Sir J
Sir J
Sir J
@roybandolis8547 Год назад
Thank you, Sir. My report will happen later haha, cramming na this.
@joymiebacsain9273 2 года назад
Bacsain, Joymie O. BSEd-1D The three (3) significant learnings that I've gained from the discussion in STS entitled Science, Technology, and Nation Building are; - The first one is how Science and Technology works. It is firmly fixed in the way of life of the people and used by people in building or developing that they can use in everyday life. Science and technology influence the development of the Philippines as well as the other country. The Philippine colonization contributed to the growth of science and technology in the archipelago even before the time of the Spanish colonization of the Philippines. I also learned the importance of internal and external influences that greatly help in the development of the Philippines. -The second one is that Government policies where connected to science and technology. Science and Technology demand a technologically driven world and capacities the people to live in a world driven by science. Government policies on science and technology introduced and implemented programs, projects, and policies. In the Republic act no. 2067 known as the science act of 1958 an act to integrate, coordinate and intensify scientific and technological research and development to foster invention. -Lastly, the importance of knowing and studying Science and technology and nation-building. It is about the development and improvement of the quality of the life that should be enhanced in the technological driven century.
@nanaleangelicar.2345 2 года назад
The three significant learning that I've gained from the video discussion are: -Science Technology is very useful because of it our society and different nations are growing and improving. -Through the use of science technology we can easily do anything. -While watching the video discussion I realized how science and technology important,especially nowadays,I think we can't live without it. Science and technology plays a huge role into our everyday life. It makes our life become easier. Nanale, Angelica R. BSED-1C
@delossantosrinag.6148 2 года назад
The three significant learning that I've gain from the video discussion are: 📍 science had helped people's life by aiding us feel more at ease and making us to live a better advance and contemporary perspective lifestyle. 📍i learned that the importance of technology in nation building through science and technology hold the key to the progress and development of any nation. 📍 Technology has made our lives easier, faster, better, and more convenient. Rina G. Delos Santos BSEd1-J
@boquironwyethv.1350 2 года назад
Wyeth V. Boquiron BSEd-1D The three significant learnings that I've gained from this video discussion are: • How science and technology have emerged from their existence in the pre-colonial period, which occurred naturally without any formalized knowledge system. And eventually, after or during the colonial period, the introduction of formal education provided an immense, broad, and profound understanding that contributed to the growth and development of science and technology in our country. • Science and technology will always be part of every aspect of our lives and how they benefit us immensely. • And now that we live in a technologically advanced world, the country's ongoing effort to meet the demand of its various levels is geared solely toward progress and development.
@manilyntoledosabas458 2 года назад
Toledo, Manilyn P.( BSED-1C) The three significant and most meaningful things I've learned from this video 1.)First that the science technology creates easily they modernize almost everything from the building roads,walls bridges churches and other large infrastructures technologies help us in easy way information and improve the growth and the advancement of people they live meaningfully. 2.) Second is because the science technology improve our socialization and make our life easier than the past to be comportable of what we are doing. 3.) Third is Science influence us to understand the importance of new ways by using technology it is improve our quality of life ensuring national security and social stability and also we practice our knowledge in a modern technology from past to the present.
@lagongmaryann5956 2 года назад
The three significant learning that I've gain from this video discussion are; 1.Science is the source of our everyday needs , these are came from plant,trees,technology and frastructure.In terms of these we had our food,house,buildings,fresh air,and health sanitation. 2.Science are the one that help us in education to learned more about in medical, physical, and emotional about humans and animals. 3.And Science are the one that gave us the learnings on how to medicate people and animals.
@jhanjhantablante5956 2 года назад
Thank u po sir😊
@cabalteramaricris2053 2 года назад
MARICRIS CABALTERA BSEd-1D The Three significant learning that I gain in this topic Science, Technology and Nation Building is Science and Technology is a very big help to our daily living it easy on us to access in anything that we need to do, second as the year pass as we can see because of science our country is now developing, not like before that we are lack of materials that we need to produced some product to import and export to other countries, but now luckily because of giving importance and prioritizing it, we are now one of the country that producing some goods, look at the transportation and the machines that we use to produced a product. And the lastly because of giving importance to studying the science there a lot nurses, doctors and many profession in medicine, because of the Science Technology improving the health of the country,our health has improved because there are doctors who have truly studied to focus on the safety of all there's a lot of hospital structure that we can use nowadays.
@sta.anagiacynths.3670 2 года назад
Malapo, Bernadette B. BSE 1D Upon watching the video lesson, I learned certain things regarding the topic Science Technology and Nation Building. 1.) Science and technology began long before foreign colonizers discovered the Philippines. Science is observed in the way they interpret the movement of the heavenly bodies. They use it to predict seasons and climates and to organize days into months and years. Technology is used by people to build houses, irrigation systems, and develop tools that they can use in their everyday lives. 2.) Based on its brief history, the Philippines' development of Science and Technology has been shaped by a number of factors and influences. It is always shaped by human and social activities, both internal and external. Internal influences include survival, culture, and economic activities. External influences include foreign colonizers, trade with foreign countries, and international economic demands. 3.) The Government policies on Science and Technology is a great advantage in assuring the development of Science and Technology in the country in order to meet the demands of a technology driven world.
@chadjuanillas1649 2 года назад
Richard Ortanes Juanillas BSED 1D The three(3) significant learning that I've gain from the vedio discussion are; -Science encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment, and technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. -Technology, knowledge and science are fundamental in modern contemporary society. -Understanding of how social, cultural and material elements influence the production of new practices, new ways of understanding and new institutions is vital in our understanding of contemporary postmodern society.
@kayesixc 2 года назад
What I have learned about Science Technology & Nation Building are: a. I identify how and where the Science and Technology emerge in the whole country and the what occurrences affect the development of the Philippines in various field. b. I can clearly perceived what are the influences in development of Sci & Tech in the Philippines, by recognizing the Internal and External Influences that bring massive affect to our country. c. And lastly perceive the Government Policies of Science and Technology, wherein introduced and implemented several programs and policies to amplify our country to this aspect. And clustered policies to help every Filipino. Cabaltera Karen Kaye C BSEd 1J
@janinebelano4796 2 года назад
BSE 1D The three significant learning that I've learn from this discussion video are: was Science and Technology have created information that will can improve . Second one was Science and Technology are playing important part in our daily lives because it make things easier and faster. Lastly I learned the most important contribution of science and technology in the Philippines is the communication and transportation due to the conquest of our different countries .
@justinpaz8162 2 года назад
PAZ ,JUSTIN P. BSE 1C Direction : Give three (3) significant learning that you have gain from the video lesson . After watching nor having my comprehensive analysis of understanding . These are the three of learnings I gained from the video discussion . 1. Development at any stage is constantly connected with innovation and innovation happens when there is progression in science. Henceforth science, innovation and improvement are for the most part corresponding to one another. Because development is needed in each person to each country in all angles and for advancement to occur, science and innovation go connected at the hip. Yes! fundamentally science is known as the investigation of information, which is made into a framework and relies upon breaking down and getting realities. Innovation is fundamentally the use of this logical information. 2. For any fruitful economy, especially as today continued looking for information based economies, science, innovation and designing are the fundamental essentials. Assuming countries don't carry out science and innovation, the odds of getting themselves created gets insignificant and subsequently could be even evaluated as a lacking country. Science and Innovation is related in all methods with advancement and it is a fundamental instrument for fast turn of events. 3. Modernization in each part of life is the best illustration of the execution of science and innovation in each country. With the presentation of current contraptions in different social statuses, life has become straightforward and ofcourse this is conceivable simply because of carrying out science and innovation together. I percept that without having current gear's in all areas, be it in prescriptions, foundation, power, data innovation or some other field, the progression and advantages that we face today would not have been conceivable. Furthermore, as for the destructive power of technology and science, we have nothing to worry about as long as we are good. Cause the current technology that we have nowadays don’t have the means to kill us unless we use it to kill ourselves. So if we should get wiped out the power of technology, it will be no one but our own fault cause we are the one who pull the trigger. Not that it matters much in the bigger scheme of things.
@salcedomaryfrance3217 2 года назад
Salcedo, Mary France O. BSE -1C Three significant learning that i gain on this video. 📌 First, our ancestor are working for something that can be useful in our daily life. They are making an advance expirement that is needed by people. We also know that many filipinos are intellegent not just in the field of science that's why many discoveries are useful for us now. 📌 Second, Philippines are rich in natural resources that's why many country are importing or exporting a product that can make their economy increase. 📌 Lastlt, through science we can develop something that can be a useful to people. Also science made a strong impact on people because this can make an improvent in terms of medicines, agricculture, products and other useful need of people.
@samboanprincessjoybalbuena880 2 года назад
The Three (3) significant learning that I've gain from the video discussion are: 1.New knowledge which serves as a direct source of ideas for new technological possibilities. 2. Source of tools and techniques for more efficient engineering design and a knowledge base for evaluation of feasibility of designs. 3. Research instrumentation.
@cederiarebecca7110 2 года назад
Cederia, Rebecca S. BSEd 1-C Three significant learnings that I've gain from the discussion: 1. Long before, our ancestors was unconsciously practicing science and was slowly making difference in this field. In medicine, our forefathers made use of the abundance of nature such as plants to cure or heal some kinds of diseases. It is called herbal medicine, which was still practiced up unto this generation even though there are many innnovations in medical field brought upon by the advanced knowledge and technologies. 2. We cannot deny the fact that the Philippines is indeed wealthy in natural resources, that is why countries such as the America dwell to subjugate our country. During the American period, they had use their reign over Filipinos to explore the mining industry that further exploited our natural resources. 3. People are naturally curious over circumstances such as natural phenomenon, wherein we unconsciously applied the knowledge of science. During the Pre-Spanish and American Colonization, there are many activities that are linked to science which was then based on culture and belief system of our ancestors. To excavate this throughly, the government had created laws and policies that focused on empowering science and technology. The most significant among policies is the Republic Act No. 2067, also known as the Science Act of 1958, an act to integrade, coordinate, and intensify scientific and technological research and development ot foster invention.
@nicoleibarrientos6612 2 года назад
Ibarrientos Nicole R. BSEd 1-D 3 significant learning 1. In my own perspective the significant role of science and technology was to Improve the quality of life this are the main role of science and technology. The real economic growth and transformation in any society and in wealth creation also the role in Philippine national building. 2. Science and technology has a great impact in everyone lives by making life's better and easier without science and technology theres nothing. Science and technology used us in everyday we also used it in work, school to communicate. Studies of technology and science provides students with insight into how different processes of knowledge are initiated and progressed, and how innovative technological processes are developed, employed and increase in importance. 3. It is important to study and know more about science and technology because it give so much influence in every person. Science and technology are essential for success and development. In culture, technology plays a sole in wealth creation, improving quality of life through economic progress and transformation.
@ballesterzairav.7619 2 года назад
Ballester Zaira V. BSED 1-C Major In Science Development at any stage is constantly connected with innovation and innovation happens when there is progression in science. Henceforth science, innovation and improvement are for the most part corresponding to one another. Development is needed in each person to each country in all angles and for advancement to occur, science and innovation go connected at the hip. Fundamentally science is known as the investigation of information, which is made into a framework and relies upon breaking down and getting realities. Innovation is fundamentally the use of this logical information. For any fruitful economy, especially as today continued looking for information based economies, science, innovation and designing are the fundamental essentials. Assuming countries don't carry out science and innovation, the odds of getting themselves created gets insignificant and subsequently could be even evaluated as a lacking country. Science and Innovation is related in all methods with advancement and it is a fundamental instrument for fast turn of events. Modernization in each part of life is the best illustration of the execution of science and innovation in each country. With the presentation of current contraptions in different social statuses, life has become straightforward and this is conceivable simply because of carrying out science and innovation together. Without having current gear's in all areas, be it in prescriptions, foundation, aeronautics, power, data innovation or some other field, the progression and advantages that we face today would not have been conceivable. A country who can't thrive on these grounds could always be unable to support the lives there and may need to exclusively rely upon different countries for the fundamental necessities. Such is the impact of science and innovation for the advancement of a country.
@beroinprincess3186 2 года назад
Beroin, Princess B. BSE- 1 D These are the 3 significant learnings that i have gain from the video discussion: 1. I discover that during the old times, old Filipino people are creative that they developed sets of system and policies that surely help them on their everyday living and for their progression also, so that i realize that science and technology is one of the need of us as a human being to live. 2. I've learn also that our life with science and technology helps us to be more advanced in producing new products or discoveries that would be more favorable and essential for all. 3. Influences of the different agencies, policies, and development in the Philippines helps the people to be more productive and help them to improve their scientific knowledge and become proficient on it for the better.
@fabregaamypamela2536 2 года назад
Fabrega, Amy Pamela S. BSE 1A I noticed that in this lesson instead of making it broad, sir j only focused on our own country which is the Philippines. Honestly, I gained a lot of knowledge in this video but I only have three to mention so here it is, (1) first is way back to the time before other countries colonized the Philippines, We Filipinos have our own culture and tradition, in fact, our country already has groups and tribes that impose rules that are not as complex as the justice system today. During the pre-colonial period, our ancestors already had science even though they were not aware of it, such as planting crops that provided food for them-Banaue rice fields are the most famous man-made structure of over 2000 -6000 years old who contributed to science and technology. There are also different cultures and traditions built in the pre-colonial period which are the presence of faith healers, medicinal practices using plants, animal care and breeding of various other living chickens produced by thus producing better products, and also developing a transportation system to exchange products with other tribes. (2) In the Spanish era life became modernized, they brought us their own culture and practices. Science and technology were modernized by building roads, establishing schools, and introducing the concept of the subject related to plants, the human body, and animals. However, there was still a lack of privilege to some in the lower class just like in health studying medicine was only for the upper class. After the Spanish rule, the American period came after and made a big improvement and brought it to the next level in almost all aspects were enhanced such as in agriculture, food production, medicine, pharmacy and also the transportation was improved. The American has also given the focus on the public education system whereas a lot of universities build. In terms of health Americans improve engineering works and the health of the people. Filipinos learned the value of proper hygiene and cleanliness through the Americans. (3)The Government policies in science and technology introduced and implemented programs and projects and policies to boost science and technology which has the goal of preparing the whole country and its people to meet the demands of a technologically driven world and capacitate the people to live in a world driven by science. The president that brought a lot of advancement in science was Ferdinand Marcos who headed to build many foundations that undeniably helped the country one of those is the establishment of the PAG ASA or the Philippine Atmospheric geophysical astronomical services administration to prepare the country in case of a strong typhoon.
@noejoan7597 2 года назад
Science and technology are developed by time in which each era from pre-historic up to present had an evolve and improvement through time that makes the people live better. Through colonization in the Philippines, the life of people is improved and modernized in which technology and science are more advanced than recent era. Science and technology have the greatest contribution to good transportation, trade, medicines, agriculture, and so on that give an impact to the society.
@payramaryrosem.3414 2 года назад
Payra, Mary Rose M. from BSEd -1D The three significant things that i gain from your video discussion: 1. The significance that science and technology as we all know that we live in the age of science and technology, the life of every one of us is highly depends on the scientific inventions and modern day technologies. Science and technology has changed the lives of people to a great extent. It has made life easy, simple and fast. 2. The improvement we are seeing in our life on daily basis is because of the science and technologies. For the proper growth and development of the country, it is very necessary to go science and technology hand in hand. 3. The science and technology they also helped establish the galleon trade. And they pushed for the installation of power all over the country.
@bellezakeithleenb.2809 2 года назад
Belleza, Keithleen B. BSE IC The three significant lesson that I actually have received from the discussion are the following: Firstly, I have found out that earlier than colonization of Spaniards, our ancestor already had practices linked to S𝚌𝚒ence and Tecchnology. Early Filipinos were conscious of the medical and therapeutic properties of plants and methods of extracting medicine from herbs like what Babaylan does when she cure illnesses. However, the country's development in science and technology was not only formed by the lives of early Filipinos because there were some external factors like colonization by the foreign countries, trades with other countries and international economic standards has also contributed too. Second, The colonization of the Philippines by spaniards contributed to the growth of science and technology. The spaniards inttoduced formal education and founded scientific institution. During spanish rule in the Philippines they have established Parish schools where religion,writing and music was taught but sadly, ordinary people cannot access this education because it was only exclusive to upper class of the society. In addition, advance methods of agriculture was taught to native also and later on the spanish established colleges and universities including University of Sto. Tomas.Moreover, the galleon trade have accounted in the Philippine colonial economy. Third and lastly, The progress of Science and Technology continued under American rule. Science during American period was inclined towards agriculture , food processing, medicine and pharmacy. They had also introduced the secularized public school system. To sum up, Americans primarily aimed to develop human resources in the Philippines and brought great impact in the country. At last, we as residents of the country and who hold equivalent obigation we ought to do what we can to get our country further developed levels than what it is today.
@bulalacaojudyannb.6460 2 года назад
As ive watched the video lesson ive learned that science and technology was usedd even before especially during the pre-Hispanic Era. Our ancestors used science and technology in their own ways through their agriculture andthe use of plants for medicines. Second, when American came, many advancemnets and developments like establishments of schools, hospitals and many more.Americans brought many contributins in the countryalso they developed engineeing. In addition, Ive also learned that the Galleon trade was discovered and contributed to the change of culture, laguage and environment. Lastly, ive realized that science plays a vital role in our society. We do know that science and technology is all over the world and it is more beneficial because it creates things that can change the world.
@maealbia8138 2 года назад
The three (3) most meaningful things I learned from watching the video lesson. 1. Science and technology have assisted people in a multitude of ways, including agriculture, trade, transportation, and so on. Humans have been able to make their lives simpler and more convenient through the advent of mechanisms. 2. Science and technology assist in the provision of solutions to the different difficulties that society faces in order to improve societies level of living, making our life easier, more pleasant and comfortable. It plays a significant role in the creation and advancement of modern mechanisms, innovations, concepts, and principles in today's world, as modernization spreads over the globe. 3. Through the result of the colonization of different countries. Science and technology have advanced and improved. They made major contributions which we now use and profit from.
@trishareyes4163 2 года назад
REYES, TRISHA MAE C. BSE 1C There are other lessons I've learned, but I think these three ideas highlighted this lesson. The first is that our forefathers had their own culture and beliefs long before colonizers arrived in the Philippines. They already had a structure or system in place for how they wanted to conduct their lives. So, in terms of culture, tradition, agriculture, and other disciplines, our culture was already formed at that time. The second point is that we have seen how our society has changed over the years, whether in terms of technology, education, medicine, or other sectors, and science has had a significant impact on these developments. Our way of life, as well as our environment, has evolved into a more modernized society. And lastly, colonizers ruled the Philippines for a long time, drastically altering the way of life of the ancient Filipinos. It's not new to us that there was abuse and detrimental effects on the culture and people during the colonial period, however, under Spanish and American colonization, they were able to enhance the education system, the medical system, and infrastructures.
@jovenbabyjoy996 2 года назад
Joven, Baby Joy T. BSEd 1A Topic: Science, Technology and Nation Building Here are the significant learnings that I have gained from the video discussion First, our forefathers discovered medicinal and therapeutic properties of plants by using them to cure various illnesses and diseases, raising poultry and livestock to produce better products, and developing transportation systems before we are being colonized by the other country. Second, while the Spaniards modernized our country in terms of science and technology, the Americans took it to the next level, improving almost every aspect of life, including agriculture, food production, medicine, and even pharmacy. Third, the government established policies on science and technology in order to improve people's skills, knowledge, and ideas about the past and the advancement of the world in science. In addition, the influence of the other country are still vivid and evident since the education system and various fields are alive and on the process in this present time that's why it is essential to learn and study science.
@nilayanmaryfrance7017 2 года назад
Nilayan, Mary France R. BSEd - 1A The three significant learning that I've gain from the video discussion are: 1.) During the Pre-Spanish colonization, Science is already existed because of the people planting crops to provide them food and they use a medicinal plants to cure illnesses. 2.) The different country who colonized the Philippines have different contributions in the Science and Technology. Like in the medicine, building infrastructure, education and other things that help people to become their life better. 3.) In today's generation Science and Technology helps people in everyday life. It because of the gadgets and appliances that can be use by the people to become there life easy. Also because of the technology we can easily communicate with other people and be updated of what is happening in the world.
@mediadocarlajoy1772 2 года назад
Good day, Sir! Mediado, Carla Joy B. (BSE 1I) The three (3) significant that I have gained from the video lesson 2 about Science, Technology, and Nation Building: - First and foremost, the role of science and technology in Philippine Nation Building. Historical events glimpsed me an idea on how our ancestors greatly influence in terms of science and technology which already existent that time through their cultures and traditions. Even the colonizers that colonized our country as well such as pre-spanish colonization, spanish colonial period, galleon trade, american and new republic because these colonization also contributed a lot to the development of science and technology. Generally, the fundamental role of science and technology in Philippine Nation Building is to improve the quality of life of every human being so that it is merely important to us the internal and external influences in nation building. - Second, the government policies on science and technology with it's contribution in nation building. Just what like Sir J said, the RA 2067 also known as the science act of 1958 is one of the example of policies pertaining science and technology for the promotion of national progress. And also the DOST and ASEAN organizations with it's significant goal about science and technology for nation building. For me, it is a great contribution in implementing this kind of policy because as we all know, science and technology plays a crucial role in our daily Iives so it will be always part of our life especially we are in a competitive world in order for us to be prepare for a technologically driven and in a world driven by science. - Lastly, As a learner, the advancement of science and technology became influencial and beneficial for us. With the connection of the policies clustered by NRCP, it showed on how school shape science and technology especially in terms of education. In today's generation, we were seen the demand of globalization because there are many Filipinos are already became as a scientist and science educator and this is because of the nflyence and study cience and technology so that the subject itself, through the scientific knowledge we gained, we will surely apply it into many aspects of life for the improvement and development of our nation. Thank You po.
@hermoraprincess73 2 года назад
The three significant learning that I've gain from the video discussion are: ○We filipinos had our own science and technology and it is already existed before the colonization. we have our own belief, we have our own technology. but because of the influence of the other country our science and technology had evolve and became more better and more advance especially on our agricultural and medicine. ○Science and Technology has a huge and big impact on our daily lives have become more easier.They change the way of living of people they give additional tools in order to make the production more faster than before like the Galleon Trade, school, religion, buildings, bridges,roads and medicine they contributed alot of information about science and technology in order to make the Philippines belongs to modern world. ○In terms of government policies, it contributed much for the nations development & progress that our government, helps us to make our lives easier, and they do their best for our sake, and to organize our country, we need to respect and obey government policies to become better Filipinos and Philippines.
@mylacortezano6288 2 года назад
For this lesson, my primary takeaways are the following; Firstly, during the pre-historic era, our ancient ancestors are prospering their means of survival through the use of their innovations and employing scientific approaches. Despite the fact, there is no modernity at that time it is embedded into their religious beliefs, farming activities, medication, tribal hierarchy, the justice system, and trading activities. Secondly, the inception of the further development in a land unbeknownst had its drastic transition through the colonization of Spaniards. They were the primary reason why there exists Catholicism amidst the unique practices of our ancestors. They have opened the door in the improvement of structural, infrastructure, education, politics, government policies, information, and technology. In addition to this, the era of American ‘modernized’ Filipinos paved the way for the new Republic and its freedom. This is why there is a substantial amount of effort and attention given to inclusive education and opportunities to uplift health education. Additional colleges and institutions that focus on science were established. Finally, science and technology have a pivotal role in a country. Given the current system of our government policy and state of scientific activities, there is a necessity in funding for researchers and their scientific discoveries. Government and scientific advancement should be set in motion to be able to drive its path in unified innovation. Significant data, information, and evidence can serve as a pillar of maintenance the equilibrium of promising society towards the scientific and globally competent nation.
@vasquezzarahmaev.2969 2 года назад
The three significant learning that i gained in the video lesson. First I've learned that are native filipinos have an idea of science and technology even before the colonized our country. And have an importance of technology to hold the key to the process and development. Second importance part of history has allowed the learn more the world. Lastly spanish era, philippines became modernized especially in technology and medicine. It's sad that you don't science we would not have many things we use now.
@elsalayones3182 2 года назад
The three (3) significant learning that i've gain from the video lesson are; I learned that, - Science and technology have really created so much information that would really a big help in improving the growth and advancement of people's lives. - The colonization of the Philippines brought a biggest impact and contribution in the country that leads to the introduction of great things in the field of education and other institutions ;lastly - Science and technology extremely plays an important role in the society and specially in humans life, enables us to feel comfortable and live in the modern way of life.
@soroanmary-annem.3264 2 года назад
Science, Technology, and Nation Building 📍 Science and technology are critical to any country's success and development. 📍 In any culture, technology plays a critical role in wealth creation, improved quality of life, and true economic progress and transformation. 📍 Students can learn how diverse processes of knowledge are launched and progressed, as well as how novel technological processes are established, employed, and grow in importance, by studying technology and science. 📍 Science and technology have produced new knowledge, contributed in the growth and advancement of people's lives.
@wyndelynmejia4556 2 года назад
The Three (3) Significant things that I've learned from the discussion: ✒️Science has made progress in meeting the world's growing food demand. Advances in this field will result in fewer diseases because of enhanced quality of studies with proper standard cause by technology, better food quality, safer consumption, a wider variety of foods, lower food costs, improved preservation techniques, and less waste. ✒️Technology has made our lives easier, faster, better, and more convenient. ✒️Science and technology are essential for any country's progress and development. In any society, technology plays a critical role in improving the quality of life as well as economic growth and transformation. 🖤Wyndelyn P. Mejia 🖤BSE 1A
@donnasilvatv3437 2 года назад
Silva, Donna Mae E. From BSED-1D The three significant things that i gain from your video discussion: 1.The significance that science and technology have played in improving people's lives around the world is clear, but all countries must reap the maximum benefit. With the advancement of medicines and disease analyses, science and technology has made life a lot easier and better. Aside from medicine, there has been significant progress in education, communication, agriculture, and industry. 2.The lifestyles of early Filipinos had a significant impact on the country's science and technology development. External forces such as foreign colonization, trade with foreign countries, and international economic norms are all external causes. 3.More science and technology have entered the country as a result of the galleon trade. Foreign ideas, thoughts, technology, and Western culture and customs were permitted to enter the country through these exchanges, influencing people's lives.
@consultajenny9580 2 года назад
CONSULTA JENNY BSED 1A Science and technology have contributed a lot to the progress of the society we live in and nation building itself. Science and technology are an absolute necessity for all walks of life and the key to opening the door to progress and development in every country. Science and technology play a fundamental role in the overall improvement of everyone's economy, wealth and quality of life. The galleon trade brought more science and technology to the country. These trades bring foreign ideas, concepts, technologies and Western cultures and practices into the country and affect people's lives. Americans are doing everything they can to "Americanize" the Philippines. They restructured science learning and brought it into public and private schools. In basic education, science education focuses on natural studies and science and health until it becomes a formal "science" subject. Science teaching in higher education has also been greatly improved and modernized. Carry out research on the control of tropical diseases such as malaria, cholera and tuberculosis.
@elviesangal3442 2 года назад
The three significant learning that I've gain in our discussion are . •science and technology improve our food production here in the Philippines,it helps to secure the quality of food and medicine •science and technology play a vital role in the Philippines nation and building •and lastly i think that the foreign colonizer was a good influence too like in technology, science, mathematics even the infrastructure, buildings and easy access in the technology and etc.
@crizeljoellaibarreta9275 2 года назад
Beyond, listening and gathering information in this video lesson provided by our instructor. Here, are the three (3) significant things that I’ve learned, In this lessons discussion in Science, Technology and Nation Building. 1. The development of Science and Technology in the Philippines, based on its brief history, is shaped by several factors and influences. Like in the history of science in other countries. It is always shaped by human and social activities, both internal and external influences developed science and technology. · Internal Influences- survival, culture, economic activities. · External Influences- foreign colonizers , trades with foreign countries, international economic demands. 2. The Filipinos developed ways to replicate technology brought by the Spaniards using indigenous materials. Medicine and advanced science, while the Americans have more influence in the development of Human resource focusing on producing more engineers, scientists, and other professional in the country. 3. Science and Technology may have significant impact on the lives of the people and in the development of the Philippine society. However, improving the quality of science education still remains as a big challenge in the country. - Ibarreta, Crizel Joella M. BSEd- 1D
@christinegracebrina2239 2 года назад
The three significant things that I've learned from this discussion: First, Is that prescience already exist back with our ancestors but they unconsciously practicing it and their beliefs and religions somehow affect the progress with the innovations of science, technology, and Nation building. Second, that there are two major source of influence that contributes to the development of science and technology in the Philippines. These are Internal Influence which pertains to the acquisition of knowledge by discovering by theirselves or naturally occurring. While, External Influences basically originates with the help of other countries. Lastly, I become aware of those institutions and organizations that regulates and helps the improvement of science and technology in our nation. Like National Research Council of the Philippines or NRCP which aims to promote a higher level of profeciency in research and development. Science and technology are essential to create and build a better and progressive nation.
@anicalmaryrose3564 2 года назад
Everyday is a learning process and day by day we gained knowledge. In this lifetime, we all know that we live in a knowledge society and every individual have their own capabilities when it comes in acquiring expertise. Is science gives benefit in education. For that reason, how does science shape education? As a student, from then until now science has a huge help when it comes in education. Though apart from being carry out, science education teach young learners in terms of problem-solving skills in that will help them throughout their schooling. Furthermore, what I’ve learned? In this lesson I honestly acquire knowledge that absolutely help me. As I’ve said earlier, science is the most important channels of knowledge. So, through science, it shapes us to broaden or deepen our knowledge in terms of the awareness to the development of the country. Moreover, those technology promotes a good benefits to us. In conclusion, it promotes innovation and discovery of new technology in addition to it helps to rebuild a struggling nation to rise up. Having a good connection between science and technology is such a big impact to everyone of us. That's all, thank you. I am Mary Rose Anical a student from BSE 1A, thank you po!!( ◜‿◝ )
@richellerobregado512 2 года назад
The three (3) significant learning that i've gain from the video discussion are; ▪️ all the discoveries and developments of tools lead to more knowledge and advancements in the field of science ▪️ Today technology is practical application of science which help in improving the quality of life ▪️Made life a lot easier and also a lot better with the advancement of medicines and analysis on diseases. - BSEd-1C
@rivalalaine7600 2 года назад
The three significant learning that I have gained from this discussion are: ◼ Science and Technology is the reason why there's a lot of improvement happened specially in terms of our environment growth and also it makes our life easier and better. ◾Science and Technology in terms of medical field it can make discoveries regarding treatments, data collection, symptom and disease research, cure research, human aiding devices (like hearing devices and speaking devices). and Technology has made the medical area very accessible to people. technology affects communication by making it easier, quicker, and more efficient. ◾And lasty Science and technology in terms of our Transportation has led to the construction of good and reliable roads, rails and bridges which has made transportation easier and comfortable. and it has made possible for the production of cars, aircrafts, ships, boats, etc that has made the transportation of people and good easy and convenient also It has helped to enhance international trade among countries of the world.
@bigatajessamae1584 2 года назад
The following are the three (3) most meaningful things I learned from watching the video lessons: 1. I learned that science,technology and knowledge is needed in the society because it is important to establish new ways of understanding and new intuitions of vitals in understanding of contemporary post modern in the society. 2. today's world, the role of science and technology is indispensable. We need Science and Technology in every sphere of our life like to treat diseases such as cancer or even to book a cab or train/flight ticket. 3. I have learned that Science and technology have had a major impact on society, and their impact is growing. By making life easier, science has given man the chance to pursue societal concerns such as ethics, aesthetics, education, and justice, to create cultures, and to improve human conditions.
@marieisaac8192 2 года назад
Soriano, Marie Joy-Ann I. BSE 1C • As I watched this Lesson on science before the modern era, I learnt about the importance of science and technology on the growth of the Philippines as a country, which is the topic of this lesson. Long before Spanish colonization, various individuals and communities in the Philippines practiced science. Besides, the expansion of science in the country and its development as a discipline is a mix of indigenous and foreign concepts. Spain and the United State were instrumental in setting the framework for science in the Philippines as the country's former colonial masters. To boost the Philippines' science program, the government establishes numerous science initiatives, policies, and projects.
@espalmadojasminm.3277 2 года назад
ESPALMADO, JASMIN M. BSE 1C Good day, Everyone!💖 How does school shape Science and Technology in our country? The School plays a fundamental role in the development of Science and Technology in our country. We all know that school is an educational environment where students or scholars went to pursue essential knowledge that will guide them to achieve their dreams. The School will serve as a framework to build every student’s skills and will make them competitive in any aspect. Moreover, the school will convey as an eye-opener to the students on what is the importance of Science and Technology in our country. As the students acquire a lot of imperative intelligence in the School, some of them will be interested to discover things that will ameliorate the quality of our life which considered as Science and perhaps it is related to Technology. The School is the home or the place of the Future or past individuals that will help to advance the current status of the Science and Technology. In conclusion, the information that I aforementioned are the factors how the School shaped Science and Technology in our country. Activity: Provide 3 significant learning that you gained from our discussion and write it down in the comment section. As I continued to watch this video where the primary objective is to give knowledge regarding the ‘’Science, Technology, and Nation- Building’’. I finally conclude that Science and Technology have a great contribution to the development of our country in any phase. The following information that I will mention is the 3 significant learning that I learned after the discussion. 1.First and foremost, After the discussion, I have now a wide understanding of the true meaning of Science. I thought Science just completely evolve to the things that need an extensive experiment or discovered by a certain scientist but now after the discussion I now realized that Science also includes the things that we always do on our day-to-day bases such as planting plants, taking care of of animals and food production. 2. Next, I also learned that the past colonizer's countries made such a colossal contribution to the improvement of science and technology in our country. I honestly think that those colonizers countries just influence us in the means of culture, beliefs, religion, way of living, and so on. It didn’t even cross in my mind that they made a significant impact on the growth of Science and Technology in our nation. 3. Lastly, this presented video objectively helps me to acquire knowledge concerning the policies implemented by the National Research Council of the Philippines (NCRP) which greatly helps the state of our science and Technology as well as it will serve as a preparation for the upcoming or future meeting of the ASEAN Goals. That will be all and I hope that I answers the following questions systematically and precise. Thank you so much, Sir! Have a nice day ahead po.❤️❤️❤️
@lopezcherisam.6836 2 года назад
The three significant learning that I've gain in our discussion are: > I've learned that Science and Technology play a big role in the evolution and advancement in the world and in human life. > Second, I've learned that our native Filipinos or ancestors are already practiced the idea of Science and Technology even before the colonizers colonized our country. > And lastly, I've learned that during the Spanish era, Philippines became modernized especially in Technology and Medicine. And during the American period, the Americans focuses on the Public education system, Improve engineering works, Health of the people and Mineral resources. And during the American period, the Filipinos became "Americanize" than being conservative one.
@jared1893 2 года назад
These are my 3 significant learnings I have gained from the discussion: 📌As I watched the video discussion, I have learnt that, before hispanization of the country, early Filipinos have been exhibited science and technology in their ways of life. This scientific and technological knowledge that they exhibited and practiced is for their own survival, culture and economic activities. Through their ways in agriculture, and methods of livestock, the scientific knowledge of the early inhabitants of the country is now being manifested such as using of medicinal plants for healing of illnesses. 📌And as a result of colonization of such colonizers Science and technology has already evolved, for instance, the Americans has brought a remarkable contribution to the development of science and technology in the country and one of these is the introduction of the secularized public school system. And furthermore, I have discovered that galleon trade has brought more science and technology in the country. These trades allowed foreign ideas, concepts, technology and practices to enter the country that influence people lives. 📌Lastly, I've learned that science and technology nowadays plays a fundamental role in the creating a modern ideas and innovation. for instance, Nowadays , especially as the disastrous plague hit many people lives all over the world , Science and technology is more beneficial because it helps to creates vaccines for treatment of the diseases and viruses. That's all Thank you..
@jemmaryeballar8459 2 года назад
I learned through the video lesson that the country's progress in science and technology was affected not just by the lives of early Filipinos, but also by external causes such as colonization. During the spanish colonization period, the country learned new cultures and practices brought by the Spaniards, which is one of the contributions of the spanish colonization period. Science and technology play an important role in the country's long-term growth. The basic rule of science and technology, real economic growth and transformation, and wealth creation is to improve the quality of life.