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Faculty Leaders and the CD&D Alliance
2 месяца назад
Student Leaders and the CD&D Alliance
2 месяца назад
@st9grafik 18 дней назад
Great Sir 👍 👌 👍 👌
@sjin6896 Месяц назад
@Pratap-p3o Месяц назад
Hey, loved the vibe🙌! I'm not really sure if it is the best time to ask but, I was wondering if I could help you create a better distribution by working on post-production like better storytelling through Edits, Keywords, think catchy intros and outros, or even some engaging short clips! Would love to chat if you're interested and keep creating good content:)
@anderssonarad2552 2 месяца назад
please clap !
@JC89Youtube 2 месяца назад
Hirsi Ali has lost all my respect now that she’s Christian she gave up her hard earned knowledge rationality self worth and love of truth for the wishful thinking of “I’m gonna live forever? The creator who I have no good proof about loves me? Other people no longer hate my atheism or me (atheism exposes religious lies that’s why they hate it)” she is pathetic and to be mocked for her betrayal
@cr-iv1el 3 месяца назад
Good work
@fld9266 3 месяца назад
Didn’t she get sacked for caring for white students too ?????
@Dke244 3 месяца назад
Really? After you back the blue on arresting and terrorizing a teenager, for picking up a blue lives matter flag off the ground, crumpling it up and throwing it out? You’re a hypocrite. If her doing that is a hate crime, you don’t understand the meaning of hate crime. Just remember Governor, you won’t be Governor forever, but keep backing the blue, until it happens to you… or your family… and by the way, if the police think this is going to scare people away from doing the same thing, you’re wrong. We will all just start making videos of us burning the blue lives matter flag. Then you can arrest all of us and make us lots of money, when we sue you into oblivion.
@dominicscott9145 3 месяца назад
That was brilliant. First time encountering Mr Allen but will definitely be paying attention.
@LackLusterMedia 4 месяца назад
Can we destroy blue line flags in front of cops on campus? Or will we go to jail? What a hypocrite.
@triple_sec0 4 месяца назад
As a leftist, I’m disappointed that she condemns multiculturalism as a whole because of the inherent problems of Islamic extremism. There are many cultures, including Latinos, who keep the US economy afloat with their strong work ethic and gratitude for the opportunity to have a better life. I’m Hispanic and don’t want valuable aspects of my culture forcibly erased simply bc Islamic extremism has made inroads into our society. Such a stance by right-wingers is untenable and will cause a profound schism in our society. It’s possible to embrace multiculturalism while rejecting pernicious ideologies.
@henocksherlock3340 Месяц назад
Guees what? She's lived in that "muh egalitarian multicultural" utopia dream of yours, and even she knows it. You've learned nothing from Sweden's case, have you?🙄🥱🥱
@triple_sec0 4 месяца назад
The blind hatred that Islam teaches is dangerous and must be understood by Gen Z and millennials. They’ve been captured so quickly by the propaganda coming out of the Hamas-Iran machine. Yes, the deaths are horrible. Beyond that tragedy, there exists a critical geopolitical dimension that escapes the minds of too many young people. I hope democracies around the world can withstand the existential crisis brought about by Iran and Hamas.
@TonyMontana-zr6ev 4 месяца назад
Lock him up‼️
@Faiez-rh1gm 4 месяца назад
Yes you like war criminals
@Faiez-rh1gm 4 месяца назад
Bolton is a jenno sidal maniac
@Yggdrasil1844 4 месяца назад
I'm so scared of islam i can't function.
@brazosdedios 2 месяца назад
God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind. 🙏🏼💙 Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Put your whole trust in Him.
@roysmith770 4 месяца назад
As lovely and she is bright.
@JamesSmith-je7vf 4 месяца назад
Excellent insights by Ambassador Bolton, the question for all those naysayers and critics of Israel is why are Muslim majority countries like Egypt preventing women and children from leaving Gaza to safety and why are Palestinians supporting Hamas terrorists and using their own children and women as human shields to hide terrorist hideouts?
@SuperShawn2020 4 месяца назад
@randallminchew6780 5 месяцев назад
You will be thought as an uneducated and unqualified if you’re interviewing for a highly skilled position and your English grammar is horrible.
@MichelMrz 5 месяцев назад
John Bolton is full of BS. He is a warmonger mother founder, actually deeply funded by Israel to cover all these crimes. He also directly supports all MEK, PKK, and ISIS terrorists.
@MichelMrz 5 месяцев назад
world should put leash on Bolton and Netanyaboo and make sure they wont reproduce.
@FaiziTimber 5 месяцев назад
@jonmeador8637 5 месяцев назад
Professor Kors is our source for the Enlightenment thinking and philosophy that produced our Constitution and country.
@norman_5623 5 месяцев назад
I make a point of listening to people that I disagree with, so I couldn't resist Larry Summers. Although Summers says that when a person is wrong, he gives up the right to be respected for his opinion. I would be more generous than that. The framing of this panel is wrong. University presidents have been fired because they're "soft" on anti-Semitism. This isn't a high-minded academic debate over morality. According to the New York Times, these campaigns are started and promoted by right-wing, pro-Netanyahu Jewish multi-millionaires, who have used the threat of withholding donations to intimidate the boards, and the threat of McCarthyite doxing to intimidate students. The multi-millionaires: At Harvard, Bill Ackman; at Columbia, Leon Cooperman; at U. Pennsylvania, Ross Stevens and Ronald Lauder. To anticipate the charges of anti-Semitism, I will say that this is, on one level, a debate among Jews, who have a right to complain that conservative right-wing multi-millionaires don't represent us, and don't have a right to silence us. We believe that the Israeli government has violated basic principles of Jewish justice, and international law, after 75 years of murder and territorial conquest, which remind many of us (such as Jonathan Glazer) of our own suffering under the Nazis. We believe that the Jewish mandate, "Never again," means "never again for *anyone*". I used to work in Jewish public relations, raising money for Israeli medical research and technology. Then I learned of the editors of an Israeli newsletter, HaNitzotz, with a Jewish/Palestinian staff, who were arrested (and eventually served prison terms) for what Amnesty International determined was protected journalistic activities. According to AI, their Palestinian editor, Ribi Al-Aruri, was tortured by the Israeli police. The tortures, which the Israeli government didn't deny when I contacted them, were to tie his hands behind his back, and suspend his body from the ceiling for a day. Then they locked him in a "cupboard," too small to stand in or bend over, for a day. The purpose of the torture was to get al-Arubi to falsely testify against his Jewish colleagues accusing them of illegal activity. He didn't talk. Meanwhile I read an article from the Jerusalem Post, which described a visit to the Auschwitz museum, which described Nazi tortures on Jews: Hanging them from the ceiling, locking them in a cupboard -- the Israelis were using exactly the same tortures as the Nazis were using! According to the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, my writing this makes me an anti-Semite. But I'm Jewish! No matter, it makes me a self-hating Jew. In Lion Feuchtwanger's novel, Die Geschwister Oppermann, the Jewish student Berthold Oppermann tells his Nazi teacher, "I am just as good a German as you are, Herr Professor." I would tell your panel, "I am just as good a Jew as you are." I was brought up on the (rhetorical) question, "How could the world stand by and watch the extermination of the Jews, and do nothing?" When I read the many reports of Israeli soldiers deliberately killing even children (like 6-year-old Hind Rajab), as a Jew, my only response can be, "I swear that I will do everything in my power to stop this." How can you, as a Jew, do anything else?
@erolegario 5 месяцев назад
The word has lost all its meaning. It is used to shut down conversations.
@tedmusson5179 5 месяцев назад
What a delusional fool Michael Poliakoff is
@jeffdeiderich2901 5 месяцев назад
DEI and thinking don't belong in the same sentence.
@danlc45 5 месяцев назад
Meritocracy baby. Make them earn it. They'll feel much better about themselves for the effort, and they'll earn the respect of those they work with.
@Galahad-hk4bb 5 месяцев назад
DEI is racism !!!
@CuttinBlade 5 месяцев назад
Live from the senior citizen home
@gavinriley5232 5 месяцев назад
Love from the mouths of people that have actually accomplished something with their lives.
@toddramirez505 5 месяцев назад
DEI is garbage the best person for the position, the best person for the school the best person for the job is the person that should get it no matter what skin color race, religion or political affiliation.
@kamrantabib9019 5 месяцев назад
Mr. Will is a national treasure. So is Tom Sowell.
@PeterAllen09 2 месяца назад
Half right
@Hiba-Morsi 6 месяцев назад
Je me désabone 🤮
@Hiba-Morsi 6 месяцев назад
n'importa quoi ! just propaganda
@Hiba-Morsi 6 месяцев назад
it is not true, after october 7 it 's clear if you take posision with palestine you are eliminated . No freedom in the campus
@USER-pj2gs 6 месяцев назад
Criminal war.
@abdelazizmorchid5865 6 месяцев назад
neocons financed by zionists destroyed the middle east in order to give the upper hand to the so called state israel, now middle east people are pushing back to fire the true terrorists from the region، namely the US army and the zionist entity. in short this is a stupid cowboy who gives a pseudo victory speech to a crazy audience who think they are a choosen people by god who gave them the control of the world
@DanielWalling-p7p 6 месяцев назад
Israel is not an ally it's infected America with it's genocide.
@metaphosV 6 месяцев назад
Nice. AmeriKKKan downfall depends on people like Bolton. LOL
@metaphosV 6 месяцев назад
Do you believe he is not a lunatic? Minute 37:00 LOL
@metaphosV 6 месяцев назад
Classic psychopathic politician confession, must record for posterity. LOL You cannot make this up.
@efirub5732 6 месяцев назад
CASE FOR ISRAEL: THE RIGHT OF JEWS TO OWN THE LAND OF ISRAEL RESTS UPON A MULTITUDE OF HISTORICAL, POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS AND CULTURAL GROUNDS No other nation in the World has more rights to their land than Jews have to the Land of Israel. These are: historical rights of more than 3000 years living on this Land; the Land of Israel is the G-d’s promised Land; League of Nations and UN with the support of most Nations confirmed the right of the Jewish people to their Land; also a big portion of this Land was bought by Jews as a formal act of ownership; Israel defended and freed her historical Land - Judea and Samaria against homicidal enemies in defensive wars. Following is the argument proving the above points. 1. It is the Land where the Jewish Nation was born and where Jews lived continuously for more than 3000 years. 2. This land was promised by G-d to the Jewish people, forever. You can believe it or not, but this is acknowledged by all three monotheistic religions. The people, who deny this, deny their own holy books and interpret them the way it is politically convenient for them. 3. The Land of Israel, and specifically Jerusalem, is the core and heart of the Jewish Nation. Torah mentioned Jerusalem 667 times. Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Koran even once and the story that Muhammad “traveled” to Jerusalem in his “sleep” was invented later for political reasons. Muhammad, in his verse, has talked about a furthest (uttermost) Mosque and did not mention Jerusalem at all. There was no and could not have been a Mosque in Jerusalem at that time, because there were no Muslims there at the time. Jerusalem was [then] a Christian-occupied city. Muhammad verse was revealed about 622, Muhammad died in 632. Jerusalem was conquered by Muslims in 637 and the mosque was built in 672-691. 4. Ask yourself: if the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount is so sacred to Muslims, why do they play soccer near it, or collect stones there to attack Jews. Let them try to play soccer at the Mecca and Medina holly places. We would see what happens then. From 1948 to 1967 Jordan controlled the so called West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Al-Aqsa Mosque. During this time King Hussein never visited this holiest Mosque. It looks that its holiness in reality is only a tool to deny Jewish rights. They even deny Jews the right to pray there. 5. The Koran clearly says that this Land belongs to the Jewish People. Anybody who contradicts this teaching, contradicts Koran and Islam. The Children of Israel: “Dwell securely in the Promised Land…” (The Koran, The Night Journey 17:104). Koran clearly states (Sura 5:21) that God granted the Land of Israel to the Children of Israel and ordered them to settle there. 6. Israel respects all religions, historical and cultural heritage (Arabs do not respect any religions and cultures and try to destroy them or claim it is theirs). 7. Israel developed this land as a true owner (Arabs not only did not develop it in the past, but also on many occasions tried to destroy it, like destructive excavations on Temple Mount, like arsons of forests, which were planted by Jews instead of desserts and swamps. Arabs behave this way because subconsciously they know - this Land is not theirs. It was a waste Land before Jews started to rebuild it. The real indication of true ownership of the Land is the one who turned it from waste land to today’s modern Israel. 8. The Land of Israel is very small and possession of it by Arabs will not change or improve one-bit the situation of Arabs, but for Jews it is the only place. (Jews have only one small country and the Arabs have 22 countries with vast territory and resources). Is this justice: to deny the Jews their tiny homeland, and to give it to Arabs who already have tremendous territory? Supporters of this in Europe and other places - where is your decency, moral and common sense? 9. Arabs have same religion, culture and language in all of these 22 Arab countries. Arab countries can easily absorb Arab refugees that were the result of Arab aggression. “Palestinian refugees were created by Arab countries when they proclaimed genocidal war against the Jewish State and have asked the Arabs of Palestine to leave for convenience to accomplish the genocide. (All these are documented facts). 10. Where is justice for “Palestinian” Arabs who have been kept in refugee camps for more than 60 years, who were denied citizenship by their Arabs brothers, and kept as second class citizens, and incited against Israel? Why did the State of Israel absorb all Jewish refugees from Arab countries and Arabs don’t absorb “their” refugees? Arab countries should admit their deeds and grant the civil rights to their brothers and help them with what Arab countries stole from Jews. 11. Arabs expelled more than 800,000 Jews from Arab countries, who lived there long before Arabs captured these lands from indigenous people, and brutally destroyed their religions and cultures. All Jewish properties in Arab Countries were confiscated. Give these properties to Palestinian refugees (hundreds of billions of dollars) and their problems will be solved. 12. Palestinian Arabs have the right to live on the Jewish land as loyal, peaceful citizens but if they choose to deny the Jewish rights and declare the goal to destroy the State of Israel, they lose the right to live on this Land.
@Faiez-rh1gm 4 месяца назад
Palestinian are the real Mid eastern Jews who reverted to Islam, Christianity and the rest remaining in Judaism.Make DNA testing legal then we see who is from mid East or Europe 😂😂
@Zionism_Is_Filth 6 месяцев назад
Rabi Virus 🦠.
@rlopez11-11 6 месяцев назад
My name is Ronald Aaron Lopez and I am not free of parasitic war criminals and still yet to be escorted/transported to a high security nuclear fallout underground bunker in Russia or undisclosed location due to a constant audience of terrorists overwhelming anyone who is required to take effective lethal force against them for standing in the way of getting directly to me/myself (Ronald Aaron Lopez) as it would in turn mean that the liabilities involved while I am exploited continue to be way worse as the levels of inapparent savagery and inhumane treatment of me involved are way worse for me at this point in/and time than if I were in isolation with universal human rights and dignity in some cage in a fixed location/prison knowing why I am endlessly persecuted without being able to defend myself. 🆘
@reuvenrobinson 6 месяцев назад
Pure Arab propagand8tic comment
@Faiez-rh1gm 4 месяца назад
Who did so
@Jorenanthony 6 месяцев назад
This was an insightful presentation. Molly's work brought me here. I'm a teacher of humanities, outside of academia; and my father was a humanities professor who wrangled with the university politics of the department he worked in. Needless to say, I watch the climate from afar, with genuine concern. As things keep shifting, it's good to keep a pulse on where the integrity lies.
@leonardocolossi2270 6 месяцев назад
this guy is a typical american imperialist, israelis kill more than 35 thousand people but are not responsible for that just because Israel is a big ally of USA in that region.
@dan61131 6 месяцев назад
JB is the best intellectual in the world today, fit to be US pres not like Biden or Trump.
@cros34 6 месяцев назад
he should be in jail this nazi
@aym9633 6 месяцев назад
Are you kidding me? Supporting Genocide? Shame