@AiLoveHue 11 месяцев назад
@emiyaarcher1130 Год назад
this video is just... beautiful i love how they did the relationship between those two. pls square let us save her this time.
@vanessamorey3812 Год назад
I wanna yell 'dick!' Every time someone steps carelessly on the flowers... Especially in MIDGAR!!! CMON!!! ITS A NASTY LANDFILL! flowers aren't supposed to flourish in a landfill... 😅
@stavcy Год назад
I just don’t get it… Clerith is so beautiful to me. They were both deeply wounded people, and their meeting was fate. They connected so quickly and created this special bond unlike others. They were there for one another emotionally when no one else fully was, when no one else could fully understand them. To open up about tough topics and feel ok about being vulnerable. To find comfort in one another + give each other a sense of belonging. They accepted and believed in each other. A lot of CloTis ridicule us by claiming that the high-five meant nothing, but if you pay attention to Cloud and also his connection to Aerith VS other people, you’ll understand why it was in fact such a sweet and important thing to recognize. Their connection is just like this whole new, unexpected yet totally awesome thing. They made each other so genuinely happy in the time spent with each other. Cloud was always different around Aerith and the Cloud I see with her is my favourite side to him. She represents a light in his life. The other ships are fine too, but Clerith has always represented something deeper then the other ships. To me, at least. I interpreted it as Tifa and Zack being above all there to add more depth to Cloud and Aeriths pasts.
@themarvellousmacca Год назад
I hope Aeris lives
@themarvellousmacca Год назад
Thank you for recognizing Aeris as the mvp
@haysnairte4 Год назад
Okay... I can't finish this Video in the office, I missed her too much I'm gonna cry. Now I know who my waifu is, and it's not a made up stories I made tens of years ago... this is NSFW video for me 😢💔
@christopheradams9173 Год назад
Because it's aerith that's why
@sy2pie Год назад
She was a flower which grew out of a pot of dirt.
@stavcy Год назад
aww I love this
@Centuries_of_Nope Год назад
Aerith will fuckin burn you if she feels she needs too. Tifa can't. Tifa has a preciousness, but Aerith has controlled her evil side.
@AdriMario Год назад
First of all, I wanted to thank you for all this. This reflection has been incredible. I don't usually tend to watch videos of more than 10 minutes, but this video was special, despite having lasted 19 minutes it fell short, I wanted more, you really have done a great job in the way you present the topic, the visual contrast, the text, the tranquility of your voice and much more, thank you very much. PD: When I was about to subscribe I read the description of this video and I can't believe this is your first video with how well it is done, and how you don't have much more subscribers, you really deserve them. Hope we can see more of you in the future!
@Arig16 2 года назад
I think that Aerith telling Cloud that he can't fall in love with her is actually Cloud being in fear of Aerith rejecting him, but that's what I think.
@girl1213 2 года назад
Like this we begin to understand Tifa a little too. In her own way, she knows she's not Cloud's first choice as she wasn't really a friend to him. He's someone she knows from the past, a childhood happiness that was taken away due to SHINRA's actions. She doesn't want to lose any more of that, and that's why it gets in her way of being emotionally connected to Cloud, especially during part 1. She also knows what really happened and her probing him reveals to her that Cloud genuinely doesn't remember anything. She thinks that he's happier that way until it becomes clear to her that he's not actually. I really don't know how Aerith would have done it had she survived for that reveal. I'm neither for nor against the Cloud/Aerith pairing because it really is explored and expanded on quite well, especially in the remake, but there are some things your lover can't help you with...that's when you need a friend. In the end, Cloud was lucky to have two women who loved him. One for who he is and one who is willing, no matter how reluctantly, to let him go.
@AnjektusStudio 2 года назад
So! You graphic are really great. But are really over analysing many scenes and you are also very wrong about many things. For exampel. At 04:11 so are Tifa sitting a bit from Cloud becouse she are feeling trapped. And cloud are strong a bit from tifa becouse he feels that she are feeling uncomfortable about the situation that she are in. It is just naturally behavior. No more then that. And at 05:23 so are you all wrong. Tifa know that there is something wrong whit Cloud. But she acts like everything is Alright becouse she are afraid to lose him. Well! And after that so was I to tired to correct all other things that your are ytterly wrong about
@badreedinedjellali1328 2 года назад
that's why I'm into areith more than Tifa
@Addam_ 2 года назад
*"The eyes are the windows to the soul"* Tifa: I suppose it's.. yeah.. your eyes, they used to be less... (scary) Aerith: Wow.. your eyes. It might not necessarily be fair to compare their reactions but the contrast is undeniable and I think intentional.
@stavcy Год назад
I agree, the smallest things can go a long way.
@allysonchen4286 2 года назад
She's a Cetra. That's all there is to explain. She wasn't like the rest
@Akemichuu 2 года назад
Beautiful! I'm crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭
@coreytrayn 2 года назад
Aerith in this “remake” I think knows how things go down. She feels it. So does cloud to an extent.
@sunnysodapop 2 года назад
Shirley x Lelouch, Natsu x Lisanna, Aerith x Cloud, etc. The list goes on. Same ship dynamics. And always hated/ignored by the fandom and done dirty by their very own authors. I'm sick and tired of this shit.
@nohemi6899 2 года назад
Personally, I'm a CC x Lelouch shipper. 😆
@sunnysodapop 2 года назад
@@nohemi6899 Girl STAHP! Shirlulu has the same dynamic as clearith! They're so perfect 😭 Lelouch ordering her not to die while she says she'll fall for him in every time line no matter the personal consequence literally parallels Aerith telling Cloud to not fall in love with her (because they can't be together) while Cloud says he's coming for her (not that that really works out). Both girls are literally soft, sweet, bubbly and try to be understanding to the dark and broody guy that wanted peace and justice only to be left with extreme traumas and become victims of political scandal! Hell, they even have the whole ass harem too.
@MsValvee 2 года назад
tifa is not the other woman, she is the woman!
@flowergirlff7505 2 года назад
Tifa's a woman and you can prefer her. But this video illustrates beautifully how Aerith and Cloud have a special and undeniable connection that transcends beyond death.
@MsValvee 2 года назад
aerith dies. Cloud/Tifa
@xfairfaeriex 2 года назад
And yet Tifa still can't get Cloud to live with her two years later in Advent Children and he ends up living in Aerith's church and hides that fact until Tifa and Marlene stubble upon it. Tifa deserves better than to be second fiddle to a 'memory' like she says. Girl needs to move on and find a guy who understands her and will treat her as a priority which Cloud clearly doesn't do. Why doesn't he do that? Because Cloud doesn't love Tifa in that way.
@kiafnoon6057 2 года назад
let me tell you the most funny thing~ hollow lyrics is about tifa by cloti
@xfairfaeriex 2 года назад
​@@kiafnoon6057 Tifa is never ‘long gone’ because she never leaves Cloud’s company throughout the OG once he gets to Midgar (aside from falling from the reactor and falling in the crater neither of which lasted all that long/were final). I’m honestly surprised that Tifa fans want her to be with Cloud. He clearly doesn’t understand her and doesn’t take initiative unless told most of the time. Throughout the OG/AC/the novels, Tifa is misunderstood, hurt, and saddened by Cloud over and over again despite her best efforts and continual support. I can’t see why Tifa fans would want that kind of thing for her. You want what’s best for your favorite character and what makes them happy rather than what makes them sad, right? Sure it would hurt her to let Cloud go but I think it hurts her more to stick around. If Tifa were to let go, at least she’d be able to get out of the self-perpetuating and hurtful cycle that she and Cloud are in so then she could find a relationship that’s actually fulfilling and makes her happy. Feels as though I care more about Tifa’s wellbeing than Tifa fans themselves.
@kiafnoon6057 2 года назад
@@xfairfaeriex I watch advent children movie before. I already know cloud love aerith more than tifa.because inside has a word (some one I love went back to lifestream )in the beginning.other reason.cloud living place always have yellow flowers(this ment could Never stop missing Aerith.went cloud go back the forgotten city we can see could almost cry cuz the place was he lost aerith there😢
@MsValvee 2 года назад
Tifa is still better.
@stavcy Год назад
Crying about Tifa on an Aerith video, such a typical Tifa fan thing to do. They’re both amazing women, but this video is specifically talking about Aerith. Just leave.
@vivi44 2 года назад
to be fair cloud said "I don't dance" not "I can't dance." Also you may be failing to take into account Aerith has future knowledge of all events and knows how to talk to and handle cloud.
@flowergirlff7505 2 года назад
Cloud felt connected to her in the original game too. She's naturally intuitive to other people's emotions.
@nohemi6899 2 года назад
The only thing Aerith alluded to knowing was her death. Not the entirety of OG which Sephiroth most likely is aware of.
@spider-keithasmr38 2 года назад
The best waifu rivalry for me is not Tifa vs Aerith. For me, it's Jessie vs Aerith.
@nelneruc Год назад
You have taste Spiderman
@stavcy Год назад
If I weren’t a Clerith I’d be team clessie
@danteyoda 2 года назад
@maxshymkiv2200 2 года назад
Man that's cool, but there is one little problem, in this timeline Zack somehow survived. Oooh, it would be interesting to see what happens next
@Mich_Ael00 2 года назад
It's because he has Zack's memories and of course, he acts, talks, and thinks like Zack most of the time. The reason why Aerith is so comfortable when she's with him is because she loved someone who had the same characteristics with Cloud which is Zack. This is also same way to Cloud which explains his mood when he's with Aerith. However, Cloud's true memories are mainly focused to Tifa especially his promise about saving and looking after her when he becomes a SOLDIER. It's just shattered right now due to the mixed memories of his and Zack's which is why he have difficulties when he's with Tifa. He still has small solid real memories that can be witnessed after he gave the flower to Tifa and complimented her beauty with his drink as his disguise. Weak disguise. This doesn't mean that his real memories won't come back but also, this doesn't mean that it won't make Cloud pay. Just read some of his history that's why. And also about Aerith...flowers don't last long especially the most precious one.
@flowergirlff7505 2 года назад
Again: Cloud does not have Zack's memories. He just adopted Zack's soldier mannerisms or what he perceives to be SOLDIER characteristics. Zack is happy go lucky, cheery, and a flirt. Cloud is not and awkward. They are personality-wise exactly the opposite. Cloud was NEVER a SOLDIER. Giving Tifa the flower and complimenting her is something he felt that Zack would do. Cloud and Tifa spent zero time together other than the well scene because she ignored him and he wanted to be accepted by her popular crowd. Aerith means so much to Cloud because she accepted and believed in him. This is why he was so wrecked by her death and then continues to be after he resolves his identity crisis.
@stavcy Год назад
nope you’ve got it all wrong. this is the biggest ff7 misconception and was created by the western fan base to ignorantly kill the Clerith ship.
@ChocoRon 2 года назад
I haven't played the original and just completed FF7 Remake. All the time when Aerith was not with Cloud, I missed her presence while playing the game. And I am so happy that they didn't kill the wonderful soul that is Aerith this time. Totally hopeful for a good ending even if they don't end up together I hope Aerith survives till the end.
@stavcy Год назад
Me too. I was always waiting for the parts when Aerith would come back!
@TheSingingBUn 2 года назад
A tad late here on me to see this vid, but I will say that its easily apparent that Tifa/Cloud has more to do with people you were once close with but became estranged. Cloud's faith in Tifa 'being alright' has a lot to do with how he remembers her as a strong-willed, self-empowered and well-adjusted girl. He puts trust in her headstrong personality, but fails to see the vulnerable side of her. Tifa who saw Cloud as that special friend she was attached to and relied on, saw the changes in him and became afraid of those changes. It was clear that the two's estranged relationship heavily relied on the ghost familiarity of their past and not their present; easily blind yet able to put faith in what they had before. Though Tifa/Cloud was special in their own right, Aerith/Cloud really signifies something interesting. Aerith, in many respects is more emotionally perceptive and easily exudes the fragile girl on face-value among others. But her emotional intelligence easily allowed Cloud to be open to her because she addresses everything that is the present him. That perceptiveness also came with a balanced look of everyone's needs, where, despite Tifa being more extraverted and relatable among her peers, Aerith's surprisingly Introverted traits enable more room for emotional intimacy with her and Cloud. Its obvious too that Aerith was a true definition of 'not like other girls' in the world riddled in Shinra and the society they live in. She was an outlier among the commerce-induced society or the dregs of the slums. Not because of her heritage, but her depth and perception to be able to reach out to Cloud's loneliness. I'm not starting a war here, but I personally felt that Tifa/Cloud could have been more cherished between them if Tifa was more willing to make time for Cloud and for Cloud to be able to see past her tough exterior and see her vulnerable heart. Cloud easily opened up to Aerith because she was the one to make the first step to making that emotional connection to Cloud while calling out on his Tsundere moments. Cloud's part in that relationship was that he could easily see the vulnerable sides to Aerith that made him more soft around her.
@nohemi6899 2 года назад
I fully agree. Tifa and Cloud's relationship in terms of communication feels like pulling out teeth. They avoid subjects and pretend nothing is wrong. It's definitely because of being apart that their relationship is so strained. It's something I've always acknowledged. I'm sure she probably assumes he's okay with being on his own and alone when that is so far from the truth. He's used to assuming she can handle herself. But with Aerith, she's a breath of fresh air in this world. She's so expressive and emotionally intelligent, assertive, caring, and playful. He's not used to someone initiating contact and including him so much. He's used to isolation and rejection, which Aerith can absolutely relate to. She knows what it's like to mask the loneliness and recognizes it in Cloud. She's open to showing her vulnerable side, so how can he not react the way he does? She's so much of what he needed in his life.
@ronseng3019 2 года назад
Aerith is such a sweet soul, beautiful in the inside as well as outside! And her theme just beings tears everytime I listen to it.
@Cain135 2 года назад
Cloud really loves Aerith 💞
@Cain135 2 года назад
Aerith is the better girl.
@hullu87 2 года назад
dude its a game. consider some medication if this is so bothering
@aoto8897 Год назад
Bruh, do something better with your life besides making fun of others for sharing about things they like.
@stavcy Год назад
dude it’s just a video. consider some medication if this is so bothering.
@endame90 2 года назад
Cloud only needed to see Aerith's eagerness to see him dance to give in.
@Kiremaki 2 года назад
I've always liked Aerith since the original game. This video made me love her even more.
@abelarmstrong8054 2 года назад
Aerith is the best character, by far.
@risquecat 2 года назад
Wow , I didn't notice those things. Thanks for the video.
@starlightprincess9968 2 года назад
beautiful.... : ' )
@royaltyalign417 2 года назад
The subtleties man. The subtleties…
@larsondavis8155 2 года назад
Sad all the people who are thinking they dont care for this remake, and haven't even played it. SO F****** GOOOOOOD I didn't think I'd care for this at first... But this is a pretty dope video. Thanks for it!
@Itfeelsmoist 2 года назад
We all have or had that one person in our life. Cherish every moment.
@johnmandrake8829 2 года назад
yes she is good with him, but she is better with Zack and gone she is with him. I love Zack and Aerith the most
@yuukiasuna4186 2 года назад
Zack is better with cissnei
@johnmandrake8829 2 года назад
@@yuukiasuna4186 haha that was something too right
@stavcy Год назад
I understand that. Zerith is a beautiful ship too. I’ll always be for Clerith though and I personally think it goes way deeper!
@gamensch2629 2 года назад
Some of the reasons depicted are not really significant enough because the situations are different. One example of that is the situation in which Tifa and in which Aerith possibly is in danger and how the other female reacted to it.
@kevinsmeeton9504 2 года назад
Very good analysis, 100% spot on.
@mygametesting1343 2 года назад
Absolutely choosing aerith than tiffa !! omg !! aerith is so beautiful, cute & very considerate girl !! I can't believe it !! the story of cloud & aerith makes me this emotional !! d*mn !! poor aerith & poor cloud !! why don't just they be together !! it's so heart breaking !! :(
@tq5704 2 года назад
where is the first scene from?
@fluffpaw9013 2 года назад
Spoiler… Cloud is gay.
@boss_one 2 года назад
What I really observed on both Tifa and Aerith is their real difference on handling Cloud's edgy and cold personality. For Tifa, Cloud is her childhood friend... and that's the most ultimate feeling Cloud had for her. They are too independent to each other, to the point that they needed no more any assistance or help, as they are really strong on their own and can protect themselves on their own, except on some circumstances that help is really needed (example, the near fall of Cloud after battle to Rufus). But on how they deal with each other's feelings, they are awkwardly not close. Although Tifa is happy on Cloud's return after 5 years of separation, but they still not really close on what we really expect. But inspite of their even personality, Tifa is still a lady with feelings, and she had it to Cloud, but only unrealized to the latter. For Aerith, Cloud is a total stranger, but she recognized him when he landed on her flower bed. In an unexplainable way, these two had this magical compatibility, and their complete far contrast personality is what makes them like that: Cloud as a quiet, cold and awkward person, and Aerith as a jolly, enegertic and charming person. Aerith handled Cloud naturally as a person (no special care needed), and that natural charm of hers made Cloud slowly broke out of his cold shell, and go along with her along their journey, to the point that Cloud learned to socialize. Yeah, Aerith is also strong on her own, but her existence is vulnerable to the Shinra, so when she's already handled by them (not exactly kidnapped, 'coz Tseng didn't use any force to take her actually), Cloud is eager to save her even it is actually too risky as it seems. A romance may not be really evident between Cloud and the ladies, but when it comes to compatibility and handling his character, Aerith had those. But since part 1 is focused on Cloud's visions and his identiy crisis, ships are not really mentioned to both on them, but it added a spice to the story. Waiting for the part 2. 🙂
@winternet9478 Год назад
I'm sure you're happy knowing that part 2 has been announced
@trolulu2457 2 года назад
No because literally maturing is realizing cloud and aerith are soulmates 🤧 this is literally speaking about maturing n shit and looking at true love and happiness yes I like Tifa but now that I'm older and read about it I love aerith and clerith together more and yes I still like tifa
@stavcy Год назад
Same ❤
@TheLastWanderingBard 2 года назад
I thought this was going to be a typical "Team Clerith" nonsense video (before anybody asks, I'm not bothered about either side), but these details were well noticed and discussd, so well done. I look forward to seeing a redo of this when Tifa's character begins to change, which presumably she will if the Remake follows the original Tifa arc. For instance, Tifa's reserved about saying anything concerning Cloud's condition because we know she's holding back, but later spills the beans (she even commends Aerith in the Lifestream for being able to be so direct). Similarly, with the observation about the physical distance between them, we know Tifa and Cloud "close the gap" between them later in the story before North Crater. Making the inevitable part 2 of this video for Tifa will be a good analysis on her character arc. Good job.