Judy Fuwell
Judy Fuwell
Judy Fuwell
If this is Heaven, Then Give me Hell
8 лет назад
@ZakandZuri143 Месяц назад
@paulnash6944 2 месяца назад
All of these cults have alarming similarities. A man claiming to have received a revelation from God, changing rules conveniently to suit them and their desires, manipulation/objectification of women, ideological purity, banning relationships with those outside the order, bans on communication methods, euthanasia of certain animals, etc. Man, when God said there are wolves hiding amongst the sheep, he meant it!
@lidijailic5320 4 месяца назад
I thought the USA was a civilized country,l was so wrong for many years!
@CherokeeBird 2 месяца назад
Depends on where you go. Each state is like a different country with its own rules and laws. It's ridiculous 😒
@God7ODTaxationIsTheft 4 месяца назад
-Leaves a cult -Then goes to cult like US academia With fraternities and hasing rituals.
@michaelciccone2194 4 месяца назад
Is this woman still married to the same man?
@xmmx9909 4 месяца назад
Horrifying and amazing. People can be so strange. They followed this. They followed Hitler. They follow Trump. They believe the earth is flat. Many religions today 2024 believe Harry Potter stories are demonic - the books were banned and burned when they came out. Religious leaders declaring dinosaur bones are "fake" and the Holocaust "never happened."
@CherokeeBird 2 месяца назад
Trump 2024 ❤ Seriously, the democrats had my people put away. 🙄
@stephw1702 6 месяцев назад
"Worthy" and "unworthy" - yeah right! It was all about control. Too many were leaving and the law was giving women custody of their children. They are taking the kids so the parents can't find them.
@lepterfirefall Год назад
OH HELL NO...that line says it all. I hate it that they call it a church. This is not what the church is. This is a human manipulation on a massive scale.
@AllansStation Год назад
How can any intelligent person fall for this relgious crap.
@noyesbonne Год назад
Anyone else find Warren Jeffs face is quite creepy and disturbing?
@peterkavanagh64 Год назад
The ability is about closed it is say for a begiming family as tgey are onky allowed to have children it locjs thoughts . The abswer is ekder removal .
@lynnesmith2419 Год назад
That’s very sad I’m not polygamous nor do I believe in it. It seems men get the best of that life The girls and women however ,,,,it’s just wrong and sad
@melanatedwealth2222 Год назад
She said "oh hell no", ha!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
@shewolf2584 Год назад
What an amazing and strong woman!
@thetwamleyfamily Год назад
As someone who has frequented the creek, I'm proud of how far that community has come in terms of recovery and healing. It still looks like a war zone but it's gotten a lot better. You can actually drink a beer with your pizza and eat Subway. Beautiful little towns, nice people, but still feel bad for the remaining FLDS that still reside there.
@bronwynbreckenridge750 Год назад
To the people who escaped I put this animal for you it represents freedom 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 Fly high n fly free
@lovesme24 Год назад
I would of left everything behind you can buy new clothes and furniture but not a new life and mentally damage brain
@I_Wish_I_Was_Home Год назад
Jesus is coming soon! see my shorts!💛
@searchtron7601 Год назад
You might be white , but if you DONT use your head , this will HAPPEN to you . Hello "country"
@LOVEwinsALWAYS Год назад
I was born into the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion/cult (4th generation) and watching you is like watching me! Everything you faced was changed for your children. The sacrifices you and your husband made, gave your family freedom! The loneliness I feel from losing my community and my extended family, has been hard. Harriet Tubman’s quote was so truthful. “…if only they knew they were slaves” . Thank you for being such a warrior of truth, even-though the wounds in that fight are unseen but deep.
@StevieWonders2020 Год назад
All those "ties" were Nazi style bondage....I hope they are doing well. They are good people and will find a better life....a cult is no life at all. Amen and blessings on them. They did the right thing. I admire her strength and power.
@Jackjohnjay Год назад
Wow. That’s insanity. Thank god she got out. How dare they try to do that.
@Msfracture Год назад
FLDS is a satanic cult, hiding behind God's name and blaspheming God.
@dorothyanderson8124 Год назад
Disgusting that this happens in America. Not only are women abused and have no rights, men have had their families ripped away from them, and underage boys could be kicked out on the streets. Dreadfully wicked organization.
@jeanzyc.5103 Год назад
This is the craziest abuse. Cult members can get away with anything if they're a man. Polygamist men use "religion" to sleep with many young women. Brainwashed people. How sad. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
@krisandrastone7904 Год назад
Absolutely ridiculous!!!!!!
@samanthapeace7083 Год назад
This family is so loving. She is beyond lucky her husband stands apart from most the other flds families and cherished his family more than his place.
@christinam.8243 Год назад
Oh my gosh this reminds me of the Duggar family so much except for the cutting of and any family or friends that you knew before. Just the fact that the girls are taught to reproduce many many children and not allowing any entertainment or any tv ever. And not even have a telephone or television in the house at all. Well they did have a house land line only.
@schs1977 Год назад
The FLDS and the Duggars have nothing in common. Yes, the Duggar son acted inappropriate to alone sisters and the parents kept it a secret. FLDS members cannot easily leave, as the Duggar family members can.
@tamiko_8369 Год назад
😡 the devil is a liar He’s a profa liar 😡
@dragonwithagirltattoo598 Год назад
Such a sad story. I’m happy these parents put their kids first. I hope for nothing but all the best for this family.
@raddastronaut Год назад
Oof. the proverbial children are not seen and not heard. Sure love religion and over zealous disciple.
My first marriage lasted 12 years the only thing that made it a marriage was a piece of paper it was a hierarchy he was verbally physically and emotionally absolutely destructive. He abused me to the point that once we had a child he just turned it on her. I was helpless to protect her. No matter what I did no matter how many meetings I took he always hold back a little bit for her. It took me being willing to lose my own life at worst of the best live in a cardboard box because he was so controlling with every penny in order to escape when I left him he did the holding me hostage in my house taking my vehicle keys you name it. During the divorce I took my daughter and I to the court counselor who diagnosed me as having survived in a cult. A cult of to me my baby and he was the guru. He was a DCE Lutheran Christian now it’s not the Christians fault he took God‘s word and used it as a weapon an excuse for submitting obedience to be silent in the church and all else. And even he warned against the Mormon and Jehovah’s Witness churches as being nothing but a cult they are not scriptural they are not biblical they are poison they are lunacy.
@co7314 Год назад
This is incredibly brave. I hope they have continued to live with free will.
@hi.moriarty Год назад
Well done!
@thetwitchywitchy Год назад
“Zion is spelled w-o-r-k” that’s incredibly sad… these poor people :(
@MamazitaCole Год назад
I absolutely love this woman/mother! She’s such a badass! So courageous, strong & I love that the family stayed together. 🥹 🌹 The government has us under enough control. Cults are so awful. My heart goes out to anybody effected by such madness. ❤️‍🩹 I hope they can still pray to God & ignore their bs religion AMeN ❤ I’ve noticed many positive beliefs get spoiled through “religion” & the “control/order”. For example, kundalini yoga can be very healing but also dangerous because you can hurt your body from straining it (but in moderation it can be very positive/spiritually awakening ) but obsessive yoga/meditation/religion will isolate you from the current world because if you’re not ready to dig deep into your soul & be isolated to stay dedicated, it can be mentally and even physically damaging, although it has beneficial/ positive / “Godly” or “Love for the Lord /divinely spiritual” traits. 🛐🕉✝️☪️ 📖: About 10 years ago, I almost lost my older bro to a Seventh day Adventist cult. Thank God he was able to get out. He dated a girl because he met her brother playing a video game online & they started chatting that way.. he ended up moving there & then realized he’s in the cult & they had him buy all new clothes & threw everything of his from before away.. they started taking all of his money, not even giving him money for gas/food & told him it was his part to do that. His gf got pregnant by someone else 😳 & the mom “Judith” ugh I can’t stand her name even, told my brother that he could still live there. (Because she makes the young adults work while she stays home.) & she treated everybody like shit. All of her sons were bigger in size than my bro, especially one of them was huge, so my bro felt out powered for sure & She made them take off their clothes for haircuts, my bro too wtf & someone dropped their child off that supposedly had “disciplinary issues” at Judith’s house to get spanked with a wooden paddle & have her pants pulled down by the brothers. I was never the same after hearing that story. I remember being in bed when my bro told me & we were on the phone & he was whispering to me & he was scared to speak against them but he got out- we just lost our dad to a massive heart attack so we were totally lost- I went to LA & almost lost myself out there dating a Jewish man that wouldn’t accept me as myself but wanted me to live as a Jewish woman with the Jewish women for months (after Ive already lived my “regular” life up to 22 & I almost fell for it. ) I started reading Jewish books, well first the Christian Bible, but he had a prob with that lmao so I started reading Jewish books & I actually love the religion. It’s beautiful. My bro had escaped his cult & was talking to me when I was considering converting to Judaism ✡️ & he told me “Look Jess, you’re never going to be a good enough Jew in their eyes, because your mom wasn’t born Jewish & you’ll also lose yourself” The ex Jewish guy also told me that I couldn’t convert for him, it had to be for God, which made no sense to me in my 20s because I wouldn’t be thinking about the religion if I didn’t meet him/ he prob knew it too) he was 32 & divorced with an ex wife & 2 young boys from Israel.. I’m still friends with the ex wife - she’s cool as hell lol she came to LA for a visit.. but when they were doing the beautiful Shabbat meal & his business partner was a conservative Jewish man with 6 kids and a wife that lived totally different life style from his party side so he was always conflicted within himself. He’s a Gemini from Brooklyn NY so I could see how being a Gemini he was torn lol I’m a Scorpio (no one asked just saying 😂) but I became super depressed after the day he told me he no longer wants the baby that we just got pregnant with, I cried all day, go to the checkup the next day and the baby had no heart beat.. :( so I had to get dropped off in a few days by him to get a “d&c” & then he picked me up, literally had us SIT to go out to eat real quick for spaghetti then dropped me off & went back to work like it was nothing lol I dated him even longer after that- we moved into Hollywood hills after he made me go to some Bs “treatment facility” so he had somewhere to put me so he could cheat on me lmao but I fell for his shit & what else did I have going for me at that moment, so moved to Hollywood hills w/ him & I got a job in Beverly Hills & then he got raided & went to jail for 3 months (paid a shit ton for bail) & I stayed in the mansion and drove his Lexus to work & had all the best cali 🍁 a girl could need so that was cool lol I enjoyed the freedom of having what I wanted/ needed but at the same time it was hell- it was the weirdest relationship I’ve ever had- then he would suddenly want to be religious again lmao then he’d want to have a strip club night.. I was 22?! & also worked at Hollywood urgent care & I met a lot of celebs, all that was cool, I tried to make it out there on my own but couldn’t & a “friend” that I met at that treatment center the asshole forced me to go to, tried to traffic me, I got r worded and almost kidnapped & then my ex bought me a flight home & I never went back. My ex’s best friend got murdered David Akiva Saltzman (he was on the show goosebumps) in an absolutely horrific way- you can google the news article 😔 & the girl that tried to sell me is also dead.. no idea how. I saw on Facebook when I looked her up 10 years later lol so much more chaos even happened, he cheated on me some more, hired a p.I. & gang members to spy on me in my home state & then send him documents/photos/videos / back.. even asked him if he wanted them to “run up on my friend and I & jack us” & my ex is like I told him “no..” wow so sweet thanks 😂 so he flew me back and showed me that he had been spying on me for months & That totally woke me up and I realized my brother’s advice, he was totally right. I was living “dressing conservatively” & all that for over a year.. tried to stop listening to all of my favorite rap & “satanic music” that I grew up on.. come on Rob Zombie, Metallica, Eminem etc lol I gave my Katy Perry cd away 😢haha He wanted me to go to Israel too. Thank god I didn’t go. Who knows if I’d ever return home.. 😮 My brother is engaged to a normal girl now whom I love & he & I are both back home & living normal lives again & we both still believe in God.. we’re actually getting more into Buddhism etc. His ex’s 7th day Adventist cult mom & my ex Jewish bf would talk shit about the two of us together on the phone & how ungodly we were 😂 she prob hated my ripped jeans when she first met me and my tie dye shirt! Haha love it 😂❤❤ The irony is my ex Jewish bf was also a dispensary owning millionaire with a bad drug habit & gang affiliations, oh but he was also a “rabbi” if that’s not A catch 22. 😂 I’m about to be 33 & a mama, engaged & love my life & our little family. 💜 God is GREAT 🙏 (Another great song by Joan Osborne 💿 🎧 🤘 😅) BLESSINGS & thx if you took the time to read 1 chapter of the crazy life of Jessica. 📖 🥀 🌞
@akachovich Год назад
All religions are cults. Only think and live the way they say. Otherwise you are ostracised. All religions do this.
@schs1977 Год назад
NO all religions are not a cult! A religion you can freely join and easily leave. A cult you may freely join, but cannot easily leave. Read about Reverend Jim Jones and the People's Temple cult.
@jasminej2844 Год назад
Why is my life so hard. I am going through the hardest thing and no one is willing to helpz
@outdoorfunblonde Год назад
Know Jesus, know peace. No Jesus, No peace. Who cares about "religion"...they are all people rules. We already got ourselves in a lot of trouble in garden of Eden. I feel so sorry those who are blinded by Satan. Satan steps in any chance he can. King of lies & confusion. No religion-- A relationship with Christ is everything you need If they're sincere about seeking God, He ALWAYS take care of you
@wawabbit Год назад
What does "homeschooling children" got to do with this?
@AlexSauce Год назад
what do you think
@jimm6386 Год назад
This was 2016 - what has happened to those who perpetuated the food stamp fraud? Any jail time? Where are these monsters now?
@karfomachet7265 Год назад
one religion that should be ended as soon as possible
@quercus6052 Год назад
She realized she was in a false religion. What is a true religion? Religion is self enslavement.
@AtomicB-zq2cw Год назад
Women complain about everything.
@AlexSauce Год назад
@catonsvilleman6900 Год назад
You deserve what you get if you let others call all of your shots
@nancydaniel4716 Год назад
I believe lds is a Cult
@smooothlegs Год назад
note to self no mention of JESUS is noted-- cults suck
@GwenPidgeon Год назад
What are you willing to give up in the name of religion? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
@lukehorning3404 Год назад
That’s crazy and almost unbelievable
@lisatyler4521 Год назад
My daughter is in this religion and no longer does she hardly talk to me I have no relationship with my grandchildren