@Oldscule62 Месяц назад
Plummer's was better than Oliver's.
@heidimueller1039 Месяц назад
Was just watching a Michael Caine, 10 year ago interview, and ended up here, Canadian, so I love Christopher, and Michael Caine , a Cockney lad his best friend. I LOVED THEM BOTH.
@FleurCross-wd9sm Месяц назад
An opposite to the balcony scene. I think I would have been as broken-hearted as Ophelia, being rejected by this Hamlet.
@Edelweiss-wj5zx 7 месяцев назад
Plummer is superb! Wonderful cast, what a treat!
@EngPheniks 11 месяцев назад
Plummer repeated these epic lines while playing Klingon Commander Kang in the 6th Star Trek Movie "The undiscovered country"
@LPJack02 Год назад
RIP Christopher Plummer (December 13, 1929 - February 5, 2021), aged 91 You will be remembered as a legend.
@davidmartin2926 2 года назад
Olivier, Branagh, Plummer, Burton...my God, they are all so good. How do you pick the best? For me it's kind of like great Rock Guitarists. Some prefer the spacey, other worldly character of Hendirix, others get off on the bluesy sound of Clapton, still others really dig the country slide of Duane Allman (to me, there is NOTHING like Jerry from the mid 70's) but they are all kings of their craft. Just enjoy
@ThePinkladies18 2 года назад
I had a huge crush on Christopher Plummer when he did this and the sound of music
@asher8754 3 года назад
I had the same reaction to rewatching DS9
@garrison6863 3 года назад
I liked Burton's Hamlet better.
@Bigbadwhitecracker 2 года назад
I like the boozy one too; plummer blows him away tho.
@michaelmcdonnell3905 3 года назад
Do another black and white Hamlet.
@ruly8153 3 года назад
I’d say Christopher Plummer was a better stage actor than screen actor. Like Burton he struggled making the move from Stage to Screen. It’s kind of sad that we don’t really know how great Richard Burton was on stage
@Edelweiss-wj5zx 8 месяцев назад
He was both a great stage and a great screen actor, getting: 3 Oscar nominations, 1 win 7 Emmy nominations, 2 wins 7 Tony nominations , 2 wins. even 1 Grammy nomination! And many other awards! A legendary actor with amazing credentials!
@ragnorrock416 3 года назад
He does well with Hamlet as do they all but I wish one would speak from the heart the words mean and not just the words for there is more depth and meaning than just what the words say,
@garyspence2128 2 года назад
But the extra meaning is for you to add...the listener, the audience. Your own heart, mind, attitude emotions, and personal journey bring more meaning to those magical musings, as you hear them in real time. You bring something to the tale as well. Not only the players are part of the performance..that is part of the magic as well!
@TimothyJonSarris 3 года назад
I guess Waltz was imaging himself as Stan way before Reilly and Coogan made their Laurel & Hardy film
@butterflyqueenuk 3 года назад
Where did Ned go at the end?
@francinesiddaway7191 3 года назад
Christoph Waltz 🥰 Great Video Thank You! ❤
@govcalif 3 года назад
we had you for 91 years yet it was not enough
@Edelweiss-wj5zx 8 месяцев назад
So well said!
@elizabethboulter7578 3 года назад
Rest in peace.
@theman2017inc 3 года назад
75 years of acting be it stage, tv or big screen, that’s very impressive. Rest In Peace, Mr Plummer
@yujicortez 3 года назад
Rest in peace, Christopher. May your legacy bloom and grow forever.
@fannylablanche9952 3 года назад
ADIEU , monsieur Christopher PLUMMER ...
@TexanforHarrisWalz 3 года назад
He was one of my most favorite actors of all time. May he truly RIP.
@ThePinkladies18 Год назад
Mine too
@trudigoodman4825 3 года назад
May He Be Most Happiest In Paradise! He has passed on.
@samosullivan1744 3 года назад
Rest In Peace Christopher Plummer, you will forever live on in our hearts.
@janepang484 3 года назад
CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER💖😍😚 Great!🎼🎶🎹📺🎬🎥👑💃✨👍👏 25 December 2020😷Hong Kong🌏 👫👬👭❤💙💚💛💜💓💗💟✌😄 🌺🌸🌹🍀🌷🌻🌼🌾🌿🌈🌞💐💝
@607arora2 4 года назад
Nice 👌👍👏👏👍👍👌👌
@manwaiko9134 4 года назад
She need to control her behavior?
@TAGanimation 4 года назад
Probably be us when we face Aerith's death in one of the following Final Fantasy VII remakes.
@magoulianitissa 4 года назад
Great acting, beautiful man!
@somethingyousaid5059 4 года назад
To be or not to be. That really _is_ the question. And what's the answer? Not to be, of course. At least as far as I'm concerned.
@CrowTRobot-ni7zu 4 года назад
One of the finest actors to ever come out of Canada...
@simonrice7137 4 года назад
Wonderful. So handsome
@Haru23a 4 года назад
General Chang
@easternlights3155 4 года назад
Find yourself someone who looks at you the way Christoph looks at Stephen at 0:48
@billmurray7473 4 года назад
RIP Rene. This life WILL suck without you.
@shandoticwa 4 года назад
beautiful chemistry between them. In fact I heard they all had awesome time together!
@perovskaya 4 года назад
when young a promising actor assuming English sounds well but aged terribly as an actor
@Edelweiss-wj5zx 8 месяцев назад
Actually Plummer was a phenomenal actor in old age. Won an Oscar at age 82, and at 87 was the oldest actor to get an Oscar nomination.
@eleanoresciath2872 5 лет назад
HAMLET: To be, or not to be--that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep-- No more--and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep-- To sleep--perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub, For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There's the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th' unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovered country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprise of great pitch and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. -- Soft you now, The fair Ophelia! -- Nymph, in thy orisons Be all my sins remembered.
@christopherallen9580 3 года назад
@NorCalMtnBiker86 5 лет назад
Best fan made trailer so far for this show.
@edwardkarlson8192 5 лет назад
What BS, nobody in Hamlet's condition would artistically recite like it was an eloquent poem. Mine is much better. Let's see what Olivier's got. (His 'Winter of our discontent was terrible.)
@Eristhenes 5 лет назад
What I love about this performance, in contradistinction to the others, is that it is a true soliloquy (minus the confounded echoes at certain intervals). This passage is that a tortured soul opining, (out loud )over existentialist woes, asking "the only true philosophical question." It should be quiet, unsettling, pensive. Admittedly, though, this might be a little too pensive, lol; it should be interspersed with more dynamics. (I like Kenneth Branagh's soliloquy in this regard) The best part about a film is that you can whisper to yourself, which is what this passage demands. On stage you have to blurt things out so the audience hears you. I've always found theater rather contrived and unnatural because of this.
@bodieofci5418 5 лет назад
I love how he and Richard Burton had completely different ways of doing this and yet were both compelling. Great actors.
@bossdrive525 5 лет назад
The fact that these guys are overtly giddy to work for a sleazy pedophile speaks volumes about their character.
@roddydykes7053 4 года назад
*holds hand aloft rubbing fingers vigorously*
@alexmierzwinski5177 4 года назад
I do believe Christoph (I’m not sure about the other guy) said he does not condone the actions of that person, and if he knew, he would have never been a part of that man’s work.
@gerardoconnell6539 5 лет назад
Very good Plummer could do anything Play a hero play a villain.. He was good looking enough to get a principle part with ease but he had a penchant for diversity and he didn't always want to play the good dashing hero!
@wotto204 5 лет назад
why is he low key hot af
@ashleymarie7695 6 лет назад
Who is the voice of the ghost?
@anees8772 3 года назад
Christopher Plummer. He played both Hamlet and the ghost.
@vickyowen6035 6 лет назад
Hamlet is a ghost tour of Shakespeare's own sleep walking fantasies . As is Macbeth . And the " air drawn" dagger that leads him to his grave It is Shakespeare in his fever .
@vickyowen6035 6 лет назад
Just struck me . How could Shakespeare , imagine what a ghost suffers after this life ,? In insufferable torment in purgatory . to come back and haunt us all with his crazy imaginings ?
@anthems_ukraine 6 лет назад
@diegopisfil614 6 лет назад
Josh Hutcherson looks like Christopher Plummer here
@diegopisfil614 6 лет назад
He reminds me of Jason Bateman