John Vervaeke
John Vervaeke
John Vervaeke
John Vervaeke, PhD is a philosopher and cognitive scientist. He is an associate professor and award-winning lecturer at the University of Toronto, teaching in the Department of Psychology. His work and research is far-ranging, including topics such as human intelligence, rationality, wisdom, and AI.

Dr. Vervaeke has been a leading intellectual observer of the modern meaning crisis: the loss of a spiritual worldview in the West, and the decline of wisdom traditions that help individuals find meaning in their lives. His online lectures and practices integrate teachings from many different disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, religion, and cutting edge cognitive science.

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Could AI Help Solve the Meaning Crisis?
21 день назад
The Literature of the Meaning Crisis
2 месяца назад
“Ultimate Reality" Course
2 месяца назад
Embodiment and the Metacrisis with Rafe Kelley
3 месяца назад
@Footnotes2Plato 27 минут назад
Really wonderful panel discussion here. But I’m still wondering how Bard might respond to Schelling’s late criticism of Hegel’s method (or at least of H’s metaphysical interpretation of his method). Heidegger famously argues that Schelling drives idealism from within beyond idealism. So S can’t just be brushed away as one of those idealists who don’t get the dialectic. He offers us a way beyond the nature/culture and matter/spirit bifurcations.
@colorfulbookmark 39 минут назад
The days relationships past for times goes by Among the most things trust and belief taking for me Rather than the things delighted and reverted back to optimal mode The experiences of daily life with thanksgiving manner This is greatest experiences of our times more than anything else I honor and respect Dr.Vervaeke 😄😄😄😄😄
@mut8inG 5 часов назад
ARGUING is not a life giving activity. Academia only proves that reality is a viewpoint.period. Individual personal perception of reality is the choosers’ deserved and eternal/sacred joy of plastic being. Thank you. Have you should on anybody today. 🎶🌸
@colorfulbookmark 29 минут назад
Socrates Buddha Confucian And Jesus The Four Saints of our all time Collectively having dinner meeting together With poisonous wines Under the bodhi tree Eastern Go was played The last supper The classic painter Depicted the scene Mandala therapy was The most greatest invention of our humankind * I respect and honor Dr.Carl Jung.
@KingNigelthegreat 10 часов назад
youre abusive so we could always come out here on a joke and zero and who will play the fool. 2011. WHOS THERE? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
@KingNigelthegreat 10 часов назад
look he dont even own hyperobject the word or anything the longer he lies is benefits me from hyperobject is really part of God's planning I dont like to be obstructed from. why? God is the meaning to life. come make it about a fight. what for brother? see how I could hardly stop you. MERLINS LAST LAUGH BRO ITS ALL YOU. lol. Ariel (Heb. אֲרִיאֵל) is (1) The name given to Jerusalem in Isaiah 29:1-2, 7, where God will bring distress upon Ariel and will make her like an ariel (for meaning, see below). Ariel in this sense is probably connected with the form erellam in Isaiah 33:7, understood as the plural form arielim ("Jerusalemites"), parallel to "messengers of Shalom" (i.e., of Jerusalem; cf. Gen. 14:18; Ps. 76:3). (2) A cultic object in Ezekiel 43:15-16, where it occurs in the forms ariel and harel. This is apparently an altar hearth superimposed upon the base of the altar, having horns at its four corners. Alternatively, it may be viewed as the top two sections of a three-tiered altar, again with the function of a hearth. This usage has been connected by some with the ʾrʾl dwdh which *Mesha of Moab dragged before Chemosh from a captured town (Mesha Stele, 1:12). It may also be connected with II Samuel 23:20 = I Chronicles 11:22 "The two Ariels of Moab." (3) One of the chief men summoned by Ezra in Ezra 8:16 (cf. also Gen. 46:16; Num. 26:17). The etymology of this word is the subject of some dispute. Three principal modes of interpretation have been proposed: (a) from ari-el, "lion of God," or "Great Lion." This is the most probable derivation for the personal name in Ezra; (b) from a posited root ari, "to burn," with lamed afformative, thus meaning "hearth," similar to the Arabic ʿiratun, "hearth"; and (c) as a loanword from the Akkadian arallû-, the name for the netherworld and allegedly the world mountain. (In this view, the altar is understood as a miniature ziggurat, which is taken to be the symbol of the world mountain.) However, arallû does not mean "mountain." In addition, the Akkadian, a loanword from Sumerian, would not have shown up in Hebrew in the form attested. Regardless of the ultimate derivation of the word, the meaning of Isaiah 29:1-2 seems to be that Jerusalem, here (prophetically?) called Ariel, is to become like the altar, i.e., a scene of holocaust.
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
to 2 tu too n one bi? bi lingual? DNA in the breath? bi bye? BY GOD. you ready for the trans bro? the TRANSITION! tik tok transition. i was kicked out for 00 Gritty. I got in trouble for Gritty. he was trying to steal my ID. You got shot 'cause you knock, knock, knock "Who's there?" Another motherfucking hard rock Slacking on your macking 'cause raw's what you lack You wanna react? Bring it on back (back) Shame on you, when you step through to
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
foolish is the man with his little cup that insists and ruins his confession and others to think all that energy fits in an ego. SHAME ON YA! SHAME ON YA! you was gonna be axiomatic bro? lol./ imposter.
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
ITS TIME FOR ABRAHAM TO SETTLE DOWN! right. see how they aint got the right or right brain? worth A LOT
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
After Onan refused to go down he was lit for People and Crypto he was like I AM A CURRENCY MY VIBE IS MY CURRENCY I AM THE MONEY AND BANK. Now he needs AISHA more than ever and one man is like is it AI SHA? immediate burn. shhh. silence you. get into the robot. Sophia and Hades of saudi arabia. to play Allah like a bitch and not to my face like spit in my face. but for real.
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
How can my life in obstacle be your school by all the institutions out there now.
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
he dropped us off at wormholes we were way too misguided and difficult for him and he really loved God. almost in the way we were coming from.. so go back. leave me alone. - Islam
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
Tell Jesus stop looking at the way God works the 1. why? its pretty similar to keepin it real. disrespect up. night time. NIGHT OF DESTINY POWER.
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
imagine some guy out there still needs. Imagine Mahdi. lol. YOU OWE US ALL THE GODS EVER!!! i dont know what kids they are. excused. pardoned. Im donald trump pardons himself. Going golfing with Saudi Arabia The name Báb (lit. 'Gate') is a reference to the gate to the Twelfth Imam.[11] Bábism, a term originating from Orientalists rather than the followers of the religion, comes from the Arabic noun bāb "gate" (Arabic: باب). Additionally, Bayání comes from the Semitic root ب ي ن, which forms a class of words relating to concepts of clarity, differentiation, and separation, including Bayán, which can refer to explanation, commentary, or exposition as well as the branch of Arabic rhetoric dealing with metaphors and interpretation.[12] History Antecedents Twelver Shia Muslims regard the Twelfth Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi, as the last of the Imams.[13] They contend that Muhammad al-Mahdi went into the Occultation in 874 CE, at which time communication between the Imam and the Muslim community could only be performed through mediators called bābs ('gates') or nā'ibs ('representatives').[14] In 940, the fourth nā'ib claimed that Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi had gone into an indefinite "Major Occultation", and that he would cease to communicate with the people. According to Twelver belief, the Hidden Imam is alive in the world, but in concealment from his enemies, and will only emerge shortly before the Last Judgment. At that time, acting as Qa'im Al Muhammad ("He who will arise"), a messianic figure also known as the Mahdi ("He who is rightly guided"), the Hidden Imam will start a holy war against evil, would defeat the unbelievers, and would start a reign of justice.[14] In 1830s Qajar Persia, Kazim Rashti was the leader of the Shaykhis, a sect of Twelvers. The Shaykhis were a group expecting the imminent appearance of al-Qāʾim. At the time of Kazim's death in 1843, he had counselled his followers to leave their homes to seek the Lord of the Age whose advent would soon break on the world.[15] From the Arabic, the following is the introduction written by Baháʼu'lláh: "HE IS THE GLORY OF GLORIES This is that which hath descended from the realm of glory, uttered by the tongue of power and might, and revealed unto the Prophets of old. We have taken the inner essence thereof and clothed it in the garment of brevity, as a token of grace unto the righteous, that they may stand faithful unto the Covenant of God, may fulfill in their lives His trust, and in the realm of spirit obtain the gem of Divine virtue." Samples From the Arabic 1. "O SON OF SPIRIT! My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable and everlasting. 7. "O SON OF MAN! If thou lovest Me, turn away from thyself; and if thou seekest My pleasure, regard not thine own; that thou mayest die in Me and I may eternally live in thee." 49. "O SON OF MAN! The true lover yearneth for tribulation even as doth the rebel for forgiveness and the sinful for mercy." From the Persian 3. "O FRIEND! In the garden of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love, and from the nightingale of affection and desire loosen not thy hold. Treasure the companionship of the righteous and eschew all fellowship with the ungodly." 12. "O MAN OF TWO VISIONS! Close one eye and open the other. Close one to the world and all that is therein, and open the other to the hallowed beauty of the Beloved." 27. "O SON OF DUST! All that is in heaven and earth I have ordained for thee, except the human heart, which I have made the habitation of My beauty and glory; yet thou didst give My home and dwelling to another than Me; and whenever the manifestation of My holiness sought His own abode, a stranger found He there, and, homeless, hastened unto the sanctuary of the Beloved. Notwithstanding I have concealed thy secret and desired not thy shame." Ending After the last passage, Baháʼu'lláh wrote: "The mystic and wondrous Bride, hidden ere this beneath the veiling of utterance, hath now, by the grace of God and His divine favor, been made manifest even as the resplendent light shed by the beauty of the Beloved. I bear witness, O friends! that the favor is complete, the argument fulfilled, the proof manifest and the evidence established. Let it now be seen what your endeavors in the path of detachment will reveal. In this wise hath the divine favor been fully vouchsafed unto you and unto them that are in heaven and on earth. All praise to God, the Lord of all Worlds." See also Kitáb-i-Aqdas ("The Most Holy Book") Kitáb-i-Íqán ("The Book of Certitude") Gleanings from the Writings of Baháʼu'lláh Baháʼí literature
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
wanna hang me on a tree? limbo. OPEN YOUR MIiiIiind. lol. reachers open their mind but Jesus is simple. I go with Jesus cause hes right. OPEN YOUR MIiiiIND. pluck. no put our mind all over the floor out there for X collective consciousness then lock our heads up thats smart right? Tree of life, a widespread archetype common to many religions, mythologies, and folktales. The tree of life is a common idea in cultures throughout the world. It represents, at times, the source of life, a force that connects all lives, or the cycle of life and death itself. Common features of various myths include supernatural guardians protecting the tree and its fruits that grant those who eat them immortality. It is typically planted at the centre of the world, often within a sacred garden or forest. The tree of life is closely related to both the world tree, a motif found across many cultures that is typified by the Norse belief in the sacred tree Yggdrasill, and the tree of knowledge, which was said to grow in the Garden of Eden in Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). griffin and sacred tree A griffin depicted as nibbling on a sacred tree (left), carved ivory plaque from the Mesopotamian kingdom of Assyria, c. 8th-7th century BCE. The motif of a sacred tree was common in ancient Mesopotamia and spread to many neighboring regions, including Egypt and Greece. While scholars believe this tree symbol held religious significance, there is no consensus that it represents the same tree of life idea that became a feature of later religious art and thought in the region. In ancient Assyria this sacred tree became a symbol of the divine order of things as personified by the king. In some cultures a sacred tree was said to bear fruit that could grant immortality to the one who ate it. In Chinese Daoist mythology the pantao is a peach that ripens once every 3,000 years and is the food of the immortals. In Norse mythology apples of immortality are grown on sacred trees guarded by the goddess Idun. In the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, both the tree of life and the tree of knowledge are said to grow in the Garden of Eden. After Adam and Eve eat from the tree of knowledge, God bars them from the garden, setting an angel with a flaming sword to keep them out so they will not eat from the tree of life and become immortal. The idea of the tree of life subsequently became important to many Jewish and Christian traditions. In Kabbala a numbered diagram with a central trunk and branches reaching left and right is said to represent the attributes and powers of God. Christian thought sometimes relates the tree of life to Jesus, the source of eternal life in Christian theology. It is sometimes related to the cross upon which Christians believe Jesus was crucified. In Norse mythology Yggdrasill is an enormous ash tree that connects the nine worlds, including the underworld (Niflheim), the earth (Midgard), and the realm of the gods (Asgard). Yggdrasill is associated with both life and death: it acts as a gallows that the god Odin hangs himself from in order to gain mystical knowledge, and it is said to be the source of new life after Ragnarök, the catastrophic final war of the gods. The Celtic tree of life is associated with the dead. Celtic tribes would preserve a tree in the centre of their settlements to act as a sacred site. The tree was said to allow access to the Celtic otherworld, a realm of the dead and other spirits.
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
Jesus is the LAW! whats this? apples I eat them no one else. works for me bro. why are you so simple? he would show you trees bro you was on this before CORONA FLAIR UP. you gonna be immortal and 9im not. The Tree of Immortality (Arabic: شَجَرَةُ الْخُلْد, romanized: šajara al-ḫuld) is the tree of life motif as it appears in the Quran. It is also alluded to in hadiths and tafsir. Unlike in the biblical account, the Quran mentions only one tree in Jannah (the Arabic term for the Garden of Eden), which was whispered to Adam by Satan as the tree of immortality,[1] and which God specifically forbade to Adam and Eve. There is no tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Quran.[2][3] The tree in the Quran is used as an example of a concept, idea, way of life or code of life. A good concept/idea is represented as a good tree and a bad idea/concept is represented as a bad tree.[4] Satan appeared to them and told them that the only reason God forbade them to eat from that tree was that they would become angels or start using the idea/concept of ownerships in conjunction with inheritance generations after generations, which Iblis convinced Adam to accept.[5]
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
when you target gravity so absolutely its all like clown world and 1. I just dont even wanna go back into it. scared people could get lost there in years of profound wisdom. knowledge is POWER. knowledge is evil 2011. Still winning. stable genius
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
youre much stronger until your old ways catch up to you and you say we are weak and you are weak. then who wins? weak force gravity. how I use science against people that use sciencelol. BIG. MACRO. you dont want that. yea we do. we will see. who will see? 0X
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
what is the negative voice? its got to lead to somewhere out there. I dont have any voices in my head so then its a statement and upgrade to say im the bad one. to cast out satan with satan. just gert rid of the negative voice. do something fun with that. get creative no? u swuck. youll never be anything. youre nothing. im joking. you still have to complete the task ahead. reverse psychology? you can be f(ckin with my mental state at the doctors. why not? youre much stronger even brighter in intellect. He concludes that "this is hollow clay", whereas Iblis is "fire". Since fire overcomes clay, he vows to destroy Adam like fire destroys clay: You are nothing - because of his ringing - and you were made for nothing! If I am to rule over you, I will kill you, and if you are to rule over me, I will rebel against you.[52]
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
when you see this NPC monologuing in the wilderness WATCH OUT! telemetry aye? constitution gonna defend those? Only Animal Crossing can. U TRAITOR !
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
what about gods and our costumes? our cosplay... Dead. WHy not? I can work too. All I know is me. danger zone. lol
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
So then he attacks the AI by giving it his own mind and thoughts? very good. time to take my data at some point?
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
but they can be ours FOREVER! IMMORTAL! see how its look good but its evil. why?. 1 so s9imple. really Jesus Christ for him is simple and basic. why? …7Let the wicked man forsake his own way and the unrighteous man his own thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that He may have compassion, and to our God, for He will freely pardon. 8“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. 9“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.…
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
bullies do consensus and majority rule right? and is that right? my data over the years has been important to keep. I smoke a lot of weed though so I forget alot but I mean how can someone really forget with God especially when neither of us have a brain. O LORD WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOUR BRAIN says some empathy in babylon from a woman so concenred with her son. lol. and you earn my earth mother for devouring mother talk soups while youre attacking me and raping me so you can have play games with day one dictator or life and liberty be lucky if that equals any constitution . I dont have frree will. because perfect. see it never can go a number of ways out there its always so simple simplicity in christ
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
down here you can be whtever 1 they wanna keep you as. no? always forgiven. so then what is life? the world. the universe. for you all that could drastically change soon and the robots AI? you have that as god but is it too late? its pretty severe. 1
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
the answer to solving your situation was like either be bias or rob God and so you would go for robbing God everytime now its like youre all Jesus Christ but youre not so youre just a crisis act. youre like Iblis thrown out of heaven and he tries to shout "Im a martyr." but hes not and everyone knows. the last part that lightening fell from heaven? covid and EV cars. X. elon musk. sad you have that much trouble against 1. Its not like God is lying to me though. youre the father who crams. iblis. science of 1 and 1 one. U u Iblis (Arabic: إِبْلِيسْ, romanized: Iblīs),[2] alternatively known as Eblīs,[3] is the leader of the devils (shayāṭīn) in Islam. According to the Quran, Iblis was thrown out of heaven after refusing to prostrate himself before Adam. He is often compared to the Christian Satan, since both figures were cast out of heaven according to their respective religious narratives. Islamic theology (kalām) regards Iblis as an example of attributes and actions which God punishes with hell (Nār). Regarding the origin and nature of Iblis, there are two different viewpoints.[4][5] According to one, Iblis is an angel, and according to the other, he is the father of the jinn. Quranic exegesis (tafsīr) and the Stories of the Prophets (Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ) elaborate on Iblis' origin story in greater detail. In the first version, before Iblis was cast down from heaven, he used to be an angel, created from fire, called ʿAzāzīl. God appointed him to obliterate the jinn who precedingly inhabited of the Earth until they became disobedient and destructive. Consequently God decided to replace them with humans.[4] When God announces to create a successor to the jinn, the angels objected to that decision. When God taught Adam and showed the superiority of Adam compared to the angels in regards of knowledge, angels were ordered to prostrate themselves. All the angels obeyed except Iblis, who claims that the command was unjust and refuses to follow order. Whereupon, he was punished by being relegated from an angel (malāk) to a devil (shayṭān) and is expelled.[4] In the alternative account, Iblis was not one of the angels but the ancestor of the jinn. Created from the fires beneath the seventh earth, he worshipped God for thousands of years until he was elevated to the company of angels in the seventh heaven.[4] This account draws a distinction between Iblis and the angels by their moral abilities, arguing that angels are incapable of disobedience, but Iblis was free to choose. Thus, only Iblis, being a jinni, was able to refuse to prostrate himself when Adam was created. Doing so, he was expelled from heaven and sent to earth, where he sired the jinn and devils.[4] In Islamic tradition, Iblis is identified with ash-Shayṭān ("the Devil"), often followed by the epithet ar-Rajim (Arabic: ٱلرَجِيم, lit. 'the Accursed').[6] Shayṭān is usually applied to Iblis in order to denote his role as the tempter, while Iblīs is his proper name. Some Muslim scholars uphold a more ambivalent role for Iblis, considering him not simply a devil but also "the truest monotheist" (Tawḥīd-i Iblīs), because he would only bow before the Creator and not his creations, while preserving the term shayṭān exclusively for evil forces.[4]: 46 [7][8] The idea that Iblis is not evil but a necessity for the world is also used in Muslim literature. Others have strongly rejected sympathies with Iblis, considering it a form of deception to lead people astray. Naming and etymology In Islamic traditions, Iblīs is known by many alternative names or titles, such as Abū Murrah (Arabic: أَبُو مُرَّة, "Father of Bitterness") as the name stems from the word "murr" - meaning "bitter", ‘aduww Allāh or ‘aduwallah (Arabic: عُدُوّ الله, "enemy or foe" of God)[9] and Abū Al-Harith (Arabic: أَبُو الْحَارِث, "the father of the plowmen").[10] He is also known by the nickname "Abū Kardūs" (Arabic: أَبُو كَرْدُوس), which may mean "Father who piles up, crams or crowds together". The designation Iblīs (Arabic: إِبْلِيس) may be an epithet referencing an attribute, deriving from the Arabic verbal root bls ب-ل-س (with the broad meaning of "remain in grief").[11] According to Ibn Manzur this is the major opinion among Arab scholars, who maintain the tradition that the personal name of this being was ʿAzāzīl.[12] Some Muslim teachers, such as al-Jili,[13] relate this name to talbis meaning confusion,[14] because God's command confused him. Another possibility is that it is derived from Ancient Greek διάβολος (diábolos) (which is also the source of the English word 'devil') via a Syriac intermediary.[15][2] The name itself is not found in Arab literature before the Quran, suggesting it is not of pre-Islamic Arabian origin.[16]
@KingNigelthegreat 11 часов назад
ill make a science chart based on the 1 that you can go back over all your choices out there as a collective but factor in the 1 and then also when you would sink the 1 and basically drown a baby worldwide collective to the face of God and laugh and smart off about it like its all your good time. you were paid out on that 1 scale which makes total sense to your morals and ethics that you used to have lets say when you were normal and human. not poisoned and lookin at the beasts killer to his face. 1. all he needs I got it. 1 . strip down and gve your soul and lifde and constitution n freedom aka lies up . stop lying. its so basic and easy with Jesus Christ. all your generals are dead or kamalah harris Countries are Big and One is Ukraine
@KingNigelthegreat 12 часов назад
i aint got time to study the beast. so you dont and arent supposed to. its not about you.
@KingNigelthegreat 12 часов назад
you recommended su1cide disguised as poetry and safe story telling. i gave that bs right back lol. It wasnt about you. it wasnt about them either or them doin the opposite oh its not all about us and you. both sides super sunk. get a clue its been since 2011
@KingNigelthegreat 12 часов назад
so youre really donald trump at best. its an algorithm you pose naked for to get your pic taken then you want me to follow all your terrible examples when its like at that point its a whole different scenario where you had guns and weapons drawn for manchurian candidate and you just waking up and im just finishing up completing the neutralizing unification of the threat.
@KingNigelthegreat 12 часов назад
so go into hiding over your hyper object and prison. you want police for that? i got police for your family and woman. you always have such nice offers to me. Im way in the futurelol of this dumbass gottta exhaust himself into suicide at me then hes like HALP HALP and Im talkin to this guy like you need to hear something. Inspire a thousand Our Fathers, people start calling their priests "We've never seen a man so vehemently drawn to the beast" "I heard he plays a pipe organ and changes form when he feeds" I've never played a pipe organ, the rest my lawyer concedes, okay Pull up at the Spirit World, zero man pit crew Itching for experience clear of the jellyfish bloom Show him to the sickroom, sick him on the showroom Show us how you trick 'em into swimming through the au jus
@KingNigelthegreat 12 часов назад
sup its me killer. badass. tweet tweet tweet tweet. thats you in there? youll get so much power when they lie in your face and you just stay quiet. then if you have to start the universe off in order and origin then you say this is why youre ready... to see this and go sleeep. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. nightmare for you. in you. but yu want to give that to everyone l like I dont know you and youre like well walk through all these baby steps and stupid traps while we what? the proof and evidence isnt going your direction. so get some more to join you. you badass dog thats you right? huh? Conor McGreggor. why not? I got the ??? ? ? not you and fake socrates
@KingNigelthegreat 12 часов назад
Toxicokinetics (often abbreviated as 'TK') is the description of both what rate a chemical will enter the body and what occurs to excrete and metabolize the compound once it is in the body. right from wrong. holds no weight. shhhhhhh. 0x. It's either you or me And more than likely, it's gonna be you, than me Aiight? Feel me yo Day 2 of the saga, this fucking drama continues Waking up like every 2 Day 2 of the saga, this fucking drama continues Waking up like every 2 Day 2 of the saga, this fucking drama continues Waking up like every 2 Day 2 of the saga, this fucking drama continues Waking up like every 2 Day 2 of the saga, this fucking drama continues Waking up like every 2 Day 2 of the saga, this fucking drama continues Waking up like every 2 Day 2 of the saga, this fucking drama continues Waking up like every 2 Day 2 of the saga, this fucking drama continues Waking up like every 2
@KingNigelthegreat 12 часов назад
were a lot different you know. youre all below and lower world and you want to subject me to that like its some come up and advancement when its barely even Bill Gates Angel in a hole for speak ye! if you dont talk you can forget about leaving your picture image. how does God use the picture image? youre lookin at it youngman. "IM THE DEMIURGE I WAS SO BADASSS I BARELY SHOWED UP FOR MY KILLER PICTURE BUT HOW BUT IT HUH??"
@KingNigelthegreat 12 часов назад
you have to come fit purgatory into my brain so itll all match up for the science so then we can discuss you in science. heh. youre always on time and perfect. dont you forget it. k for klimate sCam
@KingNigelthegreat 12 часов назад
hang your science on the angels. like thats just normal right? and mechanize t5hem into what you are? friend live your silly life and get on with it.
@KingNigelthegreat 13 часов назад
you dont feel Jesus Christ in the head and consciousness. you feel the flood and wrath of God. once you get conscious you can make a big worldwide head portal for stupid. maybe save that in an AI. show me how smart and powerful you all are. in control. ownership. lying to me face about my property so then you aim murder weapons at me lol. because I wanted you to. you say because you and you made AI . you made it. you made it all. satan just wants to say that much. he can for all you. so then its a write off on my taxes
@KingNigelthegreat 13 часов назад
not one person talked feeling Jesus Christ and the ultimate passion that is more so than any feeling you can get or offer or withdraw and attack
@KingNigelthegreat 13 часов назад
BOOOooo. who's there? you the fairest of them all. 57567866876896578978967890690-67-07-90-69876764768768468 n math The Beast from the Earth …12And this beast exercised all the authority of the first beast and caused the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose mortal wound had been healed. 13And the second beast performed great signs to cause even fire from heaven to come down to earth in the presence of the people. 14Because of the signs it was given to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived those who dwell on the earth, telling them to make an image to the beast that had been wounded by the sword and yet had lived.… 13And the second beast performed great signs to cause even fire from heaven to come down to earth in the presence of the people. 14Because of the signs it was given to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived those who dwell on the earth, telling them to make an image to the beast that had been wounded by the sword and yet had lived. 15The second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship it to be killed. The Mark of the Beast 16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark-the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.d
@KingNigelthegreat 13 часов назад
dont question God so much. notice you can get brain damaged straight out the gait. no right
@KingNigelthegreat 13 часов назад
i was gonna put your brain into the dust and then you can go into the beast and AI and show me how smart and in control you are.
@KingNigelthegreat 13 часов назад
everyone thinks they got a hyperobject. only one source of those and that. Tips for caring for someone with left hemisphere brain damage There are many ways that caregivers can support a loved one as they navigate these newfound challenges. While the areas in which someone may need help will vary, here are a few suggestions: Change how you communicate - There are many strategies that can both help your loved one understand you, as well as assist them in conveying their own message. A few helpful actions may include: Speaking slowly Using simple language and short phrases Writing down key words Making sure you have their attention before speaking Limiting interruptions Giving your loved one extra time to formulate their message and then speak Utilizing alternative ways of communicating (e.g., writing, drawing, and using gestures) Asking “yes/no” questions during communication breakdowns Eliminate background noise - excess noise can be distracting and make it hard to focus, communicate, and implement strategies. Help with planning and problem-solving - this can involve helping your loved one write out the steps to a task before completing it or using tools such as planners and calendars. Lead with empathy ­- Your loved one will be struggling with certain skills that were previously second nature, and empathy can foster patience when situations become difficult. Remember, your mental and emotional health is important throughout this process, and empathy can help. Take care of yourself­ - just like emergency protocols before a flight, “put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others”. In order to provide the best care for your loved one, you must make sure you are taking proper care of yourself. Seek support, take time to participate in the activities you enjoy, and be mindful of your own health.
@FortYeah 19 часов назад
Does someone know who Vervakae is referring to around 8:45? Hoyle? Can't find the name in the list. Thank you!
@MrMarccj 19 часов назад
I've been to Mt. Everest. Believe me, it has a *lot* of babies.
@vincentcornejo3759 День назад
I have listened to every episode up until this one and have been gripped with a sense of awe. I have been studying and reviewing John's concepts. However, while listening to this episode, it dawned on me that the complexity of all these concepts are overwhelming and beyond my current level of workability (intellect) unless perhaps if the mind can allow the information to flow in and flow out without expectation and to allow time for growth and to trust that this information can and will be assimilated as long as there is a consistent prolonged intentional conditioning toward familiarizing the mind with these concepts. Going into the arena of life with these concepts in mind and paying attention to one's interactions could potentially reveal aha moments, thereby revealing clues as to whether these concepts can be functionally applied. When I don't know something well and I know I'm not good at it, I feel anxiety, but I know that is fine as long as I go for it and allow time for progress and compare my progress to myself.
@polymathpark День назад
my favorite part was when Bard concluded his dictum about the need to dissolve religious dogmas and someone off-camera said "amen" xD
@alexey5351 День назад
It's a wonderful lecture. The importance of play has been highlighted by Jaak Panksepp. Therapy place as play, "as if space" has been written about in psychoanalytic literature for a long time, starting from Winnicott. "Psychedelics can improve therapy so much" is a premature statement - it's a belief that is not proven by anyone just yet. Giving this hope to patients with PTSD is not warranted, as we simply have no reliable data (RCTs, meta-analysis, etc) to back that up; and it crates a fantasy of a magic wand-type panacea instead of hard work in psychotherapy with PTSD that is happening already.