Delta Otaku
Delta Otaku
Delta Otaku
Hi, I'm Jay !

I do reviews and retrospectives on video games and anime I'm passionate about, whether in a positive or negative way.

I like fast-paced action platforming, and deep customization and lore in my games. My favorite anime are ones with very a lot of grounded characters, all of which being important to the story. Also low to middle fantasy stuff.

I'm to game/anime suggestions, so let me know if you have any. Also feel free to email me if you feel the need. Thanks for reading, hope to see ya around!
@IanZWhite00 6 дней назад
18:16 If you’re actually interested in understanding why people would care to get so “weird” about it, I’d like to address the crux of your following argument in that, because you assume there was no ill intent behind these designs, then there’s no reason for what they did to upset anyone. This kind of naively ignores the fact that you can still say or do something offensive without being aware of it, which doesn’t make you evil, but learning form that mistake so you don’t make it again is still important You can say “I didn’t mean to be offensive,” but the reason you were aware enough of these stereotypes to draw influence from them in your otherwise innocent design is because the people who created and popularized them _were_ trying to be derogatory, reducing cultures to bastardized cartoons that the depicted wouldn’t represent themselves as. Take Tomahawk man. If you know even a little bit about Native American history you know that a white face in a headdress has only ever had mocking connotations. It just gets normalized over time because the people doing the mocking don’t respect their victims. It would be hard to see a game you like uncritically regurgitate that popularized stereotype without even a mild consideration to how it might be received. “It doesn’t upset me so it isn’t worth anyone getting upset over” is kind of the overarching theme of that insensitivity, whether you’re making the offensive material to begin with, or trying to defend/brush it off just cause you like the game it’s in. Great video otherwise, heard a lot of unique perspectives that made this stand out from other retrospectives
@amissaangelus2876 6 дней назад
The problem with 4 5 and 6 is 1 2 and 3 lmao
@TIDbitRETRO 6 дней назад
The only problem is too many people decided to stop playing Mega Man after the third entry. These games are awesome(and are collectively better than 1, 2, and 3).
@Lastjustice 8 дней назад
As someone whow as old enough to play these titles when they came out, I found the imposter trilogy played out as Megaman 3 is where the series peaked. It just plateaued from there. More of the same isn't always a bad thing, but it just came out too frequent felt less special with each game past 3. 4 just didn't do it for me,(This game is just plagued with hole jumper enemies and I find it really cheap design. Especially with ice in the Cossack stages.) as I never completed it as a kid. I didn't played 5 or 6 till much later as roms on my computer when I was in my 20s. None of them are bad games, but nothing about them grabbed me the way 2 and 3 did before them. We needed something new and the original series wasn't giving it to us and it overloaded the NES with sequels to a level no other series dared at that point. I found myself enjoying the X series far more at the same time. Megaman was definitely up for a relaunch and the Xseries gave us something new while building off the existing ideas. The original series was more of a platformer, while the X series was more about X being a war machine(which he hates about himself) as platforming was more trival, and the fights were the focus. X needed be stronger and tougher to survive, as he needed more than just his starting goods to get all way to the end of the game. The game felt a much bigger level of progression than just yay another weapon, as most of the weapons felt like afterthought with the overpowered charge buster. I can see how someone more detached from the time of release can be more willing praise the second trilogy, but as someone who was there when it came out, I just was like it's fine. I have played thru 2 and 3 dozens of times. I can probably still count on 1 hand how many times I beat 4-5-6. Hell I've beaten MMX 4, 5 ,and 6 more times. There's jsut somethnig that's so lackluster of the imposter trilogy, may be it's just being two castles has the game overstay it's welcome. May be it's so so robotmaster weapons. Whatever it is, I am not alone as these games never got the sales or attention the first 3 games did on NES.
@Lastjustice 8 дней назад
The imposter Trilogy as I call these games (4-5-6). They have their fake out enemy till Wily reveals himself, and you need go smash thru another fortress. 4 was probably the only time anyone actually believed another villain, Doc Cossack was behind the plot of the game given Wily appeared to be dead at end of MM 3.(and it's japanese title was the end of the Wily?) Darkman/protoman seemed unlikely, and 6 was the most phoned in as Mr X was just Wily with sunglasses claiming be someone else. Did anyone actually think Mr X was legit? Doubtful.
@BlackAxem 10 дней назад
k sorry 3 min in and I have to stop watching. MM4 is where the robot master boss fights just gave up. they're horrible. you get some real challenge in 1 2 and 3 and then all of a sudden (and from this point on) they get completely uninspired. the patterns become even worse than ever so I'm not sure what you mean here. ring man legit only does one thing over and over, same as toad man. bright man is actually just flash man, no inspiration. skull man is a less inspired wood man, and would set the standard for uninspired shield bosses from this point out. The only good boss fight out of the entire roster is pharaoh man, I will give you that. but it isn't enough to make up for all the blandness of the rest of the roster. everything about MM4 is pretty bland. it has nice looking graphics and great music, as do 5 and 6, but unfortunately they drop the ball on gameplay. idk, it's hard to value the opinions in this video with a take like that.
@QuantomX64 10 дней назад
"Store page is in the description" but it's not
@DeltaOtaku 10 дней назад
Oh •_• thanks for pointing that out.
@megawill04 10 дней назад
I believe I’m the first to comment. I find it good timing I just found this after watching all your gun volt games. I’m just curious what others have to say about mega man like games, so I can use it for my own game🤔
@tjhooker824 13 дней назад
@JohnSmith-nj4zq 14 дней назад
6 was my favorite on the NES. Megaman X was my favorite in the franchise.
@slagarcrue85 15 дней назад
Power up required you get beat the bird. Hello I’m beat I am your new partner. I have my own theme song beat it beat it no wants to beat it beat it show them what you got. lol !
@edhager77 15 дней назад
6 is still one of my favorites
@MrLoowiz 16 дней назад
Megaman 2 and 5 were the best on the NES. Megaman 1 and 6 were the worst. Megaman 3 is extremely overrated.
@maxinea.sakaki4151 16 дней назад
This game should have been called: Gunvolt Chronicles: Battle Priestess kirin. Or Miko maiden: the sealed azure dragon.
@Guesswork01 19 дней назад
Fun video with great commentary!
@therollingcreeper1 25 дней назад
We start the video with knuckles chaotix music ok
@bertchelled.y.3904 25 дней назад
@TheSchmuck2 28 дней назад
try putting an old mattress against the wall behind you. They really annihilate room noise. Much better audio for the mic. Have a nice day :)
@cobrajin4016 Месяц назад
They were great. Not all GameBoy games were even half the game that they were based on from a 8 bit nes game. But some games pulled it off and they deserve credit. Battletoads. Mario. Tetris. Mega Man. Kirby. Some were great. Others not so much. It took heart to make a good 4 bit port. Or was it 2 bit lol? I forget.
@matviko Месяц назад
Great video! Thanks for this!
@PsyrenXY Месяц назад
I understand your point and agree to an extent. But Megaman 5 is my favorite of the classic series and I'll happily die on that hill!
@UselessKnowbody Месяц назад
I feel that Megaman 3 had the best Rush Jet. I don't care for the way they changed it in 4 and 5, but 6 is okay. To be fair, the Megaman 3 Rush Jet was probably overpowered.
@psychopathyoutubeemployees280 17 дней назад
I hate the 4 Jet with a blood passion! The 3 Jet should have just drained energy FASTER, and continues to drain energy even if you are jumping and standing on a platform. Just another reason I respect Mega Man Revolution more than most of the other fan games since that one uses the 3 Jet instead of 4.
@UselessKnowbody Месяц назад
Sorry, but I don't believe there was any problem with 4, 5, and 6. There is a lot of good stuff out there that for whatever reason just isn't popular. They tend to be favorites. For examples, the anime Outcast, Codebreaker, and Macron 1. I didn't watch the video, I just came here to say this. I guess you could make a case for them being too expensive and coming out too late.
@josh.jones34 Месяц назад
All great games, though I do have personal gripes with each: MM4: Toad Man MM5: Charged Buster, Wave Man bike gimmick MM6: Broken slide jump
@capstalker5539 Месяц назад
I think INTI should now make the GV2.5 instead of GV4, and to solve all the suspense of GV2 to save those angry fans. Perhaps these suspense can also be explained in GV4, but it will be an ASG without GV, and it is difficult to explain why Copen and Xiao have spent so long to do what they want to do.
@lorenzomartinez8543 Месяц назад
The slide made the experience.worse for a lot of people
@DeltaOtaku Месяц назад
@@lorenzomartinez8543 How so?
@juicyfartsofjimcornette1154 Месяц назад
Only in your delusional mind, lorenzomartinez8543!
@xenxander Месяц назад
and Mega Man still hasn't learned to rotate his arm to fire his arm cannon in any other direction, save for cutman's blade which doesn't require him to move his arm so that doesn't count. Dr. Right didn't design this robot right. You don't design a robot that can't move it's arm in any way but straight ahead when firing it's weapon. Robocop did it far better.
@juicyfartsofjimcornette1154 Месяц назад
Can't make the game too easy now, can we?
@Mordaedil Месяц назад
Because I played Luminous Avenger iX before Gunvolt 2, I probably have a better opinion on it, since I was rather disappointed with the gameplay of Gunvolt 1 and didn't finish it until I beat this one. Also no mention of Igniter, the best song in the world?? I also love the berserk mode just because it activates a sound track and hardmode on command.
@FalloutJack Месяц назад
Considering that Megaman 4 has some of the best Robot Masters in the series, I wouldn't really consider that game a PROBLEM. I grew up with it.
@juicyfartsofjimcornette1154 Месяц назад
Pharaoh Man and Skull Man? Yes. The others? No. Especially crappy Hard Man clone, Dive Man.
@hackcubit9663 Месяц назад
Mega Man 3's intro theme has me convinced there was supposed to be this bombastic intro cinematic. Not sure if the remaster is what Capcom envisioned but yeah.
@albertoeljambriento744 Месяц назад
Se... when will we discuss Megaman Soccer and why Protoman is the best goalkeeper?
@juicyfartsofjimcornette1154 Месяц назад
I'll save you the trouble. It was a huge mistake. Heck, I wouldn't even want a Mega Man game based off of John Madden Football either for that matter!
@firestar4407 Месяц назад
Who tf complains about Mega Man 6's robot master's designs? Oh yeah, people with nothing better to do than complain about trivial shit.
@juicyfartsofjimcornette1154 Месяц назад
Do not whine about those people. It makes you look like a hypocrite.
@lightelos Месяц назад
MM4 was the pinacle of the series in NES, 5 is fun but easy and 6 is an error in the system, a sequel nobody asked for imo. not a bad game but...
@misterniggo7635 Месяц назад
My first megaman game was 4. As fascinated i was with such game, I didn't beat it as a kid. Later, I played megaman 2 and I felt it inferior due to the improvements in graphics and gameplay i already experienced, missing the charged shot and the slide, complained that sound effects sounded lame in comparison with four, but i was marvelled by the music. Megaman 2 was also the first megaman I finished. My third megaman game was 3. I felt it more difficult than 2 or 4, specially because i didn't play difficult mode of 2, and i beat it using cheats. The music was still good, but I think it have less memorable tunes than the other two, or said otherwise, more themes i didn't like that much. Gameplay improved from 2 with the slide and introduction of Rush, but still missing charged shot. When I played megaman 5, it was more difficult than 3 because i was used to cheats and this time i had to play fair, so i didn't beat it, even with the buffed charged shot. I felt it improved over 4 in graphics, gameplay and sound, but it was like more of the same, so I started to grow tired of it. Later, as a teenager, got megaman 4 again and finally beat it, fair and square. Wasn't as difficult as I remembered, and enjoyed it SO MUCH this time. Then came the opportunity to play Megaman, a game that was so hard to get in Mexico in the early 90s, and when played it, it's obvious that you won't get the graphics or weapons from newer games, but it surprised me that it was not bad in any way. Was simple, fun, and had amazing music. By that time i had deep appreciation for Megaman 2, having finally beaten it in difficult mode, and I can say Megaman is even harder. The last one i played was Megaman 6, but i was already an adult, and I have mixed feelings for this one. The graphics are the best of the series, there are several amazing and memorable tunes, the gameplay mechanics of the adapters are amazing (I love Power Megaman), but i didn't like the robot masters, neither their weapons, and they nerfed the charged shot. The formula became old, and it was time for it to finish, and i'm glad they did it with 6. I replayed all 6 on the gamecube, finally beating 5, so i can finally say that while the classic megaman games are not perfect, they are amazing and love them all, as a child y would draw megaman with new weapons and whistle the tunes all the time.
@SOTNHacked Месяц назад
Great video. I think 4/5/6 all improved heavily on the original 3 and were amazing games. But I'll also be the first to admit that they were all still much of the exact same thing. And that was the problem. There wasn't anything mind blowing and new in them really. 4/5/6 feel just like episodes in a TV show. Vs 1/2/3 feel like a MOVIE of the same series. Especially 3 which let's face it, many of us thought was the end of the series. This feel for 4/5/6 would have worked better if the plot of the games was all building up to something. Which was Wily's eventual capture. But the way they handled them that was just not the case. The plot was literally copy and paste for all 3 and its obvious Capcom wasn't putting much effort into classic Megaman at the time.
@UselessKnowbody Месяц назад
There was as much new in 4/5/6 as there really could be. What more were you expecting? Doing essentially the same thing was it's charm! If you want something different, go play Mega Man legends, or better yet Mega Man Soccer. That different enough for ya?
@psychopathyoutubeemployees280 17 дней назад
@@UselessKnowbody - You fail to realize the stupidity of doing SIX Mega Man games for ONE system! Castlevania, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Final Fantasy were smart to stop after three NES games.
@VioletaVolnutt Месяц назад
Comenting something just to have 200 coments instead of 199
@superstardoughball9822 Месяц назад
I can't appreciate this game with one bullit dash. Like you said, one misstep kills your momentum. Stuff like that is the absolute worst thing for me in ganes, where the rush is cut off by very little mistakes. I already felt i had to be careful with bullits, even with upgrades. It was a "more score, or more safety" desicion. It was amazing on fearless, so i just cant like it in this game.
@Gogeta6691 Месяц назад
1.2 2.4 3.6
@gunbuckybucketman4578 Месяц назад
4 is the best out of 6. Better than 2, 3 I dare say.
@DaBlueRat Месяц назад
Good vid. New sub.
@yoman8027 Месяц назад
I don't see any issue with Flame Man's design.
@alcoyot Месяц назад
Man I tried to take on some Megaman games recently. After being a fromsoft fan for a while I thought I could do it. Fromsoft games are nowhere near as hard as any mega man game. Every time I tried I would get to the boss with only one life left and just die immediately. Because I had no way to practice the boss.
@psychopathyoutubeemployees280 Месяц назад
6th letter 21st letter 3rd letter 11th letter you for calling the Mega Man 4 Rush Jet Adapter a good thing! That pile of shit is basically the Jet Sled (Item 2) from Mega Man 2, but worse! And leave it to Inafune and his army of morons to ruin the Jet Sled too in 9 when the latter became Proto Man's flying transportation! Only positive about 4 Rush Jet is that you can move it up and down, otherwise 3 and 6 are the best ones. If 3 makes the game "too easy", then have it drain energy at a FASTER RATE, in fact, I will admit that Rush Jet 3 should still be using energy even if you are jumping, or on a platform. Nice that Rush Jet 3 returned in 8. Sure, you can't jump anymore, and it's automatically used in two stages only, but having unlimited energy is not a bad exchange. Too bad the return of Rush Jet 6 in 7 was 6th letter 21st letter 3rd letter 11th letter 5th letter 4th letter up by combining it with the Power Adapter to make the so-called Super Adapter that made BOTH of them worse! Just another reason to hate Keiji Inafune.
@juicyfartsofjimcornette1154 Месяц назад
Keiji Inafune is the Lorne Michaels of gaming.
@psychopathyoutubeemployees280 17 дней назад
@@juicyfartsofjimcornette1154 - So true.