Konstantinos Sarrikostas
Konstantinos Sarrikostas
Konstantinos Sarrikostas
@yuhboi6816 Месяц назад
Fans of pre-Whittaker Doctor Who waiting for it to actually be good again:
@akseminole 2 месяца назад
What have they been eating for 24 years? 🤔
@professorSS1 3 месяца назад
Με οδήγησε εδώ η αξιοθαύμαστη ερευνητική εργασία του Γιώργου Αλλαμανή, που γέννησε το βιβλίο "Στον καιρό της Λιλιπούπολης" (2022, Εκδόσεις Τόπος). Συγχαρητήρια για την υπέροχη προσπάθεια και την αναβίωση ενός ολόκληρου κόσμου μέσα από τις συγκινητικές φωνές των παιδιών, που, αν μετρώ σωστά, ολοκληρώνουν πλέον το Λύκειο, και την καλλιτεχνική επιμέλεια των υπευθύνων δασκάλων. Οι ήρωες είναι όπως ακριβώς τους γνωρίσαμε και αγαπήσαμε, με όλα τα χούγια και τα υφολογικά τους χαρακτηριστικά. Η δε επιστροφή σε όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερες τοποθεσίες της Λιλιπούπολης μέσα από αυτό το ολοκαίνουριο, πρωτότυπο επεισόδιο, επαναφέρει μνήμες ενός όχι και τόσο ξεχασμένου παρελθόντος, το οποίο βεβαίως ολοένα και περισσότεροι έχουμε βιώσει κάποια στιγμή εκ των υστέρων, και όχι κατά τα έτη της πρώτης ραδιοφωνικής μετάδοσης των επεισοδίων (1977-1980). Άλλωστε ο ύμνος είναι σαφής και περιεκτικός: "Ωραία Λιλιπούπολη, ποτέ δεν σε ξεχνάμε"· και τέτοια μεμονωμένα, αλλά ερωτικά δοσμένα εγχειρήματα όχι μόνο τον επαληθεύουν, αλλά δίνουν και συνέχεια. Ίσα-ίσα για να δικαιωθεί το δίστιχο της Μαριανίνας, "Την πόλη Λιλιπούπολη ποτέ δεν θα ξεχάσω / Κι αν δεν χαθώ στον γυρισμό, ίσως ξαναπεράσω". Από έναν co-gamer.
@rowena6188 5 месяцев назад
Well well up there amongst the best scenes in Doctor Who of all time. Makes me cry without fail. The hymn, and the lesbian wives, and the unity and the hope. I love it so much.
@markking8292 8 месяцев назад
Glory O Lord, to your precious cross
@devonmartinez4961 9 месяцев назад
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross. The emblem of all suffering and shame.
@farscape1714 Год назад
This played well when the goverment forced locked us all inside while they rain amunk. Hope we learned our lesson, never trust the government of any country.
@user-qjvqfjv Год назад
This is the best version of "Old Rugged Cross" I've ever heard, even though it was from a weird fucking series full of furries and lesbians.
@groudonor12 Год назад
This sounds so dark..
@doveprogramme Год назад
Taxi 🚕 🚨
@Mopehome Год назад
@LightLife4 Год назад
A perfect accompanying song reflecting on compassion and unity standing together when times are hard, even when physically apart
@martinwood744 2 года назад
So the M25 hasn't improved even by the year five billion.
@sammckelviewarsop1194 2 года назад
RTD Doctor Who writing just hits different
@Johnlindsey289 2 года назад
These cat people look better then the cats in cats movie
@dawnschram 2 года назад
I like that they included both an American hymn and a British hymn in this episode
@jasonpdsi 2 года назад
This is such a chilling scene...
@arthurmartin4616 2 года назад
Bit of an odd episode, but a wonderful one nonetheless.
@markhartshorn3476 3 года назад
Watching this and yes I cried ok?
@johngalayda8880 3 года назад
Lord. Have Mercy On Us, who are coming out of this pandemic, that we might see your Divine Image in every person, and give every person the love and respect that he, or she, is due. For Thou Art Blessed Unto The Ages Of Ages, Amen.
@MarkGrindell 3 года назад
How can it be, that something can truly be so very sad, and so joyous at the exact same time? Something about a cross, I suspect. Bless everybody here who lost someone. Bless all of you. I lost six relatives in the last year.
@hollywark2885 3 года назад
One of the most beautiful scenes in the whole show, this was such a powerful episode
@designgirl3556 3 года назад
I will never not be sad that this song wasn’t on the soundtrack.
@pogigwapo5093 3 года назад
Okay there is no way that people singing that quietly in cars built like that would be able to hear each other, no matter how many of them there were
@Maeve-The-Brave 3 года назад
Such a powerfully moving and heartfelt moment from this amazing, amazing episode. Gridlock earned its place in my list of top 10 Doctor Who episodes (if not the top #1). You know though... I literally *just* realized the further significance of what Brannigan told the Doctor: “we are not abandoned. Not while we still have each other,” as a foreshadow/nod to The Face of Boe’s message, “you are not alone”. I’ve always struggled with what that big ol’ face meant exactly. Because they do find the Master only a few episodes later. So yeah, technically not alone as a Timelord. And you can tell that’s what the Doctor believes the message to be about. BUT, in my heart, I think this quote points out the real, obvious answer..
@drewharding 4 года назад
At least it's great seeing them all singing together
@emilysgottalent4806 4 года назад
This episode is literally the most saddest, especially with David Tennant
@essx9325 4 года назад
Yeh this song...how can you not cry😂
@christineweber1337 4 года назад
Who performed this?
@willmako5009 4 года назад
I just realized ... the lady who makes these announcements is basically the closest thing they have to a religious figure: she's the voice of the outside, trying to guide them in this eternal traffic jam, talking to all of them with a universal voice. So they patch it up with old Earthling songs of worship, hope and belief. Damn that episode was great
@BECKITCHO 4 года назад
Very beautiful song....It was so soulful. ;) We all need songs like that.
@Skulblaka1987 4 года назад
If ever there was a time for this scene to be more thematic, it's right now. Stay safe everyone, for one day we will all come out of this, donning out own crowns.
@SophieAdamsonMusic 4 года назад
Never did I think a Doctor Who episode would have such relevance to real life but now it seems there are so many similarities to the current lockdown to stop the spread of Covid-19. The human spirit and urge to care for others keeps us going. Stay safe everyone and tell your loved ones you love them ✨🤍✨
@rachriah92 4 года назад
Anybody else come to watch this scene because of the similarities in this epidoide to what's happening now?
@maddigotnojams1964 4 года назад
This is what church will be like until the Coronavirus dies down. 😢 Be safe, everyone.
@NateSean 4 года назад
For those in quarantine, know that we are all in this together and we will come out of it one way or the other, together.
@The.Badger. 3 года назад
@kyotosinfinity5959 3 года назад
I came x
@lastswordfighter 2 года назад
Bullshit there is too much abuse and corruption and dereliction of duty happening under this pandemic as a cover. Until we start to make a move to make a few things right you'll never see me wear a suit of white. Till things are brighter I'm the man in black.
@GoogleUser-dwcy 4 года назад
On a hill far away Stood an old rugged cross, The emblem of suff'ring and shame. And I love that old cross Where the dearest and best For a world of lost sinners was slain. So I'll cherish the old rugged cross. Till my trophies at last I lay down. I will cling to the old rugged cross, And exchange it some day for a crown.
@TW-ug5iq 4 года назад
Best version of this song anywhere
@PSelver Год назад
Any idea which recording of this song was used? The choir sang it beautifully. Would like to hear the whole version
@tanzkoyolforever7743 5 лет назад
I'm sobbing ~
@arianebolt1575 5 лет назад
They may be stuck on a road to nowhere, driving in endless circles, but they have their lives.
@willrowe6683 5 лет назад
Love this song
@johnmarlin7269 5 лет назад
"Not while we have each other" -- amen.
@johnmarlin7269 5 лет назад
So beautiful.
@starseedtravel8902 5 лет назад
Best scene from this show!
@jasonirelan4487 2 года назад
Best scene in all the episodes period in my opinion. I never thought a science fiction show like this would play that song, and it was so touching that they did. I remember singing and watching it twice when I first saw the episode, and I was starting to tear up when I thought about what He went through for us. This is truly one of the best hymns ever written.
@theecanmole 5 лет назад
All those obviously 'British' people, just stuck in a perpetual space traffic jam. And the Doctor asks "What if there is no help coming, what if there's nothing.." Hey guess what that's a perfect analogy for the United Kingdom hopeless paralisis dealing with Brexit in the last 27 days until the hard "no deal" exit from the European Union!
@grandadmiralthrawn9231 5 лет назад
The EU isn't some sort of God or anything. There's only 27 countries who are members. Every other country on the planet outside of the EU manages to survive. Can you believe it?! I almost forgot that the UK has survived and prospered long before the EU come along and will continue to do so long afterwards
@samconduct1356 5 лет назад
Good grief. Did the writers have any idea as to just what the meaning and significance of this song is? It's Jesus dying on the cross to take the sins of the world and defeating death and the grave. Not something to be sung lightly.
@cjdvise 5 лет назад
Well, in this episode's case, it wasn't sang lightly. Sure it's original meaning is probably not what the characters were singing about, but they we're singing it in the hope of reaching their destination. For Christian's like us, that destination is Jesus.
@plankton199 5 лет назад
Lighten up Francis...the Bible says: "Make a joyous noise unto the Lord"...
@mariatolich4056 5 лет назад
The lady said "shut up we are not abandoned". Maybe she meant that Jesus never abandons us. God said "I will never leave you or forsake you "
@Wellch 3 года назад
I didn’t see the writers offend this song.
@peterowen9183 2 года назад
It's not 'sung lightly' at all. It's incredibly powerful, and a scene that comes right out of left-field. It's also another example of how the most openly and avowedly atheist writers are often obsessed, in their own writing, with the symbolism and concepts of religion - Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, John Lennon's 'God', Russell T Davies here, and pretty much anything Philip Pullman has ever written.
@cathrynsmith9872 6 лет назад
My favorite part off my favorite Dr. who!
@nitro5247 6 лет назад
Sometimes I hate when they use lines like “our civilization has matured beyond religion” and things like that. In my opinion it just makes them sound really pretentious and stuck up, as if having traditions and culture is something to be ashamed of.
@papanurgle8393 5 лет назад
Religion has also been pretty damned cancerous, I can understand someone wanting to reject it, or appreciating a society that's moved passed it. We shouldn't ignore the role it played in shaping our society or how it's contributed in defining our cultural identity, but disavowing the meter thick layer of head-scratching and gut-wrenching BS it's generated ain't exactly a bad thing.
@lastswordfighter 2 года назад
@@papanurgle8393 Atheism has only produced the degenerate Marxist and the socially inept fedora toting neckbeard.
@DoctorVision 6 лет назад
It's an absolute crime that this version was never released on the soundtrack!
@devonmartinez4961 2 года назад
@doveprogramme Год назад
Yep. Best one I’ve heard so far.
@jamesroseii 10 месяцев назад
I literally just posted that same sentiment on Reddit. Such an absolute BANGER of a version!!
@JLukeHypernova 6 лет назад
That has to be the most miserable existence ever