Protagonist Rayen
Protagonist Rayen
Protagonist Rayen
Hi, I'm Rayen! I make anime content, video essays, and do reactions sometimes. Enjoy your stay here and I hope you find something interesting.
The Attack on Titan Hype Train is Here.
8 месяцев назад
Who was right in Attack on Titan?
9 месяцев назад
Shirogane's BL Rap Is Deeper Than You Think
9 месяцев назад
The Pain Of Free Will | A Psycho-Pass Analysis
9 месяцев назад
Link Click Season 2 Ep 11 Reaction - STOOOOOOP
10 месяцев назад
Are Your Friends Fake? - An Oregairu Analysis
10 месяцев назад
A World Without Lies - A Code Geass Analysis
10 месяцев назад
Link Click Season 2 Ep 8 Reaction - NO WAY!
11 месяцев назад
What Link Click teaches us about regret
11 месяцев назад
What anime inspires you?
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The Greater Evil Paradox - A Code Geass Analysis
11 месяцев назад
I Watched The Worst Anime Ever - Ex-arm
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5 Animes for Beginners (2023 Update)
11 месяцев назад
New Best Girl? - Zom 100 Episode 2 Reaction
11 месяцев назад
@priyadharshinikoala11 3 дня назад
Not all passionate people are allowed to do what they are passionate about..
@imlordbacon7473 5 дней назад
Being a slave of your own nature suggests that no one ever has free will yet you have a choice to what you want or obsess over right? It’s a contradiction
@jonathancrosby1583 6 дней назад
Wouldnt the sword of akasha just be the biggest case of DID ever conceived
@jaye660 7 дней назад
It sounds whacky bcoz the second half is reversed !! Both visuals and the audio
@Brevincampbell12 7 дней назад
In some way Charles plan is like Ywach’s. They both wanted a world without pain or suffering where people could be happier, but in doing so the world they would create would be stagnant and never change or develop
@MorroWolf 9 дней назад
Lelouch is correct except the ends do not justify the means as the means can corrupt your end result you may think you've gotten what you want but you often leave something behind and if you are cold and callous that thing can foment into another tragedy ( see US actions during the cold war in Afghanistan). Suzaku is childish and cannot see past the tip of his nose, from the moment you are in the trolly problem with the power to decide choosing not to do anything has the same outcome and moral consequences of choosing to let the group of 5 die. Suzaku is only trying to clear his conscience but doing so requires him to be willfully ignorant of the institutionalized violence he is a party to. The trolly problem is limited and oversimplified though because it gives you no other options which you may have in real life. In real life there are often other people and other things around that give you alternatives to throwing the switch . It's a good example to use talking about this show because both Suzaku and Lelouch would absolutely take advantage of these other options, Lelouch has geass and Suzaku is superhuman. For both of them there is a third choice but I think that's what geass is literally meant to represent in the story, Suzaku eventually gets his own geass power from Lelouch.
@random_guy_12321 10 дней назад
Glad, I wasn't the only one who didn't get that the song is reversed in second half... IKR it sounds so unbelievable that I could not even image that they would do it.
@Haymee 11 дней назад
it really breaks my heart how XiXi walks towards the light, her home, back to her dead mom while Li Tianchen walks towards darkness, completely lost
@Randomideasofficial 11 дней назад
Great video. I personally don't feel that in a realistic world, Lelouch's plan for the future (the show's ending) would fail. It is probably the most perfect ending to a story ever, yet it does not work in reality. I really don't know if you can stop evil, and I'd say that you should chose the lesser evil if forced to make a choice, but otherwise you should still try to be a good and moral person.
@Randomideasofficial 11 дней назад
This was very insightfull. I'm on my third rewatch of code geass and I still struggled to understand what charles wanted. I personally think that schniezel has the least bad plan for the future, but that's just me
@ajdinimsirovic2757 14 дней назад
Of course he wouldn't be happy by the time he reached the ocean, he literally had his father's memories of how the rest of the world viewed his people, they weren't free since the world wanted them all dead because they were Eldians I view the story as warning not let hatred amass for 2000 years, for the world not to be filled with it that the only solution becomes the rumbling, Willy pretty much sentenced the world to it, Eren waited for four years and only after the declaration of war was the plan put into motion, only after the representatives of the nation in the world were crying tears of joy at the thaught of genocide. Marley was also the nation were the Eldians were treated the best, if that doesn't tell you how the world of AoT is wrong on a fundamental level that i don't know what is
@resistencia1297 18 дней назад
No, is a nazi
@hualian5339 18 дней назад
this is also because passion was never thought in school and society would pressure you. what they taught in school was mostly standardize theories and such so you'll fit for a job like a mechanical robort working your days off with repetitive cycle of what you're doing that's why it's easier to get burn out. your not doing actually what you like it's just a job who give you money. plus art is not really viewed highly that's why it can earn only less compared to famous jobs out there
@JateriusWoods 18 дней назад
Pull the lever only thing stopping me from killing the one person is if the 5 were criminals then I would kill the 5 men
@anthonyju6392 20 дней назад
What if there is a more over arcing story line connecting all the stories. This song talks about the 7 sins. Which are Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. 1. Lust could probably fall into the first episode. 2. Gluttony with the Ramen. 3. Sloth with the Guy who didn't tell his love what he wanted. 4. Pride with the Martials Arts Teacher 5. Greed with the Restaurant owners. 6. Then we have Envy for the Killer. Then there is Wrath which is season 2.
@jayt9608 21 день назад
I believe that for Lelouch, his moral dilema can be answered by his other philosophy, "The one who kills must be willing to be killed." Thus, he goes is willing to pull the lever, but he has arranged it so that the train will kill him after killing his victim.
@hdshjs 22 дня назад
You haven't butchered Chinese names! You pronounce it correctly🥺🥹 I never subscribed that fast - within few seconds. You are co professional and your voice is very pleasant to listen too. Wish you all the success. Great recap. Please, do Link Click theory/prediction video as well.
@austinwall3085 22 дня назад
At the end of the day, the concepts of Good and Evil are relative. So whether or not you pull the lever, you will still be viewed as evil to the other person or people. You still made a choice that ended lives, whether it was actively killing someone or actively choosing to do nothing and just letting multiple die for the sake of your own beliefs. So inevitably, neither of them can be good or evil.
@levimogford3202 22 дня назад
>playing chess like lelouch >plays chess normally i wanted king rushes :(
@zachwilson6124 26 дней назад
No, you're simply wrong. Marley had it coming. They butchered the people of Paradis simply because of what their ancestors did. Marley did unimaginably evil things to Paradis, and then all of a sudden Paradis is the bad guy for doing it back?
@Omega-EP Месяц назад
As for switching tracks or pushing the fat person onto the tracks, the answer should be obvious. You can choose to do nothing, but in doing so you have chosen not to intervene and thus causing the deaths of four innocent people - provided that they're inherently innocent. Fat people are generally not happy, otherwise they'd be thin. Many are guilt eating, not exercising enough, generally feel bad about themselves and their figure and thus experience less happiness in the process of living than thin people. I would absolutely sacrifice the fat person for four thin, healthy people, even if I were that fat person. If we spun the question around another way; what if the fat person was a family member or a loved one? Now that would make things more interesting, since most people would be out for themselves or their families and not for a stranger.
@Omega-EP Месяц назад
You mention that Lelouch is prepared to commit a greater evil to rid the world of the lesser, do you not? Is the other, more prolonged, "lesser" evil (Britannia) really that much lesser than the greater one committed by Lelouch throughout the show? I think, that a quick and painless death to a regime is less evil than a slow and torturous one for an entire, near disarmed people. Well... Multiple people to be exact. Japan weren't the only affected country after all.
@m.a.2633 Месяц назад
"In my case, I commit evil in order to destroy the greater evil." - Zero
@tyranniccubone8259 Месяц назад
While at first it may appear that Lelouche is Utilitarian (ends justify the means) and Suzaku is Kantian (intentions excuse consequences) the truth is that anyone who is not a psychopath doesn't hold these philosophies as absolute. They might generally guide what you consider right and wrong when dealing with strangers but both Lelouche and Suzaku have deeper motivations which which precede these philosophies and sometimes conflict with them. Lelouche may be a utilitarian when he can but he would sacrifice any number of people to protect Nunaly, Suzaku may embrace Kantian values when he can but he continues to to serve Britannia because to betray them would contradict the well intentioned murder of his own father. In real life the motivations people have are a tangled web brought about by their own life experience, in the moment you may be forced to quickly decide between your own personal interest and doing whatever you think is right either immediately or in the long run, occasionally being so conflicted that there is no right answer or you simply make the worst choice in the moment. In the end once you finally accept your mistakes and form a more coherent world view you may find yourself even more isolated from the thinking of a normal person, like when Lelouche realizes that he has to keep lying to people and being as cold and calculating as possible, or when Suzaku uses the new weapon that kills millions and realizes that he can no longer afford to agonize over the deaths of civilians and that there is no good way to fight a war.
@chriswhane5782 Месяц назад
what a smart response!!!how about this? do you believe every person is equal, that they all deserve happiness but in am equal rate so we change the thought experience with this thought these 6 people you love equally you want them to live equally so are you willing to sacrifice one you love for 5 others who you love aqually? by this prespictive its moraly just to act this evil act you doing nothing means you value the ones happiness over another 5 then you don't think lives and happiness are equal no matter the difference or your scared to take responsibility for the action by this will suzaku kill euphy for nunly and luluosh sake ? or will he be biece? life has facts but these facts explode to different meanings that justify and contradic each other basicly different interpretation that satisfy your stand while in onather interpretation satisfy other that's why we contradict we live in a contradiction that are driven by biece fear of change basically we are a world made of small pieces each peice represents one life this life is biece to that life and to every piece that fit and support this piece now the question is how do we connect an amazing diverse world ? so diverse every connection no matter how similar it is to another is different and unique that's why we don't measure human lives because in what standard do we measure? by which peice do we utilise to past judgment in all of the picture? there well be always a contradiction you can't measure uniqueness by another uniqueness by this standard every one is equal for not being equal!! now how do we fit the pieces?
@Terminatortravis Месяц назад
Erens “ friends” were traitors
@BoserPSN Месяц назад
I’ve went to a business school after middle school even though I wanted to go to a chemistry focused one but it was inconvenient to get to I studied business law for a while but it just never really clicked. I like law but yeah. I stopped. For a long time I didn’t do much of anything A week ago I attended a chemistry lecture at the local university. And I felt like I belonged there. Which made the realization that I can’t study it without wasting at least a year or two hit even harder. I didn’t leave my bed for the whole weekend. It’s weird.
@deathsama1001 Месяц назад
yeah but sybil isn't AI, it operates on a collective network of human brains
@j4yd3n.d13d Месяц назад
It is AI, just not solely AI
@LeungAriel-oq2fr Месяц назад
I felt so weird because link click is a Chinese anime which in the show they speak Mandarin and now I’m hearing it in Japanese 😂 but I think the Japanese sounds good too
@IMCALgames Месяц назад
I don't care how fat that man is, he ain't stopping a train. And if he did, the people on the tracks would get hurt and possibly die anyway. I hate that version of the scenario so much! Lever situation: I'd probably be to overwhelmed to take action, but if I weren't I pull the lever. Fat man situation: He ain't stopping the fucking train, I'd be killing 6 people. I'm not pushing him.
@Alistair_McCullom Месяц назад
The great thing about Eren as a protagonist is that his motivations are so muddled, inconsistent, and all over the place that any argument on the subject is equally valid because they are all equally contradicted by the source material (which definitely isn't bad writing). Was his objective total freedom, to protect Paradis, to give his friends long happy lives, or to recreate the empty world in Armin's book? Your guess is as good as mine.
@GregSmithIII Месяц назад
Had nothing do with Armins book
@theguy8052 18 дней назад
Eren motivations aren't muddled ,incorehent or all over the place. He wants to be free. He wants to fight for it because he was born in this world. Thats why he fights. Freedom to eren is being able to live a normal live without being under the threat of getting killed.
@Alistair_McCullom 18 дней назад
​@@theguy8052 But he literally says I don't know why I did this, that he did it all for his friends, he wanted the world to reassemble Armin's book, and it was the best path to create a lasting peace. You can do a headcannon where he is lying when he gives each of these motivations but that doesn't change the fact that Eren's goal of the rumbling is inconsistent.
@catsuneniku Месяц назад
Something crazy to consider is that Bai Sha Jaws learned how to actually sing the chorus in reverse and did it live and it's so unbelievably incredible
@shhhh8401 Месяц назад
Real world needs a reset too probably 95%
@BobtheCAT-kg1ed Месяц назад
The manga and anime constantly reiterate over and over again that human conflict will never end. Even if Eren achieved the full-rumbling who is to say Eldia won't find another reason to become divided and fight amongst each other? I feel like a lot of Rumbling-supporters missed the point of this message. As stated in the "Publicly Available Information" from episode 86: When Titans were the greatest threat, Titans were the enemy. When countries were the greatest threat, countries were the enemy. For as long as people hold firm to different beliefs, there will always be an enemy
@GregSmithIII Месяц назад
Eren didn't care about civil war. His goal wasn't to end all human conflict. It was free Eldians from oppression that's it.
@WhooNiki Месяц назад
That video was beautifully put together 😍 I am in love with the anime and got the first of the manga recently too
@astrosmithsin3153 Месяц назад
Damn it makes my eyes water seeing Leouch death again but remembering the latest movie a smile resurfaced at my face
@TheVoltStrike Месяц назад
interesting choice to be talking about art and passion while plastering machine generated images all over the video, everybody wants to romanticize it but not respect it
@kurocrow_ Месяц назад
It’s so ironic with what’s being discussed that the moment I realized I ended up clicking off half way. So unfortunate
@williamdu5739 10 дней назад
Did the video get changed after this comment
@fanny-tv3et 10 дней назад
​@@williamdu5739 no u can see them at 3:51
@anonymoususer6527 Месяц назад
Proud yaegerist
@hish33p32 Месяц назад
"When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back" -Friedrich Nietzche
@NoonMountain 2 месяца назад
Season 1 Episode 5.5 explains why they're suddenly marrial arts masters. A lot of people skipped 5.5 thinking it was a recap, but it was a side story
@robertsutton1295 2 месяца назад
Paradis: "We can't/won't Rumble." Marley: "Excellent! Now DIE and give us all your land and resources!" Paradis: "Okay, then we will/can do the Rumble" Marley: (forms Global Alliance) "OH SHIT!! Die and give us all your land and resources!" Paradis: Well...shit. RUMBLE!
@ozeistudio6916 2 месяца назад
u got a new sub girl.
@ozeistudio6916 2 месяца назад
loved the voice acting
@DramaticCrossroad 2 месяца назад
I feel like trolley problem is really about if a person willing to put a value of people's life that can be measured with quantity. There are so many variables to consider that it's impossible to give a universal solution. Say you pick to sacrifice 1 person and save the other 5. But the 1 person is a child, and the 5 are his/her grandparents. Would you think it's fair? Would you think these 5 people would be thankful or they would rather sacrifice themselves so their grandchild lives instead? In the eind if you pull the lever, decide to not pull it or not participate - you are not the one who tied the people to the tracks and shouldn't be blamed for the outcome.
@calciumis 2 месяца назад
For anyone in search for passion, i recommend watching Grant Sanderson's graduation speech of 2024
@Morghast 2 месяца назад
This is God Tier. The paraphrasing is TOTALLY ON POINT
@alexvaughan1013 2 месяца назад
I like the YT short where the guy turns the train track into a ramp, which sends the trolley flying into a children's hospital! Complete with Free Bird!
@themanwithtomanyeyes8282 2 месяца назад
I feel like this is opposing motion, and entropy, and therefore - a discussion about a different Philosophical point. To place that concept in our world. Creating Collective Consciousness amongst humans dosen't gurantee shit. It can lead to development of new being/beings in the process and reimagine society far beyond our expectations. Meaning that it's not a wish fullfillment.
@pesverse290 2 месяца назад
I just graduated from highschool & I watched it during highschool too. I'm totally like Hachiman except for the fact that he redeemed himself at the end of the show, got 2 girls fawning over him but I couldn't do anything.
@jastynnebiazon5056 23 дня назад
so real
@siddhantsharma4952 12 дней назад
my future
@NitroLad 2 месяца назад
Amazing Video Essay
@NitroLad 2 месяца назад
Thank GOD there are still some people who like Blue Period
@andychua2766 2 месяца назад
I mean he pretty much wanted human instrumentality from Eva. A world with no lies like the one he described is a world where we all lose our individuality