7. “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”
@marklastimoso Час назад
Trinity is unscriptural-1 Cor 8:6
@peterwilliams843 10 часов назад
The mark of the beast, sunday sacredness. The number of the beast, 666 (vicarius fillii dei). The name of the beast, the trinity
@marklastimoso 10 часов назад
Amen truth
@chrisdelong2932 13 часов назад
Amen! And Amen!
@marklastimoso 13 часов назад
@marklastimoso 13 часов назад
@MarkFerro-qz8fg 14 часов назад
Not believing in The Father and His Only Begotten Son is the sin that leads to death, because if you deny them, you are blapheming The Holy Spirit which is them both. These scriptures came to mind as I contemplated this. “ FOR THOU ART NOT A GOD THAT HATH PLEASURE IN WICKEDNESS: NEITHER SHALL EVIL DWELL WITH THEE. THE FOOLISH SHALL NOT STAND IN THY SIGHT: THOU HATEST ALL WORKERS OF INIQUITY”. PSALM 5:5 “ FOR THOU HAST LOVED RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND HATED INIQUITY: THEREFORE GOD, EVEN THY GOD, HATH ANOINTED THEE WITH THE OIL OF GLADNESS ABOVE THY FELLOWS.” HEBREWS 1:9 Father in Heaven, please draw all men to your Truth, humble them that they might repent of this sin of denying you and your Son, in Jesus Name, Amen!
@marklastimoso 13 часов назад
@JudyAnn17 14 часов назад
Just before the destruction of Jerusalem the leadership also deceived the people. Only the true Christians who were watching and understood the signs were saved and escape death in the city of Jerusalem. History of Jerusalem will , and is being repeated today. And most definitely in the Sdagc today. Not one Christian perished. They left the city. The one man that was prophesying for seven years, died in prison . He was not a true believer. So, we have passed examples of the type of men that were executed one way or another in Jerusalem, that were deceivers and deceived. The flight on the Sabbath was a concern because all the surrounding town doors would be locked on the Sabbath from peddlers selling their goods. And the winter months the people could be seen in the snowy grounds leaving. The leaders were fighting amongst themselves in the city of Jerusalem. Knowledge was everywhere. I see the same pattern happening now. The God we worship and his holy day of rest are both found in the Ten Commandments. The remnant are the true worshippers of God the Father and his only begotten Son. This group is not ever called Babylon. They don’t drink the wine from the golden cup of Rome. But, oh my , how do the sdagc follow her mother in doctrines of devils! She is a daughter to Rome. She had the truth, but rejected it. Aug. 1, 1893 RH
@marklastimoso 13 часов назад
Amen truth!
@BushGuy-tb1pg 15 часов назад
Good morning mark i tried to reply on the appropriate page to the appropriate person but it seems i have been locked out, prehaps its just that page, but i have a message of some importance, As i awake this morning theres an article written for RNZ , written by a Phil Pennington and titled " inland revenue giving thousands of taxpayers details to social media platforms for ad campaigns " The article goes on to inform us " that those whose names have already been sold to fb and yt, have the numbers at the end of their names exchanged for a combination of letters and numbers!! As it seems its for this reason i have been so quickly locked out, and as i have now been clearly exonerated, in the face of nothing but unfounded slander, i ask that this ban on me is lifted immediately
@marklastimoso 13 часов назад
Got it. I hope this can be resolved.
@marklastimoso 13 часов назад
Hope it is resolved.
@BushGuy-tb1pg 12 часов назад
@marklastimoso thank you Mark , I appreciate your channel, and you dearly. I also appreciate the fact you have allowed me to air such an ugly grievance, ( not something i wished to do, especially on your site, which i so do enjoy). But the accusation has now been made several times publicly, I'm sure you can appreciate the fact, that as I have already tried and seeked an honest resolve several times publicly, and after the repeated false accusations, I was unfortunately left to sit on it, in the face of nothing but an unsubstantiated accusation, however, this mornings awaiting news is like God decided that's enough of that carry on, and put the evidence in my face first thing. As the ongoing accusation has never been anything but slander, and as the article referenced destroys the Bros. false accusation , we are all left to contemplate the nature of Bro Chris's view on me being a.i. as clearly 100% a lie. Let us pray, that the bro decides to look up the article for himself.
@canadiancontrarian3668 16 часов назад
The last sentence of the reading today was the Bible passage, 'Bur all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not HIM that sent me.' john 15:21 Why is this text such a predicament for the trilogy god proponents? Is it because the text does not say... Because they know not THEM [the Father and 'god the spirit'] that sent me? Or Because they know not Him that sent US [Christ and 'god the spirit']? The very plain reading is...knowing the one individual of whom sent the one individual. AMEN.
@marklastimoso 13 часов назад
@MarkFerro-qz8fg 17 часов назад
It is our Blessed understanding of God and His Only Born Son that is hated by the world and its many religions, it is hated of many Christian organizations and their members, it is hated of the sda organization and its members, Jews, Muslims, etc. But their hatred for The One and Only True God, and His Only Born Son Jesus Christ is hatred against them, not us, can’t they see this? But that hatred is no match for The Love that God and His Son have for us that know them, and it will be no match for the hatred that God has for that awful sin of denying them. Father lift up this Truth in a way that is undeniably visible, so that all will have an opportunity choose, then, them that deny it will have made their choice, then, come Lord Jesus, come! It is in the power of that Name that I ask, Amen!🙏❤️🌺
@SevenThunders-si4ci 17 часов назад
It will be lifted up and during the loud cry, it be center stage. Amen.
@marklastimoso 13 часов назад
@Ken-uc3wt 18 часов назад
Most are haters and Andrew is true to his calling.. evil pastors will have their eyes and tongue burn out in these last days for being false leaders and pastors.
@marklastimoso 12 часов назад
Henriques is a false teacher. He ignores the SDA pioneer Fundamental Principles.
@Ken-uc3wt 9 часов назад
@@marklastimoso once again I say, he is not. You are a accuser like the devil. These apostate pastors need to move out the way and have real men take over. Money is not worth any one’s salvation. I say run from them and do not support them.
@John-si2yw 3 часа назад
@@marklastimosoAnd what principle is that exactly? Direct us to reference. My great grandparents taught me all of these things Andrew is preaching today, and I’m soon 40. This man is preaching Bible and SOP. Nothing about his preaching is false. Acting all holy; but deep down there is hate within.
@errolcorolla8653 18 часов назад
@marklastimoso 13 часов назад
Ivor Myers a false teacher
@marklastimoso 13 часов назад
Myers is teaching false God-trinity
@canadiancontrarian3668 18 часов назад
All of the many wrongs of our church stem from and can be ascribed to one certain particular mammoth transgression. Just as all of the many false doctrines of the mother church proceed forth and are derived from the central doctrine, the >MySteRy of the TriLoGy< We likewise as a denomination, have become brazen in our various vices and numerous misdeeds. They too all originate from the departure from our own central doctrine. Since we have erected this same >Image of Jealousy< Ezekiel 8:5, a virtual tidal wave of tolerated transgressions have flooded in through our back door. The structure is to be... washed away. Do we not discern the >writing< on the wall? 'And He called to the man clothed in linen, which had the >writer's inkhorn< by his side; And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst'...Ezekiel 9:4
@marklastimoso 13 часов назад
@samlovell911 19 часов назад
Pastor Henriquez i believe is a genuine preacher but i agree he must come to the truth concerning the trinity because this is the foundation of all our beliefs
@marklastimoso 18 часов назад
Yes, Early SDA were non trinitarians.
@John-si2yw 3 часа назад
The trinity is not biblical. The doctrine is from Catholicism. You people always talk without biblical proof.
@chrisdelong2932 19 часов назад
28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. 30I and my Father are one. 31Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. John 10:28-30 KJV. No one can pluck them out of my hand, and my Father who is GREATER than ALL, no one can pluck them out of his hand. I and my Father are one? How many are one? I and my Father. Amen!
@marklastimoso 19 часов назад
@chrisdelong2932 19 часов назад
Claims to be God on earth, claims to be able to forgive sins, claims priests are above God and God must honor their decisions in matters of forgiveness, worships the (un) holy trinity. Mystery Babylon is written upon her forehead, which is on the miter worn by the pope, the TriQueTra. The false pagan 3 in one god. Amen!
@marklastimoso 19 часов назад
@BushGuy-tb1pg 15 часов назад
Morning bro, as I awake this morning there's an article from RNZ written by a Phil Pennington and titled " inland revenue giving thousands of taxpayers details to social media platforms for ad campaigns ". Dated 9,9, 2024 The article goes on to say that those who have already been sold to fb and such will have the security of their names protected by " exchanging some of the numbers at the end of their names for letters. As this evidence clearly exhonorates me of all your false accusations and slander, I do hope you will seek it out
@chrisdelong2932 15 часов назад
@@BushGuy-tb1pg sorry, I don’t argue with Ai.
@BushGuy-tb1pg 15 часов назад
That's fine, I'm not the one bearing false witness, in the face of evidence. Have at it, anyone with a shred of honesty would realize they have egg all over their face, and any true Christian in the face of such overwhelming evidence would be forced to consider it, the fact your doubling down yet again in the face of said evidence is priceless.
@chrisdelong2932 15 часов назад
@@BushGuy-tb1pg Ai accusing a real person? Sorry, I don’t argue with Ai.
@PearlWilson-lj5ok 20 часов назад
How can I communicate on messenger? I know someone whom you know.
@marklastimoso 20 часов назад
email: journeymark@yahoo.com for info
@marklastimoso 20 часов назад
FB Mark L. Lastimoso
@MarkFerro-qz8fg 21 час назад
Have Mercy Father, pick us up should we fall, and cause us to see clearly your human enemies, in Jesus Name, Amen!
@marklastimoso 21 час назад
@MarkFerro-qz8fg 22 часа назад
I’m sorry, but I will no longer give these men the benefit of the doubt. Henriquez and many, many others are not ignorant men, they can read, they have Bibles. I am a simple man who spent many years in the world, but when I saw my sin I turned to God, when I was baptized into the sda corporate organization it didn’t take long to see the errors which they were teaching. As I studied the history of Gods Church I could see the conspiracy immediately. These men are intentionally deceiving, but if not, they truly are ignorant men that have no business in the pulpit. Everyone should watch Marks presentation on “jesuitism” by J.A. Wylie. The agents of Rome assume many disguises. We are either dealing with agents of Rome, or agents of apostate nominal organizations, or truly ignorant men, which there is not much difference in any of them. There are no other choices. Father in Heaven, protect the minds of you people from the poison of apostasy, and guide us safely into your kingdom, in Jesus Name I ask, Amen! 🙏❤️🌺
@marklastimoso 22 часа назад
@peterwilliams843 День назад
"....My Spirit"! Says it all 🙏
@marklastimoso 23 часа назад
@Adrian-hf4md День назад
This is more proof of John Harvey Kellogg's push for the trinity into the SDA Church. Kellogg vs. The Brethren: His Last Interview as an Adventist (Oct 7, 1907) Kellogg: Now I hear the brethren say when they are at a meeting, “I feel that the Lord is here.” I go into the laboratory, look into a microscope, see cells under my eyes, see cells working there, and I say, “God is here working.” I cannot see how God’s Spirit is separate from His presence. Now you see I don’t mean “the Lord Himself is here;” I mean His Spirit is here. It is all right as far as I am concerned. All I wanted to explain in LIVING TEMPLE was that this work that is going on in the man here is not going on by itself like a clock wound up; but it is the power of God and the Spirit of God that is carrying it on. Now, I THOUGHT I HAD CUT OUT ENTIRELY THE THEOLOGICAL SIDE, OF QUESTIONS OF THE TRINITY and all that sort of things; I didn’t mean to put it in at all, and I took pains to state in the preface that I did not; I never dreamed of such a thing as any theological question being brought into it. (Dr. Kellogg admits the Living Temple contained the theological side of the trinity) archive.org/stream/KelloggVs.TheBrethrenHisLastInterviewAsAnAdventistoct71907/1990_kellogg_vs_brethren_lastInterview_oct7_1907_spectrum_v20_n3-4_djvu.txt Page 58 archive.org/details/KelloggVs.TheBrethrenHisLastInterviewAsAnAdventistoct71907/page/n38/mode/1up?view=theater
@danielthomasmsigwa31 День назад
The truth is the third angle's message - God's law and the faith of Jesus against sunday law and the mark of the beast! Seems like your mission is anti trinity, really; is your present truth?
@MarkFerro-qz8fg 23 часа назад
The third angels message is about worship. The mark of the beast is trinity, it is the god that the beast worships. Sunday is kept by them in honor of their most holy trinity god. Worship of the trinity god is the mark of the beast! Period.
@marklastimoso 23 часа назад
Sunday rest is to worship Trinity. Sabbath is to worship the TRUE GOD, the FATHER of CHRIST JESUS. John 17:3
@rudolfberki8683 День назад
Excellent presentation, thank you. Let's hope he will watch this presentation and change.
@marklastimoso 23 часа назад
@armysalonta1683 День назад
Thanks brother Mark L for this truth but how can we get the book because that you presented the original one, and also fundamental Principal believed that the pioneer holding to. Thank you so much, may God bless your ministry.
@marklastimoso 23 часа назад
@marklastimoso 23 часа назад
@armysalonta1683 22 часа назад
@@marklastimoso thank you for your replies 🙏
@josephsandersonii День назад
He won’t listen the voices that was trying to teach him this doctrine
@marklastimoso 23 часа назад
Le him be. He has been warned
@BushGuy-tb1pg День назад
Letters 253, and 253A are also in agreement with letters 242, 243, and an interesting read, when considering this particular issue.
@marklastimoso 23 часа назад
@rayray4192 20 часов назад
@@marklastimosotrouble in paradise, heretic?
@Oscar-hj7fp День назад
What a study brother how can we get these books? So clear and concise!
@BushGuy-tb1pg День назад
@@Oscar-hj7fpI'm no pastor my bro, I'm just a guy who studies voraciously trying to figure it all out like everyone else, I have found one painstakingly slow way of getting to the truth, I download pdfs and copy them out word for word. Very, very slow I'm afraid, but I can then look em up and refer to them whenever I want. Others like Mark have a large vault of resources, and i press pause and write, ALOT!!! writing down everything slowly and accurately is not very fun. However, these are the 2 ways I have come to have my own copies of such pearls as E.g.whites appeal to the sda, E.j.waggoners sermon on Christ and his righteousness, or Uriah Smiths sermon on Daniel and Revelation, letters 253, 253A , 300 etc, etc. I'm sure there must be a faster way to figure it all out, but if there is I don't know it!
@marklastimoso 23 часа назад
@Oscar-hj7fp 16 часов назад
@@marklastimoso thank you so much!
@peterwilliams843 День назад
The way he waves his hands around saying loudly "I need you to all understand..." to me is him saying, "listen to me 'I' know what's best for you!" There were a whole lot of "i"s in that talk. I'll listen to what God has to say in His word thankyou.
@marklastimoso День назад
@MarkFerro-qz8fg День назад
Whosoever wants to save their lives will lose it, but whosoever will lose his life for my sake will find it. Father this temporal life is nothing, but Eternal Life with you is everything to me, Please help me to gain that Life, in Jesus Name, Amen! 🙏❤️🌺
@marklastimoso День назад
@carrolsullivan6402 День назад
Pastor Mark would you please post the links to the Fundamental Principles. Thankyou for presenting the truth. God Bless🙏
@marklastimoso День назад
@carrolsullivan6402 15 часов назад
@@marklastimoso Thankyou.🙏
@chrisdelong2932 День назад
The agencies which will unite against truth and righteousness in this contest are now actively at work. God's holy word, which has been handed down to us at such a cost of suffering and blood, is but little valued. The Bible is within the reach of all, but there are few who really accept it as the guide of life. Infidelity prevails to an alarming extent, not in the world merely, but in the church. Many have come to deny doctrines which are the very pillars of the Christian faith. The great facts of creation as presented by the inspired writers, the fall of man, the atonement, and the perpetuity of the law of God, are practically rejected, either wholly or in part, by a large share of the professedly Christian world. {GC 582.3}
@marklastimoso День назад
@koduahowusuansah7412 День назад
These issues are bound to happen in these last days of earth’s history. Matthew 23 and 24 say who are the saved and who are with the devil
@marklastimoso День назад
@chrisdelong2932 День назад
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ, which is sent to all men to give them sufficiency,” - Ellen White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 14, p. 84.3 “The Lord is soon to come. We want that complete and perfect understanding which the Lord alone can give. It is not safe to catch the spirit from another. We want the Holy Spirit, which is Jesus Christ.” - Ellen White to W.W. Prescott, Letter 66, par. 18, April 10, 1894 “but it is the leaven of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, which is sent down from heaven, called the Holy Ghost,” - Ellen White, Manuscript 36, 1891 “They have one God and one Saviour; and one Spirit--the Spirit of Christ--” - Ellen White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p. 189.3, 1909
@marklastimoso День назад
@hyphyking650 День назад
It’s sad to see these kind of videos. This brings more of a divide than helping whatever you think you may be doing. Have you talked to this pastor personally? Sat down to have a conversation?
@marklastimoso День назад
SDA is in apostasy voted trinity in 1980.
@chrisdelong2932 День назад
@marklastimoso День назад
@MarkFerro-qz8fg День назад
Another counterfeit of satan! These men of loyolas follow their generals orders to the death. We as sons and daughters of The Most High God of Heaven! I don’t think we often realize that we are soldiers in His army, His Son Jesus Christ is our General, and He has a battle plan for us to follow. We must understand the responsibility that comes along with such a priviledge. Father in Heaven, please forgive us when we don’t follow your loving commands which would deliver us and others if we would only be obedient. Please Father give to us your power to realize the Love you have for us,and The plan that you and your Son have made for our salvation, and empower us to understand and obey, in Jesus Name I pray, Amen!
@marklastimoso День назад
@Edupier День назад
A spirit within a spirit 😂 ===> absurd
@marklastimoso День назад
Trinity is.
@Edupier День назад
@@marklastimoso . . . a fake god
@chrisdelong2932 День назад
The time of trouble-trouble such as was not since there was a nation [Daniel 12:1]-is right upon us, and we are like the sleeping virgins. We are to awake and ask the Lord Jesus to place underneath us His everlasting arms, and carry us through the time of trial before us.-Manuscript Releases 3:305 (1906). {LDE 12.2} Amen
@marklastimoso День назад
@chrisdelong2932 День назад
In rejecting the truth, men reject its Author. In trampling upon the law of God, they deny the authority of the Law-giver. It is as easy to make an idol of false doctrines and theories as to fashion an idol of wood or stone. By misrepresenting the attributes of God, Satan leads men to conceive of Him in a false character. With many, a philosophical idol is enthroned in the place of Jehovah; while the living God, as He is revealed in His word, in Christ, and in the works of creation, is worshiped by but few. Thousands deify nature while they deny the God of nature. Though in a different form, idolatry exists in the Christian world today as verily as it existed among ancient Israel in the days of Elijah. The god of many professedly wise men, of philosophers, poets, politicians, journalists-the god of polished fashionable circles, of many colleges and universities, even of some theological institutions-is little better than Baal, the sun-god of Phoenicia. {GC 583.1} Amen!
@marklastimoso День назад
@chrisdelong2932 День назад
The Spirit of Christ is what we want. EGW Amen!
@marklastimoso День назад
@MarkFerro-qz8fg День назад
As we look around our world in 2024 is there any doubt as to where these phenomena have their origin? I think not. Father in Heaven, may we work tirelessly to assist you and your Son in bringing as many as will to your kingdom before the time of trouble such as never was since there ever was a nation on this earth begins. In Jesus Name, Amen!
@marklastimoso День назад
@canadiancontrarian3668 День назад
Amen Pastor Mark. They are imbued with, as you say, the 'spirit of the pretender'. And also so plainly correct is, as you did say, if this trilogy god of our denomination is the correct and flawless god, then that denotes that the god of the central doctrine of the mother church is likewise the same perfect god. And this TriQuEtRa god of the aNticHriSt institution IS... in their worship sessions... perfect. Perfect to them and perfect for them. For it promotes the 'slighted one' to his proper position 'in the sides of the north'. Isaiah 14:14
@marklastimoso День назад
@chrisdelong2932 День назад
@chrisdelong2932 День назад
Funny, I feel like Elijah talking to the prophets of Baal. Sad so many high up within the church have abandoned the original faith of the pioneers. Preaching clear false pagan doctrines of Rome. Very, very sad indeed. Amen!
@marklastimoso День назад
@chrisdelong2932 День назад
Here is what the plain teachings of the Bible say, 9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Romans 8:9 KJV. The Spirit of who? spirit of God, and Spirit of who? Spirit of Christ, and anyone who has NOT the Spirit of Christ, is NONE of his. Meaning you DO NOT belong to Christ if you do not HAVE the Spirit of Christ. Amen!
@marklastimoso День назад
@canadiancontrarian3668 День назад
Amen. And who does one belong to if one clings to and even prays to...'god the spirit'.?? The SDA masses are oblivious to the outright danger of beckoning for the indwelling of this 'another spirit'.
@chrisdelong2932 День назад
@@canadiancontrarian3668 Spirit of God & Spirit of Christ are the only safe Spirit clearly mentioned in verse 9 of Romans 8. This “other” spirit as you have pointed out is exactly that, an “other” or “another” spirit which is not of God or Christ’ Spirit. Amen!
@chrisdelong2932 День назад
@@canadiancontrarian3668 In rejecting the truth, men reject its Author. In trampling upon the law of God, they deny the authority of the Law-giver. It is as easy to make an idol of false doctrines and theories as to fashion an idol of wood or stone. By misrepresenting the attributes of God, Satan leads men to conceive of Him in a false character. With many, a philosophical idol is enthroned in the place of Jehovah; while the living God, as He is revealed in His word, in Christ, and in the works of creation, is worshiped by but few. Thousands deify nature while they deny the God of nature. Though in a different form, idolatry exists in the Christian world today as verily as it existed among ancient Israel in the days of Elijah. The god of many professedly wise men, of philosophers, poets, politicians, journalists-the god of polished fashionable circles, of many colleges and universities, even of some theological institutions-is little better than Baal, the sun-god of Phoenicia. {GC 583.1} Amen!
@yvonnewilliams2588 День назад
Keep up the good work pastor ❤ the most High God continues to bless you and your family in His Son's name ....
@marklastimoso День назад
Amen glory to God and His Son!
@wranglerxx День назад
A loud, great and powerfully received cry! Thank you brother for your stand for our Creator and Savior! God bless and keep you always
@marklastimoso День назад
@MarkFerro-qz8fg День назад
As we know, the Jesuit order will assume any disguise, and it is the end that justifies any means they find necessary. They are among us, but faint not and have no fear. Nothing happens on this earth without our Father Gods permission, we were put here for the purpose of doing our Fathers will, and His will is that we should pray without ceasing for all men. We must pray for these men in this order that they may hear Gods voice and turn from their sin. We must have Gods Love in our hearts, even for His enemies. Father hear our prayers that one Jesuit might be saved. In Jesus Name, Amen!
@marklastimoso День назад
@MarkFerro-qz8fg День назад
The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ coerces no one to Love Him. Our Lord Jesus Christ forced no one to accept Him or His Father. What a contrast to the devises of the Catholic Church and their Jesuit order. The similarities between them and the Muslim caliphate are stark and noticeable. Father in Heaven, may we that Love you out of a sense of duty ask that you strengthen us in the days that lie just ahead, in Jesus Name, Amen!
@marklastimoso День назад
@peterwilliams843 День назад
"For there are certain men crept in unawares... ungodly men.... denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ" Jude 4
@marklastimoso День назад
@MarkFerro-qz8fg День назад
I pray that we have all counted the cost of being a follower of The Son of God our Lord. We had better not find that we haven’t received the necessary Spirit to complete our mission. These men of loyolas army are never going to neglect their mission to overthrow us. Father in Heaven, we ask for your unrestrained Spirit to complete the work you have laid before us, so that we will never shrink back. In Jesus Name we ask, Amen!
@marklastimoso День назад