Understanding Mormonism with Dr. John Dehlin
Understanding Mormonism with Dr. John Dehlin
Understanding Mormonism with Dr. John Dehlin
Understanding Mormonism seeks to educate Mormons and Non-Mormons regarding the truth of Mormon history, doctrine, and theology. This channel is motivated by the principle of "Informed Consent" - that Mormons and non-Mormons alike should know the truth about the church, so that they can make informed decisions about their relationship (or non-relationship) with the church.

Dr. Dehlin has a Ph.D. in Clinical and Counseling Psychology - and is an expert in the navigation of religious faith crises. John is the host of the longest running and most successful Mormon-themed podcast - Mormon Stories Podcast (mormonstories.org). John is a 6th generation Mormon, and lived most of his life as a devout, faithful Mormon. After spending 20 years deeply researching the Mormon Church's truth claims, and after counseling with literally tens of thousands of questioning and disaffected Mormons, John shared via this channel his conclusions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Abuse Survivor on the LDS Atonement
2 года назад
Why I Left Mormonism - Jessie Funk
3 года назад
John Larsen on The Harms of QAnon
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Pros & Cons of Mormon Missions
3 года назад
@JonG-BVBIAGP 4 часа назад
I'm sorry that Kyle h 1:49 ad such an unpleasant experience as a youth. My experience was completely the opposite. My religious leaders were kind, helpful and supportive in every way, not the type to condemn anyone. In Kyle's case, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Don't condemn the doctrine because another person's poor judgment and mistakes. What's most unfortunate is Dehlins unprofessional comments under the guise of expertise. Dehlin's line of reasoning is utter nonsense, not supported by reliable research or logic. In fact, it's actually false reasoning. He makes false statements and claims they are true, as if he is some sort of authority on the matter. There's no sense of objectivity in Dehlin's arguments, which bleed bias against sound moral principles. They are completely one-sided. It's obvious that Dehlin has a personal ax to grind against the church and seeks for attention and allies for his personal opinions that have no basis in reality whatsoever. Absolute garbage. Reminiscent of Sherem's manner of reasoning with no substance.
@user-rd3cl7lg2f 5 часов назад
The highest honors and duty to God awards should be bestowed on the Tanners. :.
@user-rd3cl7lg2f 6 часов назад
The super rich or kin to a Gen Aut, get the 2nd annointed, and therein they are "guaranteed" to get into highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom. Then they can commit any sin or wrong, and still get into the highest degree of glory in the Celestial Kingdom. But they have to pay the penalty for those sins, but still get into the highest degree of glory in the Celestial Kingdom. Thus lying, taking financial advantage, maybe murdering doesn't bother them at all. They want the money. The Freemasons do it in their invitation to be in their 33° degree. The Mafia's "Made Man" ordinance is the same concept. If one makes the Mafia a lot of money and is Sicilian decent, they are "invited " into their "Made Man" ordinance The very rich or kin to an LDS Gen Aut don't get normal missionaries knocking on their doors. They get a hi up Gen Aut visits with offers of lucrative "paying" Church offices and positions if they would join the Church. Again, lying, deceiving, even killing does not trouble or bother, indeed they are shielded from the law, doesn't concern them at all. Now all about money: search "Satanic (or Devil's Triangle Switzerland" and see the Satanic families that have set & and controlled wealth & money systems in the entire Earth planet, since the beginning of time. Search "Street Statues Bern, Switzerland" (covered in Masonic symbols) and see what they look like. The same statues, but miniature, have been found in ancient Sumerian ruins. :.
@paulmills1238 2 дня назад
Thank you for your very candid and honest assesment with regard to the blatant false image the LDS portrays in regard to mixed orientation marriages.
@monican3758 3 дня назад
Oh...I feel a flood of tears coming. Such a brave young woman to tell her story. I do wonder if the leadership (bishop) even consciously believe they are righteous, with only good intentions, or have at least some inkling they are on an abusive power trip. I wonder what he eould say if asked straight up?
@j.brophydesigns5019 6 дней назад
Is this terrorism?
@melissabodily3675 6 дней назад
The essay papers are written by lawyers. It's about liability.
@melissabodily3675 6 дней назад
My kids are never alone with Bishopric members for an interview. EVER!! I am so sorry! Thanks for sharing. I appreciate how you brought up that system is flawed and traumatizing. We allow this to happen when we put our salvation in any church.
@mr.rhinehart410 6 дней назад
So let me get this straight, if the prophets are not inspired then there is no concrete foundation for the "CHURCH" just like a house or a business it needs a good solid foundation. By the way you know what makes a concrete foundation for a house strong? Rebar or reinforcing rebar. Its primary purpose is to increase the tensile strength of the concrete, helping it resist cracking and breaking. So when the Earth shifts like it does here in the state of California the concrete is better able to resist breaking under tension. So it can be said also for a church like the LDS. Its not just a matter of when but of how the Earth shifts underneath the foundation of the LDS. The sticks holding the walls and the roof in due time will collapse.
@ginaalton 6 дней назад
From a person who profits and makes a name from hating on the church this seems so ironic. She has been trying to make herself famous off the church her whole adult life it seems....one way or another. The hate angle seems to be working for her. 🤷✌🏼. How cancerous to live a life consumed by the one thing she claims to have "left". If she truly left the church...and all the fame and attn it gets her one way or another....what paycheck would she have then??
@KellySturgis-id9sk 8 дней назад
In my ward the bishop happened to have a daughter who was lesbian. She couldn't take sacrament, coulden't get married in the temple and couldn't continue working with children or teaching primary lost certain privileges in the church because married is " Sacred only between man & woman" .. I used to babysit for had to take over her callings no one would let her around their kids anymore. Sister cried because of that the bishop eventually gave her the primary lessons back. She wanted to be a teacher. Luckily after his daughter came out the bishop never brought up sex and wouldn't ask anyone thoes questions said it was immoral The only time I got called in was for a dress code - modesty lecture which I got often because I purposely ignored the rules & refused to follow that as a teenager apparently didn't wear the correct undergarments or the bishop caught me drinking caffeine ... After Several modesty lectures I couldn't chose my own clothes anymore the bishop had the sisters run a closet I couldn't not take sacrament or enter the church without changing I eventually "repented" & did as asked. I felt that wasn't me the way I dressed, spoke & everything was what the church wanted not who I was. When I realized I was androgynous I came out as non binary cut my hair changed the style of clothes, legally changed my name & pronouns. Had to leave the church they practice conversion therapy being trans is not accepted. I don't have contact family they are not LDS but are religious & dont condone my "lifestyle choices" .. I have been isolated ever since & haven't spoken to anyone since leaving.
@KellySturgis-id9sk 8 дней назад
This should be illegal ... Bishops should not be asking sexual questions I the chastity lexures are uncalled for a d need to stop.
@yoitsannajo 10 дней назад
Such good insights! How do we keep our faith in something thay has been proven false? The truth is more important to me than following the traditions of my forefathers.
@BuckeBoo 11 дней назад
I’m in my 50s. Haven’t darkened the doors since age 15. I remember being 12, hauled into the bishops office and he wanted to know about masturbation and how many times. This is abusive behavior by the church and bishops who do this should be arrested. Sick behavior.
@jefffreestone8476 11 дней назад
Understand this is played itself out thousands of times over decades. I left the Moron church after my mission. had my name removed decades later. It is very difficult to get away from Mormonism.
@michaelparks5669 11 дней назад
hummm polygamy is not plural marriage. and anti Mormons do not know why Mormons like this practice it.
@Shane76375 13 дней назад
This is stupid
@Joanneofarc360 13 дней назад
They should be helping the poor, not rob them.
@nanlev613 14 дней назад
Isn’t Dr. Dehlin LDS…??
15 дней назад
Good grief, are you still referring to yourself as '' Dr '' Dehlin. Cringe.
@mattwoolley 16 дней назад
Although I appreciate the mom’s honesty, she’s effed up. She effed over her kid and that’s permanent. Psycho.
@mattwoolley 16 дней назад
Shame is a massive tool of evil.
@darren2796 17 дней назад
Hey it’s been five years But I want to say thank you Great video
@richardjohnson4052 17 дней назад
NO! Polyandry is multiple husbands. Polygyny is multiple wives. Polygamy is multiple spouses.
@richardjohnson4052 17 дней назад
It is clear that Smith 'married' any woman who caught his eye, even if they were already married to another man. ANY sensible person would say that he invented that polygamy to f***k his friends wives. My question is this... Did he fall in lust with as married woman, secretly marry her, coerce her into having sex with her, then abandon them after his lust was slaked? OR, when he 'married them, did he divorce them from their husband and move them into his house with his other wife/wives?
@felixdelova 19 дней назад
I had a similar experience. I had pretty much quit going and believing in the church as a teenager. I got pregnant at 18 and had this feeling of having a spiritual connection with my son. I expressed this to my parents and they were so excited that I wanted to return but first I must talk to the bishop to repent. I met this older man my dad’s age at his house. Just me and this guy. He asked me what I did. I told him I had a baby out of wedlock. He begins to start pressuring me that I need to tell him all the details of the sexual acts I did. I was like ummmm… if god knows all then that’s between me and god. Then he starts guilt tripping me that I won’t go to the celestial kingdom with my son unless I tell him. I sat there in silence for awhile thinking….. ok I see know… I see what this is all about. I see the truth in this “religion “. I told him basically this doesn’t feel good, this feels violating and perverted and gross. He was like okay then, I will have a meeting with the authorities to see what your punishment is. I was disfellowshipped but at that point I did not care. I saw the truth and was 100% done with this.
@rkpagano 20 дней назад
I have no issue with someone leaving the church. You have your free will and choice. However I question most people profiting from bashing others beliefs or not being confident enough in your own beliefs that you try to get people to follow you. So how do you square people that come into the church later on in life and stay there their whole lives. Your presenting as if kids are indoctrinated. how are adults indoctrinated and how are you affectingTheir free will and choice. You’re talking out both sides of your mouth , on one hand, you say the church teaches good principles and good ways to live and care for others. And on the other hand, you’re claiming you’ve been manipulated to believe a certain way like a cult would. You can’t have it both ways unless you can prove that people, don’t wanna be a part of the church can’t leave. And you know that is not the case to your obvious own experiences.
@randallwall2745 20 дней назад
Good people.. Truth is in short supply in the LDS church sadly.
@MrMuaythai84 20 дней назад
Sex is for marriage. What kind man wants women that already been fawk by some guy just because she got horny and wants to explore. That’s dumb I am not a Mormon but even I don’t look like a women that isn’t a virgin as wife material. No man wants to be second fiddle to any other man
@ericnorwood652 21 день назад
I heard Mormonism has weird marriage rituals. Not popular with the young folks.
@tribemayamex 21 день назад
god is not exclusive to this american religion. so, all of us on this planet are part of it and not only to those that pay 10% to this LDS religious group.
@tribemayamex 21 день назад
god is not exclusive to this american religion. so, all of us on this planet are part of it and not only to those that pay 10% to this LDS religious group.
@trilithon108 22 дня назад
There are a lot of similarities with JWs on their deconversion channels. JW shunning is worse, but both groups are 1800s American made, go door to door, have csa issues, call men brothers and women sisters and have old men asking young women details about their sex acts. Mormons have Bishops, JWs elders.
@MrMuaythai84 22 дня назад
well not only mormon condemn gay EVERY religion comdemn gays
@MrMuaythai84 22 дня назад
the lady in blue is the reason i i join the mormon church. they got beautiful women. i know i join for the wrong reason. but then i started to like the teaching and the people. now i am questioning it. because of joseph smith himself and his teaching. i wish i never had join
@clarestucki5151 23 дня назад
I'd love to find out whether any actual "treasure" of any description was ever discovered by any of the "treasure diggers" of the time of Joseph Smith???
@gordonadams4793 23 дня назад
Terrible interview
@slcoareschannel1943 23 дня назад
This interview made me sick. I feel for you Kayla!!
@sharoncopeland2700 24 дня назад
I feel so sorry for her. She seems to be such a wonderful person.
@LatterDaySigma 25 дней назад
Weak men = weak faith
@AdamRichards-v2f 27 дней назад
I’ve been struggling and praying for God to help me and guide me. I talked to my bishop about my faith crisis and he was kind and listened. Fast forward a month he calls me to serve as a counselor in the bishopric. I accept with some trepidation and since I’ve been in the calling I’ve felt nothing but anxiety and depression. I don’t feel I was called to the position because God wants me there. I think the bishop knew I was close to leaving. I don’t feel the church is true anymore and my wife disagrees with me. I know if I leave my calling and the church my wife and kids will leave me. It’s a hard spot to be in. Need some advice, thanks .
@jfschmidt84 27 дней назад
As a man with 3 daughters I can’t fathom doing that to a woman. Really disgusting!
@irene8259 27 дней назад
And still there are people that belong to this mormon cult, it's so sick😢
@alishabrinton7618 28 дней назад
My bishop asked all the same questions. It wasn’t until I went to therapy at 30 years old I realized how traumatic that was for me.
@mikeboyd3225 28 дней назад
None of what you said means the Church isn’t true.
@willhilpipre9524 Месяц назад
The fact that religion can hold such a powerful influence in someone’s life is disturbing
@racingrobert1 Месяц назад
I still remember The Bishop talking to me about masterbation with my mom in the room. That was the First And last bishop interview I ever did
@collegegardens1049 Месяц назад
OGod, Who art the Author of all Manifestations, the Source of all Sources, the Fountainhead of all Revelations, and the Wellspring of all Lights! I testify that by Thy Name the heaven of understanding hath been adorned, and the ocean of utterance hath surged, and the dispensations of Thy providence have been promulgated unto the followers of all religions. I beseech Thee so to enrich me as to dispense with all save Thee, and be made independent of anyone except Thyself. Rain down, then, upon me out of the clouds of Thy bounty that which shall profit me in every world of Thy worlds. Assist me, then, through Thy strengthening grace, so to serve Thy Cause amidst Thy servants that I may show forth what will cause me to be remembered as long as Thine own kingdom endureth and Thy dominion will last. This is Thy servant, O my Lord, who with his whole being hath turned unto the horizon of Thy bounty, and the ocean of Thy grace, and the heaven of Thy gifts. Do with me then as becometh Thy majesty, and Thy glory, and Thy bounteousness, and Thy grace. Thou, in truth, art the God of strength and power, Who art meet to answer them that pray Thee. There is no God save Thee, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Bahá’u’lláh
@FleeingBabylon-Now Месяц назад
@gregstewart7288 Месяц назад
Sick, sick, sick! The Mormon church isn’t just losing members, it’s pushing them away!