Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
The Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University seeks to promote a just and peaceful world through research, teaching, and public engagement.

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@billevans7936 15 часов назад
Nifty Kean ❤
@Gordian1095 День назад
Do not get in the way of men doing their job.
@Gordian1095 День назад
Biden??? Jajaja that guy should be in prison!
@ledaswan5990 День назад
“Transfer”. Just like Native Americans were “transferred” to reservations.
@ChildOfJesus590 День назад
Gun violence doesn't exist only stuff like gang violence since a gun is an inanimate object and can't move on its own. For example when someone runs someone else with a car on purpose we don't call that car violence we just call that murder.
@penssuck6453 День назад
So he gets to denigrate people like Murray Rothbard because "he's not a trained historian" and also Adam Smith on economic questions? I especally liked how he uses an ad hominem against Smith, saying that because Smith had an interest in making money from the sales of his books that he wasn't truthful. Doesn't this guy have a book out? I guess he's also a "serious thinker" like Hume, which puts him above wanting to make money from the sales of his books. What puerile nonsense. This presentation is so replete with fallacies that I find it hard to believe he even has a BA in philosophy. Oh, you've heard of Smith but not Hume so much, right? Aha! See, Smith is a charlatan. Wow. This is beyond stupid. I hear that in his next book he's going to expose Einstein for the fool he was. You've all of heard of Einstein, right? Well, there you go.
@syrian007 2 дня назад
Benny Morris is biased and does not tell the truth, the full truth. He ignores the role of the British colonials In oppressing every Palestinian attempt to organise. The European Zionist came to Palestine with the objective of building a state helped by the British colonial government with a Zionist British high commissioner. That is why they have organised structures and helped by the British. Any Palestinian who was able to organise was either expelled from Palestine or killed. Benny Morris ignores all these facts. Does not even mention British role in giving the Zionists the freedom of building an Army and well organised military and civil structures.
@alfred-vz8ti 2 дня назад
usa is not a democracy, so you don't have rights. you have privileges, which are similar, but may disappear at the convenience of the ruling group.
@ywtcc День назад
If you talk to Libertarians, the golden era of rights was in the pre civil war era. Which happened to be a period of institutionalized slavery. This apparent contradiction is why the politics of Liberal rights are met with skepticism. (In the pre civil war era, rights were only guaranteed by the Federal government. Other levels of government did not respect rights, nor were they required to.) We have rights, you've just been misinformed by Liberals and Libertarians about how they've been using them. (Not just the bill of rights, we have civil rights, and some semblance of labor rights remain. Rights Libertarians are especially prone to overlooking.) Also, your notion of any kind of *permanent* privileges is an attempted to overthrow all future democracies. That leaves replacing the ruling group as the solution. Because that's the actual solution. It happens periodically.
@sebastienloyer9471 2 дня назад
@Mendezfarriercompany306 3 дня назад
Nicaraguan at the moment is run mafia style. It is another a republic
@tarnopol 3 дня назад
Could Carrie be any more mealy-mouthed about the protests? At least Mark has the guts to call it properly.
@ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 4 дня назад
Nothing New ~ the church loves itself. What did Hitler do that the church didn’t do ?
@juanantonio757 4 дня назад
Great work
@richardscathouse 5 дней назад
Too much Western propaganda for my taste
@richardscathouse 5 дней назад
Russia under Putin is well on the mend. The US and UK, however, are still tumbling into the abyss. Ukraine is merely America's latest victim. 😢
@davidstylespro 5 дней назад
Neither one of these guys would ever be willing to go on Gus T Renegades radio show. They are either being disingenuous or they are very confused.
@elhamhemat572 6 дней назад
such a biased story, this guy kidnapped someone's fiance and then says she was a slave girl who went to a British guy's home by her own choice in afghans writing it says she was kidnapped and R.. says thousands of camp followers worked for the army then says there were kids in those camp followers. were those kids for pleasure or work? then he says women went to Britain at night and came back richer, there is no brothel in Afghanistan now or at that time so where did the British find these women? Or they were local women who were kidnapped and R.
@hangdogit 7 дней назад
Any threat to the Racial Caste Hierarchy creates a severe reaction against it. Examples: - Abolition >> Civil War - Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts >> Republican Southern Strategy - Obama election >> Trump Fascism
@ahsenzafar8037 7 дней назад
Save Gaza
@stuckp1stuckp122 7 дней назад
Funny yet terrifying commentary on how democracy ends…
@ejws1575 7 дней назад
These two - who’s it for? The sensible pmc academic/third sector wet blankets who took 4+ covid shots and were *absolutely all in* on the Ukraine grift too. No credibility
@cev12 8 дней назад
I'm beginning to think that Mark is a closet Trumpi-- am I right?
@landontesar3070 4 дня назад
No, would not go more than a half-step in that direction.
@cev12 4 дня назад
@@landontesar3070 …that’s what you think, haha. I am hearing it in most of his related comments lately. Either that or a strong self-protection against not (re-)underestimating the US far right in future.
@landontesar3070 4 дня назад
Anticipating his election and supporting it are two different things
@cev12 8 дней назад
How stupid of Carrie-- the trial (definitely theoretically) is not meant to "change [voters] minds," it's to hold someone accountable for his actions. I really wonder how she got employed by Brown.... I really do.
@tonywilson4713 8 дней назад
I don't know what's more amazing. That she points out that since 1969 (55 years) the Republicans have appointed 16 justices while the Democrats have only appointed 5. *OR* That she fails to point out the insane BIAS towards Ivy League graduates and in particular Harvard and Yale. Right now the court has 4 Harvard and 4 Yale educated justices. Prior to that there was at one time 8 Harvard educated justices on the court. When Ketanji Brown Smith was appoint 5 of the 7 people under consideration were Harvard or Yale educated. I have also heard reports that there is not SCOTUS 1 clerk from outside the Ivy League. So NOT only is SCOTUS got an extremely biased POLITICAL stance but it also has an insanely narrow EDUCATION.
@davidwilkie9551 8 дней назад
More cause than cure, and typical reverse-inverted judgment absolutely not of, by, for their peers. If this presented range is so obviously the opposite of a democracy built up from a thoroughly rigorous reading of actual Precedent in evidence.., because not only is the past a foreign country, at best it's only a record of carefully judged behaviour organized for defining the Common Good by appropriate lawfulness.. There's no going back!, to a better, perfectly informed event, in eternal metastable uncertainty.
@cyberpunkalphamale 8 дней назад
26:45 Gregory Mankiw - Principles of Macroeconomics
@cyberpunkalphamale 8 дней назад
13:35 Margaret Jacob and Matthew Kadene
@veyselpak4548 8 дней назад
Thanks everbody😊
@ashm-wl4xg 8 дней назад
Those who listen to this talk … Should first listen to the prior two lectures as well as the Q&A…. All brilliant and much needed to absorb in summer of 2024…!! Ignorance is not an excuse to continue the same old same old…!!
@ashm-wl4xg 8 дней назад
One True euphemism said in the Q&A : “Congress Critters” …😂😂
@dumbfoundedagain 9 дней назад
BRICS will dominate
@richardscathouse 9 дней назад
Wondering why anyone with two braincells can't be bothered to vote 😢
@bills.7175 9 дней назад
If we had listened to Chas then we would never have been in the pickle we find ourselves in today. He is a patriot and one of the most courageous intellectuals in my country, it’s sad that his wisdom falls on blocked ears and cannot be heard. We are headed for a rude awakening now, rendered blind and deaf by our hubris.
@jimbob-robob 9 дней назад
5:10 Anecdote isn't data... but the urinal wall rarely ever lies... 😂
@jimbob-robob 9 дней назад
Please someone explain why we don't get video and only audio lately. It seems retrograde...
@sutpremblair1438 10 дней назад
A family member was a student at Am U of Beirut in 2006. When Israel bombed the Beirut Airport, as her family, we requested she evacuate LB. Along with other AUB students she successfully evacuated upon a barge, to Cyprus. She eventually returned to Beirut later that summer and has continued to return every year. Our entire family has been changed politically by the 2006 War. I continue to educate myself and am very grateful for this interview, your work and dedication.T Y
@littlemac1208 11 дней назад
1:31:37 Benny seems to be a genuinely horrible person. Israel should name an airport or something after him.
@littlemac1208 11 дней назад
1:11:05 this statement is clearly racist. Or or or, Benny knows the Zionist were in the wrong, had been subjugated, mistreating and planning to ethnically cleans the land for decades before 48, and he knows that anyone in the oppressed side will lash out at their oppressors. So pick your poison Benny, you’re a racist or an Israeli apologist. I guess the later.
@lamegalectora 11 дней назад
One thing that strikes me about the way Benny Morris talks is his gentleness and, I would say, kind-heartedness. This is in stark contrast to the seething resentment and anger that exudes from N. Finkelstein’s every word.
@littlemac1208 11 дней назад
1:00:36 So this historian just makes up why the Zionist general doesn’t remember? Very helpful.
@littlemac1208 11 дней назад
58:48 so the Zionist were only trying to ethnically cleans a little and they kinda slipped and fell into 730k natives and the natives kinda teleported into refugee camps. But but they couldn’t come back because because you see they couldn’t hear because eeeem they eeem didn’t have telephones in the refugee camps 🤷🏻‍♂️ to here this man speak about Pappe and Khlidi is eeeem quite laughable. I truly think he’s afraid of the wrath of the Zionist and doesn’t want to be persecuted.
@nnazem 11 дней назад
Dear God, you have a photo of Elizabeth Warren at 19:20 when talking about assimilation, hahaha
@rf3604 12 дней назад
Hey this gambler we liked gambling with for 4 decades gambles? Oh it's a problem when running for president suddenly? Now you know why Trump Derangement Syndrome makes you look a fool. Fake outrage & virtue signaling against Trump makes him more appealing. Got it?
@alittlewasted3869 12 дней назад
Do "they" know the Hamptons isn't a defensible position?😂 If "they" think Jan 6th was awful wait till the smart people get pissed enough. It won't look like that clusterfuck and it will be very bad for some people. Im betting not the 55k and under. The Russian government is the Republican wet dream an authoritarian oligarchy.
@mrjozo-pr6ih 12 дней назад
I knew I had a garage full of precious nuts and bolts, and Airbus is on the other side of town.
@treyquattro 12 дней назад
if the "evangelicals" get their way with Trump then America will become the Western Saudi Arabia in more than just oil
@treyquattro 12 дней назад
Biden's head is stuck in the middle of the 20th century. He doesn't seem to understand that the world has moved on. That's not what you want in a candidate to run the most powerful country on the planet. But then neither is a demented despot.
@chaitanya9229 12 дней назад
Good job sherali however we now dont care about what religious scholars think or say. They should live within the boundaries of temples and mosques. Sovereign democratic nation states work on democracy and rule of law. There sharjeel imam should be given appropriate justice acc. To rule of law rather than thinking about what were the maulanas debating 100 or that matter thousand years ago without any consideration.
@alfred-vz8ti 12 дней назад
is this a tolerable way to run a nation? is no one worried enough to say that change is needed?
@margyrowland 12 дней назад
Exactly what is the crime???
@jimbob-robob 9 дней назад
Apparently, Using money to pay off someone to keep quiet during an election campaign... and then falsifying the accounts involved in this "hush money" deal to ensure it stays all quiet. Highly illegal. However, he'll get off anyway. He should've been jailed indefinitely for Jan6 years ago... if they didn't get him for that, this is small fry...