Zeioh Games
Zeioh Games
Zeioh Games
I'm just a videogamer, escaping from reality.
@TheADzioba Месяц назад
@ikerguzman-q9t Месяц назад
Thank you!
@MrHuff 2 месяца назад
thank you :)
@cemyrdkn 2 месяца назад
I have stopped by already :) Thank you!
@GiacomoBitozzi 2 месяца назад
In che sistema è il pianeta?
@zeioh 2 месяца назад
Il sistema è Ulgangro, pianeta Olneyas Gamma. (Ma non dovrebbe essere rilevante, il portale ti porta direttamente sul pianeta con la navetta!)
@GiacomoBitozzi 2 месяца назад
@@zeioh ma se vado direttamente su quel pianeta con i componenti per la nave posso recuperarla anche senza fare il passaggio del portale, monolite ecc?
@zeioh 2 месяца назад
@@GiacomoBitozzi e come ci arrivi sul pianeta senza usare il portale? magari sta sfuggendo qualcosa a me, ma non capisco o_o comunque se hai già un cervello armonico preso altrove si, va sempre bene nel caso, è sempre compatibile con qualsiasi nave di qualsiasi sistema/pianeta
@GiacomoBitozzi 2 месяца назад
@@zeioh perdonami, un ultima domanda, come si sbloccano i Glifi?
@zeioh 2 месяца назад
@@GiacomoBitozzi ah se ti mancano i glifi sei leggermente in alto mare allora.. comunque, i glifi li sblocchi in 3 modi(che io sappia, il gioco ce l'ho dal dayone e non so se ne hanno implementato altri). - Il primo è casuale, semplicemente devi esplorare a piedi/exoscafo i pianeti, e dopo un po di tempo potresti avere una chance che ti appaia una "Tomba del viaggiatore", che è un piccolo totem bianco fluttuante a forma di Atlante, interagendo con esso, interagirai con un viaggiatore morto li e che ti concederà il suo glifo. - Il secondo metodo è, la maggior parte delle volte, nelle stazioni spaziali ti imbatterai in un "viaggiatore", i viaggiatori si riconoscono perchè non sono ne korvax, ne gek, ne vy'keen, ma sono una razza a parte e hanno addosso una lieve aura argentata, li riconosci subito se ci passi vicino, e parlando con essi, se gli donerai 100 naniti, loro ti indicheranno le coordinate per una di queste tombe(cosi eviti di cercare), per un solo glifo sempre ovviamente, puoi pagare il viaggiatore più volte ma ti riporterà sempre alla stessa tomba, quindi fatta una, cambia sistema e trova un altro viaggiatore, e devi fare tutto questo per tutti i glifi. - L'ultimo metodo è seguire la storia di artemis, ogni tot lui ti darà un glifo da usare e sbloccare, ma non ricordo se te li darà tutti, l'ho fatta troppo tempo fa. Ricorda, senza avere tutti i glifi sbloccati nno potrai usare il portale. Se poi una volta che li avrai tutti, non sai come trovare un portale, controlla i commenti in questo video, ho rispsoto ad un altro ragazzo su come fare per trovarne uno!
@KaidenArt 2 месяца назад
not there :(
@zeioh 2 месяца назад
Remember to turn off the multiplayer or someone can "steal" the ship before you
@dudu-je6ri 2 месяца назад
Come faccio a trovare un portale sul pianeta ?
@zeioh 2 месяца назад
@@dudu-je6ri Allora, vai in una stazione spaziale, e devi trovare in basso a destra il Mercante che vende mappe, tu devi comprare quella per i manufatti alieni(non i tesori, cè l'iconcina del monolito sopra). Ti consiglio di comprarne almeno cinque, a meno che tu non voglia usare il metodo di ricarica del salvataggio nel caso non trovi quello giusto, poi, ti rechi su un pianeta qualsiasi che ha vita, non quelli vuoti, e usi una mappa, devi assicurarti che come obiettivo ti trovi un "Monolito", però devi stare attento perché ne esistono di due tipi, uno semplice che ti fa imparare semplicemente il dialetto della razza in questione del sistema in cui ti trovi, e poi c'è quello che interessa a te per il portale, e cioè quello che ti fa fare una prova(è anche diverso ad occhio perché ha una costruzione più imponente), se risulterai bravo in quella prova sceglierai la risposta esatta(altrimenti ricarica e riprova) riclicca sul monolito e come seconda opzione ti farà scegliere "Trova un portale", ma al costo di un totem della razza dominante di quel sistema, quindi pugnale vy'keen, involucro korvax, ecc, se non ne possiedi uno prova a comprarlo dagli npc che parcheggiano l'aeronave nella stazione spaziale, oppure trova un Emporio sul pianeta e lo compri dagli npc li. Ricordati, non cercare un monolito se prima non hai con te un manufatto come scambio per la posizione di un portale. E infine ovviamente non dimenticare che per usare un portale devi avere sbloccato tutti i glifi tu stesso, altrimenti sarà inutilizzabile.
@zeioh 2 месяца назад
- Also watch my first video for two more additional bases for your farm! - Guarda anche il mio primo video per altre due basi aggiuntive al tuo farm! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-2w7v-W7thBc.html
@zeioh 2 месяца назад
- Watch my second video dedicated to the Nanites farm! Includes coordinates for a Paradise Planet with Floating Islands! - Guarda il mio secondo video dedicato al farm di Naniti! Include le coordinate per un Pianeta Paradiso con Isole Fluttianti! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-AZKv3t4oe28.html
@thepotato6860 2 месяца назад
Anybody know the door code for the door you can hack on the second floor?
@zeioh 2 месяца назад
Later in the main story you will unlock two side missions that will take you through that door, don't worry about it for now
@ismellthecheeze6436 3 месяца назад
I wish I had the next gen console for all the cooler shit you get
@bambiboy8878 3 месяца назад
The phone wasn’t there
@girdielbohmer2148 3 месяца назад
Why everyone is so thirsty in this game? Is red heads the type of everyone in this world? I just ended the game recently and got impressed how much flirting Aloy got! Ahahahaha! They are all into "be fruitful and multiply" mode!
@eddyeddyd 4 месяца назад
So fine
@urielramos5767 4 месяца назад
Ah so execution style is different I just beat the game and nodded ended him with the pipe repeatedly to the face lol no other difference that I noticed tho
@yellowbellyctrl803 4 месяца назад
Not being able to change keybinds Is the worst thing about this game but loving it. Just got to this boss
@Roamr1720 4 месяца назад
Amazing that a video game can attract that level of interest from irl celebs.. Reeves, Elba, I mean.
@scrappymutt2047 4 месяца назад
This boss needs some balancing as far as his health pool
@zeioh 4 месяца назад
Yes, there is still something to fix in the game, not just bosses' healt. Let's hope that by September they will be able to make it as playable as possible... The guys at Jyamma Games are only a dozen and this title is quite ambitious for their standards.. It would be a shame, because on an artistic level it's wonderful.
@scrappymutt2047 4 месяца назад
I loved the Demo though and am definitely going to play it! Thanks for the video and great work!
@kanian7486 4 месяца назад
Ecco ora ricordo.. il messaggio finale è che l'animus di Layla Assan è potenzialmente in grado di rompere il codice del tempo tramite la simulazione genetica.. Chissà se la faranno mai questa cosa in Ubisoft... Secondo me se la sono tenuta come scappatoia per quando la serie sarà giunta al collasso. E taaac.. ecco il colpo di scena che riscrive tutto.. Si.. riportare in vita anche chi era gia morto.. Vero Desmond? Vero Lucy? Ed ecco a voi.. il multiverso!
@danielburgess1113 5 месяцев назад
this is a requirment to get one of the collectibles that goes outside jhonnys hotel it says to do it whilst looking for the proto relic can you get away with just doing it on normal even if you allready have the relic ?
@zeioh 5 месяцев назад
If i remember correctly, you must complete it in normal AND hard mode for johnny's collectibles at the hotel, but, you can lower the difficulty on the game menu to make both challenges a little bit easier, ther's no penalty for that. I personally completed everything and in dynamic difficulty.
@raine6813 6 месяцев назад
jokes aside this is the most badly written dialogue in any video game ive ever seen. it legitimately feels like it was written by an AI and then translated twice
@zachstrebeck 7 месяцев назад
For anyone looking for advice on this fight, this video is a good visual guide, but what isn't said in any video I looked at is that this is the first real test in the game where you need to know when to block. Timely blocking/countering and exploiting weakness is the key to winning this one!!
@zachstrebeck 7 месяцев назад
Edit: the description does a great job explaining this exact thing, I'm the dingleberry who can't read 😅😅 great job OP!!! Very nice guide
@zeioh 7 месяцев назад
@@zachstrebeck it's ok, it's also partly my fault, at the beginning I recorded the video only as a demonstration video, but since a guy in the comments was interested and this video had helped him, i thought i'd add the description later without any prompt on the screen to read the description 😅
@Luxor90Revenge 7 месяцев назад
Good job, i want to win and your video is helping me 😅
@zeioh 7 месяцев назад
Thank you! I'm glad it helps you! (I added more info in the description to help you eventually and those who need it)
@zacatkinson3926 8 месяцев назад
Will the proper ps5 version supposed to come out look even better than this?
@themoon69420 8 месяцев назад
Note how she doesn't take accountability for her mistake and offer her apologies. Whoever created Aloy really understood women.
@zeioh 8 месяцев назад
Apparently, according to what they say on the internet, the key to the suitcase only appears if you side with So Mi in the final mission. Can you confirm guys? 🤔
@gh0st3550 6 месяцев назад
@maega20 9 месяцев назад
does this need phantom liberty dlc?
@zeioh 9 месяцев назад
Yea, i think so, it's a radio station from DogTown
@Prywin1978 9 месяцев назад
Saw it now. First i didn't recognize the situation and waited, that Johnny would say something. Then i saw the birds and the sandwich in his hand and it was familar to me. seconds later I realized it and found it a cool easter egg.
@Raidzp 9 месяцев назад
Dont have such at this place lol
@yoseframaz1610 9 месяцев назад
@Raidzp 9 месяцев назад
@@yoseframaz1610 it will appear when you will be on mission there
@yoseframaz1610 9 месяцев назад
@@Raidzp i went and Tried to talk to her but there's no option to talk about mission
@Raidzp 9 месяцев назад
@@yoseframaz1610 it will be available to open on very late mission in phantom liberty dlc or after, i guess. i opened it during the mission
@yashurishi549 9 месяцев назад
you stick the pointy end to the machine 💀
@discountdisco2273 9 месяцев назад
I do love a woman that can outright break my kneecaps
@davidw2319 9 месяцев назад
She's soo bad frrrr 😭😭😭
@stefanbatory9885 9 месяцев назад
I respect
@zettaflareig 10 месяцев назад
He also has the sandwich Keanu was eating
@HanSolo__ 10 месяцев назад
The pigeons came from Bladerunner.
@zeioh 10 месяцев назад
Nono they're in the "meme" as well, in front of Keanu Reeves, but there's only one instead of 3 🐦
@PinealIdea 10 месяцев назад
@zeioh 10 месяцев назад
@marcusk9483 9 месяцев назад
@@zeioh lol
@larryjohnson3087 9 месяцев назад
If the club is locked for you, you prob just are not far enough along in the story. I'm pretty sure this opens after you complete the mission inside the club
@mamelukkikala1160 10 месяцев назад
It has metro now?! Damn I gotta replay this for all the new stuff and dlc
@MarshallLee23 10 месяцев назад
What do I have to do to get that Easter egg?
@qzg7857 10 месяцев назад
Ride a metro
@zeioh 10 месяцев назад
it's totally random when you enter the metro, keep trying again!
@kuknahkfot6860 10 месяцев назад
did they add the metro?
@youdonegoofed 10 месяцев назад
Yes, in the latest update 2.1
@zeioh 10 месяцев назад
@@alfa-psi It's not useless, it's a feature for immersion, just like using one vehicle instead of another, or walking instead of using a car, if you don't like a type of vehicle and you don't use it so that vehicle can also be defined as "useless", but the truth it's just because it's not for you, not suited to your gaming style and roleplay. I personally love taking the metro, and i do it whenever i can, and i find it relaxing between one ride and another to admire the beauty of Night City from the window. Anyone who loves the cyberpunk genre, imagery and culture knows what i'm talking about, i think they can feel the same emotions.
@zeioh 10 месяцев назад
Yes, like Pawel Sasko said, this was a "surprise" update, he literally called it "fanservice patch", during all this time they have followed fans' requests on the official forum, and have made them reality, just for fanservice and to make the fans happy!
@MarshallLee23 10 месяцев назад
​@@alfa-psiPollute the map with icons? Come on bro unless you are colorblind I think you are confused but it is nothing to write home about, besides, since day 1 they had said that they would add a subway to travel around Night City. Something tells me that you probably came some time later to continue watching the game with disdain, taking into account that every time it is updated it gets better.
@deletedwaffles 10 месяцев назад
@@MarshallLee23 Yeah that the whole "pollute the map with icons" it such a nitpick. It's small purple icons that are non-distracting at best.
@duck_entertainment 10 месяцев назад
Omg this is the best
@MondoPNDrakuun 10 месяцев назад
@TheFunnyKnight 10 месяцев назад
I saw a weird mod that she had no clothes on and they played this scene💀
@lifeimitatingdeath3608 10 месяцев назад
Just had to get on here and make sure i wasnt missing some secret event or iconic weapon or something..
@zeioh 10 месяцев назад
Nah, just lore drives about the event, and idris elba & daft punk easter egg 😁
@lifeimitatingdeath3608 10 месяцев назад
@@zeioh sweet.. thanks dude
@pSYCHO29999 11 месяцев назад
Damn nice find 👍
@GottSmoke 11 месяцев назад
Awesome game, thanks bro
@r.i.p.plegaming2327 11 месяцев назад
Aloy got that weapons smith rizz
@or3o-h3ad24 11 месяцев назад
"Finally got rid of that bitch"
@MachinimaCommentary1 Год назад
Damn she is so fucking hot.
@sim3797 Год назад
Quale lancia?💀💀💀
@tonyfrisenna9989 Год назад
coordinate is not working....
@zeioh Год назад
Are you on Euclid galaxy? Some people reached the planet and built bases already. So.. it works 😅
@tonyfrisenna9989 Год назад
Maybe i have to do this with multiplayer mode disabled?@@zeioh
@zeioh Год назад
​@@tonyfrisenna9989 No no, it doesn't matter, you just need to be in Euclid's galaxy and enter the glyphs correctly into the portal! (coordinates in the ship are just an extra if you can't find my bases icons)
@tonyfrisenna9989 Год назад
I beleive you..but no way...@@zeioh