Robert John
Robert John
Robert John
@jessicarayns1805 9 дней назад
Sean has perfected street accent with a Bristol twang
@lyngarner3893 13 дней назад
Looser leave now you deserve so much better xx
@ladystardust-ux6ft 20 дней назад
She dont deserve children if shes on drugs and lives with a paedo!
@kawaiigirl3876 21 день назад
She’s not a bad mother she trying to stop taking drugs and get her baby back
@michaeljohndennis2231 29 дней назад
13:49 he needs to be firmly told to stop making excuses and stop his nonsense - no way should he or Marva be allowed to have children at all for any reason as both of them are unfit parents - a family court should order all of the children being immediately placed in care permanently and for both of them to be sterilised immediately
@michaeljohndennis2231 29 дней назад
13:49 he needs to be firmly told to stop making excuses and stop his nonsense - no way should he or Marva be allowed to have children at all for any reason as both of them are unfit parents - a family court should order all of the children being immediately placed in care permanently and for both of them to be sterilised immediately
@michaeljohndennis2231 29 дней назад
Both of them are not fit to be parents given thier past history - their children must be placed in care in the best interests of the children and they both must be sterilised
@michaeljohndennis2231 29 дней назад
Because the U.K. is so broken there has to be a get tough and zero tolerance, zero patience policy and mindset if the traditional family unit is to be upheld, along with traditional moral values - we need to have armed Milltary U.K. morality police to intervene in these situations in order to enforce certain moral laws and yes, in this case, traditional Catholic Moral and Social Teachings
@justiceforinnocentparents1971 Месяц назад
Social workers are liars fraudsters fabricators, and it’s high time the innocent people who are targeted stand up and have those social worker put on prison. From the time the parents refused their help they start making up lies, this is so wrong should be stopped. Any social worker, police , lawyers, judges caught colluding or coercing should be held accountable.
@Lucy-el9mm 22 дня назад
Because they’re involved for a reason?? If there’s nothing to hide and no issues you’ll keep ur kid. As shown in these programs the parents aren’t able to look after themselves let alone their children. This woman had a ten month old baby and started using heroin…. The baby didn’t deserve to live there and she knew it so gave the baby to her mother!😂 the second time round she couldn’t stay clean. She went on to have another baby. A boy who was also taken because of her lifestyle, you must be just like her to leave a comment like this 😂😂
@AlexisCrawford-bn6wt Месяц назад
Right let's get this straight nursery n family members have called sw with serious corners about kids n sw didn't do anything to procet kids from abuse just look at what unfortunately happen with Arthur n baby P n baby star n unfortunately sw take kids off loving caring parents which is why sw r giving bad reputations if sw were always doing what's in kids best interests than sw would have good reputation for however unfortunately sw r giving bonus for each kid they get adopted n it's easier to get kids adopted who come from loving caring parents
@AlexisCrawford-bn6wt Месяц назад
Think as should as it was know that mum was going out with someone who she was aware of is lowlife she should of automatically lost her baby n don't understand why sw thinks it's good idea to keep giving mum chances to keep her baby cos she already proving she won't keep her baby safe by not only going out with knowing lowlife but also letting lowlife change baby's nappies
@AlexisCrawford-bn6wt Месяц назад
Wish all sw tryed they hardest to keep families together as along as it's safe to do so however unfortunately they r bad sw who take kids off loving caring parents n leave kids with abusive parents n think parents were lucky to be given encouragement n chances to change things around just wish all parents were giving this must chances
@AlexisCrawford-bn6wt Месяц назад
Just wish all sw were good as she is cos she trying to keep families together however if it's not in kids best interests then she prepared to take kids which is how should be
@AlexisCrawford-bn6wt Месяц назад
Just wish all sw were good as she is cos she trying to keep families together however if it's not in kids best interests then she prepared to take kids which is how should be
@AlexisCrawford-bn6wt Месяц назад
In UK it was Tony Blair who decided to give sw bonus for each kid they get adopted n it's easier to get kids adopted who come from loving caring parents n leave kids with abusive parents
@AlexisCrawford-bn6wt Месяц назад
Just think it's so unfair that those parents were giving so many chance n yet loving n caring parents can get their kids taking off them n excuse if risk of future harm which means they no corners at moment
@AlexisCrawford-bn6wt Месяц назад
Sw take kids off loving caring parents n leave kids with abusive parents n sw r allowed to own their own kids homes n sw give kids to know abusive forest parents n put kids in abusive kids homes n unfortunately not all forest parents r in it for right reason as they make money from corrupt system just like kids homes n just to name few people who r apart of corrupt system judge cop's hospital school lawyers sw coz they make money from corrupt system n just to name few people who r aware of abuse in care system hospital cop's lawyers judges sw coz they make money from corrupt system n society defend sw n discredit parents despite fact that mps undercover/ex/sw speaking about sw taking kids off loving caring parents n leave kids with abusive parents n society defend sw for not listening to kids even if kids r talking about being abused in care system n r begging to go back home n yet still nobody listen when kids become adults n r talking about fact system is corrupt n adoption n kinship n kids being in care can cost trauma especially if kids r begging to go back home n even if u adopted newborn baby it can still cost trauma which is why corrupt system needs to be changed to try n keep families together as along as it's safe to do so n if sw were taking right kids then no kids know by sw would be unalive by they parents look at what unfortunately happen with Arthur n baby P n baby star
@TheTacticalHaggis Месяц назад
Social workers are you scourge of the world. I wish nothing be pain for the government Karens.
@lilchicklets 2 месяца назад
Annie and Elaine… two unsung heroes and the world needs more of them.
@patriciaanndemello4652 2 месяца назад
I think if child protective services keeps taking your children away, you should be spade. You've exhausted your reproductive rights. It's not fair to the children or the mother in the long run. We need legislation for this.
@Lisa-wb5qz 2 месяца назад
There should be a law that pregnant who decide to drink alcohol or drugs should be put in a sercure unit so no harm comes to the baby ...
@Gogetemscoobie 3 месяца назад
How could anyone justify making death threats to Annie, she was kindness personified, she was really in touch with herself emotionally and with her clients. What a lovely lady
@Gogetemscoobie 3 месяца назад
Marva looked half asleep most of the time
@Gogetemscoobie 3 месяца назад
Shes had the entire pregnancy to show that she is reducing, the baby cant wait for years though for her mum to get clean
@aidenalamo6262 3 месяца назад
I wonder how many children are taken into care based on false allegations of abuse? There has to be a certain number of cases like that I reckon. In the USA, the only qualification in most states is graduating from high school, no university education required to work as a social worker in a child abuse reporting agency. Sorry, but no sorry when I say this: a high school diploma doesn't equate training for finding abusive parents to remove children.
@katfoster845 Месяц назад
In the UK, you need to have an undergraduate or master's degree in social work. Obviously there are some false allegations, but they're not in the majority of cases.
@Dairy806 3 месяца назад
The guy is openly telling you he’s experienced abuse and he’s self medicating. Cant they support him to get counselling? Perhaps she needs counselling too? They’ll just keep going round in circles if they don’t get to the root of their problems and exorcise their demons!
@oluyomimakanjuola2539 3 месяца назад
I don’t think this women should have her baby back
@johnjones375 3 месяца назад
Great video, however what about baby p where social services seriously mess up, there was far too many lies and negligence from social services
@catpuccino6186 3 месяца назад
Why women even entertain guys like Wayne?
@roozy8621 3 месяца назад
I have to gast forward when he speaks. Cant stand to hear him.
@user-xd9de9cb5h 3 месяца назад
If she pregnant and tacken overdose she should be sectioned under mental health for her sake and baby
@marcb8934 4 месяца назад
The repairs team had work cut out with the flat/house and blocked bath. I did one job and it was so bad we had it cleaned just to work in it.
@username.not.known2473 4 месяца назад
You can't legally smoke in any enclosed space with kids, surely. That alone is disgraceful.
@user-er7dr8oy6e 4 месяца назад
What a beautiful Forster parent she was so sweet and so un judgmental…. How beautiful is she!
@Toffee146 3 месяца назад
@breevans5219 4 месяца назад
I'm sorry... he's had 7, I repeat, SEVEN kids taken away with this 8th most likely also being taken away. The children, the dog, the girlfriend, EVERYONE needs to stay far far away from him.
@Rat_Queen86 4 месяца назад
I completely agree with you 👍
@amandasummers7881 4 месяца назад
The fact that they made Louise get off methadone in order to get her kids back is unreal. I’ve never heard of that here in the states. Methadone is there for chronic opiate addicts and it fills the receptors in their brain like other opiates would, therefore they don’t go thru withdrawal, and also they don’t crave narcotics anymore. I should know…I’ve been on methadone for a yr now. Also, after a couple weeks, it doesn’t even make you high anymore-you just feel normal. It has no impact on how you raise your child. So it seems like making her quit the methadone is setting her up for failure, and she will relapse.
@Pokemon_lugia-tc9eg 4 месяца назад
felt bad slightly for sean until it was said he was teaching that poor dog to be vicious..guarantee the poor thing was euthanized by the police...idiots like sean deserve what they get
@ingafranke2348 4 месяца назад
I don't understand why Louise has to get off Methadon. Isn't Methadon a way to get away from the drugs? And isn't the withdrawal of Methadon the most certain way to a relapse into drugs?
@Littleleoshouse 5 месяцев назад
Whats with her hair. So far pulled back she looks bald
@Littleleoshouse 5 месяцев назад
What is Marva on! She is so high
@Littleleoshouse 5 месяцев назад
How is he allowed to have a dog. Who sells him those poor pups
@Littleleoshouse 5 месяцев назад
Beware I am horny bahah we know bruh you keep producing like rabbits
@Littleleoshouse 5 месяцев назад
Instead of focussing on their baby all they care about is being biatches to the social worker. Rich
@aurorabuosi8467 5 месяцев назад
Sembra impossibile ma oggi quel bambino ha 64 anni !!!
@paulgillings6350 5 месяцев назад
Corrupt industry! Millions of bad decisions made ! They trained professional liars
@user-ng3qn8zv4p 5 месяцев назад
Hi 👋 everyone it's Maryanne from the UK i know what it's like to be in the care system myself to and my poor big brother to because of our sick and twisted birth mother and she let men abuse me and she didn't feed me either to I was in the care system from a baby until in my 20s i was a run away and I've got mental health issues and long term health issues to and a self harming to 😢😢so I know what these inaccant babies and children are going through
@user-ng3qn8zv4p 5 месяцев назад
Hi 👋 everyone it's Maryanne from the UK i know what it's like to be in the care system to myself to and my poor big brother to because of our sick and twisted birth mother 😢😡
@jesseniavargas6969 5 месяцев назад
25:40"FREE YEARS"🤡
@jesseniavargas6969 5 месяцев назад
25:40"FREE YEARS"🤡
@PS-dg4mu 5 месяцев назад
No majority of times babies are taken away from capable happy parents for monetary gains! Everybody knows this now! Everybody also know how all the agencies work together to achieve one agenda! You all share a profit based on the poor babys life you’ve decided to take away!