Center for Inquiry
Center for Inquiry
Center for Inquiry
The Center for Inquiry is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create a society where humanism, science, and reason are what informs public policy. CFI provides speakers and thinkers the chance to speak and audiences the chance to learn.
A UFO Over New York City? Really?
21 день назад
The Science of Weird Shit | Chris French
28 дней назад
Getting the Chemistry Right | Joe Schwarcz
2 месяца назад
Bill Nye and Richard Dawkins in Conversation
3 месяца назад
Can Clouds Be Moved? CFIIG Finds Out in Vegas
3 месяца назад
Miami Mall Aliens | Are You Kidding Me?
4 месяца назад
CSICon 2023 - "Cut Through The Nonsense"
5 месяцев назад
Building a Ghost Hunting Elite Spirit Stick
5 месяцев назад
@jamesmcpherson1590 7 часов назад
It doesn't surprise me that you got a lot of bad comments, because I suspect the title draws more crackpots than skeptics. Had I not learned of it through CFI, I'd almost certainly have dismissed it as conspiracy thoery woo. It is a great title, but I suspect it doesn't serve you well in drawing a receptive audience.
@deatached 7 часов назад
Believing there is a free will or .. feeling like there is an agency or so called " i " exist is the nature i guess ..and realizing or understanding there is no free will , with science or with any other practice is " understanding the nature itself " we cant expect everyone to go that deep ..
@oonaghcleary3645 9 часов назад
People are scared of the truth and people love to feel they have control over their lives so it's no wonder people are going against Robert Sapolsky finally Robert Sapolsky is saying the truth which I agree with and has helped me accept myself as I've struggled with addictions and have always been interested in human behaviour and why I ended up being the type of person I became well done Robert Sapolsky
@jamesmcpherson1590 11 часов назад
I found the Roman numerals on clocks bit interesting, so I checked internet photos of Big Ben; pretty much the uniform icon of a famous public clock with Roman numerals. I can say after checking that, at least in that case, it adheres to standard Roman numerals (IV instead of IIII). Since I have always hated dial watches, and Big Ben is the rare case of a dial clock that I have spent some time looking at, That alone makes me feel justified in perceiving that most dial clocks/watches use standard Roman numerals.
@christopherchilton-smith6482 21 час назад
We're all in the same boat, none of us built our character but because we're all in the same boat we're all sort of equal... What are you talking about? This is so obviously untrue I don't see how you go on without retracting it. "Hey young black child whose character has been genetically, hormonally and environmentally ravaged by stress, you're in the same boat as the white child that grew up in a low stress environment and having all their needs met. Doesnt matter that the boat is stratified and you're on the bottom, all the same rules apply to you irrespective of the data because I erroneously think your suffering is the glue that hold society together "
@christopherchilton-smith6482 21 час назад
22:24 Why are people like this? I'm watching the worms eat his brain right before my eyes. "Ok yeah, so you're a biological robot, gene sensitivity, hormone baths and environment programed you but what else can we do but punish robots for acting on their programing?" ...dude what? You throw away the entire notion of praise and punishment and use evidence based solutions that promote the wellbeing of all, including the criminal. Sapolsky has the patience of a freaking Saint.
@thelastkraminoc9794 23 часа назад
It's almost like everyone that comments about time lapsed recordings weren't paying attention to many different parts of the video
@vickielawson3114 День назад
Trump story: Penn clearly never considered that Trump may have just been paying him a compliment and didn’t mean it literally.
@jenmoore5571 День назад
I have found my tribe.
@AdamCrosland День назад
wow. this was meant to be a conversation...
@Dunegard День назад
Robert lays down the idea that all things we think, do, and say are predicated on all things leading to that moment essentially from the dawn of existence. Due to that, we have no free will as something always preexisted in the biological machine culminating in the action you do. I loved how this video covered multiple topics including the implications of a world with no free will. I was hoping that they would address additional criticism and rebuttals to Robert's idea including that we have the ability to alter the way that we will think and act by preemptively desiding how we will respond within given scenarios. I can just hear Robert repeat himself again in his original idea. It seems like he is incapable of thinking that his idea could be wrong even slightly and set up the idea to be inherently not falsifiable based on his definition of free will.
@TheGreentomato123 День назад
But it's not free will if you can preemptively decide how you will respond within scenarios. First, you need alot of different parts of your brain to work together for you to think about scenarios and plan what you will do. And what you will decide to do is decided by what you think is smart or right to do, which is something you get from your culture, friends, familiy, media and so on. There is no room for "free will" anywhere. Everything is decided by how your brain works and what experiences you've had in your life. There is no room for magic.
@christopherchilton-smith6482 22 часа назад
​@@TheGreentomato123Precisely! How did person X become the kind of person that does Y.
@HPDevlin День назад
Rewards and punishments aren't administered because they are morally deserved, but rather because they are causal. They operate effectively because they stand-in for free will, causing better behavior than we get if we rely on people's "free will" choice of moral behavior. As Lao Tzu said 2,500 years ago, abandon morality and legality and just do the right thing because you already know what that is. Rightness is predetermined, not constructed from free will choices.
@Desertphile День назад
Thank you.
@superfuzzymomma 2 дня назад
Excellent, gentlemen!
@DURBY1988 2 дня назад
Are you editing while recording. Or are you editing it after you recorded it?
@zekebrawnkowski8216 2 дня назад
Brian Andrew Dunning was sentenced in August, 2014 to serve fifteen months in prison for receiving between $200,000 and $400,000 in fraudulent commissions from eBay, stated by United States Attorney Melinda Haag and FBI Special Agent in Charge David J. Johnson. SOURCE: UNITED STATES ATTORNEY 'S OFFICE, NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA. He was convicted of wire fraud through a cookie stuffing scheme, for his company that fraudulently obtained between $200,000 and $400,000 from eBay. In August 2014, he was sentenced to 15 months in prison, followed by three years of supervision. SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA. This is the shady dreck that UFO debunkery has lowered itself to.
@josef21 2 дня назад
I guess our faith or belief is our truth then it will be what will be. Perhaps then if you’re atheist it will be the end of you when you die period. If you’re a believer you will have eternal life in heaven. If you are Hindu perhaps you’re reincarnated. If Buddhist you escape samsara and achieve nirvana. What if our belief will be our destiny.
@purpleoctave 3 дня назад
I recently discovered you when you were a guest on a podcast. This is exactly the content I love. I love ghost hunting shows, but I sit there and debunk or criticize as I watch. I don’t believe in ghosts or demons, but I do like a good ghost story. Keep up the good work!
@namero999 3 дня назад
I find Dawkins extremely boring, shallow, with trivial arguments passed as profound insights, and strawmanning everything... Not sure what people see in his kindergarten level of thinking.
@michael6888 3 дня назад
They were great.nice.job
@vincewhite5087 3 дня назад
Watched old tv report of reporter talking to people who reported being abducting by aliens in the 50’s. They were abducted by beautiful women, who used them for sex.
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
Have any science studied the weight question ?
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
First few centuries Christian’s believed in sleep till a body resurrection when a physical Christ returned.
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
Declassified docs are very good. The LBJ tapes now are interesting.
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
Follow the Lobbiest, and donation.
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
Might explain the huge movement of ‘Republicans against Trump’ movement.
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
Also many conspiracy people will avoid identify as Q.
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
Tobaco files?
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
Lots of people believe the theories of Q, but don’t know the term
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
Back when Bush was president, many left wing was supper conspiracy- & 911 inside job.
@kantraxoikol6914 4 дня назад
we don't CARE what you think about your stolen clip. ok? thanks *disliked*
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
Lots of Q people struggled with Trump pushing for vaccines with the accelerated approval, and treating it as disease.
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
We should question governments. Is duty. But be ready when data shown
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
WMD myths made many people into conspiracy theorists.
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
I have seen Qanon promoting things i used to hear from Left wing nuts.
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
A lot of conspiracy followers will often believe two or more contradicting theories.
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
Has a QAnon friend who showed vids of Trump in on moon base, and the Insurrection act was signed. Crazy crap
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
The data from the Soecial Comitee on Jan06, is now the legal presentment for the DOJ ‘S trial against rioters..
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
Some of comments are not true as per the Special Committee on Jan 06.
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
The Soecial Conmitee on Jan 06 that Congress did , said the main aim was Pence.
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
All the satanic children sacrifices were total bs
@vincewhite5087 4 дня назад
Alive Cooper sang about ‘Cold Ethel’
@Ghost_bros 5 дней назад
Do the ghost writer off unsolved mysteries and hard copy
@Ghost_bros 5 дней назад
Geez man you have like 40 people in that house and your trying to debunk stuff why can't you go alone
@Ghost_bros 5 дней назад
I don't consider this... because you should be all alone in that house
@Ghost_bros 5 дней назад
Bro that's why you should go alone at night and stay overnight and bring all your equipment see if you get anything
@Ghost_bros 5 дней назад
Why didn't you go alone and stay the night alone
@metrodorusskepsis1574 6 дней назад
If you guys want to make atheism the new religion, then please consider it with John Rawls: The theorie of righteausness".
@marybuford9591 6 дней назад
This lecture is bullshit.
@ninjacostar3849 6 дней назад
Imagine , that when you ejaculate, only one sperm is fired out, but it has two tails a fin and night vison, kind of like a sperm drone, also i suggest eye of the tiger as the background score.