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What is EVE online? | EVE Online 2024
2 месяца назад
V Rising is insane - Review/Tips
2 месяца назад
Whats the problem with AAA studios?
4 месяца назад
Last Epoch’s cash shop
6 месяцев назад
Hell Divers 2 coming to Xbox?
6 месяцев назад
10 Tips to fly safe | EVE Online
10 месяцев назад
Buzzard exploration fit | EVE Online
11 месяцев назад
9 Things I wish I knew earlier in No Mans Sky
11 месяцев назад
No Mans Sky in 2023
11 месяцев назад
5 tools you need! | EVE online
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@init000 6 дней назад
As a long-term EVE player (been playing since 2005) I like the video, both from a content point of view as well as from a presentation point of view. Keep up the good work. You should definitely listen to this guy, especially when it comes to trying to "buy your way to success" and thinking that "bigger is better" in EVE. Nothing will screw you up more then those two points. I have close to 400mil SP on my main and can fly every ship in the game with perfect skills but I still spend 98% of my time flying small ships that you could train into within a few days (and fly with perfect skills within 6-8 months, depending on just how "perfect" you want your skills to be of course). Bigger ships are usually slow, cumbersome and require the support of other people to successfully use (especially if you're a newbie). Small ships on the other hand are fast, dynamic, fun and very cheap to buy, fly and lose. I honestly have the most fun flying small ships and taking risks that I'd never take in a super expensive or slow-ass battleship. A further tip to newbies is that I would *not* recommend you to try and grind in-game money to buy Omega ( = subscription). As a beginner, this will be a massive grind and will make the game feel like a job in no time. At first you can simply stick to Alpha (Free-to-Play) until you reach the 5mil SP limit and have learnt the basics and after that I'd recommend simply biting the bullet and paying the 15-20 bucks a month to enjoy EVE to the fullest. It's easily worth the money. When you have a lot of experience and a healthy ISK-balance you can start thinking about saving the RL-money and switch to paying with in-game money but that's more of a long-term goal, at least if you live in a western country and work a normal job. Just drink tap water 5x a month during lunch break instead of buying a coke and you basically have your subscription paid for. Give the game a try. It's totally worth it.
@ninjarcher5604 12 дней назад
I don’t personally use minion but I’ve heard of it might have to start using it :)!
@souvman 16 дней назад
No, not worth it. Don't waste your time guys.
@umadbroimatroll7918 25 дней назад
Hey brother, if you are looking for a corp to learn and make tons of isk while having access to pvp fleets look up the corp TLSAT, its The Sapphire Liontooth Association. No requirement for fleets or needing to pay rent, safe(ish) nullsec space to get rich with pve, planetary interaction, exploration. Then faction war lowsec for fun pvp. Join and get billions daily even as a newbro 😊
@jaykay5838 Месяц назад
En Memorial , Siggy and in game browser.
@magicwordxyzzy Месяц назад
For the instant undock, you mentioned putting it out at least 100km from the station; to be able to warp to it you need to be at least 150km away; so I'd recommend making the location bookmark at least 175km away. For instadock, if the station is set as destination, you can start warp to the instadock location, and once in warp click the Autopilot button; that will ensure the dock command is executed RIGHT as soon as you "land."
@destroy_television Месяц назад
I wanted to leave another comment for anyone who is even remotely interested in trying EVE. These are some small tips that I think any day 1 new player should keep in mind. 1. Start with an Alpha (free) account first. If after a week or two you're enjoying it, you can either buy 'Expert Systems' in a particular field/career that you want to do which opens up skills that you wouldn't normally have for a free account, or just commit and get a month of Omega if you want to work towards something more refined. 2. Be aware that scams/scammers exist. Things that are 'too good to be true' are a dead giveaway. People don't talk about this enough for new players. 2 1/2. Just ignore local chat for the most part, and you won't even see most of the scams. 3. Joining a Corp can be a headache sometimes. Many people will say whatever to get you in. There are plenty of good corps out there with low or 0% tax on your activities. Take your time finding one that's right for what you want to do. 4. Undocking means you consent to PvP but, that doesn't necessarily mean there's always going to be someone waiting outside ready to kill YOU. As a new player, you probably won't be worth it for someone to gank under 'most' circumstances. This leads to my next point.. 5. Don't be afraid to unlock and don't be afraid to lose a ship. You will lose ships. A lot. I mean a lot. We all do. It's just a fact of life in this game. Like he said, just don't fly something you can't afford to replace. 6. If you decide you like the game, absolutely train what's widely known as 'the magic 14' early on. They're core skills that will make your life a lot easier through your entire eve career. 7. You can make a big difference in a fight as a new player. Flying something that just has some kind of electronic warfare modules can really save your fleets ass if done correctly. 8. The overwhelming majority of EVE players are genuinely good people. If they kill you, you can start a private chat with them and ask what you could have done differently to avoid being killed and they will most likely tell you. Don't be afraid to ask. 9. Watch a good tutorial on 'directional scanning. This will keep your losses to a minimum once you understand it. 10. Fly Safe! o7
@destroy_television Месяц назад
Been playing off and on for 20 years. The saying goes, you never fully quit EVE, just extended breaks. ❤
@Cypherbyte94 Месяц назад
Once an EVE player, always an EVE player…
@Goldwinefromtheshire Месяц назад
Been playing for 10 years. There are ups and downs but EVE is in a great dynamic since a few years with lots of great updates such as factional warfare. Come and join us, this is one of the best video game adventures you can live
@timothypricesr5953 28 дней назад
lol you left out alternate account to make use of bots to mine
@PingWhisper Месяц назад
Eve is okay, but it's a multi boxing mess. I met people playing 20+ accounts at once. It's not really mmo as you might think it's a lot of characters controlled by few people
@wvisser4110 2 месяца назад
It is a gankers paradise, where people will joyfully destroy the ship you worked hard for to get.
@init000 6 дней назад
EVE is not a game that is designed to **look** like a cold, harsh, dark and dangerous place. EVE is designed to **be** a cold, harsh, dark and dangerous place. If it wasn't then the game wouldn't be interesting in my opinion. Success in a game is only worthwhile and only gives me a feeling of accomplishment if there is a real risk of failure. Why play a game when all you can do is "win" or "win a bit faster"? Seems totally boring and pointless to me. So yes, you can absolutely be ganked if you don't take proper precautions and do stupid shit like packing millions in loot into a shitty ship that will pop when someone farts in your general direction (which is what 99% of the people who complain about ganking in EVE do). In real life you wouldn't carry around your entire life savings in a brown paper bag when you go on a dangerous jungle-trek, would you? That's why it's important that you either join a competent player group to help you learn the game or invest a significant amount of time, effort and research into learning the many and complex game mechanics yourself.
@Friendlyfanatic 2 месяца назад
Eve is forever
@dennisdeal3323 2 месяца назад
A new player here.. I would suggest EveUni as newbie friendly. Their entire mission is to teach and then send you out to a corp to gain practical experience. I must have started at least five or more characters before I finally got a handle on what I want to do. Also you are right it is not a game for everyone and while you can buy your way up to that fancy Tier 3 ship. Have all the relevant skills. But if, as you have pointed out, do not know how to fight in that ship. Someone is going to have a big payday. Maybe that will be me. I enjoy mining and have started ratting as a way to gain practical experience for fighting in different ships. Plus a little exploration on the side. PVP is inevitable. We just finished a war. The one time I was on and was in fleet. I sat there for a good two hours waiting for the enemy to show up. LOL they never did.. But I was prepared to fight it out in the destroyer that I was flying and then go up in a fireball. I had no illusions of actually surviving that fight as new as I am. Though those that do quit all seem to have the same general complaint. The learning curve, the time sink, or the big one. I lost yet another ship, I quit. That last one gets zero sympathy from me. The other two I understand. This is a game and the learning curve can be daunting for some. All games are time sinks. How you want to spend those hours is a matter of choice. If one is not willing to put in the time for it. Then it is time to do something else. In the end I intend to be that 75+ old guy still flying and kicking ass. As long as the game exists. I will be flying.
@Cypherbyte94 2 месяца назад
That’s great to hear! Love hearing stories of EVE!
@tutucox 2 месяца назад
EVE is great
@rockyjetproject1345 2 месяца назад
I love EVE!
@MolrikE 2 месяца назад
Would be nice to play the game like I see in this video from the start (0:29). But ... just to tease me in?
@flyingmatteo89 2 месяца назад
The state of the game is good? Lol..not really. Since scarcity in 2020 the population has pretty much halved, and that's a sad fact. Not to mention the constant nerfing to pve activities (mining, nullsec, and more) to drive the sale of plex. Again, these are facts.
@stuartwalmsley1379 2 месяца назад
Nice explanation of eve online & yes its worth playing it in 2024 :)
@ryelor123 2 месяца назад
You did things out of order in your Google doc. Able to see that by using . and , buttons to go frame-by-frame on the video. Good advice. Another good piece of advice is to encourage people to train (faction)Frigate V and Covert Ops skills up so they can use covert ops frigates. Its far cheaper and less risky than relying on an Astero or Stratos. Its better than a Metamorphosis but the Met does benefit from the +2 to warp that can be improved to +4 with a stabilizer. Sad that Tishy keeps getting banned.
@phoneixfmg 2 месяца назад
This is the game which gives players the choice how they want to do the fun
@emilykelley5472 2 месяца назад
Looks fun!
@limbokillah1397 2 месяца назад
This game took over my life and sleeping schedule. Booked holidays of work for this game. I love the pvp servers, toxic but fun af.
@colocho2814 2 месяца назад
I love this game
@ishtarrak13 2 месяца назад
Also a father (and grandfather) so really appreciate the casual play aspect. I've been enjoying V Rising as well - it's definitely rewarding with a good balance of risk/reward. One tip for solo play - you can change the settings to turn off the teleport restriction so you can teleport with all items. The restriction makes sense for PvP where players should have to travel more but for solo play, I found it annoying so turned it off.
@Cypherbyte94 2 месяца назад
Oh I didn’t know that! Definitely going to do that myself!
@isaacduncan4182 2 месяца назад
Father here as well. Work full time. Love the game with what free time I have! Yes, NOTHING is junk. Everything will be used.
@thomasmeunier6740 2 месяца назад
Drop 1 Nanofiber Internal Structure II for 1 Micro Auxiliary Power Core I, fitt an 5mn Microwarpdrive II and an Interdiction Nullifier II. The increase in survivability is significant
@Lathnes 4 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing
@yukishkabura688 4 месяца назад
Thanks for the advice. Will you be doing more EVE tutorials? I would really appreciate a detailed exploration guide (data, relic hacking), with different site types, wormholes and stuff. I'm using your Heron alpha fit. Some data sites have hostile NPCs for example. Is there a good alpha fit that's able to scan and fight?
@Cypherbyte94 4 месяца назад
I do plan on making some more tutorials! Glad you are liking the Heron fit! As for your last question. I haven’t explored that yet, but that is a great video idea. I will try to do a video on that someday.
@JustAnotherAlex3D 4 месяца назад
not bad om the pronunciation of the french name
@akaveh5776 4 месяца назад
Gameplay is the most important part of the game in my opinion you can have mid story mod but a really good Gameplay can save that game. Right now I'm playing dead island 2 ( not saying it has a bad story ) but the game play is great the ghraphic the use of environment and Jacob is the best character you can chose to play as and the weapon customization
@VitaILetum 4 месяца назад
Personally I think you should think about your argument a little more ~ not that I dont share the same sentiment, but a lot of what you said in the video is a run off thought and less about the issues of AAA games and more about the perceived issues. It sounded like when you think you have a good idea but you dont even know where your going with it. Where is Long Dev times, Over use of contract work, Pushing monetization, Unfair deadlines (crunch), Step vs circular Dev plans and it taking decades for AAA to move to the former, A reduction in house QA and an increasing mis use of management/communication to team-members -- Similar problems that other industries have is the board and executives are MBA's but they know nothing about programing or whatever else it might be. I might want to bring one or two in to get my financials straight, but Id also want to make sure we keep realistic goals by paying for my programmers to get trained in business as they get promoted. you had so much to talk about but you said nothing but pointed to a problem that we are all screaming about. I know this is heavy criticism, I think your asking the right questions - you just need to add more substance.
@Cypherbyte94 4 месяца назад
Right on, thanks for the feedback.
@Nightwulf1269 4 месяца назад
I just replayed the whole Gothic classic series again and those twenty year old games pulled me more in again than every Starfield or whatever is doing today. Baldurs Gate 3 is great if you like that kind of games. But I would like to see a really good RPG open world (which really is, what the name implies) game, pulling me in and doesn't let me off of it. But with this game industrie which is only controlled by publishers and they only guided by money it won't happen. Look at the newest "games as a service" approaches making you not owning your game (license)...I'll more and more stick to independent studios for my part.
@druetz1188 4 месяца назад
good job man also you are giving publishers why to much credit Ubisoft did not make any of those games they published them they took a studios work told them what game ruining features to put in and then published someone's hard work and put there crappy monetization tack ticks in and said ya buy this we did it
@kelep1992 4 месяца назад
Man i completely forgot about puzzle pirates
@michaelkragseth3877 4 месяца назад
I lean more to eastern games mostly . The western I often I see openworld assassin creed games with bloated world and same boring side missions, I dont want to waste my time simple.
@jameslancefield9810 4 месяца назад
I never buy a game unless it has been discounted to under £20. All because Star wars battlefront remake burned me. So EA made me like this.
@Cypherbyte94 4 месяца назад
EA is definitely an offender as well!
@user-vv4lu9jb1j 4 месяца назад
I was calculating everything, roughly of course... Hello EvE Tycoon :)
@The_Vegan_Punk 4 месяца назад
The problem with games in general is they care more about graphics than gameplay.
@Cypherbyte94 4 месяца назад
Couldn’t agree more!
@wociarz1 4 месяца назад
the more A game has the worse it is
@sean7221 4 месяца назад
These publicly traded companies don't necessarily have to make the money back on investment put into their game, if they take money from Blackrock and push the woke message. Blackrock acts as a guaranteed stop loss
@Cypherbyte94 4 месяца назад
Very good point!
@RisingPhoenix96 4 месяца назад
5:01 Yeah you butchered tf out of that name bro 😂
@WatPatat 4 месяца назад
“Just add more salt.” Pretty accurate… I am sad with the current game market and only buy day one from trusted devs like FromSoft
@Cypherbyte94 4 месяца назад
FromSoft really does know how to deliver good games! Love the souls games!
@WannabeShady90 4 месяца назад
I'm not disappointed in Skull & Bones. I didn't have any expectations for that game for at least 3-4 years. In fact, I don't buy any games from Ubisoft anymore.
@StarChaser027 4 месяца назад
Xbox didn't care about this game,they wanted COD even bought Activision. So why don't they stick to it. Sony stuck with Arrowhead. Xbox doesn't deserve HD2.
@mikebites8731 6 месяцев назад
"Wait till Ahbazon calms down" lol, never
@level12lobster8 4 месяца назад
8 months later... Ahbazon (Total kills 1h: 22) - 8 kills Hykotta gate | 10 kills Shera gate (Smartbombs!) I don't think he is ever logging back in.
@sharuh1017 6 месяцев назад
I'm sorry but workbench is ass. Never seen anything on there that's not a half-baked mess
@jossypoo 6 месяцев назад
I think that it's Tritium not Titanium
@RayHorn5128088056 6 месяцев назад
MWD Cloak trick only works for you when your base align time is longer than 10 seconds. Otherwise, you'll just slow down your alignment and warp. There may be some value in being cloaked and slowing down your alignment and warp. Fly safe.
@brokensword2621 6 месяцев назад
as i know Sony for 20 years, i don't think they release this game to Xbox because of exclusivity BS 😐
@knowltonic 6 месяцев назад
Why do yall hate us so much. We all love games. We all are literally the same. I chose cbox because the games i grew up with and loved are here. If they were everywhere that would only make it better. A piece of hardware is just that. We shouldn't even be gate keeping games who other would love. Why, so more people never get to experience what you love?