@darikozz Месяц назад
Rewatching this and almost crying again
@aphrodi7612 2 месяца назад
this made me remember how great trails in the sky was. I really wish i could forget it and play it once again. Also is that Kei from Dies Irae in your pfp ?
@aurumferro 2 месяца назад
I fuckin cried like a bitch
@user-mr4xm2ke5j 2 месяца назад
@ChaozPhoenix 4 месяца назад
I startet playing the Trails series. I am in the final cahpter of Trails in teh Sky FC. 80% of the game was boring in my opinion. So I watched the story bits from the final chapter as videos. And only this final cutscene is great. The Ending really carries the game. I would not recommend playing Trails in teh Sky FC because it's boring and no fun at all. But you should definitley watch all story cutscenes. Story is great, Gameplay is trash. Looking forward to SC hoping it get's better.
@Mars_over_seer 4 месяца назад
Dumb fight. Not about the fight itself but the bullshit at the end saying “oh, I was using less than 30% power,” bull shit. And from Gideon of all characters.
@Imikmidget 5 месяцев назад
Darn it, I hate it having to rely on RU-vid guides. I feel completely defeated :( Thanks though.
@FuryXDMGS 5 месяцев назад
Well now we know who's the "royal inbred baby" of that bloodline hahah
@vitker2254 6 месяцев назад
Which orbments do u have?
@animefreakdill 6 месяцев назад
Holy shit homie doesn't give me a chance to read anything lmao😊
@kyc001323 7 месяцев назад
perefect one on one theme
@ReyKaf 8 месяцев назад
This ending made me quickly grab SC immediately. Currently finishing CS2 right now and I can say, CS1s cliffhanger is on par with FC cliffhanger.
@HighKicks2yaTeef 8 месяцев назад
Jeez... He said all of that right before a ice create date? The nerve of that guy... Poor Joshua
@Mars_over_seer 9 месяцев назад
Personally love this fight. The first time in the game we see Joshua again, and play as him basically being a one man army. Not too mention him having arts like Abyss Fall depicting his change in fighting styles. I love the outcome with him winning against Mueller since it shows how strong he has to become to defeat Loewe. It also shows as Joshua being cunning with the tactics he uses to interfere with Ouroboros. From allying with the pirates to storm the main ship.
@controlplusc27 9 месяцев назад
Damn, when the music kick in after "Goodbye Estelle"
@koboss 11 месяцев назад
I finished the game and felt like “this was great but I’m going to play another game before I play the next one since it felt so long” but then this cutscene played and I immediately started the next
@diptopasa5729 10 месяцев назад
Then u didnt get to experience the year long waiting for SC to release like i did. that was brutal.
@koboss 10 месяцев назад
@@diptopasa5729 i bet, that would kill me to wait that long! i also finished SC already, what a ride
@lancemoraes853 11 месяцев назад
@808Slush 11 месяцев назад
What. A. Fuckin. Game.
@jayw553 Год назад
I thought I was badass until I was humbled by this battle.
@jaimebyrd3578 Год назад
I used status causing food to beat this fight cuz I refused to be beaten by Gilbert🙂
@Designated_loser 5 месяцев назад
The fact that I CLOSED THE GAME several times and changed Estelle's setup until I beat them because I wasn't gonna lose that fight 😭
@chaseedwards7024 Год назад
One of the best endings to a final boss ever. When Cassius comes flying in and knocks the Ring Guardian's hand off (with one hit!) followed by "Now! Finish him off!" that always gives me chills. And now everyone has 200 CP and you just unleash all of your strongest attacks for the final blow. Such an empowering/triumphant finish.
@faridaminridwanto8863 11 месяцев назад
but then there comes the plot twist: an achievement want you not to use S-Craft to finish it off :p
@tenaciousrodent6251 Год назад
The ice cream is somehow the saddest part. 😦
@gamer-san8923 Год назад
His bots' ability to cancel Arts is so annoying fr
@user-sv5uq5ko2p Год назад
아니 이렇게 생존신고를? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@rayyenfahrinsyah6161 Год назад
Man felt so scammed out of my win, thought i purposely fail because ep ran out to get a better gear set up and orb set up, turns out if you fail you get no redo, thx game, reaaaally appreciate missing this
@Mikiiiiiiiiiip Год назад
this fight was so hype! beat him by clocking up Joshua and clocking down Mueller. Then after spam normal attacks and use either dual strike or s craft during critical bonuses
@bugmom3879 Год назад
this guy commented about how easy this fight is, talking like its practically free and it's his strategy that made it seem so easy, completely ignoring how he got 2 lucky crits in a row while lorence got nothing. I personally Hate this boss fight. I don't consider it hard, since I spent a good hour in my first encounter with him because of the aformentioned endless nature of the combat. There's something to be said here about a fight where both you and the enemy have endless resources. It's honestly the weakest design choice from every game and usually results in one shots or other balance problems. Anyway Since neither of us could hurt eachother, and I did not have the equipment advantage at all I was forced to use a different but similar tactic, and then I realized that tactic is exactly why some people can BTFO lorence and others like me get our shit wrecked. Lorence AI is kind of shitty. I had a kloe without the grail locket, and a condition voulnerable scherazard. Because of that voulnerability, I eventually figured out the strategy and timing of keeping her away from the main party and using her to physically attack, since she was usually too far away to comfortably be healed. If you do this, lorence tends to target the opposing party occasionally too often with really bad turn wasting decisions. His healing is still a problem, but with seig and morale s crafts, an occasional blue impact, It's possible to take him down without even using S-crafts. I found this out after about a full day of trying different strategies. I'd hazard I was in a much worse position than the video, since even if I was a full level above him, I lacked many immunities and also more importantly did not have the black sepiths to craft all the good action quarts you need for this fight. Hes definately a frustrating and infuriating boss, so much so that I was apopalectic. but I place most of the blame on the far too leniant item system. Realistically this awful battle is awful primarily because it is very likely that anyone who gets that far will realize it can go on forever. All the hype of the battle theme and set up and all of your casting of arts and then you realize this battle has been going on for literally over an hour and no one has lost any meaningful health. It doesn't make you feel like you are fighting an opponent who is too strong for you. It stinks like the game wants you to find one needle specific way of winning. At that point all of the frustration of not being able to pass it drove me insane with rage. who the hell thinks this is fun? This terrible experiance with this shitty game (not the story) makes me understand why people hate the third, and I really hope they don't keep pulling this shit. It is a powerful learning experiance though. The game hits such highs and such lows with massive time wasting fluff in the form of the random battles and certain other sore points that it's a really great teaching tool for how not to design a turn based tactical RPG. Ironically in this entire game THIS SINGLE FIGHT and my lack of buying all the annoying immunity items for wanting to see which enemies did what when and avoid having to refight a boss I spoiled on to change my equipement, WAS THE ONLY FIGHT WHERE MOVING A CHARACTER WITH THE MOVE COMMAND ACTUALLY HAD A DECISIVE TACTICAL OUTCOME. There is so much wrong with this shit show that I can write a book about it, so I'll just end my rant here. Heres my middle finger to the author of this video who is holding up his double crit as an example video. As someone who struggled with far less and still won without S crafts, I don't doubt he could do it without, but posting a video about strategy when its clear you won primarily because of extreme luck is laughable.
@MattiusYT Год назад
Regreso después de tanto
@angelotolentino7852 Год назад
Shit gets real when the portrait faces front.
@OliverNorth9729 Год назад
I don't like the graphics. For a psp game
@Azure9577 Год назад
Its a port of the original pc game my guy Also graphics don't matter, gameplay and story does and this franchise nails both
@ShubhamGupta-ir2gn Год назад
Man, it feels weird hearing Silver Will as a boss theme for anyone other than Loewe.
@revugameplays5287 Год назад
Thanks, it was easy with your help.
@officialFredDurstfanclub Год назад
oh yeah this is kino
@dreamEnd 2 года назад
This battle is the reason why they nerfed Kaempfer in SC lmao
@newhek 2 года назад
I'm not crying... you're crying...
@rompevuevitos222 2 года назад
I was willing to retry the fight if i lost, but after seeing that i couldn't save i decided to use cheat engine I just really don't have the time to redo all the 3 fights before the last one if i wanted to leave it for later The last phase was so annoying too, just spam minions and then it even gets a free, insta kill turn for some reason
@rompevuevitos222 2 года назад
When i saw the fight i tought the game just threw everything out the window and forgot about difficulty scaling, but luckily it is optional
@InfiniteEel 2 года назад
Olivier's dialogue... that's pretty massive foreshadowing. I really gotta replay the series sometime.
@riviereotaku8496 2 года назад
Wat level should I be for this guy and the 2 battles after this one
@thequincy_ Год назад
Probably the level you were already at when reaching him. The Trails series has a good way of consistently keeping your level equal with the enemies, so there never really is a time you're "underleveled".
@pretzelboi64 Год назад
It's more about having access to the right arts than a specific level. If you don't have Earth Wall, you're fucked.
@Azure9577 2 года назад
Yo it's the same team I used
@duzinbbs4784 2 года назад
wait... I couldnt find this fucker there... Milch Main Road... I must be blind or something
@nothanks8128 2 года назад
even in hard mode this was a fucking nightmare haha
@pomidor-vkysni 2 года назад
Such unbalanced boss fight. i even dont wanna finish game after 3 times trying, even if i get good luck at atacks and deals 50% of his lifes, he have random lucky crit and heal on full. Also it seams he has unlimeted mana, so, i just no idea how to deal with it. Very unfair for players.
@nikosagantz 2 года назад
Thanks god I found an encounter with 8 shinning ponds before this fight, it got all my party to level 78.
@Uzarran 2 года назад
Thanks for this! Game black-screened right after the confession, so I wasn't able to enjoy it.
@ShinkuRosetta 3 года назад
I solo'ed this with just Tita 😋
@manoharalisa5829 2 года назад
Tita is Renne rival.. but in reality Tita quickly lose fight Renne with only herself.. except Tita create a machine ...maybe there is hope even it is little.
@sharkbehindyou6683 3 года назад
Wtf why the boss always use the normal attack,where are the aoe attack?
@user-sp2jk6xs7r 3 года назад
Thanks, your video helped me finally defeat this boss
@daymosaldare1573 3 года назад
Thanks for doing this, I needed an ending refresher.. you spammed the text though, impossible to read it without pausing a million times.
@cleangoblin2021 3 года назад
Why didnt he spam that freaking heal?