Sharon Smith
Sharon Smith
Sharon Smith
All Heaven Declares His Glory
Год назад
Our Pastor Bill Owens
Год назад
The End of Last Show
Год назад
I Get To Go Home
Год назад
God’s Covenant With Mankind
2 года назад
Double Rainbow
2 года назад
Sunset July 8, 2022 Friday
2 года назад
Billy Jenny Bill and me
2 года назад
Happy Mother’s Day May 8, 2022
2 года назад
Just Like You Promised
2 года назад
Shut Up and Go Fish
2 года назад
Our Pastor Bill Part Two
2 года назад
Three Baptisms
2 года назад
Happy Valentines Day
2 года назад
Happy Valentine’s Day
2 года назад
The Good Shepherd
2 года назад
Master Owner of Me
2 года назад
One Second is Here
2 года назад
COVID-19 Going through it now
2 года назад
2 года назад
Three Wishes
2 года назад
Praise Him everyone
2 года назад
I Get To Go Home Three
2 года назад
Let us sing together
2 года назад
Be Ready Now Correction
2 года назад
I Am Healed
2 года назад
Correction.Be Ready Now
2 года назад
@Lifeasachristian 6 месяцев назад
Thank You so much, Oh we all are here for such a time as this for God’s Glory He is in control forevermore Hallelujah and Amen
@LeslieTaylor-e4w 6 месяцев назад
It was so nice to see you and talk to you at the Bible study tonight! Keep sharing what the Lord puts on your heart! You are such a blessing!!!
@LeslieTaylor-e4w 6 месяцев назад
Amen sister! Preach it!!! 🙏❤
@Lifeasachristian 6 месяцев назад
Thank you it is Jesus in me
@jonzu4 Год назад
No he didn't. Stop lying.
@Lifeasachristian Год назад
No lying here we all will find out the truth it is for those who want the truth only! sorry you are upset but I think it is a wonderful thing that Darwin is with the God who created him. God, Jesus Christ Yeshua Messiah and the Holy Spirit are real Heaven is real and I was there and I know them hope you will too Jesus is coming soon I pray we will all be ready when He comes it is so close now Jesus Yeshua is knocking on the door of all our hearts to come in! It is our choice to choose heaven or hell. Good or bad truth or lies I want nothing but the truth and my Father God gives it all that settles it for me and to know them is to love them and I do.
@asadjcsrhv1596 2 года назад
@namelesspeach5231 2 года назад
I do not know this person or her content but gonna leave a like anyway cause her energy made me smile 😊😊😊
@Lifeasachristian 2 года назад
I am 71 and love all people and treat them as I want to be treated and yes I have a relationship with God Jesus Yeshua and the Holy Spirit too hope all will ask seek and knock it is our choice and no one can ever take that away from anyone we are man created in His image male and female and they came down and made everything I came from God Almighty the I AM no Big Bang for me when I leave here in glory land for all eternity the brightest light we will ever see and oh my goodness what LOVE God Is and Jesus did die for all it is finished on the cross of Calvary but we have to know Him for ourself more one day at a time Jesus was and still is alive and well and He walked on this earth before I was even born in my mother’s womb He knew me and you too come and follow Him I will praying for you my dear one🙏🙂❤️
@namelesspeach5231 2 года назад
@@Lifeasachristian well, that was the longest reply i ever have :) thank you for your words i guess :D i wish the best for you and your loved one and since i'm celebrating my Lunar New Year, happy Lunar New Year 😊😊😊
@Lifeasachristian 2 года назад
@@namelesspeach5231 we do have our stuff in every culture don’t we I have to thank the one true God of heaven and earth for I have never communicated with one so far away that I know of I am very blessed and most of my family are with God in Glory Land even a sister who went HOME while I was going through COVID and stuck at home but I had tears of JOY cause I know she is with my Lord Jesus Yeshua and she is alive and well. Thank You Too and I am glad I made you smile Shalom
@tomorikagt9415 2 года назад
Lam happy to 🥰
@veronicajones2029 2 года назад
@Jbeebe6 2 года назад
Hope you get better
@Lifeasachristian 2 года назад
Thank You God gave us Job 17:9 we will our hands are clean and we will get stronger as we go stronger for God’s Glory Hallelujah not religion relationship that’s a knowing God our Father in Jesus Yeshua
@Jbeebe6 2 года назад
@@Lifeasachristian amen
@panthersfly 2 года назад
I wrote a song about this
@Kat-nr3mn 2 года назад
Hi. Shalooooom. Anyway I have covid I have covid I have covid
@Lifeasachristian 2 года назад
Well at home waiting for this to pass through and it will God said I will get stronger and stronger Job 17:9 clean hands too
@tokyo5177 2 года назад
Hope you get well soon
@lynxplayz2274 2 года назад
How did i find this?
@Lifeasachristian 2 года назад
Well God did it and you are one of three people who left a comment for me and Our God is Reigning in Glory oh my goodness this is my one scripture from God Job 17:9 for us all me first and my husband too oh my goodness Thank you Jesus Yeshua our Lord
@ameliadamia2505 2 года назад
Hope you get well soon ...😊
@Lifeasachristian 2 года назад
Thank You my one scripture for today Job 17:9 for us all me first and my husband too I have to admit I am looking forward to seeing Jesus face to face again but the next time I will see Him as He really is Our God Reigns and we are Reigning In Glory here and now too
@azealiasbanx492 2 года назад
Plz get better wishing you a recovery. This sickness is terrible to go through.
@Lifeasachristian 2 года назад
Well I know our God is more than enough and it is in His hands as always and when it is my time I am looking forward to seeing my Lord face to face but today I really realized something Jesus has work for me to finish this is my one scripture for today Job 19:9 This is for us all me first and my husband too Our God is more than enough Thank You Yeshua Jesus oh Hallelujah thank you for leaving your message there were three.
@amaldorka6013 2 года назад
💙 from india
@yahuahyahusha7146 3 года назад
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
thank you
@Nostresssssify 3 года назад
WAIT with those who are waiting without love there is no change, without patience there is no power, without truth there is no justice, without justice there is no understanding, without facts there are no words, without fulfillment there is no appreciation, without peace there is no peace, without love there is no happiness, without the Creator there is nothing ... covid-19 = last 3 and a half years 100% true Moon !! 😮 Why ?? dark Sun (moon = wife sun = husband) He loves the truth, but forgives the error You're allowed but you don't have to THERE IS NO BETTER WEALTH THAN THE MIND. THE ETERNAL one loves us much more than the evil one hates us You have 1000 reasons to hate someone, or you can choose to "love" "Turn off the light of thoughts, but" It ignites the thought of the heart Life is not made for happiness, but for perfection. Be patient with those around you as they recover DO NOT LAUGH, DO NOT CRY, DO NOT JUDGE AND CONDEMN, BUT SEEK TO UNDERSTAND.
@montgpaula 3 года назад
Amen Amen. Thank you darling.....yes, HE is our 1st Love. amen Blessings dear sister.
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
Thank you so much and I thank God for you Paula one day we will meet ❤️🙂🙏
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
Laurel I hope you know Jesus Yeshua More 🙏❤️🙂
@planetobagirl 3 года назад
He truly shines the love of God . God is using him so wonderfully ! Like no one else ! I’ve never seen anyone glow from God’s love like him !
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
yes my son and I got to meet him he is the same as you see him
@veronicajones2029 3 года назад
You GO GO Aunt Sharon
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
Veronica Jones thank you 🙂❤️
@veronicajones2029 3 года назад
& i know JESUS is YOU
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
Veronica Jones love you much 🙂❤️
@veronicajones2029 3 года назад
Just checking in Aunti 😘💕
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
Veronica Jones 🙂❤️
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
Veronica Jones playing at 70 God keeps amazing me more for His Glory
@rodneycrosby6754 3 года назад
I GIVE OUT MANY TRACTS . wwwfellowshiptractleague.org
@rodneycrosby6754 3 года назад
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
rodney crosby no this is Sharon Smith singing me and God gave me the song coming back home after seeing and talking to Kirk my son shakes his hand. It is on another part of the video!
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
rodney crosby I must share this with you in March of 1995 I was caught away like some in the Bible I was in my kitchen fixing my husbands lunch and I was singing and praising the Lord and I just finished his lunch and my spirit and soul went up into Heaven then I was in the Holy Place I beheld God’s Mercy and His Grace and then I was standing before His throne and God was there and Jesus Yeshua was on His right side and Jesus Yeshua walked toward me and He put His arms all around me His Love was and Is everywhere and they are the brightest light we will ever see Oh My Goodness they are Awesome Wonderful and Beautiful Pure Love!!!!!!!!
@rodneycrosby6754 3 года назад
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
rodney crosby thank you we are blessed🙂❤️
@rodneycrosby6754 3 года назад
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
rodney crosby keep it up Rodney Follow Jesus all the way Home 🙂❤️
@ronch550 4 года назад
Hi sister. How did you hear the Trumper? I hope it'll really be this month, if not this year. I'm so tired I wanna go home. I have been wanting to see the Lord Jesus, begging Him to reveal Himself to me. Oh I hope He does in a dream or even for real.
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
ronch550 I bought a shofar years ago and still cannot blow it right and I have tried well after my rapture dream I came out where the shafts was and picked it up and I blew It perfectly and then again recently so it happened twice to me now but when I try to play myself it doesn’t work Our God Reigns🙂🙂❤️
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
ronch550 i must ask you is there anything you need to let go of anger bitterness unforgiveness
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
ronch550 my husband wants it to stay this way
@ronch550 4 года назад
@@Lifeasachristian oh sorry. Nothing personal sister. I just don't want to post some things here in public.
@ronch550 4 года назад
@@Lifeasachristian I've been very deeply hurt by someone who is supposed to be by my side always. I've always tried to forgive this person but lately I just kept my distance to avoid getting hurt. But these days I decided to reach out again. I don't know where I got the grace to do it. I have also repented of my sins, I try my best to be nice to people (well I'm not perfect but I am civil and mostly agreeable), etc. I follow the Lord as much as I can. Btw sister, regarding your reply above, do you mean to say you heard the shofar because you blew your shofar?
@katieann777 4 года назад
Thank you for your encouragement! Here’s a beautiful scripture I read today: Psalm 100 King James Version (KJV) 100 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. 2 Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. 3 Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. 4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. 5 For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. May God bless you richly in Christ Jesus! Jesus is our Bridegroom, the Gate, and the Door! He is the only way to to Father! For anyone who hasn’t received Jesus: Believe in your heart that He is the Son of God, He died for your sins, and was raised to life again by God. Call upon His name and you shall be saved! Say a humble prayer to God according to the Holy scriptures. God bless you richly in Christ Jesus! John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:3 3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Romans 10:9-10 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 1 Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Katie Ann Mickels oh my yes that i I memorized as a child at a baptist church
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
I should be 1 one
@katieann777 4 года назад
Okay, this song has been in my mind for the last few days. I just shared this song with a group I am in. So, I felt led to share it with you too! God bless! I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-xsHsLCKlbHY.html
@hollyanne5700 4 года назад
I just heard 2 trumpet sounds a hour ago🙌🙌
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Holly anne wonderful let us All be ready we the Bride must be like the five virgins who’s oil lamps were filled up our hearts and minds stayed on Jesus Christ Yeshua Messiah God is sending us all His warnings Repent cause we all sin and fall short and let the Holy Spirit convict us and change us inside and outside Glory to God in the highest and get God’s Love Acape What Love He Is🙂❤️
@ronch550 4 года назад
Hi sister. It's me again. Thanks for bringing me comfort during a very dark part of my life. I really hope the rapture just happens already. I'm so tired.
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
ronch550 you know I’m ready to go too but God Knows Best our Father is so so good He will never give us more than what we can handle you can trust rely and have total confidence in Him Jesus and the Holy Spirit have you been filled with His Spirit and speak in tongues read acts chapter one and two🙂❤️
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
My car is fixed it was the alternator plus needed doors fixed electrical stuff Thank You Jesus Yeshua God You Are So So Good
@marywarrior47 4 года назад
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Mary Boyar Jesus Is Coming Soon Let Us All Be Ready His Bride
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Shalom Maranatha
@ronch550 4 года назад
I hope it's today.. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm suffering so much in the hospital with much anxiety, fear and uncertainty. I hope the Lord comes today.. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
ronch550 my dear rest in Jesus’ arms stop it no fear in the Love of Jesus Christ enter in now repent we all sin and fall short but God is greater Jesus took this on the cross it is finished we have test and trials but we are not to stay there say His Name Jesus everything must bow to that name come out of darkness into His marvelous light and sing praises to Him. God Jesus and the Holy Spirit are there to help you but you must choose who you will serve? We Love You Much and Praying Always for you🙂❤️
@ronch550 4 года назад
@@Lifeasachristian is the rapture really going to happen?? 😞 I wish the Lord would speak to me. He is ever so silent.. 😭
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
ronch550 yes Jesus said He would come and take His Bride He has prepared a place for us they are real God is on His Throne and Jesus is on His right side and I Was There and the Holy Spirit is here ask Him to come and fill YOU up Repent and be Saved Be In Jesus Christ Yeshua Messiah these are the days as was Noah’s days Repent all of us!!!!!!!!
@ronch550 4 года назад
@@Lifeasachristian did He tell you when?
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
ronch550 we know not the hour or the day Jesus Himself said He didn’t know only our Father God Knows
@montgpaula 4 года назад
God bless you....I can’t wait to meet you at the wedding supper. You remind me of my older self....you surely will strike a cord in many. 🙏 Amen. Pray without ceasing Thessalonians 5:17
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
paula peterson thank you Jesus is my Master and Lord and all that are His
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
paula peterson what a day that is gonna be🙂❤️
@katieann777 4 года назад
Your message and song are so ministering! Thank you for sharing sister in Christ! May God bless you richly in Christ Jesus! 💛🕊Amen!
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Katie Ann Mickels thank you my dear one and we will be ready oil lamps full which to me is
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Katie Ann Mickels being led of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit filled up with all of them amen🙂❤️
@katieann777 4 года назад
Yes and Amen! The Lord gave me a powerful vision in the Spirit a few days ago! Believers in Christ, the wise virgins, we were all together in white linen with our oil lamps ready!!! Then, suddenly all of these people started getting saved and filling in the spaces! God is on the move! Let’s rejoice, pray, and live by the Spirit faithfully until He comes! Even so, the Spirit and Bride say come, Lord Jesus! May God richly bless you in Christ Jesus, forevermore dear sister! 💛 Amen!
@veronicajones2029 4 года назад
I love you
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
I love you too my dear Dinky Veronica
@yahuahyahusha7146 4 года назад
So sweet, love you sister Sharon.
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
God's Child thank You for God’s Honor and Praise He is the reason I am here
@deborahking5271 4 года назад
hi did you get your car fixes
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Deborah King it was towed waiting for results God is Good thanks for asking🙂❤️
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
My car is working still no problem thank you for asking Shalom Blessings
@jeffevans3193 4 года назад
She heard a trumpet sound was she talking about Herb Albert or a heavenly trumpet. Folks were on the sixth trumpet and it blew in 1798. No she did'nt hear that one nor did she hear the seventh trumpet as I would have been out of here. People the sounding of a trumpet is a metaphor, please I hope you in His word and not here seeking knowledge. Thank you Jesus.
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Jeff Evans well Jeff I heard my second trumpet Shofar sound Saturday September the 12th you see I have my own Shofar for many years now and could not play it well after one of my rapture dreams I came out and picked it up and it was perfectly played through me and I knew it was from God and the same thing again on the 12th and yet on my own it doesn’t happen
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Jeff Evans oh I forgot to tell you God gave me this title My Father God gets all Honor Glory and Praise ask God for the truth He is the Truth Giver not me Jesus Yeshua is Coming Soon He is at the door of our hearts now. Be in Jesus Christ Yeshua Messiah Shalom
@sherryditzler7908 4 года назад
Amen and Amen!!! Oh how beautiful yes fill our cup Lord with all of you!!!!
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
oh my yes God is so so good
@suewhyld6715 4 года назад
Bless you sister xxxxxx we meet when we are raptured Amen 🙏🏻
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
Shalom Blessings back to you
@MaryJohnson-tr6fs 4 года назад
Yes he is at the door thank you Jesus VA.
@Lifeasachristian 3 года назад
yes we all will be ready
@MaryJohnson-tr6fs 4 года назад
Bless you sweetie you sing so pretty VA.
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Mary Johnson He is coming Soon for us ALL
@MaryJohnson-tr6fs 4 года назад
God bless you I want to go.and be with Jesus VA.
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Mary Johnson Let us be ready repent all of us and let us All pray and watch for our Lord Jesus Yeshua
@Askif5217 4 года назад
You are very positive I love it wow lol ♥️
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Leyah Samuel thanks to Jesus Yeshua always want to be like Him
@LukeSkywalker-ig3mc 4 года назад
Love that part as I always here talking about the bride. Makes sense as a bride must "prepare" and get ready for her wedding. Just as we need to be ready for the coming of our Lord -Amen!
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Luke Skywalker yes Jesus Yeshua is our bridegroom and He is coming for us all that are His Bride and ready repenting daily cause we all sin. But we Christians don’t want too, where sinners don’t care. It’s not once saved always saved it is for those who continue obeying God and Love all people we are all going to be there IF we belong to Him Jesus Yeshua our Master and Lord not the evil one, peaceful, praying always in tongues. God will fight our battles just like in the days of Noah Noe.
@rickd598 4 года назад
By the way Sister, you will be raptured with all of us believers in Jesus! Amen!
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Rick D yes I know Jesus said so to me thank you for confirming it
@rickd598 4 года назад
God brought me to listen to this video and has blessed me through it. Sister, you are such a blessing!! Thank you Jesus for setting me free !! Amen
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Rick D your welcome and thanking God and Jesus Yeshua for you praying always Matthew 7:7 & 8 don’t ever stop🙂❤️
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Rick D OUR GOD REIGNS Jesus Yeshua is LORD 🙂❤️
@veronicajones2029 4 года назад
Remember the First shall be last & the Last shall be First
@Lifeasachristian 4 года назад
Veronica Jones oh yes my dear🙂❤️