
Dawntrail MSQ Final Boss | FFXIV
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@Top-Lip Час назад
In Japanese, there's nothing about her VA that indicates that she's from Tuliyollal, an isolated part of the world with a separate culture. Wuk Lamat sounds too generic and could easily be conflated with any regular Eorzean, which reflects a weakness in the world building through acting and expression, there's simply too much of a discrepancy between how she sounds and where she's from. In English, an effort has been made to make Wuk Lamat sound like she's from a different part of the world to Eorzea, which is a much stronger approach from a world building and narrative perspective. However, the VA sounds more like she's doing a disrespectful impersonation of a foreign accent and because the execution is so bad, it reflects very poorly on the character as a result of a bad casting or bad approach. Wuk Lamat is the first character from the new region we were introduced to and I think the actresses have largely failed to convey that in the approach to the style of VA they have gone for.
@varileztradragonsong4603 4 часа назад
JEEEEEEEEEEESUS, that was terrible. That's what english listeners subject themselves to?
@coltenhorne4187 8 часов назад
Straight monotone. No inflections or strain in the voice when lifting the hand. Ho boy this is horrid
@sunaimo3155 9 часов назад
She is very scripted
@novavimj5148 12 часов назад
Even without bad VA, this scene is cringed af
@dewprism100 13 часов назад
英語版酷すぎだろ。よくこんなんでOK出したよな。 黄金のレガシーでFF14は地に堕ちたわ
@g-qp5kb 16 часов назад
イーロンマスク「DEI は芸術を殺す」 西洋諸国はポリコレに汚染され過ぎて、 エンタメにおいて何を重要視すべきなのかを間違えている。 そしてSweet Baby Incとコンサルタント契約しているSquare Enixは、愚か者の集団。 ポリコレはエンタメを愛する人類全ての敵。
@Reycied 19 часов назад
I honestly think this one comes down to voice direction. The person doing her ENG voice was fantastic at playing the character for the entirety of the runtime, and then...this happened. "I should be struggling under the weight of a massive robot hand, but I sound like I'm taking a leisurely autumn stroll". It makes me wonder if they had, like...a substitute voice director in the booth that day, or there was some kind of last-minute re-recording before launch.
@cocoffee_ 6 часов назад
I'm sorry, if you thought she was fantastic for the "entirety" of her runtime then you weren't paying attention lol. She had several moments like this, I mean you could tell in the trailer that she was just not going to cut it. That said, I think quite a few of the VAs this expac fell a bit flat, it's just that Wuk's was horrendous.
@ElemXCR 2 часа назад
Maybe the sound director was busy with FF16 or something. I know they wouldn't have let this fly. I mean fuck look at the last expansion, it was great. If they kept the same quality standards, they'd at least force a redo. It was so bad. But I'm sure that the EN VA can perform her job, its likely that nobody was directing her.
@ItachiYasha94 20 часов назад
sphene listen to me. i understand. God i like the english cast but fuck me that killed any hype around the final fight. And that yell at the end. spheeeeene. Its like it was the first time they read the script.
@celfhelp 21 час назад
i'm so fucking glad i played this game in Japanese
@kmikaele9408 23 часа назад
English voice actor ruined DT for me.
@user-rt9tg6si9z День назад
Man, who the fuck gave the ok on that EN VA.
@Skullnaught День назад
Holy shit it's so bad
@Rileykard День назад
Why does the english VA sounds like a man trying to sound like a woman? It's awful.
@wg_rey 3 часа назад
The actor for Eng , is a Trans. Born a man , wanting to be a woman.
@MadMadChad День назад
Shitty EN VA work, this is why you don't hire because of the crotch
@lucalycan День назад
I wanted to do that so bad lmfaooo
@ManthonyHiggs День назад
Lol m a o
@ItsMeMemiya День назад
Man... did they not direct the EN VA or Wuk Lamat at all?
@CaptnMarvelous День назад
Everyone complains about Wuk Lamat but man all the characters in english felt off. Y'shtola sounded phoned in and I thought Thancred was a different person. Wuk just gets it the worst as the centerpiece of the expac. English VA can actually do some good emotive scenes from their demoreel but -man- the director fucked her over.
@FlashTrickstar День назад
And then your face gets bitten off cause you're a jerk. :V
@SuccubiPie День назад
I should have done this for the entire MSQ and played in JP
@v77z 2 дня назад
The difference is just... wow. Terrible acting.
@TiaKatt День назад
Terrible directing at the very least, too. The NA VA clearly was not told anything about the fact that the character would be lifting/straining against a heavy object.
@ElemXCR 2 часа назад
@@TiaKatt Yep I'm blaming it on the sound director with laxed quality control. I'm sure the EN VA is good at her job.
@wg_rey 2 дня назад
Holy shit lol Thank god I did JP VA. The English is horrid. 😂
@vecnagreyhawk78 2 дня назад
Japanese with subtitles for the win. Always. 😅
@jakeastside 3 дня назад
The difference… damn
@KuroshiDawn 3 дня назад
🤡 yikes man lmao
@zenosyeetgalvus 5 дней назад
and then she BITES you!
@srekillihw 5 дней назад
@srekillihw 5 дней назад
@srekillihw 5 дней назад
@willtews955 6 дней назад
Sora lost it, he was reminded uow he lost his friends and comrades during the vietnam war were everyone that falls turned into heartless and nobodies. Organization 13 led the charge with tanks, mortars, grenades and everything else. Atila the hun was reaerected by maleficent, hades was feeling himself and dancing as he removes limbs and hearts. Jack Sparrow was running and screaming from something big chasing him. Stitch went ballistic and unlockee the ability to transform into a big monster as tall as a refrigerator. Everyone else was doing what they do best.
@Fenris2 7 дней назад
Was this in the Third game dlc?
@Hinkles 6 дней назад
@@Fenris2 No, it was in the base game.
@Mr-Goosey 7 дней назад
Question: At what point do you memory rep? Now. This is when you memory rep.
@seancasity7538 7 дней назад
Captain Jack Sparrow probably thought he was still in Davy Jones locker seeing a duck and dog fighting Davy.
@lastson5014 7 дней назад
Im gonna be honest…this feels forced. Sora barely knows William
@tomasmax5616 7 дней назад
sora: fuck keyblades, imma kill this mf myself!
@ke-ke-ke9220 8 дней назад
Sora was really about to left right goodnight Davy Jones
@sampersonguy5337 9 дней назад
I keep forgetting kingdom hearts exists and this shit happens in it
@gadget8637 9 дней назад
I think this is the first time Sora saw a man just die.
@srekillihw 9 дней назад
@naysayerck5971 9 дней назад
Say what you want, sora is a fucking kid going HANDS with a GROWN ASS MAN, and a PIRATE at that!!! Dude is not fucking around, period.
@srekillihw 10 дней назад
t he
@srekillihw 10 дней назад
noclip glitch
@srekillihw 10 дней назад
@srekillihw 10 дней назад
@srekillihw 10 дней назад
@user-tw3rh9po4t 10 дней назад
It’s genuinely great to finally see Sora REALLY throw hands.
@sweett3253 10 дней назад
Damn bro hit him hard as shit
@tatarsauce6314 10 дней назад
After seeing the movie again. Kinda wish this world was longer and had Sora more involved without erasing Bootstrap Bill
@KaeraLikesLemons 10 дней назад
Stronghart is almost like Ganr alr 0:34
@TheGingiGamer 11 дней назад
When the DOOM music starts