Revolutionary Communist Party
Revolutionary Communist Party
Revolutionary Communist Party
The channel of the Revolutionary Communist Party, the British section of the Revolutionary Communist International. Subscribe for weekly videos covering Marxist theory, revolutionary history, and current events. Are you a communist? Then join your Party!
Why capitalism can't escape the crisis
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The German Revolution of 1918
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What is Stalinism?
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Are communists amoral?
2 месяца назад
Theses on the coming British revolution
2 месяца назад
Launching the manifesto of the RCI
2 месяца назад
The crimes of British Imperialism
2 месяца назад
Towards the RCP #8: Prepare for take-off!
2 месяца назад
What is the International Marxist Tendency?
3 месяца назад
Scottish nationalism in crisis
3 месяца назад
The limitations of direct action
3 месяца назад
Join the Revolutionary Communist Party!
4 месяца назад
Women's oppression and the family
4 месяца назад
Towards the RCP #4: How to finance the Party
4 месяца назад
In Defence of the Enlightenment
4 месяца назад
@tobiastobias2419 3 часа назад
The thing with communists Your analysis are often spot on Your are not naive, while a lot of mainstream politicians are. You can’t really take them serious, to be honest. I don’t even listen to them But I don’t believe in the solutions of communism. The idea of an enormous super state, bureaucracy. There are a lot of problems with that. Its easy to see which problems
@McFukk-rp5st 14 часов назад
So much of your properganda is taken down its unreal sadly for you a simple key can erase the "tough stickers" I hope you like the "are you a communist" "changed to are you a c***un*t
@ngwakommeidikgale5077 19 часов назад
Cheers to this young lady for her composer, in the midst of these sissies
@Hundesohn18743 22 часа назад
You should compare the quality of life before and after the socialist revolution inside a country and not the biggest and most successful imperialistic ones with the poorest. Also the argument why we don't have big socialistic countries is superfluous when you consider that each one was restricted by embargoes, wars and trade wars by imperialist Western powers in order to secure their status quo. CIA-controlled coups in South America, for example, the Soviet Union managed to build a functioning economy and industry out of a peasant state that was still feudal and had so to say no education among the majority of the population in just a few decades. The wealth and development of the West took much longer and it was build on imperialistic and colonialistc behaviour. The USA did not have to fight a single world war on its own soil and rebuild everything. These cheap arguments have no power on closer inspection. Please EDUCATE YOURSELF.
@alexandermarijuantuck4076 День назад
Of the '2 minutes' they gave her to state her point, they allowed her just over 1 minute.
@alexandermarijuantuck4076 День назад
Boomers love to try and belitte people who disagree with them "you're young and have no idea what you're talking about do you" - you can feel the rage brewing inside him because, as a white man who has lived most of his life without challenge, he is now threatened by his dimishing influence. Its clear he cant believe that a young woman of an ethnic minority background would dare challenge him. They didn't even listen to a single thing she said.
@hp1921 День назад
An absolute total shame ! And they are even not funny...
@hp1921 День назад
"Break now !" says he when she says he is hypocritical - which is true. This is the truth that he could not stand...
@hp1921 День назад
Fiona is so good that their only option is to silence her with their ridiculous sounds covering her voice. They are pathetic. Such shows should simply not exist. The fact that they do money with this shit should ashame the whole UK media system.
@hp1921 День назад
This show is simply a shame : they are ignorant, arrogant, self-delusional repeating the mainstream mantra as parrots with simply no idea, no understanding of anything. But what is worse is that this show presumably is a hit in the UK : it produces idiots after idiots (if people watch too much of it, let's say)
@hp1921 День назад
The 2 guys play the idiotic ideologues for Israel because, obviously, they make shere money out of it. But they are just disgraceful in their lack of respect : of their guest and of their viewers. Can't understand the popularity of this shit. PM, at least, has certain intellectual abilities. These two are just (bad) clowns
@tobiastobias2419 День назад
Did you remove my last comment? Ok, i reply again. There are many branches of anarchism. From mutualism, to class war anarcho communism. From the sort of postmodern/existencialist Stirnerite anarchism, to the idealist/social progressive kind of anarchism You can't just talk about 'anarchism'. You have to be more specifik. Its not like marxism, that its all more or less the same theory. No, its very diverse. Its a bit like hinduism. In hinduism there are also a lot of Gods and practices etc. If you would compare it with religion Anarchists don't ignore the material subject. For example. Proudhon starts his study by looking at property and possesion. A study in the material conditions of capitalism and statism. What makes property possible? Is property good, or bad? etc etc Some anarchists have a pure materialist view of the world. They think in terms of power, and class war. These anarchists often like writers like Foucault and Stirner, sometimes also Sartre Other anarchists are very idealist, they often have a trotskyst, or christian background. They align themselves with social progressive movements (they align themselves with the social progressive sides of neoliberal political discourse) Within the anarchist milieu, this is a big debate, and a clash. Than there is a debate between the anarchists that are ok with markets and money, and the ones who are against that. There is also a debate between anarchists who are revolutionary, and the ones who are individualist (live in the here and now)
@ndoroemblem2629 2 дня назад
The bullsh*t about this is that when they the most hypocrites of socialism meaning blacks actually believe that it has not been about race! Whhite folks, europeans are the problem with their anti-black social pathologies! It can't be cured only through death of white supremacy! All of the evidence and facts are around. Just look at the tens of millions of illegal mexican immigrants, their economic plight is much better then black americans, so are the asians, the filipinos, the european immigrants, black americans are the number one ethnic group of hate crimes. Yet, no black hate crime bill. No reparations yet billions to illegal immigrants who are not citizens of the country, who receive housing vouchers, a cash pentance of $1000-$1500 per month. So please stop selling this bullsh*t snake oil to the rest of black people it's all about fair dealing specifically to our group who's been disenfranchised, with jurisprudence, racist polices, did I mentioned the daca program for those illegal immigrants who illegally entered in to america and how their children became the benefactor of the program? Did I not mentioned the lgbt bills that were passed that give them equal protection under the law, especially against employment discrimination, equity inclusion? IT'S BEEN LONG OVER DUE THAT BLACK AMERICANS RECEIVE THEIR CHECKS-CASH PAYMENTS FROM CENTURIES OF AMERICAN ENSLAVEMENT , THE DEPRIVATION FROM THE HOMESTEAD ACT, THE G.I. BILL, THE RED LINING OF BLACK COMMUNITIES, EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION, HOUSING DISCRIMINATION, DISCRIMINATION-DEPRIVATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, MEDICAL MALPRACTICE, AND THE LIST GOES ON! WE ARE NOT PLAYING THAT GAME WITH ANYONE, IT IS ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS, SO AMERICA CUT THE CHECK! CASH PAYMENTS FOR SYSTEMATIC ABUSE AND ENSLAVEMENT TO BLACK AMERICANS THAT ARE OWED AND ANY ARGUMENT AGAINST REPARATIONS FOR THE ORIGINAL DESCENDANTS OF ENSAVEMENT IS RACIST IN ITSELF! WE GOT THE RECIEPTS AND THE HISTORICAL FACTUAL RECORDS! BLACK AMERICANS STOP WASTING YOUR TIME WITH THIS BULLSH*T PANACEA, BRAIN WASHING, IT'S ABOUT THE ECONOMICS THAT WE ARE OWED, DUE, NOT BY HELPING SOME EUROPEAN DESCENDANTS ESCAPE THEIR EVILS, SOCIAL-PATHOOGIES, WAR-MONGERING TO KEEP THEM AT THE TOP OF THE ECONOMIC PYRAMID SCHEME AND ENACTING A RACIAL PECKING ORDER! GTFOH!
@AbuBakarJalloh-ce5ey 2 дня назад
These guys are an absolute ioke
@NormalCardBoardBoxes 2 дня назад
I cannot wait till we eventually have tofu construction on buildings just like communist China! :D
@tempejkl 2 дня назад
No hope for us. Trotskyist BS. I was one once. Then I read a book.
@Elvis-guy1973 3 дня назад
But, how many "genocides" are going on throughout the world? Why is this one so different, if indeed it is a genocide.
@samuelmyers5084 3 дня назад
And the far right call the Marxists delusional
@serenaleigh8418 3 дня назад
This woman has never been in Gaza never been in Israel what is she talking about
@SpringerRider69 3 дня назад
Post Modernism is simply regression to tribalism, with witch doctors and their incantations and the tribe's Attila, to enforce them.
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 4 дня назад
Human nature changes, if at all, like geography over thousands of years. Hence study history. He confuses culture, always changing, with human nature (but he's an impressive young fellow, though i disagree almost everything, thoughtful and very British as he should be).
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 4 дня назад
Ah 'scientific', shame it wasn’t true. No teleology is, whether Whig or Marxist. Hence commies have dropped workers and moved on to minorities.
@bowlbanger 4 дня назад
Feels like he is confusing anomie and anarchy, if he says "they end up in a state because they organize".
@r0galik 4 дня назад
Lenininsts must peak when they say that something is constantly changing and becoming another thing
@yellowsub9 4 дня назад
Communism is bad
@woodenpersonality2140 5 дней назад
10:59 evidence of pro russia bias in news outlet from the editor of "the communist" newspaper
@hugoma5088 5 дней назад
A jew teaching us about communism lol
@chozer1 5 дней назад
Just drop it the era of communism died ages ago like all systems it breeds corruption and holds nobody responsible. Until you can solve the key human factor that is greed and corruption you will never be popular enough to change anything. Say you got into power who will hold your government responsible??
@chozer1 5 дней назад
But what is a communist dictatorship? A single powerful maniac like stalin or mao. Ill take democracy any day
@SamWolstenholme-go4jb 6 дней назад
How can you still be a communist in 2024? It baffles me that people still believe in this stupid myth. I think this party along with the people who support it are just as stupid as Nazi and KKK members.
@SamWolstenholme-go4jb 6 дней назад
Joseph Stalin: 20,000,000 dead. Mao Zedong: 80,000,000 dead. Just a gentle reminder of what you guys are supporting.
@vadyar100 6 дней назад
Very helpful
@thecastleofenlightenment2604 6 дней назад
this is just another way of saying why socialists must fight for capitalists. 🤦
@ksh1127 6 дней назад
You need to remove your pasty posters and stop supporting the corrupt and evil side.
@ChannelMath 6 дней назад
Just quote the Yale study showing public opinion has zero effect on government policy. QED
@JoseLopez-ys2oz 7 дней назад
We have capitalism, but not democracy. Only communism can bring democracy!
@ronaldoestrella8018 7 дней назад
This lady EXPERT 😂 is brainwashed. Poor girl😢😢😢
@DannyC_ 7 дней назад
Great episode, but my mind always goes back to Terry Fields, Pat Wall, Dave Nellist! We thought they were the first of many
@LaLasta 7 дней назад
Marx's letter to Engels July 30 1862 😭😭😭
@richardlynch-sb1gr 7 дней назад
Great lecture, full of incisive subtleties. Very enlightening.
@DK-nh5nw 7 дней назад
young girls is a liar but very good at pushing her false narrative!
@juangarcia-kq8zp 8 дней назад
What do you suppose Rosa Luxemburg would have to say about the oppressed people living in Gaza?
@Alfredofn735 8 дней назад
Its closer to 2000 k And not 30 k
@Alfredofn735 8 дней назад
Are these 2 funded by Zionts
@sarahpengelly8439 9 дней назад
Looking back at this interview Suella Braverman looks even worse now. We all know that Israel is absolutely targeting civilians in Gaza & they make no attempt to hide this. And the ICJ is only looking at Israel because there is a good chance that a Genocide is taking place. Otherwise the case would have been dismissed at the start. The question 'Does Israel have the right to defend itself?' has been used to death.... Point: Defence is considered when two separate nations are involved. Israel is a 'beligerent occupier' (a legal term - please check) It is a well armed state backed & given diplomatic cover by the biggest nation in the West. On the contrary, the Palestinians are an occupied & oppressed people with no national sovereignty & Hamas & other militant resistance groups fighting against the oppression. That's not to say what Hamas did on Oct7 is acceptable, it was barbaric. But the oppressed have every right to resist their oppressors & Israel is just that. A settler colonial state formed with the assistance of the British almost a hundred years ago. The Palestinians who were there then were either killed or thrown off their land & became refugees.
@richardlynch-sb1gr 9 дней назад
Fact packed lecture delivered at a rapidt pace ! Witty too. Well done. 💯 29:40
@wendywhite4929 10 дней назад
I feel exactly the same way as an American citizen
@aguinaldologan 10 дней назад
🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🇮🇱
@LaLasta 10 дней назад
it's really a shame that this lecturer chose to reduce post-modernist scholarship to a bunch of absurd jokes, because fundamentally her point is solid, but the way she arrives to it diminishes its strength
@Selflessguy1 10 дней назад
We need a politician like this young girl. She is brilliant. She cares.