Mental Health Explained
Mental Health Explained
Mental Health Explained
Mental Health Explained by a Psychiatrist, Patient and millennial idiot.

Follow my other social media channels; drjanaway on Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok.

@Aromantic_alien Месяц назад
20:19 for me, this card would be "ate too much and felt bad" when ive had like breakfast then dinner, i hate myself and im fat, but i dont hate the fact that i am fat, i hate the fact that i have no self control when it comes to food, which is why im fat (idk, im weird)
@sixty5notch796 2 месяца назад
Super late im aware but if you like this youll probably like my adventures with anxiety!
@n_art_cissist 2 месяца назад
I’d love to see this with even less known and more stigmatised disorders too like DID/OSDD/plurality, NPD and ASPD
@jackolikesgames 2 месяца назад
If I wanted to draft a mobile version of this game to run by you both, would that be okay? That way folx could play virtually with their support system - such as depressed college students or folx whose family is spread out geographically
@PanzerSparrow 3 месяца назад
I still want this game fully flushed out and released like Muffin Time 2 years later. Have you been thinking of continuing it?
@lavilish 10 месяцев назад
I really loved this!
@maxxximum_productions 10 месяцев назад
It's really a shame that this game hasn't been released other than the printable version :(
@rhysbaker2595 11 месяцев назад
Yes, please, give us this game! (In an official capacity)
@krystuf 11 месяцев назад
Hi, I'm french and I would like to translate the game to put it in my boardgame coffey shop (for free of course). Am I allowed to do that ?
@Vernand1 Год назад
If you get rid of the happy cards, you got yourself a Valefisk game
@xDeathreapex Год назад
12 years ago i went through a severe depression which also developed into social anxiety, severe enough to cause panic attacks when around my close family (Lived with my parents at the time). At the time even though it was just 12 years ago mental illness was stigamtized and taboo, so when i got a diagnosis i didn't seek support even when told by my therapist that it would be the best thing i could do. Mostly i didn't include my family at first because i was extremely scared of how they would react to it, but also because i didn't know how to explain why i was doing what i did or didn't do. So i would have loved to have this boardgame back then, it would have helped give my family some idea what was going on, because i couldn't explain it at the time.
@KeiraMcNugget Год назад
I really want this to be made into a game I can buy, also seen people say about anxiety and adhd the game and would like to buy
Very relatable game. 10/10. One idea I have is maybe including those times when people say stuff like “it’s all in your head.” I feel like that could show the people that say that understand what their words really do to someone with depression.
@shavranotheferanox7809 Год назад
this litteraly is the only video on this chanel XD, this chanel litteraly only exist because of this game
@fallsnightmare Год назад
Really eye opening.
@MasterEth Год назад
I love this game
@grandmabutters8502 Год назад
I'm planning on playing this game with a few friends but one of the problems I seem to see with this game is that it's a little too short for how many cards there are. There are more sad faces than happy faces on the board which makes sense thematically; but, you run the risk of players getting bored with the concept and not want to complete the game multiple times to see all the cards. I have a feeling the reason Tom made the gameboard so short is because he originally made it for a video where him and two others make a board game in a week. Tom knew that they all had to play each of their board games so he needed to make it a quicker game to keep the video length below an hour. I decided to remake the gameboard by hand but just added extra squares to make the game last longer. Most people are willing to humour a board game at least once but a lot of the time if it's not the next UNO or Monopoly then they'll never bother to play it a second time. Also I think reading the reflections out loud is absolutely necessary for the game to work in it's goals to be educational, otherwise you'll have people treat it like the flavor text on MTG cards and only read the "got angry, go back 2 spaces" part
@kaseyr.4729 Год назад
You know what I don't know where else I could post this so here's goes Most people who go through their transition usually end up taking hormonal correction pills to fix the hormonal imbalance afterwards and make them feel better right? If so couldn't they do the opposite to feel better in their original body instead?
@imranicanovic1154 Год назад
It's been a year. I wonder if there has been any progress on it (I literally only watched the boardgame video today I am so sorry Tom and Dr.)
@AmazinEarth Год назад
2:28 i guess you could say he tried hard
@fuzzypickle9537 Год назад
One thing I feel warrants calling attention to is that cognitive behavioral therapy is not an effective form of therapy for people with CPTSD or autistics such as myself. When applying CBT to autists and/or those with c-PTSD it can actually do more harm than good
@gghost540 Год назад
If this ever does sell, keep the box cardboard and janky. I love it. He's so proud of it, just keep it that way.
@derdinohorst 2 года назад
this is...kinda awsome lol.... wouldnt have the guts to actually unironicly suggest to play it with anyone lol
@TheZINGularity Год назад
Like they brought up in the video, its very important to atleast try and stop viewing the disease with shame or embarrassment. That being said, i would no doubt also hesitate suggesting it, but i think my desire for them to understand me better & engage in meaningful discussion would overcome the embarrassment.
@callumjohn6622 2 года назад
The "Low Libido" card seems to be a bit judgemental towards asexual players for whom having a low libido might not be a cause for distress. I'd suggest editing the card to be more inclusive or removing it.
@callumjohn6622 2 года назад
The description of that card was never read, but if I was in charge of the game I'd make it something like: "Depression can have a negative impact on a person's libido, which can be a distressing experience either alone or with other people. Everyone is different however, and being disinterested or repulsed by sexual activity is not always pathological and can be an affirming part of one's identity."
@SAnitYluigi 2 года назад
Best duo in this video
@Spacepoliceman 2 года назад
I am a teacher, and this year I will be teaching 11 and 12 year old students. I think this will be an excellent way to introduce the mental health curriculum. thank you for this tool.
@TheSmartboy64 2 года назад
Came here from the Try Hard video where Tom original came up with the idea. Thanks for the free pdf I'm thinking of sending it to the counselors that work at the high school I teach at and let them possibly use it with the kids.
@bardofvoid174 2 года назад
Honestly, oddly enough, just thinking of it as an adventure and discovery and experimenting with food did help me a lot personally with helping myself consistently eat (not recovering from an ed, more-so just pulling myself away from what I was doing long enough to eat, and doing it at a reasonably consistent time), like my mind's like "honestly, what does chicken nuggets with hot sauce taste like? It sounds banger" and my mind's like "damn, I can't argue with that" so I just go do it. (or in other cases it's been something like "huh, I haven't actually tried this type of cheese on a sandwhich before, may as well see how it's like now")
@ClumsyReaper 2 года назад
I love the amount of care put into this.
@quinnlevy8996 2 года назад
I love how he got the socialize card when they were on the same space
@phenomanII 2 года назад
I am very grateful for the effort that has gone into this game, and that you not only thought of the concept, but also executed it so well. I can't wait to attempt to translate it and print it so that I can play it with my family.
@Did_you_find_your_God_in_me 2 года назад
it took me 20 whole minutes to realize the green screen exists
@master21mark 2 года назад
As someone who tried to commit suicide, I think this is awesome. Since the pandemic has caused so many more people to experience depression, more of my family now relate to my experiences which has really helped me, but before then this would have been a really good way to help explain to them how it was impacting me, and let them know what to keep an eye out for. There is a benefit in this in educating those supporting people with mental health illness to in making them aware of the warnings signs so they can help interrupt the cycle. One thing I think you could add is a mechanic a bit like in monopoly if you roll 3 doubles you go to jail - if you have 3 successive sad faces - "someone notices you're feeling low and offers some support". You can't go backwards on your next turn, or 3 happy faces "you experience a manic phase - skip a turn due to burnout". Also I'd love to have a conversation with you at some point about the chemistry of mental health. I did a load of research into it after my attempt a few years ago, and talking with some other people, there is suggestions it could be useful, but I'm not sure quite how to get the information out there in the best way to help others. You seem like the kind of person that could use that information for good. Even if nothing more came of it, trying to give back seems to be my main motivation now to keep trying to get through each day, because I lack much else! Not fearing the consequences of death really changes your perspective on life!
@galaxyghost1215 2 года назад
Okay, so, FUNNY idea... Maybe release the game but do it as a thing where any purchase of the game goes to charities that specifically tackle mental health like the National Alliance on Mental Health
@galaxyghost1215 2 года назад
Note, this is not a specific call out for this charity, just did a quick Google search for a charity name. Y'all probably know better charities
@Duckter_Grey 2 года назад
I would legitimately love to play this game with my family. I have been dealing with depression for quite some time and my parents and siblings try their best to supportive. But they don't really understand why I am the way I am. In fact I feel like a lot of people could benefit from this game, you should see about getting it endorsed by a bigger company like hasbro so that more people have access to it.
@rjharmonproductions 2 года назад
a great sequel to this would be autism the game
@pebblebrain4448 2 года назад
I want an ADHD game with Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria sending you back or hyperfixations making you boost forward.
@VillagerJack 2 года назад
I feel like adding a bit of skill into the game may be a good idea so that it doesn’t leave the idea that you can’t control it. Maybe if you get the happy faces you get a token of sorts that can be used to negate or soften the effects of a sad card. Not only will this improve gameplay (in my opinion Im not at all a professional) it will improve the element of control and understanding. For example, you could keep the token until something personal comes up and that will help the people around you understand. Love your many many videos you’ve uploaded, and am excited for more, you seem like a really nice guy so I hope to see more of YOU.
@gummygrenade 3 года назад
I would pay maybe $40 (American) for this game if it were just a bit more fleshed out. As it stands, it’s just a game of chance (aside from choosing the shortcuts to recovery), but I think this game would be a lot more enjoyable and perhaps educational, if instead of competing to get to the end, it were perhaps a cooperative effort between a group of several players who try to help each other on the road to recovery. Perhaps you draw the card “lashed out” and instead of moving forwards or backwards a few spaces and that being the end of it, the players had to initiate a conversation talking about the incident, why it happened, how everybody feels, and how it can be avoided in the future, but not in a way that guilts the player who lashed out into feeling worse, and depending on whether or not the conversation was helpful or harmful, that player would forwards or backwards. Since I’m well aware that there will be a lot of debate about whether the conversation was helpful or harmful amongst players, especially those who are uneducated on depression or who don’t suffer from it, it might be helpful to include on the back of the card positive and negative points that would be relevant to the conversation and at the end (guilt tripping -2 points, and understanding +1 points), the scores would be tallied up by the player who drew the card at the end of the conversation and the player would move forward or backwards that many spaces. I don’t know if this is a good idea or not, but I do think that forcing more interaction with the game would greatly improve the educational value and enrich the experience overall.
@dhiibvulk9036 3 года назад
I love the idea of this game, I'd love to play it with my friends, as we all struggle with depression or symptoms of
@DrondaDesuix 3 года назад
In all honesty, I feel like the game is way too short to really represent how it actually feels to live with depression. I have played it a few times via tabletop simulator, and after reading the cards a few times I naturally stopped reading the reflections as I had read them so often. Another key point is that it is not all happy and sad, there are a lot of times where you just don't feel much at all, sort of a "meh" kind of situation, and I genuinely feel this needs to be addressed/added. Something like a green space that could do things situationally, e.g. "Same thing different day: take a card from the last face you picked up" There is more, but its difficult to get things into words, I will hopefully figure out another way of getting my thoughts across to you & Tom. Is there a way of contacting you outside of comments?
@rubennoyfb8262 3 года назад
Ps. I'm translating it to Dutch. For my study and my gf, who struggles with depression.
@rubennoyfb8262 3 года назад
Hope you would make more videos for our brain to consume!
@higgsphoenix7706 3 года назад
I’m here from toms channel would like to see this sold
@zephadusjoltspark6951 3 года назад
This game should absolutely be packaged and distributed. I like the simplistic design of the box as well, although that might not have been deliberate, and rather, may have just been a result of making the game in a day. But just a title on a blank box seems to exude a feeling of putting in the least possible effort because that's all you can muster. And that resonates with me quite a bit, because depression.
@valsvoicevault 3 года назад
20:00 ish gave me flashbacks to Tom's signature food Just F*ck It, the only food that comes with an advisory warning.
@ManuelGennaroMusic 3 года назад
i could see this also being played in schools as a tool to raise awareness and teach younger people about what depression is and how it works.
@miawmoon8959 3 года назад
(sorry for the repeated message) i know this probably won't be seen, but would be alright if i translated the depression game to spanish? i think some of my friends and family could use some of the stuff made into the game too!
@trueomega 3 года назад
14:23 for gameplay <3
@bigfearsinc7077 3 года назад
We love the Doc!