madam can you help me please in one of my seminar topic exploration of mental health through young minds of homoeopathy is the topic what to explain in poster presentation
Key points Dr. Kent - Man is will and understanding, Mind has Intellect, Emotion and Subconscious. Vital priciple is replica of Mind Homoeopathic medicines are potentised, reach to interior of man and act. Refer, My video on Sick, Ideal cure, case taking.
In Aphorism 8 Dr Hahnamann tells us for the firat time 'Removal of Symptoms is Rwmoval. Of disease' and then from 9 to 17 he gives logical explanation for it and reconfirms in aphorism 17.
Mam at 16.09 you have written and taught that weak individuals may not be scarcely affected by moderate doses where as in book organon of medicine by RE Dudgeon it is written weak individuals may be scarcely affected by moderate doses. so, please clarify this.
Suprv lecture mam I have listen all your lectures on Kent observation all are easy and understandable which easily shows the difference between normal teacher and a PROF.
Seems the same as the pursuit of the Israelites at present. Torah portia speaks of even a house my have the leprosy. Fascinating concepts for spirituall xause bigger picture. I studied Australasian federatof of Homeopaths. 1991. India was then and still best physicians. Thank uou. Shalom
Susceptibility considered high in hypersensitive, allergic patients, who have sudden onset of disease, intense symptoms. It is low in bed ridden patients, who have taken immune suppressants drugs, old patients, who have advance diseases.