New Economic Thinking
New Economic Thinking
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The Economics of China | Trailer
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Can You Trust the Experts?
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The Medicare Maze [Eileen Appelbaum]
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Hysteresis and the Economy
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The Hidden Traps in Auto Loans
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Sanctions: To Russia with Love
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Navigating Economic Crises
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Empowering Communities
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The Baby Formula [Darrick Hamilton]
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Can Crypto Be Socially Valuable?
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How Stock Buybacks Fuel the Racial Wealth Gap
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The Economics of Abundance
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Quantifying Sexual Harassment
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Sympathy for Homo Economicus
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Visions of Inequality
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Intersectional Political Economy
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@arminius6506 22 минуты назад
Deng Xiaoping success stood on the bases of heavy industry laid by Mao. And it was Mao who fought WW2, Civil War, Korean War, Vitenam War, put India and Soviet Union at its place and created the Chinese missile, space & nuclear program. Anyone who praises Deng Xiaoping throwing dirt on Mao is either ignorant or dishonest (she's being dishonest here), Deng Xiaoping would have nothing to lead had Mao never laid solid political & military foundations.
@oxvendivil442 5 часов назад
Mao was not perfect, Deng was not perfect, Xi was not perfect but I'm pretty sure future generations will hold Deng dearly and never forget him, he will be remembered alright! for Xi? I'm not so sure, he had a lot of promise but he squandered it! he should have respected the term limits but he didn't, he got too full of himself, he probably has a Messiah complex?!
@hammockcamping2500 6 часов назад
All these gaps that are mentioned in this video go away when you control for IQ, age, impulse control, temperament, and behaviors. And that's not exactly the whole story - the average IQ distribution in one's community and household matters a LOT. So if you have an individual that comes from a population group that has on average a low IQ of 85 but the individual has an IQ much higher such as 105, he's going to be disadvantaged relative to those who have higher IQ families. Furthermore, his future kids will have an average IQ midway between his IQ and his population average (roughly 95). This will also cause hardship for him. Having smart kids is awesome, but having kids that are below 100 is going to be quite challenging in a world that is increasingly reliant on high IQ personnel.
@hammockcamping2500 6 часов назад
Suppose someone invents vitamin supplement that only works for white people. The supplement is very effective at increasing one's IQ by 20 points and increasing lifespan on average by 20 years.
@sonaan10 8 часов назад
Typical heterodox economics. Complaining about inequality. Heterodoxy is a complete waste of time.
@SincereSentinel 12 часов назад
Correct 👍
@ctwpoco-oy6wu 16 часов назад
Mao Zedong was a mad genius. More mad than genius. He was very good at reducing China's population. Cultural Revolution, Great Leap Forward, Korean War, millions of Chinese died thanks to Mao's madness. Mao was not afraid of USA's nuclear weapons because in his own words, China has a large population.
@sulandelemere 17 часов назад
Democracy is not a system it’s an outcome.
@SillyLittleAshTree 18 часов назад
Perhaps each leader has embodied a sort of Chinese Zeitgeist, according to the needs at the time.
@progyandas9650 День назад
'Colonialism made China poor'.....is the more correct statement .
@overseaschinese2445 День назад
LOL, all corporations in our Western democratic societies are autocracies!
@MatthieuWu День назад
All of these were not the ultimate test. In fact many countries overcame those challenges or they've had better foundations of economic structures and industrial capabilities .but they all crumbled facing the final boss: beacon of freedom and democracy To survive him you need to be able to do the following 1 . Prove that you can hold up a conventional war (with allies if you can find any) against him&its allies .So that he would fear the cost of a full on world war to going after you and your allies. Two . prove that you can hold up an unconventional war a guerilla war that could drag him in the mud (in the case if 1 is not an option ) .So that there is a chance he would leave you alone eventually . 3 . Surviving though sanctions & isolation Sanctions are designed to make ppl poor so that they would agree to go against their own government similar with short a company with capital Isolating you from the world by exporting ideology & misinformation in order to make countries with possible interventions stand by. 4 . handling unofficial activities lead by agencies with diverse options (Assassination / funding terrorism/separatism in the country/ planning movement/colour revolution by coaching their leaders who were puppets/corrupt your government officials.) Well .. that's about it So shock therapy Wasn't really that hard right?😮
@qjtvaddict День назад
Yeah no thanks
@qjtvaddict День назад
So USA regressed to 1860s nonsense!!!!! Damn now we back to that from 1980s to 2020s!!! History is repeating itself now with Americans revolting again 1900 style
@qjtvaddict День назад
So basically USA should study China closely rather than make an enemy of them
@cslim9231 День назад
thank you Professor ANg and iNet for the insightful presentation which provides a provocative view on the subject matter.
@rtan1095 День назад
Deng policy works during his time when US and global environment was conducive to China growth but no more when CN has reach a certain development stage where the west starts to feels the threat and try to checkmate CN growth… Thus Xi policy suit his time and global political. environment.
@ozychk21 День назад
Thanks for putting these excellent videos online 🙏🏽
@horridohobbies День назад
Since Xi assumed leadership, China has done more to fight pollution and climate change than any other country on earth. Huge reforestation programs. The world's largest producer of renewable energy. The world's largest manufacturer of batteries, EVs, and solar panels. The air quality in Beijing today is much, much better than it was in 2012. So you can erase "environmental degradation" from your chart.
@horridohobbies День назад
China's Zero Covid policy saved millions of lives. It prioritised preserving human life over preserving the economy ($$$$). Tell me that this is immoral. According to Johns Hopkins, China suffered 101,056 Covid deaths for a per capita death rate of 7.16 per 100,000 population. Compare this to USA's per capita death rate of 341.11 per 100,000 population. Or UK's 325.13 deaths per 100,000 population. Or Italy's 311.47 deaths per 100,000 population. Or France's 254.68 deaths per 100,000 population. Look, there is no gentle way to fight a pandemic. Hard choices must be made. China made the right choice. The USA and the West did not.
@salbkbatlitec6584 День назад
If Democracy is given as a source of success India would be 10x richer, than China.
@horridohobbies День назад
All political systems evolve. The US political system evolved. China's political system evolved. Today, China's model of governance is much improved. Thanks to China's capable and intelligent leadership (based on meritocracy rather than popularity contests), China's spectacular growth was based on decades of good policies executed with great efficiency without hindrance. The Western model of governance has resulted in economic and political turmoil which we've all witnessed these past several decades. Ergo, China's model of governance is superior to the West's.
@horridohobbies День назад
China is democratic but not in the Western liberal fashion. Why should democracy only be defined in terms of multiple political parties vying for power at the ballot box? China's democracy is consultative in nature rather than switching out political parties that fail to perform. The government solicits feedback and input from the people. China's democracy is meritocratic rather than based on popularity contests known as elections. These popularity contests rarely produce good leaders. China's democracy has proven to be very effective and well-supported. According to *Latana's Democracy Perception Index 2024,* 79% of Chinese regard their country as democratic while only 57% of Americans and 55% of British do. According to the *Edelman Trust Barometer 2024,* 85% of Chinese trust their government while only 40% of Americans and 30% of British do. According to the *Open Society Barometer 2023,* 76% of Chinese trust their politicians while only 29% of Americans and 20% of British do. According to *a study from Harvard Kennedy School in 2020,* 95.5% of Chinese are satisfied with their government. We cannot call China's government "autocratic." This is manifestly incorrect.
@rtan1095 День назад
A point if endorsement - the coming US president election (if Trump is nominated by Republican) is between an aged President who hardly can walk and another convicted felon candidate is this the best US liberal model Can produced???
@horridohobbies День назад
@@rtan1095 It's astonishing to me that the most powerful country in the world is led by either a dementia-ridden flesh puppet or a narcissistic, bombastic clown. US democracy is a farce.
@morrismak День назад
I've been in China for 18 years. I must say that the air quality, water cleanliness at the river near by my home, public safety, and public good have all been greatly improved. There used be polluted days covered with smog, the river stank, parents afraid of kidnappers, etc... It takes a strong leader to clean these things up.
@jaytso1883 День назад
Sadly, "strong leadership" is used deliberately by the West to demonise as "autocratic", "oppression" etc ......
@horridohobbies День назад
When Deng Xiaoping advised to lay low and bide your time, he didn't mean forever. When the time was right, China should assume its rightful place in the world. The time was right in 2014 when China became the world's largest economy by purchasing power parity. That's when China became enormously powerful. Nevertheless, powerful does not necessarily mean threatening. China has fought *no wars* since 1979, not even under Xi's leadership. China remains a peaceful nation. It continues to respect all countries and their sovereignty. Diplomacy and trade are the name of the game.
@horridohobbies День назад
In fact, Xi Jinping is one of the greatest leaders China has ever had. Under his leadership, China's GDP *doubled!* Under his leadership, China eradicated extreme poverty once and for all in 2020. Under his leadership, China launched the most ambitious infrastructure project in human history known as the Belt and Road Initiative (or BRI). Over 150 countries, or *three-quarters of the world's nations,* participate in the BRI. Under his leadership, China consolidated the BRICS alliance to surpass the G7 economically. More than 30 countries have lined up to join the BRICS. Under his leadership, China hosted the wildly successful 2022 Winter Olympics *during the pandemic!* Under his leadership, China protected its citizens from the pandemic *with the lowest per capita Covid deaths* among all the advanced economies. America’s per capita Covid death rate was *47.64 times greater* than China’s. [Source: Johns Hopkins.] Under his leadership, China helped poor countries vaccinate when the USA hoarded its vaccines. Under his leadership, China restored order and peace to Hong Kong and Xinjiang *without using violence.* Under his leadership, China brokered an historic rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Under his leadership, China landed a rover on the far side of the moon (the only country to have done so), landed a rover on Mars, and constructed the Tiangong space station. Under his leadership, China garnered the highest marks in the world: - 79% of Chinese believe their nation is democratic while only 57% of Americans and 55% of British do. [Source: Latana's Democracy Perception Index 2024.] - 85% of Chinese trust their government while only 40% of Americans and 30% of British do. [Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2024.] - 76% of Chinese trust their politicians while only 29% of Americans and 20% of British do. [Source: Open Society Barometer 2023.] - 91% of Chinese are happy with their life while only 76% of Americans and 70% of British are. [Source: Ipsos' Global Happiness 2023.] - 95.5% of Chinese are satisfied with their government. [Source: Taking China’s pulse 2020.] - 95% of Chinese believe their country is on the right track and moving in the right direction while only 41% of Americans and 23% of British do. [Source: Ipsos’ What Worries The World, November 2019.] - about 80% of Chinese are happy with their life and enjoy financial security. [Source: China From The Ground Up: Public Satisfaction 2019.] This year, China's GDP is expected to grow 5%, far outpacing the G7 economies. The future for China looks bright, indeed.
@danielnc1979 2 дня назад
This is pretty terrible. It is unbelievable how economists still claim that government spending capacity ultimately come from taxes, without ever asking themselves "where does the money used to pay for taxes come from?". Obviously, since money is a State debt, issued the State and no other, taxes cannot be paid until money has been created as the result of some State payment. I.e. government payments are casually prior to taxes. Economists are still mostly "flat Earth" astronomers trying to understand the cosmos.
@GlobeHackers 2 дня назад
Excellent lecture; it's informative and easy to comprehend. I don't think many people in the world wrestle with the definition of democracy. If we think democracy is voting, we have abdicated our responsibility as citizens. Leaders must be responsible for the significant investment made in affecting the narrative.
@pranavmanie1479 2 дня назад
Ang is always excellent. I don't agree completely with her on China's democratic characteristics under Deng, but this is great myth breaking. I have a feeling China will also likely lead the solar industrial revolution - which we desperately need to combat climate change.
@srekooc 2 дня назад
This channel is state sponsored propaganda by CCP.
@mychannel5019 2 дня назад
Yet Xi has corrupted the term limits, and the population can do nothing.
@jaytso1883 2 дня назад
It's not Autocracy vs Democracy, but rather Meritocracy vs Plutocracy
@tonytan6547 2 дня назад
The speaker has a subtle western slant
@SillyLittleAshTree 18 часов назад
This far, I've found the slant acceptable enough to have shared the videos. I've been sure to footnote them, though.
neoliberal worldview
@dmoneytron День назад
This is “sophisticated” as neoliberal analysis goes.
@tonytan6547 2 дня назад
To "modernise" you have to be westernised is a false doctrine/belief that USA/West want to mislead the rest of the world, knowing fully well that will make them forever chained to be poor, deprived, manipulated by the west n be backward
@mychannel5019 2 дня назад
Happy voting. Oh... wait!
@Gaiafreak6969 2 дня назад
Everyone cries when xi has no term limits, but no one cares when European countries have no term limits and don't use such buzz words like "strong man" or "personality cult" with them. It's crushing to see an East Asian person parrot these crazy ideas. Deng instituted the one child policy, he had to deal with tienanmen square. China became a real world power under Xi, and the West can cope all it wants.
@rcmrcm3370 2 дня назад
11:18 Obama and Hillary Clinton started the "Pivot to Asia" (thinly disguised anti-China gambit and Clinton Foundation corruption opportunity) long before Hillary encouraged Trump to run for Republican Presidential Candidacy.
@DataSpook 2 дня назад
This is a good doc. Thanks.
@sidharthar567 2 дня назад
Waiting 🔥
@evelynn_teoh 2 дня назад
why is the current leader so hostile to the west and friendly to the Russians? personal taste or what?
@horridohobbies День назад
Maybe it has something to do with the following: - endless tech sanctions against China - interference in Taiwanese politics, as Taiwan is indisputably part of China - naval exercises in and around Chinese waters - endless demonization of China, e.g., genocide, forced labor, dictatorship, etc. Regarding Russia, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
@comradehogan7636 2 дня назад
MLs denouncing communism
@miloblue2052 2 дня назад
He is very well spoken, and I think his labour pool beats handing out money for filling out forms and waiting in line, but at 5:29 he says without being able to print money, the only way the government can increase spending is for the private sector to reduce spending. If the government gives me a dollar, I think I can spend it. If they don't give me a dollar, I can pull it from savings. In his quest for "more government spending to fill in unused industrial capacity", he quite firmly assumes central planning / communism will work, and will work efficiently.
@Alfyannn 3 дня назад
"Obviously the united states is a democracy" Ahhhh nope we disagree
@mariettestabel275 3 дня назад
This is Splendid! Varoufakis is in love with the Truth and Logic. That's his fetish. His Brain can not compute if he doesn't say the Truth. Can not work. This Man is Brilliant. ✊
@logike2725 3 дня назад
Communism is the way !! Thanks China to show that is posible for the people to live in abundance and peace!
@haruhisuzumiya6650 3 дня назад
@jeffpowell5251 3 дня назад
This is my best opportunity to ask these questions. Given the relationship between East and West with the USA primarily representing the West. What does this mean for Taiwan's big picture? How destabilizing is the Taiwan paradigm to Global Economy and World Peace? Also, how destabilizing is the current Russia/Ukraine/West conflict and what will be the effect on China's policies?
@SeleneDing 4 дня назад
Americans should let this man be president.
@user-ev9to4xx2o 4 дня назад
America.says.war.is the.resulation.to.their.financial.problem.not.consulation 😂😂😂❤
@HelenSurina-mv8ot 4 дня назад
1000 CAD equals 5725 HongKong Dollars ❤