At Home in My Head
At Home in My Head
At Home in My Head
This is a companion channel for At Home in My Head, devoted to exploring experience and meaning.
Muslim Surveillance Post 9/11
2 месяца назад
The Self-Immolation of Aaron Bushnell
4 месяца назад
The Domestic Security Alliance Council
5 месяцев назад
Weapon$ of War
6 месяцев назад
The History of Genocide
8 месяцев назад
Why Unions? Conversation with Union Rep Mark Caddo
9 месяцев назад
History Erased: Weather Underground
10 месяцев назад
History Erased: The Vulcan Bridge
11 месяцев назад
Road Rage
11 месяцев назад
The Mayor of Newbern
Год назад
History Erased: COINTELPRO
Год назад
History Erased: US Land Expansion
Год назад
History Erased: Seneca Village
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US & Canadian Healthcare
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History Erased: Carver & Ford
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Becoming a Blood Donor
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Life in the Panopticon
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What Even Is Free Speech?
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A Conversation About Cowboys
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A History of Free Speech
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Finding Johanna
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Club Q and Twitter with Jen Peeples
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The Power of Quiet Voices
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@Ilovesactown 9 часов назад
Tracie, another awesome piece of research and contrast and comparison of the overused terrorist term. Please, protect your sanity and well being. Your work is always something I look forward to hearing 😊
@athomeinmyhead 2 часа назад
Thank you. It wasn't really too deep of a dive. My goal was more to prompt folks to be aware of it, and go learn more if it's a thing they're interested in. I hate that Guantanamo is still a thing.
@DarkusVanitas 15 часов назад
Hey Tracie. Glad to hear you are doing well. I feel the same way about this fight or flight motion with life. It seems we are both going through our battles in life, but I hope you are able to stay strong. What you touched on about how the people within our government will try to justify their use of power is spot on. What you are talking about around 40:39 reminds me of the just world fallacy. People within institutions of power will act on trying to use the existing system to justify their mistreatment of certain groups of people usually those with no power or little influence. Then Republicans or conservatives will try to rationalize or justify why they have to use tools of war or torture to try and reinforce the use of that system. Funnily enough I was thinking about the case of Emmett Till and your video happen to be talking about something that I can relate this point to.
@athomeinmyhead 15 часов назад
Thanks, I don't have too much to add, except it's not limited to Republicans and conservatives... sadly.
@DarkusVanitas 14 часов назад
@@athomeinmyhead Yeah thanks for reminding me. It's harrowing that democrats and liberals are echoing republican and conservative talking points on these issues.
@Guitcad1 20 часов назад
Sounds like you were having some audio issues. The volume goes up and down.
@athomeinmyhead 15 часов назад
Thanks for the feedback. I used the same mic, but a new computer, and I noticed that as well when the audio was in Audacity. But after I exported it, I didn't hear it anymore. I think it may be tied to my settings on the computer (why I don't hear the flux as much in audio playback tools). Since I couldn't hear it in the export, I thought it must have resolved. But I think if folks aren't using a setting to equalize the sound it might be worse. I don't know. It seemed to be any time I /started/ talking. Like it would fade in a bit before going full audio. I'll have to work on it. Thanks again for the report.
@tomhall7633 20 часов назад
I remember a growing social distance between myself and my social group bound together by our children of similar age in school in a small mountain town in Colorado. After the events of 9/11 friends and coworkers and even my partner at the time were disturbed at my lack surprise that folks at the violent frontiers of US hegemony might strike back at the heart of the Empire. I came to realize that in a mass media environment dominated by the ministry of propaganda, it was difficult to draw contrary conclusions. Off the top of my head I remember: "... an unprovoked attack on innocent civilians." "You're either with us or you're with the terrorists". Absent any counter narratives, how would one step outside the scripted narrative to dissent? So how many people saw the connection between Ted Kaczynski's Manifesto and Osama Bin Laden's Letter to America, or the connection between death squads in El Salvador to the deliberate depopulation of Gaza? The same folks who are horrified by the deaths of thousands on our doorstep are unmoved by the tens of thousands that die daily as a result of US Foreign Policy. Realty is much more of an aspiration than a destination. But understanding is more attainable through reflection upon our experiences and rigorous interrogation of our education. The internet, despite some major flaws, like the library provides access to books you shouldn't read or voices you shouldn't hear. For the moment anyway. It is all connected and it can all be understood... not finally...not completely....but enough not be ignorant bystanders in a world that desperately requires our attention. As for you Tracie, I consider "where your mind goes" a feature not a bug. Interrogate wisely.
@keithwilkerson7519 21 час назад
Welcome back. The president of my old company was surprised that I had high blood pressure. He stated that I seemed to be in good physical shape. I just put my two week notice and I was going to move for a new job. I shocked him by simply saying, "I'm black".
@athomeinmyhead 15 часов назад
Thank you! And yes, cultural literacy needs to be a thing.
@GeoSam 22 часа назад
"Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?" lol 🙂
@athomeinmyhead 15 часов назад
I know your comment is in jest, but I actually have watched a few videos of forest rangers who disappeared and were thought to have intentionally disappeared--except their bodies were found later. It's funny, because it's kind of a dream job... but I guess people can get sick of anything. Completely out of left field, but it reminds me of something a friend of mine used to say: "I don't care how good looking they are--somewhere there's a person that's glad to be rid of them." LOL
@GeoSam 14 часов назад
@@athomeinmyhead Unfortunately disappearances in state parks is a thing.
@englischvideos539 День назад
I love your content, have been a fan of your takes since ATEX times.
@athomeinmyhead 23 часа назад
Thank you. People sometimes ask me why I don't promote that angle more--my past work. And honestly there are not a lot of people who liked my content previously who are into what I do now. Most of the folks who like the new stuff were GB2.0 listeners. So, I appreciate your feedback.
@robmckennie4203 День назад
Thanks tracie
@athomeinmyhead День назад
You bet.
@phillipcarter8045 День назад
In my head I’m trying to imagine what you like . 😊
@athomeinmyhead День назад
Apparently not much anymore!
@utubepunk День назад
During the BLM protests, many peaceful protestors were arrested & taken to blacksites. I remember stories about this out of Chicago & Portland. Unidentified govt officials in uniform with ski masks literally yoinked people from the street & taken to these facilities where they were held against there will without access to their phones, water, meds or restrooms. I've not heard anything about these sites sense.
@utubepunk День назад
I hate John Yoo with the fire of a thousand suns. The fact he has a career post Bush administration is another sign of how unjust our world is.
@athomeinmyhead День назад
It was incredibly shocking when I googled these folks how prominent they still are. Especially the CIA murderer, was doing interviews like a celebrity.
@utubepunk День назад
It seems like Doctors notes are about as helpful as talking to the police- they're only going to use your words against you. And while you didn't explicitly say it, there's a bias against women patients when it comes to male doctors. I don't know if anything is being done to correct that bias.
@athomeinmyhead День назад
Yeah, in my head during that exam, I thought "So, you don't think this could be tied to like, the world being on fire? It's just my negative attitude about it?"
@willskatefortofu 19 часов назад
@@athomeinmyhead I've experienced this too multiple times in my adult life. Being told I have a negative attitude.. and I'm like "are you kidding me? I'm working inside the dreams of a genocidal death cult just trying to survive." Am I just supposed to not think about that? And I try SO hard to be kind to people.. Being called negative has become such a personal pet-peeve to me. Especially when it's doctors or employers saying it.
@athomeinmyhead 14 часов назад
I don't have much to add, just that I understand. <3
@utubepunk День назад
I found exercise to be a productive activity that helps with depression & overall well being. You don't need much to get started... there's plenty of videos on RU-vid regarding working out with a minimalist approach. I use an adjustable kettlebell, a yoga mat & treadmill because Hell no am I walking in the Texas heat. There's also jump rope, dumbbells, Olympic rings (assuming you have a place to hang'em).
@athomeinmyhead День назад
I'm trying to use my desire to hike to drive getting back into my neighborhood walks. I've done pretty well with going to a fitness center and even at-home workouts, but it's way harder these days, and I just fell out of the habit entirely. The walks are great because they let me think--so they are actually enjoyable. But it just a lack of motivation because I feel like I'm living in the apocalypse--and realize how self-indulgent that is, based on the actual apocalyptic images coming out of places like Gaza. So many medical workers reporting these people want to die, and I think "No wonder"--and am horrified that I'm paying to do this to them with my tax dollars, and it's just a cycle of "Is this really my contribution to this world? Is my existence helping or hurting?" And I think of the guts and the clarity of Aaron Bushnell, and my friend asking me why more people aren't doing that? And I'm like... "speaking for myself, pure cowardice."
@utubepunk День назад
You're not alone in wanting to escape to the woods, live off the land & be left alone. It's like, can we at least enjoy ourselves for once before capitalism mercs us all for an extra buck?
@athomeinmyhead День назад
Yeah, it's super self-indulgent, but also where my head is at these days. I think the Ruling Class promotes give-up to maintain the status quo, but they're ultimately promoting people to get more and more desperate. Then when it explodes they act like no one could have seen it coming.
@apersonontheinternet8354 Месяц назад
Haven’t seen you since you left the ACA while back, and your content here seems great. Glad to see you haven’t left the RU-vid space entirely!
@athomeinmyhead 27 дней назад
I'm glad you found the channel. Some folks have asked me why I don't play up the ACA connection more, but honestly, I think it's mainly the GB listeners who would be interested in this channel, and that wasn't a majority. I actually don't see a lot of cross over between the audiences beyond that. But glad you found the channel and that you like the content. I'm due for a release, and have been editing the next episode, which is an interview with a woman who runs a support platform for neurodivergent people.
@davidreynolds6718 Месяц назад
While I agree with Tracie's point that transparency would be best in instances like this (if not criminal prosecution or at least many firings and disclosures), it is a mistake to de-emphasize the distinction between Biden and Trump together as she does here. Biden ended the program and deserves some credit for that. Trump started the program and deserves the bulk of the blame. I've had other progressives tell me "Obama is the same as Bush" - which is infuriating seeing as how it was Alito, and not Kagan or Sotomayor, who took women's rights away. Failing to make these supremely important distinctions is a failure of the progressive movement - a failure so significant that it actually keeps progressives from voting, thus increasing the likelihood of more disinformation campaigns and more rights lost for women and minorities and poor people.
@athomeinmyhead 27 дней назад
I think it's fair to say it ended, but I still think that keeping it secret is extremely concerning. Things like this should be exposed, not covered up.
@davidreynolds6718 27 дней назад
@@athomeinmyhead Totally agree. Thanks!
@sulljoh1 Месяц назад
What's happening in Gaza is so horrible - but to be fair it's a little strange that the Lancet literally just multiplied the number by 5x based on historical ranges of 3 to 15 or so. That could be absolutely legit - but we should try to be accurate in these predictions if we want to keep the moral high ground. Right?
@athomeinmyhead Месяц назад
According to the article, they are saying that similar conflicts yield 3 to 15 times. They went with 4, which makes it far to the conservative side of estimating. I think it's fair to make a good faith effort to project a figure when the only entity tracking the numbers keeps coming under attack no matter how meticulously they document the direct conflict deaths. We have numbers under rubble that cannot be counted. We have mass graves that cannot be counted. We have people dying of starvation that may or may not be counted. We have people dying of treatable illness that can't get medical care due to conflict situations. I think there is good reason to assume it's a pretty conservative estimate. I think we'll get actual figures once it's over, and that's when all those who have been silently complicit will cry "If only we'd known!"
@sulljoh1 Месяц назад
@@athomeinmyhead That sounds fair. It's such a tragedy..
@athomeinmyhead 27 дней назад
It's overwhelming.
@abdullahsaidgul8005 Месяц назад
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
@sulljoh1 2 месяца назад
As somebody who may be considered an expert in a narrow technical field, I think we experts have some small responsibility for these Trump/Candace Owens-style attacks on education and expertise. Respect for serious expertise is like a common resource. We pollute it whenever we fudge some bit of data or exaggerate a claim which can't be easily checked. That doesn't excuse the right's celebrations of ignorance or colleges acting more and more like profit-seeking businesses.
@MtlRedAtheist 2 месяца назад
Great deep dive! I would make a shocked emoji, but nothing shocks me anymore on these topics!
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
I still get shocked, and I keep wondering when I'll finally just be so cynical that won't happen anymore.
@Battalion_Lion 2 месяца назад
I completely sympathize with your disillusionment, but the fact remains that two administrations are on the ballot this November: the administration that oversaw this atrocity, and the administration that STOPPED it. Refraining from voting only makes it easier for the previous administration to get back into power and do something like this again.
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
Yes, I actually understand the reasoning behind why people are voting how they are in 2024, why people are defending voting Biden, why they are defending voting third party, not voting, and even voting Trump to usher in the "burn it all down" philosophy. In the end I agree that one of the two major parties will win. So, they both should start acting like they want to win--if they want to win. If I had to bet, I would say that a lot of people who are expressing dissatisfaction about Biden will still vote for him in the general, and he'll squeak by. But I didn't think Trump was going to win the first time he ran, and he did win. So, I'm prepared to be wrong as well. But ultimately it's up to the parties to appeal to the electorate, or risk a loss. And I'm not telling anyone how to vote. I'm also not judging anyone on their votes, as long as they own those votes and take responsibility for signing on to what their candidates are doing/stand for.
@BitchofRome 2 месяца назад
If you haven't read Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine" that should be your next read. All her work, frankly, but there's a reason that book defines a generation and a movement.
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the resource tip!
@Humanities-th4mj 2 месяца назад
Simple Society (Hunter-gatherers) is close to Nature. Complex society (Agriculture, Industrial) is FAR AWAY from Nature. Marriage is "just a social construct" created by humans living in complex society. We invented religion and attached IMAGINARY / ABSTRACT concept like SACREDNESS to Marriage.
@FauX358 2 месяца назад
This should have more eyes on it than it does!
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
It's amazing how suppressed this has been. I did a short on it, and it only got like two dozen views. I have had shorts that bombed similarly, but it's hard for me to believe people don't have any interest in this topic. I at least expected a few hundred views (which is still low for my shorts, but 2 dozen was shockingly low for this topic).
@gfoog3911 2 месяца назад
I know a doctor (pulmonologist) who worked during the pandemic. I trust him with my life, he wouldn’t lie about this, but he says that ivermectin helped, and that the vaccines were dangerous. He’s not exactly in the trump cult, but he’s peddled qanon conspiracies. What advice would you have?
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
I'd advise you not to take medical advice from him without a second opinion.
@utubepunk 2 месяца назад
My friend's dad is/was a highly specialized anesthesiologist. For "fun", he patrolled the US/Mexico border eager to help catch immigrants crossing. Just because someone is a skilled doctor doesn't make them immune to fashy ideology & propaganda.
@Persun_McPersonson 2 месяца назад
Why do you think he wouldn't say anything false? He might himself be convinced of disinformation.
@utubepunk 2 месяца назад
Looks like RU-vid is redacting my comments. 😒
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
Sorry, that's probably my security settings. I vet all comments. As you can imagine, some of my topics dredge up some hateful bigots sometimes, and I try not to subject marginalized communities to those kinds of communications. Usually I will clear comments within 24 hours. I tend to check more right after publishing something, and less often if it's been a week or more.
@utubepunk 2 месяца назад
@@athomeinmyhead Ah. That's understandable. I think if people use no no words, those get flagged as well by the AI censor bot.
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
It's not necessarily about particular words. Bigots can be quite civil sometimes. I'm Ok with just about anyone who shows they have done their homework, can articulate the problem, and has questions or a disagreement. But if they comment, even civilly, and they demonstrate they haven't really investigated the issue, and they have an opinion that is bigoted, I don't allow that comment. I know a lot of channels are about "debate"--but I'm not that channel. I am all for education, but in a more university/lecture format. I let people come on the show and give their experiences, as a method to allow people who want to hear about those experiences learn. People who want to invalidate those experiences, I'm not really interested in platforming. If you listened to the episode on free speech, you'll get what I mean. There are limited platforms available, and we all have to choose which voices we want to amplify on those platforms. I choose not to amplify ignorance or bigotry--even if it's offered up with nice words, because it already has a huge platform in this world. Mine is reserved more for things and people that aren't already being shouted from the mountain tops. Or at least, that's what I'm trying to achieve.
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
While I was writing that last reply, it reminded me of this video that is a really good explanation of why I don't favor the "debate" format. In fact, this video influenced me a lot, and has had an impact on others I've shown it to. It's just a good breakdown--and I'm only offering it here because I believe it's relevant. For all I know you may already be familiar with it. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-wCl33v5969M.html
@utubepunk 2 месяца назад
@@athomeinmyhead I am very familiar with that video. Thank you for the clarification & explanation. For context, both my wife & I lately have noticed our comments being redacted on other channels so I thought it was the same situation here.
@utubepunk 2 месяца назад
I think this only scratches the surface of the propaganda Russia, China & the United States participates in.
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
Oh, I think that's a given. The stuff that leaks or is exposed should not be assumed to be the whole enchilada.
@utubepunk 2 месяца назад
@@athomeinmyhead Exactly. It's been a minute since I've recalled such an egregious example.
@utubepunk 2 месяца назад
I've heard good things about sodium batteries replacing lithium (blood minerals) batteries.
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
Yeah, it would be nice if the West could stop relying on child labor in dangerous jobs. :(
@TheDreamsAcademy 2 месяца назад
Black comedy : US moral superiority .
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
We are The Empire, sadly.
@sulljoh1 2 месяца назад
what the actual fuck
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
Yes, exactly. I keep hearing people saying we need to save democracy in 2024 when we vote, but if the US is engaged in things like this, and the public isn't aware until after these programs end, then how can we be informed voters? We don't even have a clue what it is we're voting FOR.
@sulljoh1 2 месяца назад
@@athomeinmyhead Right? Maybe US democracy is actually in jeopardy in 2024 (and to be fair, things can get a lot worse.) But you can't preserve "faith in institutions" when institutions keep doing this BS!
@FauX358 2 месяца назад
What?!!! I need to check that this is true.
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
While I heard about it on Democracy Now!, I always post the source in the descriptions for these, and in this case it's Reuters, which is about as mainstream media as you can get, literally a news wire service. But yeah--I encourage you and anyone else to do as much vetting as you need to, because I agree this is unbelievable. It started under Trump, but continued under Biden. I'm currently writing up a script for the next full episode, and trying to get more information. Mainly, I want to know what sort of accountability was applied once this program ended. I suspect NONE AT ALL. But I'll do what I can to find out.
@FauX358 2 месяца назад
@@athomeinmyhead Thanks for the reply. For me beyond the obvious unethical action is the Geo political reasons this was done and what cost is worth doing something so blatantly wrong to a innocent population. I think I have a fair idea why, but I don't think It's justifiable.
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
Yeah Reuters goes into the reasons. But it's obscene. I think what bothers me as much as the fact we did this, was that the program was ended, quietly. No ownership that we did this, and I'm betting no accountability. Just mass killings, as part of a political tit-for-tat.
@FauX358 2 месяца назад
@@athomeinmyhead I'm Australian, so I often watch how American Intelligence does things that They will never be accountable for and we as an ally are complicit in no matter who we vote for. We have had Prime Ministers removed for not towing the line. We have spy equipment used on our lands for the purpose of launching missiles around the world and mass spying, recently we signed Auckus and are making my Home capitol a nuclear target at our expense for American Military's strategic goals. The only Silver Lining is the thought that China would be worse if it was dominant in this region. But I don't even know if that's true. Thanks for the response. I have seen this topic circulating twitter a bit at least.
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
I'm amazed at the lack of attention this is getting. I just published the full length episode on the original Reuter's reporting. I also wonder if living under China would be worse. I've been raised and told it would be, but in the US, it's pretty bad, and getting worse. And it seems that all the things we accuse other nations of doing, we do, we just hide it better by weaving it into our system. So, we say that we abolished slavery, but we still have legal slavery codified in our Constitution and practiced in our prisons. But ask any citizen here, and they'll tell you slavery was abolished, even though they can literally go to the amendment that "abolished" it to see that it's still allowed--and we're still doing it.
@DarkusVanitas 2 месяца назад
Thank you for doing God's work!
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
Well, if someone didn't do it, it wouldn't get done. ;)
@DarkusVanitas 2 месяца назад
It's wild to me that stuff like this tends to go quiet because there is not a lot of traction with these types of stories. It's frustrating to see potential bridges or allyships lost due to political expedience. This makes it harder for us to be taken seriously in the global stage.
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
And harder to vote. How can I possibly choose a candidate to vote for when I am kept in the dark about what the government is actually doing? If I don't even have transparency into the government programs that are happening, how can I know what I'm voting for or against? It's like there's a veneer we are given to make that decision, but what's really going on is kept hidden, and it makes it literally impossible for anyone to be an informed voter. If you and I signed a contract, and I kept relevant information hidden from you to get you to sign, that would constitute fraud. How are our votes valid when we aren't told what it is we're voting for or against? How is that "democracy"--how is our government legitimate?
@sulljoh1 2 месяца назад
Courts have generally been pretty rational. Idk what we'll do when Trump wins and starts a war on judges/courts that won't kiss his ass
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
It will be interesting. I was surprised at a recent ruling in favor of mifepristone. Folks are saying it's a technicality, but the verdict was unanimous, and the Trump appointed judges didn't break ranks, even with a dissent that wouldn't have mattered. There is no appeal after SCOTUS, so they could, actually, rule however they want once they're on the bench. I have no idea what's going to happen in 2024--or even if either candidate will survive until the elections? ;)
@sulljoh1 2 месяца назад
@@athomeinmyhead If neither of these used car salesmen ever ran again I'd be happy! (moral equivalence not implied.) But I think it's going to be Trump in 2025 and he'll do everything he can to dismantle the last decent/fair bits of our system.
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
Right before seeing your comment, I was here to release a short recapping this article. I'm just so tired of finding nothing but rot in this country. www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/
@sulljoh1 2 месяца назад
@@athomeinmyhead I moved out of the states 10 years ago and don't plan on moving back - at least until healthcare is fixed. Going to a doctor in Korea or Taiwan is a magical experience
@jamesv4463 2 месяца назад
Good. Government needs to learn yo mind there own god damn business
@user-es3lu9fp1t 2 месяца назад
Yay :)
@DarkusVanitas 2 месяца назад
It's unfortunate that this happened. Corporations using "radical leftism" as the reason why they take action like this meanwhile we have legitimate fascism on the rise on a global scale. And like always these corporations get to walk away with a slap on the wrist. Disgusting.
@sulljoh1 2 месяца назад
If aliens ever visit earth, they might be obsessed with the elephants
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
I have at least one friend who is. They are amazing.
@BrianFedirko 3 месяца назад
Thanks, Tracie, it's been a while since living and thinking through this mess. This topic has haunted us our entire lives and we need to effect change with attitudes. Gr8! Peace ☮💜Love
@athomeinmyhead 2 месяца назад
I realized I was ignoring things from when I was younger, focusing on things I was discovering from before I was born. Then I realized how old I am, and that 2001 was 23 years ago. A whole generation has come up not knowing what it's like to not associate Islam with terrorism.
@englischvideos539 3 месяца назад
Tracie Harris always great 👍
@athomeinmyhead 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the feedback, and glad you liked it.
@Silquetoast 3 месяца назад
Great stuff as always, Tracy :3
@archapmangcmg 3 месяца назад
I mean, they are less lethal. And that's why they're not called harmless OR non-lethal. Obviously, some horrible people don't care about the results.. or worse, they do care.
@athomeinmyhead 3 месяца назад
Yeah, I think part of the problem is people hear "less lethal" and think "not dangerous". And yeah, they still provide an opportunity for cops to be abusive if they're set on it.
@archapmangcmg 3 месяца назад
@@athomeinmyhead Yeah, they were first called "non-lethal" which they aren't.. and that was even worse. "Oh, it doesn't matter what I do because they're non-lethal!" I'm not sure what to call them which wouldn't send the wrong message.
@joelonsdale 3 месяца назад
Comment coming from audio podcast. Another fascinating podcast - I'll follow up some of your show notes to learn more.
@athomeinmyhead 3 месяца назад
I'm always psyched when people check the further reading. When people contact me to say a link isn't working, I get excited. LOL
@NicklasZandeVGCP2001 3 месяца назад
How am I supposed to visit a small town if nobody can agree who their rightful leader is?
@emanattia1081 3 месяца назад
No comments???
@athomeinmyhead 3 месяца назад
Nope, no comments.
@lewiskunst1089 3 месяца назад
So, so, so Happy I've found this Channel! Finally I have something besides "Democracy Now" to listen 👂 to on RU-vid.
@athomeinmyhead 3 месяца назад
Aw. Thank you. I hope you enjoy the rest of the content!
@bigduke2452 3 месяца назад
Biden is hemorrhaging young voters over Gaza.
@athomeinmyhead 3 месяца назад
2024 will be extremely interesting. I tend to think that enough people will be scared of Trump that they will break for Biden, when they get to the polls, but I'm also not counting on that, and am preparing for another Trump presidency if it comes to that. BUT... that being said, youth vote doesn't have the long history of "two party" training that the older vote has, and that's a real wild card. I don't know if they'll impact 2024, or how much, but going into the future, we can see by things like the TT ban that the plutocracy is worried about that future.
@jamiegallier2106 3 месяца назад
A brilliant podcast, no stone left unturned. I really appreciate the depth you covered in these stories. Their sacrifice can’t be allowed to be covered up or hidden in the dark.
@athomeinmyhead 3 месяца назад
I mean, I'm actually just doing what anyone with a computer could do from their desk. But I think a lot of people either don't notice these things, or don't take the time to really go looking for what's out there about it. A few things I have kept on my radar that are just "fading" from public view, are the results of the Epstein child-r*pe island (So far only the two curators have seen justice, and that is very odd, since it's been years now, and he was supposedly video taking and recording a lot of these interactions in order to black mail people. So why haven't we seen a single r*pist convicted? And this crosses both Liberal and Conservative lines for people involved. The other issue is the "Audrey Hale manifesto"--that should be public record, but is being withheld due to a law suite, but a law suit that most folks aren't following... so it is just sort of disappearing from public memory. I want to know what was in those writings. I may be disappointed, but I wonder if it doesn't include information about SA, that was known to be happening at the school at the time Hale was attending. The school was covering it up, and it was a scandal for a while. Things like that bother me--because the state or power institutions rely on things falling off the news-radar, to get away with so much.
@adrianbrown2198 3 месяца назад
Tracie! Jesus, you were my favorite person on TAE and I just now learned about this channel of yours. I am excited at the possibility of hearing your thoughts again. Although I have no idea what this channel is about :). I hope you are doing well!
@athomeinmyhead 3 месяца назад
It's very different content here. If you liked GB 2.0, you will probably find this content interesting. If you thought GB 2.0 was weak, you probably will hate the content here. :)
@adrianbrown2198 3 месяца назад
@@athomeinmyhead haha gotcha. I assume GB is godless biznatches? (sorry I made a personal pledge to stop swearing when I was 10 years old and have kept it up) You know I never really checked out the shows the sprung out of TAE, so I can't say I have an opinion on them. But for now I'll just say thanks for having an awesome mind. I have always appreciated what you have had to say.
@davidweiland7198 3 месяца назад
Adolf Yahoo