Lucas Forstmeyer
Lucas Forstmeyer
Lucas Forstmeyer
Helping Coaches and Creators grow!
@susannesteinhusen7876 7 дней назад
Sehr klar und hilfreich erklärt, danke !!!
@SusanneVogl 18 дней назад
Sehr spannend und super erklärt. Ich bin sehr angetan von IFS und neugierig wie es in der Praxis aussieht. Hoffe es kommen bald fortsetzende Videos . Herzlichen Dank.
@LucasForstmeyer 16 дней назад
@@SusanneVogl es gibt noch eine zweite Playlist und ich biete auch online Kurse an...
@Bhavyo 21 день назад
Super Video Reihe. Von A bis Z gut verständlich. Aktuell finde ich, ist die größte Herausforderung, überhaupt mal "Zugriff" auf das interne System mit den Teilen zu bekommen.
@LucasForstmeyer 21 день назад
Ja, das kann schwer sein...
@zamo5200 21 день назад
WOW! Thank you so Much. I have heard of IFS before I decided to revisit the topic to understand more. THIS series takes the cake. Crystal clear
@RB-xw5oo Месяц назад
Danke für deine lebendige klare undogmatische Art IFS verstehbar zu machen. Ich bin gerade auf Deinen Kanal aufmerksam geworden. Merci &Salut
@judithtoor9401 Месяц назад
Best explanation of self that I have ever come across. Will you use this video a lot in working with clients. Thank you so very much!
@BF-non Месяц назад
I will 100% try this by myself lol.
@odysseus7291 Месяц назад
Vielen Dank! Enorm gut erklärt:)
@BF-non Месяц назад
thank you for this series. Question: When an exile gets unburden it is still called exile?
@LucasForstmeyer Месяц назад
Depends... you could call it an unburdened exile. or it gets a new name in the process... There is not really a "rule".
@Bhavyo Месяц назад
Hallo Lucas, ich möchte mal von einem interessanten Phänomen berichten. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass ich bei irgendeinem Video wie bei Deinen mich so häufig abgelenkt irgendwo wiederfinde. Offenbar löst der Inhalt viel im eigenen System aus. Gibt es in diesem "Spiel" eine Komponente, die vielleicht möchte, dass das Spiel einfach so weitergeht, der ganze Zirkus sozusagen? Ist das dann auch ein Firefighter, der einen ablenken will, oder sowas ähnliches?
@Bhavyo Месяц назад
Top! Die Menschen brauchen eine "Psychologie" zum Anfassen, mit der man wirklich arbeiten kann! Die Schulpsychologie mit ihrem Jahrelangen rumquatschen verteilt hauptsächlich nur Geld um.
@Artyfartymetal-xf3ku Месяц назад
thanks a lot for making such clear understandable videos
@wandaacat Месяц назад
Loved the mapping of the 8 Cs on the body and its centres -- makes so much sense
@wandaacat Месяц назад
I have heard the story of how Richard Schwartz discovered Self so many times and never fail to be on the edge of my seat every time... and I love the way you tell it too... it is such an amazing story that has the capacity to change the world because it is not just a story - it is the way it is.
@wandaacat Месяц назад
Such a wonderful set of videos - so curious they are not getting many more views... brilliantly and simply explains the approach. I am working with an IFS therapist, reading heaps and doing my own work - these videos help me go even deeper... thank you Lucas
@LucasForstmeyer Месяц назад
Thank you for the kind words!
@Sifupaulresnick Месяц назад
Great system and enjoyed your presentation. Thank you. I assume you are aware that what is described as 'The Self', 'The seat of consciousness', and even the '8 C', is not something new or discovered by IFS. Although slightly differently terminology is used it is an integrate and fundamental part of most ancient spiritual teachings, such as Buddhism & Taoism. Great that these ancient spiritual insights, philosophy and wisdom have been integrated into IFS.
@LucasForstmeyer Месяц назад
Yes, I am aware. It is a wonderful overlap!
@Sifupaulresnick Месяц назад
Thank you for the detailed clear explanation. I found you by watching an interview wit Marc Lewis. He recommended your videos. 😊
@LucasForstmeyer Месяц назад
That is wonderful - could you point me to the video?
@elkeritschko1630 Месяц назад
Ich finde diese Versionen noch viel verständlicher :)
@geodaet83 Месяц назад
Das Beispiel was du da bringst beschreibt exakt mein Trauma und meine Verbannten/Beschützer 😢
@odysseus7291 2 месяца назад
Enorm gut erklärt. Danke vielmals!!:)
@sufi4773 3 месяца назад
Ich finde dieses Konzept (IFS) wirklich sehr interessant und lehrreich. Besonders gut gefällt mir die empirische Beobachtung, dass dem Menschen in seinem Selbst die Qualitäten innewohnen, die es benötigt, um Konflikte zu bewältigen. Auch sehr gut und anschaulich erklärt. Vielen Dank dafür! Ich habe viel gelernt und werde mich weiter damit beschäftigen.
@johnatherton878 3 месяца назад
How TOTALLY cool is this? And a German psychologist to boot! Right up there with Freud, Jung, and Adler. Freud might have been skeptical, but I'll bet JUNG would LOVE IT! Speaking of German Psychologists, I wonder about the relationship between a PART and one of Karen Horney's "neurotic trends." Obviously SOMETHING.
@johnatherton878 3 месяца назад
This is really really good material. Thank you! I don't know if anyone else has noticed the remarkable similarity between the "Real Self" in IFS and the "Child Within" in other models. Also with the "Real Self" in Karen Horney's model and therapy.
@JJbIrd0608 3 месяца назад
My firefighters don't set fire to it they used to drown in alcohol and drugs. I have a 24 yr andc26 yr old exile and I'm 54. Free from alcohol 10 yrs, still smoke pot when the hypervigilance is overwhelming. I've been stuck in hypervigilance (death of fiancee and later boyfriend) since 24 yrs old. None of this was available in the 90s 😢 After a life of addiction, and NEVER understanding what the hell was wrong with me I'm finally in PTSD with a trauma therapist, also did 6 sessions of ketamine therapy. It is saving my life. 😊
@LucasForstmeyer 3 месяца назад
glad to hear thins are moving in the right direction. And yes... firefighters do not always burn. They can also drown. Or freeze.
@shay8183 3 месяца назад
Will the firefighter come up even if they are not in danger? Like in your example the girl wasnt shamed again. So will the firefighter fight even if there is no danger? Thank you for the video it was excellent
@LucasForstmeyer 3 месяца назад
The firefighter will potentially still fight as long as the Exile is burdened!
@t.d9022 4 месяца назад
I am a trainee integrative counsellor, this conversation is the missing link for me. I will be reading that book. Thank you for joining up some dots for me.
@carmenl163 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much! I'm doing IFS by myself, and this is very helpful. I have a question. In the IFS book by Anderson, Sweezy and Schwartz, I read that you need to unburden the protector after you've done the work with the exile. Do I use the same protocol for unburdening the exile?
@LucasForstmeyer 4 месяца назад
Well, IFS looks at Exile and Protector burdens differently. Exiles carry burdens from the past. For protectors their role is the burden. You can hear more here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-cdQT1rdjqeM.html So unburdening a Protector is helping it let go of its protective role.
@carmenl163 4 месяца назад
@@LucasForstmeyer Thank you Lucas! I watched the video and I understand the burden the protector has taken on.
@claudiagroessing3338 4 месяца назад
YESSS! It was super useful! Thanks so much Lucas & Mark!!! Love from Austria, Claudia
@ShadeCandle 4 месяца назад
This is interesting. I'm in school to be a counselor, and no one's been able to explain that conflict between the window of tolerance and the polyvagal ladder. Definitely makes more sense this way.
@NewAmor1990 4 месяца назад
Unglaublich wertvolle
@marlabosch7318 5 месяцев назад
This video brought it all home for me. Thank you so so much… I keep thinking of how this can be used with children.
@marlabosch7318 5 месяцев назад
I am just soaking up your videos. ❤❤❤. Thank you so so much.
@HealWithRRR 5 месяцев назад
@RobOnBass23 6 месяцев назад
As a devout Catholic, I want to say how well this model resonates with my beliefs. I believe in a loving God and his son Jesus Christ, but I also believe in rebellious evil spirits. We (self) want to be good and live for God. However, the rebellious spirits (parts) want to disrupt our lives and steer us sideways. But since God created all, the parts still cannot be condemned. This model basically teaches us to reach out our hand in a handshake and get to know these parts and be kind to them. Understand them and their purpose and give them an ear but we keep our distance, we do not let them infiltrate the self to the point where they run the ship. I visualize a blue soul shaking hands with the orange blob but keeping a few inches of separation from the blob, rather than letting that orange color infiltrate the blue color. For most people, the rebellious spirits come and go. We have bad habits, things we don't like, but we get back to normal fairly quickly. Unfortunately some people are infiltrated to the point where the rebellious spirits have greater autonomy and these people need ongoing medical or psychological care. In a worse case than that, the person needs to be jailed. Although rare, very power rebellious spirits, aka demons, could possess a person. In that case, a priest will have to perform an exorcism. For me personally, staying close to Jesus is a great way to have protection from these rebellious spirits/ parts although I still fall for them every now and then. I used to have really bad panic attacks and what cured me was visualizing Jesus on the cross as he was dying for us, and focusing on the love he was pouring out for us amidst his suffering and agony. That removed those panic attacks instantly. I think good psychologists and doctors should not forget about the power of God and the healing He provides. Let's not forget the international symbol for doctors, the Caduceus, the serpent on a staff. In the Old Testament there is the story of how Moses raised a staff with a serpent on it to heal the Israelites (Numbers 21). In the new testament Jesus said he must be lifted up just like the serpent on the staff (John 3:14). So let's not forget about the healing that Jesus offers.
@Awakenedkarolina 6 месяцев назад
Great explanation. I love your tender energy.
@nicolettaanzelini8080 6 месяцев назад
Wunderbar danke
@deprimiertesbrot3985 6 месяцев назад
Klasse Einführung! Danke!
@StewartCoad 6 месяцев назад
Hi there Thanks for making these videos 👍 I have wantch a few Videos on IFS and yours are by far the easiest to understand.😀 Do you intend making a seperate video for part 4 that got lost ? Thanks Stewart
@LucasForstmeyer 6 месяцев назад
If anything got lost... no. This video project is closed for now
@mores5780 6 месяцев назад
Great information and presentation! Wonder about the photo behind, is it Gerhard Richter? It is nightmarish, why did you choose it for prominence?
@LucasForstmeyer 6 месяцев назад
its actually a whale diving into the ocean.
@benjaminkaiser4370 6 месяцев назад
In der Psychologie spricht man auch von Annäherungs- und Vermeidungsmotivation (Manager). Die Verbannten sind die einzelnen Lernerfahrungen (identitäten), die den Motiven zu Grunde liegen. Feuerbekämpfer sind Coping Strategien. Ich finde das ganze nicht wirklich neu. Die Annäherungsmotivation findet im IFS scheinbar gar nicht statt. Mich würde ein Abgrenzungsvideo zu den bisher etablierten Konzepten sehr interessieren.
@LucasForstmeyer Месяц назад
Ifs konzentriert sich auf Vermeidung, sprich Ängste. In der Praxis kommen natürlich auch wünsche und "Wollen" vor
@nicolettaanzelini8080 6 месяцев назад
@nicolettaanzelini8080 6 месяцев назад
Wunderbar erklārt!danke
@HoangHieu-kv2sp 6 месяцев назад
Amazing video ❤️ I am sending your videos to my clients!
@shadowfoxx14 6 месяцев назад
I'm in my counseling masters program. I heard about IFS years ago while doing reading during my undergrad, and I'm coming back to it now that I'm closer to being licensed. I plan on getting trained in IFS therapy very soon after being licensed, and I'm very happy you've made these playlists. I truly believe in this model, and I can't wait to spread the good word around my cohort in this program. Thank you 💙
@andreawinkelfrau6426 7 месяцев назад
@rayleneberryman7673 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for this. I'm a CS coach. I call them themes working towards strengths. Just bought your book Mr Lombaard.
@BarbaraJ1111 8 месяцев назад
You are a fantastic teacher...tq 🎉❤
@rosine56 8 месяцев назад
Vielen Dank für die wunderbare Einführung in diese Methode. Ich habe bis jetzt schon sehr viel mitnehmen können. Und sehr verständlich erklärt. Danke vielmals
@user-vb8li8se4x 8 месяцев назад
Holly shit these informations worth more than 1M views i didnt find them in another channel on youtube even on google tnx legend
@Qwertzuio9875 8 месяцев назад
Super Video! Genau das was ich gerade gesucht habe. Danke. Like & Abo lass ich gerne da. Ist eine bessere Übersetzung für firefighter nicht Feuerwehrleute? Wehren anstatt Kämpfen
@LucasForstmeyer 8 месяцев назад
ja, wäre die direkte Übersetzung. Aber die Idee ist, dass diese Teile das Feuer wirklich bekämpfen. und dabei oft mehr Schaden anrichten, als das Feuer selbst.