Retro Rough Riders
Retro Rough Riders
Retro Rough Riders
Bringing back integrity, honesty and authenticity to the retro community.....

Wondering what that means? Well you must be part of the crowd thats been abused and preyed upon by those who promote predatory tactics and abuse of their viewers and fans. THATS NOT US. We will never e-beg, accept free gifts, shill useless sponsors, setup a patreon, force subscriptions or payment for fans and viewers to be recognized, enable super chats or anything to leech off our fans or viewers. Understand now?
@Dracape 8 дней назад
Men if I can’t record they can take a hike or piss off 😡owner reminds me of df toluca market people
@ultimatefoe 8 дней назад
For anyone that actually believes Penis Resale, go to a game convention and watch him be "empathetic" with a camera in sellers faces begging for discounts and "wiggle room". All this for 5 dollars? I can only imagine what he would for more without a camera in a sellers face
@TacticalDingus 12 дней назад
Bro gives people like 400$ for 2000$ collections and uses his channel as leverage " you get to be in my video " !
@hunterjohnson4082 17 дней назад
You guys can complain about Caleb and his tactics but to change prices on someone and justify it by saying your customer is lying is not cool and I wouldnt buy from them either. So you guys can keep bashing on Caleb but I see his reasoning for not buying from him. It be like you agreeing on a price from someone on the market place. You show up and they say on that will be $10 and not $5 like you agreed.
@jonnylake3rd 18 дней назад
This is so pathetic. You're nothing but a hate orbiter. He never tried to play victim. Just stop.
@iSnags 24 дня назад
I will never understand the hate for a lot of RU-vidrs lmaooo like I can understand if they actually scam people or do something actually bad lmaoooo
@roidnerd2501 29 дней назад
You shoupd post video showing what he did at convention where he wantrd his price guy decline gave his price pheonix accepts and as he goes to put hia card in to pay he like nah and then says i want to pay this pressure guy to take his orig offer and then brags about how he got such a great deal shitty guy
@Timep3 Месяц назад
What kinda made up nonsense is this
@he5890 Месяц назад
The only thing suspect is you made this video. Alot bigger issues to tackle than this petty bs.
@blankblank7101 Месяц назад
I actually believe him. It's totally possible the store put the game in the wrong area though obviously no footage means no proof. People really have a hate boner for this guy.
@roidnerd2501 29 дней назад
sorry but he did this at convention he wanted his price guy decline and gave his price phoenix agree as he goes to pay on his card he then like nah don't want that price and pressure guy to take phoenix orig price he is pretty shitty
@jonnylake3rd 18 дней назад
I've had stores do this kind of stuff. Especially grimy pawn stores. I found good deals inside cases at pawn stores before and had the guy look it up and not under the prices. Just some food for thought
@BDBD16 Месяц назад
Dudes just a douche.
@KyleXlr8 Месяц назад
Yall just hating 😂😂
@ghostcasper3185 Месяц назад
I would of said put you're money where you're mouth is I'll bet you 100 dollars that this came from the 5 dollar section go run the camera back....
@osvaldosolis2750 Месяц назад
Caleb is right. That guy was trash.
@firebug9285 Месяц назад
Welp we will never learn the truth because he couldn’t film in there I have been hearing bout businesses trying to scam people out money
@JawnNawva Месяц назад
I understand he may have done a switch on that pawnshop, but I don't understand the entitlement and arrogant criticisms. He's literally just a normal guy and yeah resellers are gonna seem "scammy" and look like scalpers, but resellers are kinda valid in pricing their stuff somewhat higher. If we're not gonna spend our time looking for that specific game at a reasonable price, then we can pay for someone's time, effort, and negotiating skills to acquire those physical titles for us. Again, if he really did do a switch to get a lower price, then that's unethical and to frame it as if he was victim is not right. BUT this speculation, if we heard the pawn store employees side maybe we could draw a more conclusive picture. It genuinely doesn't seem like he was trying to get any sympathy or frame it differently, just explain his side of the situation.
@KoRnLOSTHead Месяц назад
I missed the part where you show he was lying. What a stupid video. And for people to comment on him being a narcissist, despite never meeting him or potentially watching his content is itself hilariously stupid. Not to mention how you're the one trying to use a platform to manipulate perception of another person without using evidence.
@norm3v 2 месяца назад
@WSFM_Rex 2 месяца назад
Yes, yes he is.
@retroroughriders4579 2 месяца назад
Makes some of us wonder don't it?
@KSCAR13 2 месяца назад
He’s still my favorite resaler!!
@haadnaqvi1323 2 месяца назад
His story sounds plausible to me and it isn’t about the money, the person flat out called him a liar. It makes sense he would be unhappy about that.
@minimalistmartian9744 2 месяца назад
Honestly the only thing I can think of is that he argued over 5 dollars even though he still getting a deal. Also I would’ve left the store too depending on the aggression of the seller and felt uncomfortable as well as he mentions feeling icky. Him storytelling is part of RU-vid and his goal is views and I imagine is part of his income.
@paperless4485 2 месяца назад
This is why stop watching this guy fucken disgraceful
@joshharris1793 2 месяца назад
@ESPINOZA316 2 месяца назад
Says the I'll suck the Phoenix pole Hank
@typhfanuwu7526 2 месяца назад
@@ESPINOZA316says the unkown console pfp
@dennisretroplays 3 месяца назад
I love how someone is mad over anothers success may the person that stole this video and re uploaded it trying to slander someones name stub there toe for enternity
@Max-zv8hm 3 месяца назад
Dude is huge in real life. It’s crazy.
@Megamon0001 3 месяца назад
Caleb is the biggest vulture and I hate that he had to choose retro gaming to scalp. I like retro games and want to eventually collect full libraries, but he’s driving up costs and eventually it’s going to be super costly all because he wanted to be a vulture
@samiboy1368 3 месяца назад
Click bait
@eriks8382 3 месяца назад
Something happened in the retro gaming community the last ten years even amongst hardcore resellers like riff where collecting and the hobby of chasing after games took a backseat to the cash pursuit. money comes first and foremost, anything else if at all second. But I guess if you’re doing something that much and not getting paid for it you’re probably Ly doing it wrong
@vlxjandrot6447 3 месяца назад
This guy is a joke
@JasonRelaxation 3 месяца назад
20 each and your total was 15 still a score he should have just considered it a buffing disc fee and why would he take your word for it. phoenix resale is overrated and i watched a guy who only does rants on him and it was fantastic
@turtlehead2 3 месяца назад
@JoeComics666 3 месяца назад
"MY WORD AH HAVE NEVAH BEEN TREATED LIKE THIS IN MUH LIFE!" holy crap. just the way he talks to the viewer. What a turd.
@George_Gilbert 4 месяца назад
And then he got so mad he punch me in my poindexter looking face
@808Slush 4 месяца назад
Screw this guy he ruined this community
@ohyeahcory930 4 месяца назад
See if he would have let you record he could have just checked the footage... BOOM easy fixed D___P The no filming rule is just sooo Dumb.. but whatever
@ALT-HEX 4 месяца назад
Sounds like you're assuming. You have no proof. Clownage.
@azwildcats7842 4 месяца назад
Phoenix resale is the absolute worst. Wish Videos like this would go viral to maybe get rid of this clown..
@lolzy684 4 месяца назад
Nice try scammer
@sbgandalf5946 4 месяца назад
And now he’s spending 150k on an app to further rip people off
@meeeoooow 5 месяцев назад
Caleb's 2nd oldest video he shows how he pulled a fast one on a lady seller. This is his M.O.
@psychoapplesauceeater8562 5 месяцев назад
@killustrator 5 месяцев назад
What a scumbag. Imagine going to these lengths to steal $5 from a business. And then he says he left because he’s the victim in it. This is of course after he had the guy buff the games. Did he pay him for that? Of course not
@retroislandboy9708 5 месяцев назад
i guess business is business...and thats everyones right i suppose. however the problem i have with guys like him is more so just taking all he can....all the good deals ....taking those opportunities away from the average collector like myself who is trying to grow their modest collection and its so hard with retro prices being so high in general...he then turns around and continues to make it even harder by reselling at a high price. and im not just talking about Phoenix Resale....but reselling as a whole . those who want to get close to that "dollar value" of the item! say a game is "worth" 40 bucks.....someone is selling it for 5....he gets it and sells it for even 30...wow i saved 10 bucks from the dollar value....but lost out on 25 on the original sale. now i can see it a little different if you have a store and people bring their games in to sell or trade. but to just go out and take everything you can before the average person can even have the chance. its just not a good thing .
@SLURM187 5 месяцев назад
“Okay sir, you can leave the store then and go find it for 5 dollars somewhere else.”
@SLURM187 5 месяцев назад
Does this guy have any real fans?
@Cozmoz79 5 месяцев назад
Phoenix Resale failed not once, but Twice at his coin work. Even after getting lessons how to make it work when he got his 2nd chance. We could tell him "well gratz for your success" but we're talking about someone who could not keep a "normal work". He was quite down after he got fired a 2nd time, sure we could sympathize I guess with that and now he is rich by scamming/scalping others.
@user-pl7lr5dn8q 5 месяцев назад
how he hasnt gotten knocked out yet speaks so much on how lame the gaminh community is irl
@DrGreenThumbNZL 4 месяца назад
@Backintoons8515 5 месяцев назад
Try to Support the local business for 10$ lol
@samhain81 5 месяцев назад
Ikr lol. That's like your nan giving you a dollar for your birthday as a kid and saying don't spend it all in the one store.
@jonnybegood8181 5 месяцев назад
This guy would sell his wife if the price was right
@datacipher 5 месяцев назад
He… had to take shelter from rain… inside his car??
@FuturisticSwag405 Месяц назад
Maybe there was hail which makes sense.
@MRkriegs 23 дня назад
yea... u ever been in bad rain before? u cant see while driving, its dangerous
@datacipher 23 дня назад
@@MRkriegs good GRAVY you dullard. I'm a mountaineer in the CANADIAN ROCKIES, who's been driving nearly every day for 36 years. DO YA THUNKS I've been in rain? LOL. Yet...never ONCE have I had to put my vehicle inside a shelter from the rain. The idiocy of the internet never ceases to amaze.... we get lower and lower.
@datacipher 23 дня назад
@@FuturisticSwag405 you can see and hear the rain. If it were hailing - very different. Especially if large enough to damage a car.. and one might think he'd mention something that eventful lol. You can also see the other motorists happily driving along just fine.
@datacipher 23 дня назад
@@MRkriegs I'm a mountaineer in the Canadian Rockies who's driven every day for 36 years. DO you think I might have driven in every condition imaginable. Winds blowing over semis, blizzard white outs (many times), closed roads due to conditions, torrential rain with flooding. Yet never ONCE have I had to shelter MY VEHICLE from rain. lol. The other motorists happily driving by don't seem to need to either. IF YOU ACTUALLY felt like pulling over, because you can't drive, you can...you don't need to shelter your CAR. LOL. Man....what's happening to some kids today? Critical thinking hasn't deteriorated - it's GONE.