Friendship SBC
Friendship SBC
Friendship SBC
Friendship Baptist Church is a conservative Southern Baptist church located on 14874 Winterstown Rd., Stewartstown, PA. No matter who you are, we'd love to see you there. Visit our website at www.friendshipsbc.com/.

Sunday School 9 AM
Morning Service 10 AM
Evening Service 6 PM
AWANA and Adult Bible Study 7 PM (Wednesday)
The Gideons - Sunday Morning - June 16th 2024
3 месяца назад
@STROND 6 месяцев назад
NOPE! Jesus Christ is the SON of the almighty Yehovah!
@princybella5386 9 месяцев назад
He should be asking Am I going to heaven? Examine Yourselves, whether ye be in the faith;prove your own selves 2 Corinthians 13:5
@travisschiesser4064 Год назад
What a nice ceremony!
@RossiGastone Год назад
The antichrist has a youtube channel. He decoded the 7 thunders. He plans to destroy the world by 2036. He is a master occultist and claims to be several pagan gods.
@dinabull1416 Год назад
Yield to His Spirit!!
@dinabull1416 Год назад
Great motivational message! Gods will be done in our lives as we tells to His Spirt to reach souls for His kingdom🙏
@tonyaakaelijahdieker2543 Год назад
Delete the messages from the messenger of Malachi 3 1 and you reject Jesus and choose to die with the wicked
@tonyaakaelijahdieker2543 Год назад
I am Elijah of Malachi 4 5-6. Anyone charging for the gospel or saying that same-sex marriage is a scent when it is not is now part of the Great Tribulation that starts September 1st and you all will remain blacked out from the holy Spirit and your mental torment will get worse and worse until you repent and accept truth and return the money or wait too late and die.
@deborahburton6361 Год назад
Very encouraging sermon!
@colleenwilliams3993 Год назад
Great sermon enjoyed it. All the kids were sick...
@dr.jerrydixonsr.7849 2 года назад
Great sermon you made the Bible come alive. God bless you thank you for your faithfulness unwavering courage.
@draehl257 2 года назад
This is a great song. I’d love to have the lyrics and guitar chords. Please. Thanks
@colleenwilliams3993 2 года назад
Thank you David Burton for this great message, enjoyed your sermon....
@donnatracey3305 3 года назад
Great sermon Pastor!!!
@donnatracey3305 4 года назад
What an amazing sermon.
@georgeswope1267 4 года назад
As a child I believed that the Bible was the word of God and that Jesus was my savior .In 1988 I had a wonderful girlfriend , we raced motorcycles , we went to bluegrass festivals and did whatever we wanted to do . I realized that I had everything the world said was happiness but I felt something important was missing and I didn't know what it was. I tried scientology , all kinds of yoga, martial arts and various other disciplines but nothing satisfied me . One Sunday morning I came home drunk in a taxicab and waiting outside of my house was a man who was giving my roommate a ride to church. I had gone to alcoholics anonymous for six months and they helped me a lot but I had gone back to drinking .He invited me to sit in his car and talk. He asked me if I wanted a bible study. I said I would love to have a bible study . He came on Monday nights the only night of the week that I didn't drink. It was a 12 week bible study that went from Genesis to Revelation. He showed me in the book of Acts ( Acts 2:38 ) where it said repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost . I said I'd never seen that in the bible and I wanted to get baptized in Jesus' name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. I got baptized in Jesus' name and prayed for two months to get the Holy Ghost. The night that I got the Holy Ghost I was praying and I started to talk in tongues , I felt wonderful and GOD delivered me from the spirit of alcohol . I have never wanted to drink since then and I praise GOD for that. . The man who gave me the twelve week bible study taught me a ' GODHEAD ' bible study twice but i didn't understand the oneness of God or the trinity . I was reading the bible one day and read Ephesians 4 : 5-6 that i had previously highlighted in my bible . God gave me the revelation of oneness . ' ONE LORD , ONE FAITH , ONE BAPTISM , ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL , WHO IS ABOVE ALL , AND THROUGH ALL ,AND IN YOU ALL ! JOHN 3:16 IS JUST ONE VERSE : YOU NEED TO READ ALL OF CHAPTER THREE TO UNDERSTAND JESUS' PLAN OF SALVATION ! I was a believer from childhood but I wasn't saved . THANK YOU FOR READING THIS !
@deborahburton6361 4 года назад
Wonderful message and music! Great question at the end: what choice have you made about Jesus?
@xavierwirt7198 4 года назад
@xavierwirt7198 4 года назад
I am a friend of david
@tycorodger 4 года назад
Great message from a great man of God.