Happy Homestead
Happy Homestead
Happy Homestead
I love homebrew and homemade wines, and I make a heck of a lot of it!

A.I. Created Wine That’s Blue
21 день назад
Does Umami in wine boost the flavour?
5 месяцев назад
Contents not for public consumption!
5 месяцев назад
Potatea Wine: A family secret never told before
5 месяцев назад
Potato and Barley Wine: Taste test and review
6 месяцев назад
Carrot and Coriander Wine - Recipe and Method
6 месяцев назад
Spiced Parsnip Wine Taste Test
6 месяцев назад
Price of wine going up again!
6 месяцев назад
The Ultimate Fruit Fly Trap for Homebrewers
11 месяцев назад
You'll go nuts over this coconut wine recipe
11 месяцев назад
@jonathanthomas69 4 часа назад
Well, another one for the hit list. Thank you.
@sammysock 4 часа назад
Is this wine making for kids?
@sammysock 4 часа назад
A bit creepy!!
@user-ws7ij6oy7k 13 часов назад
What you didn't mention is the additional education he is getting in sciences such as botany. I really enjoy gathering elderflower/berries, dandelions, pineapple weed, sloes, damsons, blackberries, crabapples, etc. Your son will be learning about nature, the different parts of a flower, how to recognise useful plants, and how to avoid potentially dangerous ones. He's probably also learning about gardening, and a respect for fruits and vegetables, that most children despise. Besides, the little lad is obviously really happy helping his dad, and it's a real joy to see the relationship you have with him.
@MsPaulsgirl 16 часов назад
I wonder if using orange from concentrate would taste the same?
@user-sm8me7bz4m 22 часа назад
I’m excited to try this one. Made beetroot brownies last month, and they were amazing, so I’m sure I’ll love this wine.
@TC2642 День назад
Grabbing some beetroot and oranges when I go shopping in a bit, loads of coco powder here just lying around and brown sugar. Can't wait to try this one.
@paulsstrollsnskywatching День назад
Another one to add to my list , I'm making the winter cure all wine tomorrow , great stuff James love your Vids 👍
@prasiet1 2 дня назад
Your child will cherish these memories for years to come. Do not let people get you down.
@Hesifilm 4 дня назад
Which one tastes better? Does wine produced with bread yeast taste bad?
@kimm59 5 дней назад
I'm just wondering because I use Sherry for cooking is there a difference in cooking Sherry? It seems to me it's not too sweet and it's not too dry is there an in-between recipe?
@PaulJones-vb8mb 6 дней назад
Just wondering if your book is out yet, wanting to buy it.
@4canspoon 7 дней назад
I will certainly be trying this. I hope everything is working out for you all.
@GreenfieldsHomeplace 7 дней назад
I’ve made a Bochet before by cooking the honey and this is along the same lines but the added spices could really make it even better. I’m here in the U.S. and treacle isn’t something in stores but…Amazon. 👍🏼 I’d love to try this. Thanks!
@boywunder1894 8 дней назад
Did you say that you're not married anymore? When did that happen?
@violetscott7771 8 дней назад
❤❤❤ I will try it
@oldgold1100 8 дней назад
This sounds lovely, I would be interested in try this. I always use clove in my beer making, as I like the flavour it gives to the beer. Thanks for showing, a great informative video.👍
@stephenshort8113 8 дней назад
I agree with sanitising but it does make you wonder how ancient civilizations managed to successfully make alcoholic brews without sanitisation
@victoriagwendoline9216 8 дней назад
Oh yes…the old explosion on the ceiling, been there. Good to know it still happens to even the most experienced home brewers 😂xx
@HappyHomestead 8 дней назад
If you haven't spilled wine on your ceiling, you haven't been fully initiated into the homebrew club!
@user-id1no3mt6i 8 дней назад
My kids help me too. Potions to make stinky wine.
@steveday4797 8 дней назад
2 things sprang to mind, first was alcoholic Galloways, the 2nd was the addition of star anise would be looking
@LokiScumfuck 8 дней назад
@stephenshort8113 9 дней назад
Surely the marmite would add an odd flavour to the wine
@apenutz987 10 дней назад
Some science teachers use fermentation as part of their curriculum. There is a different between teaching to ferment and teaching to drink to excess. Keep up the videos. Don't let people get you down.
@JohnSmith-pu4jg 12 дней назад
Giving this one a go, the price of alcohol is ridiculous so it's time to make my own
@lindahornsby73 13 дней назад
How do I clear semolina wine
@gwendolynhannam4930 13 дней назад
Here here! We all learned from the hobbies and passions of our parents, whatever that may have been; I grew up making elderflower wine and mead with my grandparents, and this knowledge didn't turn me into an alcoholic. If anything, it encouraged my passion for science, garnered a respect for the craftsmanship, and an understanding of alcohol potency. Please keep sharing your knowledge, my friend, to your son and us! 🙏🏼
@Gileseypops 14 дней назад
If Ron is taught to respect alcohol and appreciate it at a young age, he will carry those lessons on into adulthood. The UK has an issue with binge drinking and I feel that the reason behind this is that alcohol is seen as something...naughty or forbidden in our society. Look at countries like Italy where children are introduced to wine at a young age, or Germany where I rarely see anyone paraletic when I visit. It's because, I think, that people have been introduced at a young age and it's seen as a normal thing to drink in moderation with a meal etc. It's appreciated, as opposed to just something to get drunk with. By introducing him to winemaking...the process, and how to appreciate wine, Ron will likely have a very normal relationship with alcohol when he grows up. You go for it, James.
@RebelSon5169 14 дней назад
I think, besides suggesting something about their view or readiness for parenting, it also reveals his/her own unhealthy or immature relationship with and use of alcoholic drinks.
@MrWhogene 14 дней назад
when I try to make payment your program puts me in a loop and I can't make payment
@johnhardwick8771 14 дней назад
I’ve made this Brandy Wine before. The recipe I used said to leave it for 3 years when bottled, ,I have to say I never managed to keep it 3 years.
@waynedavis2705 14 дней назад
I've been making home made wine for over 10 years and my 14 and 16 yr old girls have been with me. They've helped me pick berries, add sugar, watch the bubbles coming from the air lock etc etc. 10 years my girls have helped me. My 16yr old got 8's, 7's and 6's in her GCSEs the other day. She has been educated in school and in life. The oldest tried a wee nip of my wine once and said it was disgusting.... she's never touched a drop since. They still want to get involved as its somerhing they enjoy, spending even more time with their daddy. Pal, your son will grow up with a bit of common sense. He will learn to enjoy alcohol responsibly, hopfully educate others as most likely they'll be going out at the weekend, and getting completely wasted. Nobody is perfect. We just do the nest we can for our family. 😊
@toeglover 14 дней назад
Sadly, there are some seriously uptight, rigid & bitter people out there James. The creativity, the fun and the educational moments I've watched you have with your boy are lovely, and most definitely mentally nourishing for him😊 keep doing what you do mate🙏
@russelllucas1136 14 дней назад
It’s science!! I know a lot of people here in America that teach there kids how to make wine. How do they think family recipes get passed down. Keep rockin brother!! Cheers amigo!!!!
@kb2vca 14 дней назад
Could not agree with you more. And obviously, I have no idea who that commentator is , but here in the US the urge for Prohibition and temperance is still with us... and that may very well be where that comment was coming from. We know that when parents don't treat innocent activities as illicit or inappropriate for children, their children don't sneak off to the rooms or their friends to engaqe in such activities. It's when adults call an activity such as wine making only for "grown-ups", children in their desire to feel "grown-up" will far more likely engage in those activities secretly with their peers...
@paulac.1308 14 дней назад
My fondest memory of my grandfather is helping him to make wine. Your son will look back fondly on these precious memories.
@Caprifool 15 дней назад
I was up on the kitchen counter observing and learning from the moment I could sit upright. I was there when dad made beer, when mum made, sour kraut, kombucha, kefir. There was sourdough in the house. And lots and lots of cooking. All from scratch. My nan made juniper drink, honey water, etc, etc.... By no means was I allowed to drink any of the alcohol. And I wasn't a huge fan of fermented veg at that age. But the skills, were passed on and have served me well all my life. I didn't even brew beer until the age of 59....! But I had a fair idea what to ecpect and the process. I've been fermenting stuff for myself since I was 10 or 12. As you said, it's science and life skills.
@boywunder1894 15 дней назад
That commenter is obviously a bit of a DIV, good for you, my kids are interested when I make my wine, when I hunt, in fact most of my hobbies to be honest, nothing wrong with it in the slightest keep doing what you're doing, excellent content.
@BrewabitRick 15 дней назад
Well put indeed I brewed with my grandfather and my father ( it was a activity at the time I didn’t relate it to alcohol while I was young ) just spending quality time with loved ones and I now love brewing myself. I have a healthy relationship with alcohol and respect it. Great video and I agree with all the content cheers 👍🍻
@4canspoon 15 дней назад
Totally with you. Children love to learn; it doesn't matter what. Any skills they can pick up whilst having fun is beneficial. Always be open with a child, because as soon as you prohibit them they'll work around you to find out why. I asked my chemistry teacher for the formula of nitro-glycerine, he wrote it out for the whole class; I've never made any... why would I? Never hold a child back, because they're going to learn either with or without you.
@littlebones88 15 дней назад
I think it is absolutely marvelous to see a parent or parents engaged with a child in any subject or educational experience. It is better that children are the product of their parent's teachings rather than the product of indoctrination from governmental institutions. Cheers brother!
@shannoncraig509 15 дней назад
Not every country in the world has a puritan stick up their arse about making wine.
@victoriagwendoline9216 15 дней назад
We have brewed wine with our children since they were small and, now they are adults, have a sensible relationship with alcohol. It looks like the comment came from an ignorant GenZ troll who needs to lay off the Anime and actually enter the real world. Love to you both xx
@LDuncanKelly 15 дней назад
To be fair, Boomers can be quite ignorant too and have passed their ignorance on to succeeding generations so it isn't just GenZ that are the bell ends... Just look at the USA elections with the Orange Swamp Monster (and I don't mean Big Merv unfortunately...) and the "Grongle Oppressors Party"...
@jartotable 15 дней назад
Agreed. I've let all my boys try my alcohol drinks; I drink neat, and its put them off, well into adulthood. Never had teenage issues and well balanced men. Better to teach our children to do 'everything' from scratch from now on instead of relying on supermarkets. I've told my kids they can go to university after they've achieved some knowledge in woodwork and plumbing.
@steveday4797 15 дней назад
When I was a lad, my brothers and I always had cider with Sunday lunch. Our dad used to get a bottle of Coates cider and we all had some. My dad used to brew his own beer, usually from a kit he'd got from Boots and my mum (quite successfully made wine) I still brew my own beer/wine and spirits. My younger brother was so interested in it all he studied micro biology at college so he could learn about yeast and the brewing industry. Learning from your parents is a fantastic thing. I learnt more from mine than anything I was forced to at school. Parents make things fun and enjoyable. Keep up the good work, you are doing a fantastic job with Ron
@Anthony-wt3rp 15 дней назад
So let me get this correct. You were parenting? Educating your child? Spending valuable formative hours with the child you care about and want to be with? Well how very dare you! Good grief some people don’t have any common sense and will complain about anything. I’m sure the education will continue and the pros and cons of alcohol have or will be part of the curriculum. I remember one vid in which you heard your boy cry and you instantly dropped what you were doing and went to see what the problem was. That’s care! Teaching math science out side of school making it interesting. That’s parenting . Helping him come to an understanding and interest in the world around him , food drink growing things making things that’s invaluable. Wish I’d had that with my parents when I was young but never really happened for me. So a final thought. You keep doing what you’re doing and ignore the uneducated comments of people who don’t understand you ❤️
@waynekerrgoodstyle 15 дней назад
My father bought a wine kit when I was ten, It sat in a cupboard for ages until one day I asked my father what was it and could I try to make wine. He agreed on the one condition that if I made it and he drank it. Since then I've loved the process of wine making and brewing. It hasn't led me to alcoholism, in fact I hardly ever drink these days and I'm now 55.
@lifewiththelightlys2119 15 дней назад
Well said, I totally agree with you 😀