Cloud Engineer Skills
Cloud Engineer Skills
Cloud Engineer Skills
@RetroRick1990 25 дней назад
I created a deploy.ps1 file to run on powershell using your tutorial, in case someone want it 👍 #Variables $rd = Get-Random $resourceGroupName = "ces-rg-$($rd)" $storageAccountName = "sa$($rd)" $location = "eastus" $fileShareName = "acishare" $dnsNameLabel = "aci-demo-$($rd)" $containerName = "hellofiles$($rd)" #Creating the Resource Group az group create --name $resourceGroupName --location $location #Creating the Storage Account az storage account create ` --resource-group $resourceGroupName ` --name $storageAccountName ` --location $location ` --sku Standard_LRS #Creating the Azure File Share az storage share create ` --name $fileShareName ` --account-name $storageAccountName #Generating the Storage Access Key $storageKey = az storage account keys list ` --resource-group $resourceGroupName ` --account-name $storageAccountName ` --query "[0].value" --output tsv #Creating the Azure Container Instance with a Mounted File Share az container create ` --resource-group $resourceGroupName ` --name $containerName ` --image mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/aci-hellofiles ` --dns-name-label $dnsNameLabel ` --ports 80 ` --azure-file-volume-account-name $storageAccountName ` --azure-file-volume-account-key $storageKey ` --azure-file-volume-share-name $fileShareName ` --azure-file-volume-mount-path /aci/logs/ #Verify you can write files to Azure File Shares $fullyQualifiedDomainName = az container show ` --resource-group $resourceGroupName ` --name $containerName ` --query ipAddress.fqdn ` --output tsv Write-Host $fullyQualifiedDomainName az group delete --name $resourceGroupName --no-wait --yes
@RetroRick1990 25 дней назад
Thanks man, good tutorial 👍
@gustavoherrera7859 Месяц назад
Thank you. I'm glad to be one of the first people watching your content. Keep It up!
@CloudEngineerSkills Месяц назад
Thanks mate, I'm glad you found it useful.
@gustavoherrera7859 Месяц назад
@@CloudEngineerSkills yeah, I'm studing for the AZ-204, and I found it very challenging. Do you know if they ask about console commands? it's insane the big amount of commands, don't know what to do about it
@CloudEngineerSkills Месяц назад
@@gustavoherrera7859 The study guide for AZ-204 says you need to proficient in Azure PowerShell and Azure CLI. So I've been warned both of these questions might show up. I'm also preparing for the AZ-204 exam right now.
@danwic Месяц назад
Indeed lol. Pink unicorn of death. Major outage