Matthew Griffin | Futurist Keynote
Matthew Griffin | Futurist Keynote
Matthew Griffin | Futurist Keynote
Matthew Griffin, one of the world's most renowned futurists and foresight experts, 15x author of the Codex of the Future Series, distinguished international keynote, and host of the hit FanaticalFuturist podcast, is the Founder of the 311 Institute, a global futures and deep futures advisory firm working across the next 50 years, and XPotential University the world's first free futures and foresight university that's open to all.

A rare talent his ability to identify, track, and explain the impacts of hundreds of emerging technologies and trends on global business, culture, and society has earned him a powerful reputation and a portfolio of clients that include royalty, world leaders, G7 and G20 governments, and many of the world's most respected and recognised brands. Regularly featured in the global media his mission is to help organisations create a fair and sustainable future whose benefits are shared by everyone irrespective of their ability, background, or circumstances.
@derekc180 Час назад
I love how it’s always still the 50s in the future.
@kaponkotrok 4 часа назад
Government - subsidized companies talking about how to benefit a few
@Jesse-zk9ge 4 часа назад
Wow solar powered Electric self-driving cars and environmentally friendly economical infrastructure. Talk about somebody that doesn't keep their promises. I mean how old is this cartoon. Apparently somebody didn't account for economy and greed. Just listen to this cartoon and hear more hopes and dreams getting flushed down the toilet.
@MrJayArt 8 часов назад
I agree roads need a redesign.
@sproesser1 9 часов назад
Do you know it's all bullshit when he says "father chooses the route".
@egtaha 9 часов назад
@timothypryor7952 11 часов назад
Amazing how much of this has already come true. But at the same time it's horrible how reliant we are on cars. We have one of the worst car dependencies in the modernized world.
@atth09 11 часов назад
"Our rear view mirror is actually a television picture" Nailed it.
@TheGreyGhost873 13 часов назад
If only
@bartfourie8359 13 часов назад
I wonder if Elon musc watched this when he was a kid lol ?
@bartfourie8359 13 часов назад
They should think of trying to build some of these machines and inventions as it beats the crap out of anything thought of today
@danielwalker26 16 часов назад
This is what they should do to fix Tomorrowland. 1950s futurism. Take out Star Tour and move it to Galaxy's Edge (replace that horrible Millennium Falcon ride). Get rid of Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters. Change the Star Wars Launch Bay to this kind of stuff. Interactive though where people dressed like the 1950s era talking about the future.
@asconajuenger 17 часов назад
Future can be so. But than came the Democrats (or in German the Green an Red Parties!).
@jimday666 17 часов назад
Yes, America as a car nation.
@Wolfytototito 18 часов назад
the inspiration for the jetsons
@DsKustomGarage-bx5hl 18 часов назад
We actually have alot of this stuff it just doesn't work like this.
@jefftaylor1186 19 часов назад
This is during the IGY. The future looks bright.
@alicomando1195 21 час назад
Tesla car Trials and errors To be continued
@robdom91 22 часа назад
All this and more could have been yours, America! If only you didn't muck your economy up!
@doltBmB 23 часа назад
The mixture of stuff that is now every day, and completely insane ideas that would never work, is fascinating.
@raidraven4189 23 часа назад
Way too much laziness😂
@acesecure9817 День назад
They did most of this in Japan. And wait those are Tesla features. But not all of it has been done.
@SS7809 День назад
They didn't knew the future will going to be only of wars between countries and job less broke people
@MisterOcclusion День назад
For people to have to move so little, it’s amusing they didn’t predict epidemic obesity.
@EndDims День назад
Any timeline on when we can expect all these innovations?
@killman369547 18 часов назад
Half of them exist already, albeit not quite in the form that was originally envisioned. Probably the most remarkable is the nuclear tunnel boring machine. The civilian world doesn't have access to them yet but the military use them for underground construction.
@AirbornePig День назад
Oh god, it's bad enough that city planning already revolves around cars too much, but they actually expected that we'd modify our houses for highways. Dystopian.
@killman369547 18 часов назад
Less dystopian than the future we actually have. In 40 years LA will become Megacity One.
@tikurjegina День назад
1:53 This is actually happening today interestingly
@snowvoredude День назад
this is not come yet
@anwaraisling День назад
What's amazing is how much they got right.
@Cammi_Rosalie День назад
And now, in 2024, just try to get them to fix the ragged, crumbling roads that were built with the cheapest, re-used asphalt, at the lowest cost, taking the longest time possible, by workers that don't have to do quality work because they cant be fired. Now we have bridges that are falling down, multi-lane highways resembling parking lots because of something as mundane as a tunnel. Roadkill everywhere. Trash scattered as far as the eye can see. A car stops moving on the OPPOSITE side of the divided highway, and it's nothing but brake lights and cellphone cameras on your side, all the way to the horizon. Only the drunks drive straight, Sober drivers swerve and weave to avoid the massive potholes and deer carcasses. Karen on her applephone watching a ticktock is riding your ass while putting on her eyeliner and Kyle is in front of you braking hard for every leaf. And O.M.G.. Let a few drops of water fall from the sky! Any precipitation and it's like.. well, in the words of Bill Paxton, "Game over man! Game over!" Yeah.. Welcome to SW Pennsylvania. Football-brained jocks and airhead bimbos galore on the roads! Rarely a competent driver to be found. I tell ya, it's TOO MUCH tech! Lose the touchphone screens and built-in computers and TV's in cars..Put back AM/FM raios with an SD card slot. No more bluetooth, no more aux jacks. No more video players for the twerps. Lose the automatic transmissions and auto-everything and sensors for fuckall-everything, and make it impossible to drive without actually driving. One hand to steer, the other to shift. No spare hand to hold a cellphone or scroll menus on a screen. No screen or touch-controls to demand attention. Put back the knobs, levers, buttons & switches. Make drivers Drive the car. Make drivers-ed mandated in schools. Make minimum speed limits a thing. everyone out there doing 75, and there's Becky and her minivan full of brats going 40. Speed-limit 75 / Minimum speed, 70. If you cant do it, get off the highway. Stay on the back roads.
@axelwulf6220 День назад
Disney: Informative Chuck Jones/Tex Avory: slapnuttery shenanigans
@Rat_Fบcker День назад
it's funny how we are more advance than their prediction in one part and nowhere near in other
@1495978707 День назад
2:20 Ok... where would the melted rock go??
@mybachhertzbaud3074 День назад
I was trying to imagine what the power consumption would be needed to keeps roads dry from rain,ice and snow and it probably wouldn't be near as much as AI systems are gulping up today?🤔
@DraconX3 День назад
Everyone on about the "empty" highways when this NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY EIGHT cartoon predicts MANY features present in todays vehicles. And has some novel ideas about road construction that would serve well today if they could do it.
@kairi4640 День назад
Well the self driving car and the rear view mirror showing a video when you back up they got right lol. But you can really see they had no idea of futuristic design. To be fair though, people could probably customize cars to look like this with antique switches etc.
@WilliamLaezza-ot4nf День назад
Now we should put some of that into the Moon Omar's in space
@WilliamLaezza-ot4nf День назад
Busker already got the tunnel machine already done
@WilliamLaezza-ot4nf День назад
We got flying cars in New York City now
@xymos7807 День назад
When you remember this was before a lot of the BS environmental regulations we're dealing with today...also the U.S. was beginning its campaign of building scores of nuclear power plants.
@ronliebermann День назад
Communist propaganda. Most people don’t give much thought to global politics. But the subject has existed for thousands of years. All governments project human population estimates into the future for planning purposes. So the current overpopulation crisis isn’t a crisis. The UN and the Catholic Church decided on ten billion people a long time ago. They want to FORCE Anglo Saxons to accept a grim technological future - to solve the artificial crisis. So now they recommend a patented color-coded imaginary highway. Tron. Communists think that they can overwhelm the free world with ten, or even twenty billion people. The whole thing is an act of war: the violent negroes, the horrible Mexicans, the backstabbing Jews. It was all planned far in advance. The free world has three billion Anglo Saxons. They’re not imaginary. Communists are imaginary.
@angryyankee9184 День назад
About the only thing they got right is the urban sprawl.
@adanmontesdeoca2752 День назад
With that kind of life. I'm gonna get more fat it, and already I'm 264,
@steveftoth День назад
See I knew it was Disney that was helping make this car hell hole we’ve created a reality.
@johnavast5939 День назад
Actually pretty spot on on some of it
@jamesdelgado3231 День назад
This video would have been PERFECT for my college comps project back in 2017 😤😂
@bearlogg7974 День назад
Mom, the boomers are taking credit for their parents hard work again!
@Sheepy19801 День назад
Then along came Houston's spaghetti
@ashitkotian2396 День назад
Its just cars and highways, the obsession with highways was quite early on.
@Bradgilliswhammyman День назад
safe driving speed...checks the 85 mph...seems legit :P