 Al Mu'tassim Billah
 Al Mu'tassim Billah
Al Mu'tassim Billah
Everything will be alright inshallah
16 часов назад
@dr.faizankhan607 7 часов назад
Poem at 25:15 Title "Hai Kalaam E Ilahi Me Shams O Duha" Tere Khulq Ko Haq Ne Azeem Kaha, Teri Khilq Ko Haq Ne Jameel Kiya Koee Tujh Sa Huwa Hai Na Hoga Shaha, Tere Khaliqe Husn O Ada Ki Qasam
@omerahmed310 9 часов назад
Bruh what’s with the emote 😭😭
@bamamy7665 День назад
Salalahou aleyhi wa salama ❤❤❤❤❤❤
💯💥🤺💥🤺💥🤺💥🤺💥🤺💥🤺💥🤺💥🎯 THE COMING OF IMAAM AL-MEHDI (AS) & THE NAMES. HE IS FROM BOTH IMAAM HASSAN'S & IMAAM HUSSAIN'S FAMILY. THE BLOOD LINE OF OUR BELOVED PROPHET MOHUMMAD (SAWS) TO HIS DAUGHTER FATIMA (RA) TO IMAAM HASSAN (RA) & IMAAM HUSSAIN (RA). His name will be same as my name...? 1). Habib Ullah = Beloved/Friend of Allah (SAWT). 2). Ahmed = Highly Praised or One Who Constantly Thanks Allah (SAWT). 3). Alamin = The Trusted One. 4). Mohummad (SAWS) = Praiseworthy. His Father's name will be same as my Father's name..? 1). Khalil Ullah = Friend of Allah (SAWT). 2). Abdullah = Servant of Allah (SAWT). 3). Abraham (AS) = Father of Many/All Mankind. His Mother's name will be same as my Mothers name..? 1).ʾAmīna =:devoted, honest, straightforward, trusty, worth of belief (believable), loyal, faithful, obedient of Iman. One needs to research, analyse & have the knowledge & understanding to understand the statement made by Our Prophet Mohummad (SAWS). It is the "Characteristic Names" in both cases..💯🎯. "His name will be same as my name...?". "His Father's name will be same as my Father's name..?". Why did not our beloved prophet (saws) say directly: Mohummad & Abdullah...? Here the statement has a hidden message, without analysing the statement made by "Our Beloved Prophet Mohummad (SAWS)", one can not & will not really understand the real meaning & the statement made. One thing for sure.. it is not Mohummad Ib'ne Abdullah. Transformation will happen & take place in one night.. Knowledge & Wisdom will be given as stated in Hadith.. He is not born as an Arab.. His ancestors were Arabian & from Arab Land.. His ancestors moved to The Eastern Lands.. Moved to Sindh & Hindh (Afganistan.. Bangladesh.. India.. Myanmar & Pakistan) but "The Blood" & "The Religious Beliefs" remains the same. 🤲☝💯 Here again.. we need to recall the statement made by our beloved prophet Mohummad (saws) when he pointed twice towards the direction "EAST". Once East = East. Twice East = Far East. By analysing this statement.. From Mecca the direction Eastwards brings you to now called: 🇦🇫Afghanistan.. 🇵🇰Pakistan.. 🇮🇳India 🇧🇩Bangladesh.. 🇲🇲Myanmar.. 🇲🇾Malaysia.. 🇮🇩Indonesia. (Once East = Asia) - (Twice East = Far East Asia)..BINGO - JACKPOT. During the time of our beloved prophet Muhammad (saws) this whole area had only two names.. First Pointing of the direction East was/is Hindh.. Hindus. Second Pointing of the direction East = Far East was/is Sindh.. Buddhists. The Imam is not in Middle East/Arabia. The Imaam is somewhere in "......................" ?. I will let you decide and guess where the Imaam is.. use all your knowledge and the information provided above, now do your research and calculations to come to a single and direct conclusion/outcome. As in one opinion without any dispute nor any doubt or misunderstanding with no miscalculation. 💯☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝🎯
@aaquib2010 5 дней назад
so ibn taymiyyah is wrong because he went deep into asma wal sifat, but razi and ghazali are great because they went deep into asma wal sifat!!
@omerahmed310 5 дней назад
Thanks for posting the mirror!
@_Ahmed_W- 6 дней назад
بارك الله فيك for the re-upload
@hxyzazolchak 6 дней назад
Ameen wa iyyak
@M-cv8lg 7 дней назад
So essentially he says that Allah cannot speak but not with sound or words so Allah made something to show us what he meant because we cannot hear him. I guess that thing that is made must then be created. If the Quran we recite is not what Allah said because Allah does not speak with words and sounds that can be heard, what is the Quran?
@hxyzazolchak 6 дней назад
@M-cv8lg if you attribute letters and sounds to Allah as if they come literally out of him, you are attributing to him temporality, which is no different from the Christian position on God. There are many different ways to speak(ie. Communicate). Not speaking (ie. Comunicating) with sounds and letters doesn't make you mute.
@M-cv8lg 6 дней назад
You said there are many ways to speak without words and sounds. This contradicts what speaking means. You might aswell say there are many ways to speak without speaking.
@Abdulduzittoo87 7 дней назад
@abraarbhat 8 дней назад
Bukhari and muslim directly contradict many pet masa'il of shafi madhad(e.g touching ur wife breaks wudu) which is why this argument is just shallow. Further more every madhab considers bukhari muslim as authentic most books after Qur'an(literally ijm'a). May Allah keep us on the right path ameen
@engineer8363 8 дней назад
What about the tawwaf? It's so busy, that you are almost touching others.
@omaryaqoob1335 8 дней назад
Stealing homes and colonizing Palestine was the sole motivation and theoretical of the British to pave such a clear cut path for the zionists. You making it sound like the British did it all whilst being oblivious of the zionist agenda. Very naive YA Shaykh
@bigboyshit1 8 дней назад
That’s exactly what Islam did! It had no history In the “holy land” so invaded and stole it. Arabs come from Arabia, not Judea
@laylaali5977 9 дней назад
Hadiths are not reliable in fact only 20 percent of the Hadiths can be traced back to companions of the prophet this is why classical scholars were very selective about Hadiths unlike Wahhabis
@ARmirzaful 9 дней назад
Shaykh is really good at explaining things from not just a Maliki perspective but from a general legal perspective. MashaaAllaah
@FawadBilgrami 9 дней назад
I dont know why we have to make a logic, when Allah orders something we follow.
@zuberhaniff2938 10 дней назад
If there is a doubt.. Stay away. The butcher shop analogy.. For some it might seem distasteful however it's a perfect yet simplified example takeng into consideration the emphasis Muslims obligation toward halaal food. Any minor contamination or doubt wud render the food haraam
@sam14297 10 дней назад
Until Imitators (Muqallids) don't believe in the following 10 bullet points, they will remain as Slaves of Transgression (Abd At Taghoot) and Apostates, no matter how much they claim to be Believers (Mumin) and Submitters (Muslim): - Vicegerency (Khilafat) is superior to all other forms of governments such as seperation of powers, parliamentary sovereignty, secular government, democracy, etc. because under Vicegerency, government is not seperated into 3 independent branches (judiciary, legislature, executive). The Vicegerent of The God (Khalifatullah) is the Commander of The Believers (Ameerulmumineen) as well as the Leader of The Submitters (Imaamulmuslimeen). He is King (Malik), Emperor (Azeem) and Authority (Sultan). It is the job of this man, the Vicegerent, to govern with the Truth, meaning to judge, to legislate, to execute, ect. only with what The God has revealed to his messangers, including The Recitation (Al Quran). Those who do not govern with what The God has revealed are Disbelievers (Kaafir), Oppressors (Zaalim) and Disobedient (Faasiq). Vicegerency (Khilafat) is not the birthright nor the bloodright of Quraish nor People of The Household (Ahlul Bait) because the divinely appointed Vicegerent (Khalifah) in The Recitation (Al Quran) is King David PBUH, and he was an Israelite, not an Ishmaelite Arab, therefore all Narrations (Hadiths) claiming that Muhammad PBUH said that Vicegerency is only for the Quraish, are all fabricated narrations. Mahdism is also a fabricated Abbasid ideology due to this reason. - The Submission (Al Islam) is not a Religion (Milat). It is a System (Deen). It is not a piece of Knowledge (Ilm). It is Truth (Haq). It is not an academic subject limited to theory, books, learning, mosques. It is a practical system to be established in the earth, including in government, politics, religion, infrastructure, military, wars, markets, trade, agriculture, travelling, lands, society, etc. - The Recitation (Al Quran) is Truth (Haq), Guidance (Huda), and Light (Noor). It is also The Criterion (Al Furqan) to judge everything including Right&Wrong (Maruf&Munkar), Good&Bad (Khair&Shar), previous scriptures and Narrations (Hadiths) of Muhammad PBUH. Relying on medieval and modern Narrators (Muhadith) and their chains and classifications instead of The God's Book as The Criterion is pure misguidance. - Jinnah was a nationalist and secularist just like George Washington, Mustafa Ataturk, Abdul Aziz, Mujeebur Rehman, etc. and therefore can never be considered The Great Leader (Imaamul Azam / Quide e Azam). Jinnah was a nationalist and secularist, and therefore an apostate. - Money is minted not printed. Petrodollar FIAT currencies like rupees, riyals, euros, CBDCs are bogus and sham and Forbidden (Haraam). The Roman Byzantine Gold Dinaar and the Persian Sasanid Silver Dirham are the only form of Permissible (Halaal) currency in its pure physical form. Persian Gold Coinage and Roman Silver Coinage are to be rejected due to their incorrect weight. - Abbasids were apostates, corruptors, fabricators, innovators, indoctrinators and that there was no golden age between 750CE and 1250CE. - Clergy Wergy is a Post Umayyad Phenomenon. Clergy Wergy titles (muftis, grand muftis, sheikhs, ustads, mawlanas, mawlawis, ustads) were actually political titles but were adulterated and bastardised by the Abbasids because the Abbasids implemented and indoctrinated Graeco-Roman and Judeo-Christian beliefs, creeds and ideologies into their governments and subjects when they built and established their study centres, schools, universities, hospitals, etc and translated previous scriptures and books into Iraqi Arabic. - Sectarian medieval movements, creeds and jurisprudences such as sunnism, shiaism, khawarijism, maturidism, asharism, atharism, hanafism, malikism, shafism, hanbalism, jafarism, ismaelism, etc. are all a Post Umayyad Phenomenon. These sectarian movements and their indoctrinations, beliefs, creeds and ideologies are bogus and belong to the garbage bin of history. - 999 out of every 1000 children of Adam will go to the hellfire and only 1 out of every 1000 will go to paradise, therefore following the majority is incorrect and misguidance. Believing in Consensus (Ijma) of Clergy Wergy, becoming an Imitator (Muqallid) of Clergy Wergy, not using Intellect (Aqal), is clear misguidance. - White Zionists are mentioned in The Torah (At Taurat), The Gospel (Al Injeel) and The Recitation (Al Quran) as Gog and Magog. Gog and Magog were trapped by Possessor of the two horns (Dhul Qarnain) Cyrus Cambyses in the Iron Copper Rampart (Radam) in the Caucasus during the 6th century BCE because Gog and Magog were oppressors who spread corruption in the land. And Gog and Magog were opened just over a thousand years after Achaemenid King Cyrus Cambyses checkmated them, during Muhammad PBUH's lifetime when he said "...woe to the arabs from a great danger that is near. Today a hole has been opened in the Rampart of Gog and Magog...". It was these people Gog and Magog who were Khazars and Vikings, Colonialists and Imperialists, Zionists and Globalists, waging endless wars around the globe including two apocolyptic 20th century global wars. During the medieval period they colonised Europe first before spreading Secularism and Imperialism to the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australasia, Siberia. It was Gog and Magog who returned the Shemitic Israelite Jews of Judah back to the destroyed city of Aelia (Jerusalem) after 2000 years to reclaim it as their own.
@anneeq008 10 дней назад
13:18, did I hear this correctly...... Imam Abu Hanifah ruled that dhimis can regret the haram shareef?! Wow 🤯 And I take it given this the Hanafi fiqh permits non Muslims in is entirely entering the Arabian peninsular?
@dwanyecannady3960 11 дней назад
The fact is arabs or the ulama in essence don't know BLACK MAHDI at all he want look like a Arab act like a Arab or from.a Arab country.He don't even speak Arabic or hang around ARABS until he go to the East from.the West.aEveryone ALLAH sent that was good was BLACK!!!
@Nawaf-qk9mu 11 дней назад
Short answer: No Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
@shakeelmohideen7172 11 дней назад
As Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. last sermon..every Muslim is a brother to another Muslim...so whose a Muslim...a person that read the Shahada... Further Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said..no Muslim is superior to another Muslim except in piety...and unfortunately we Muslims cannot judge piety but ALLAAH..
@YungShoe 11 дней назад
Bruh… literally zero proof for kalaam nafsi😅
@Ajooze 11 дней назад
He is the One through whom truth will be distinguished from error and the wisdom of every command shall be tested.
@rg8128 12 дней назад
Well well well. Didn't Shadee go off on Mufti Abu layth for basically saying the same thing....
@omerahmed310 7 дней назад
abu layth isn't a mujtahid
@rg8128 7 дней назад
@@omerahmed310 who said he was?🤦
@TheArizePodcast 12 дней назад
As a former salafi, I do agree with this statement. Many here don't understand what a madhhab is. A madhhab is a set of principles that help you derive rulings. There are madhhabs both in aqeedah and madhhabs in fiqh. The salafi methodology of taking directly form the text of the Quran and hadith is not found in the other madhhabs which rely on following an authority with a chain of transmission. This is what I see to be the primary difference. As such, I find many salafis make derivations from hadith and Quran without understanding their proper context or categorization in light of the rest of the Islamic texts. There is also a difference in how they view hadith where they often outright reject a weak hadith or even non-sahih hadith at times. An example of this is the 15th of shaban. There are at least 3 weak hadith on the subject, yet most salafis call it biddah to do special acts of worship on the 15th. The classical scholars did not oppose the use of weak hadith for personal practice if they do not oppose what is known through the rest of the tradition even though they did not take definitive rulings(fard/haram) from them. Even if they disagreed, no scholar of ahlus sunnah would dare to call an act found in weak hadith a biddah, as it has basis in the tradition and out of fear of opposing the Prophet(saw). Imam Ahmed(ra) famously included weak hadith in his usool because he felt a weak hadith had a stronger chance of being from the Prophet(saw) than his own Qiyas or opinion. This is a clear departure from what modern salafis do in this regards. Overall, the main thing that salfis fail to understand is the difference between amal and usool. The Prophet(saw) did certain things in his actions, and also allowed certain things in principle that are not limited by his action. The famous battle of the trench was followed by a command: "Do not pray asr until you reach banu qurayda". Some sahaba got the message late and differed on the correct meaning. Some said it means be quick but not that we should miss the time ie. usool. Others said its literal, even if we miss the time ie. amal. Both opinions were confirmed by the Prophet(saw). Salafis seem to reject the usooli approach outright, while the sahaba were known to take it. The compilation of the Quran, unification of taraweeh with 20 rakah(36 in madinah) and khatam, the second adhan of juma, and many other examples attest to the sahabah doing actions not found in the life of the Prophet pbuh, but rather based on the principles he left for us to follow. Those who say Imam Shafai, Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik, or Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal contradict the prophet, or were ignorant of the hadith, or opposed the hadith, etc. should look in the mirror and understand that it is more likely that these 4 imams being 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th generation in this ummah, with hundreds of thousands of hadith in their belt(Imam Bukhari(ra) was a student of Imam Ahmed for context) and the 95% of the ummah who chose to follow them afterwards with chains going to the Prophet(saw) were far more likely to have a better understanding of what was meant by these hadith than us and those people who claim scholarship without any connected chains to the Prophet pbuh. There is nothing wrong with saying "I follow Quran and Sunnah" except for the word "I". Our own ignorance is often hidden from us by the veil of our own arrogance to think that we can read a few articles online and supersede the understanding of the pious scholars like Imam Malik(ra) who was authorized directly by over 70 madani scholars from the taba tabi3een. Allah knows best and may he guide us all.
@idrisanimagac.4086 12 дней назад
The most successful ruler muslim had since the prophet may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him 🤲🏾
@ivannaicker3649 12 дней назад
Hi..if you were allah wud you not know which law,is best from the start...it frightens me to realise that allah decrees us into doing unquestionable unimaginable sin then to ask him for pardon or mercy...its like I'm forcing my two lovely toddlers to play with fire..or trying out cigs drugs and alcohol so they can search and find allah 😮😅🎉🎉🎉😂If not it's a sin to live a disciplined life wer we wont seek allahs mercy😮😅😂🎉😅😂😮😅😢😂😅😂I havent laughed and was this excited from my marriage to my 4th wife...allah wu akbar..ishallah
@akayzzsayz7219 13 дней назад
So according to his words mawlid is a bidha , thank you very much.
@hxyzazolchak 12 дней назад
That's not what was said. Maybe it is, or maybe it isn't his opinion, but you missed the point of the video, which is the rejection of the idea that everything that is a bidah is automatically rejected. Certain issues are to be inspected, and scholars have differed regarding them, and the mawlid might be one of those issues. Issues that have legitimate differences of opinion should not lead to takfir or declaring other Muslims with being deviants.
@UsamaKhan-xs9do 13 дней назад
A beneficial talk in explaining madhab rulings. However, I do think the Shaykh is downplaying the impact of group mentality and how that can, in certain situations, lead to people rejecting clear evidences in an order to prove their group correct. Extremism in madhabs does exist in some segments and it is not far fetched to think that they'll be ready to perform mental gymnastics to defend their position. Also, I don't think it is unreasonable to believe that an Imam didn't come across a certain hadith in some matters. For instance, Imam Abu Hanifa lived in an age where hadith compilation was still in its infancy. It's easy for us to say now, living in the 21st century with hadith books easily accessible, that it would be far fetched to think that the Imam wouldn't have come across a certain hadith. In Imam Abu Hanifa's example, hadith was still being compiled and it is likely that certain hadiths did not reach him.
@hxyzazolchak 13 дней назад
@UsamaKhan-xs9do he admitted to the possibility of that. You have to remember, though, that we have the methodology of these imams that lives on in their students, and they would judge that hadith in light of these methodologies
@Ibrahim-ho7bu 14 дней назад
Maybe the hadith dont have absolute authority
@DC-wp6oj 12 дней назад
Its more likely to have better authority as Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik were closer to witnesses maybe only 1 generation removed from the Prophet saws. As opposed to an isnad of 3/4 narrators in a chain.
@jtb229 14 дней назад
Imam Ahmed had this ruling not the Shafi’s
@WaqasAli-ct7ly 14 дней назад
Both have this
@jtb229 13 дней назад
@@WaqasAli-ct7ly No Habibi we don’t have this ruling in the Shafī Madhab. The Shafī uphold unanimously that the jumuah is wajib and isn’t to be left off for the Eid salah. As outlined by: Imam An-Nawawi in his Al-Majmu3 Mughni Al-Muhtaj by Al-Shirbini and more
@DondonAjp 15 дней назад
Ya Allah yg maha suci dan yg maha tinggi . Ampunilah dosa hamba mu ini yg lemah La haulla kuata Illa billa hill haliul adzim. Amin huya Rab.
@HarrisonElliff 15 дней назад
Conquest or be conquered was the name of the game for many centuries. I dont think it has to be that way today. As some already mentioned, Indonesia accepted Islam purely through dawah.
@micdeymearstienbeiger37 15 дней назад
Shaikh, please correct me if I'm wrong, but the hadith you quoted (البيعان بالخيار) is NOT about return/refund. It's about closing the deal. That is, if one makes a proposal (الإيجاب), then waits for the acceptance (القبول).
@xxsqf 16 дней назад
Though offensive jihad was only the last option? Like accept islam if u dont atleast let ppl gve dawah in their . Isnt thst how Indonesia grew?
@HilmiPrabowo-l3x 16 дней назад
Ibn Rajab said that Sufi practices of dancing and singing are bidah?
@hxyzazolchak 16 дней назад
Since when is singing and dancing become bidah? We know musical instruments which are forbidden and those who are permitted and even in that there is difference of opinion among the schools of thought.
@emrealkilinc7427 10 дней назад
​@@hxyzazolchaknot dancing itself. But dancing as an act of ibada or part of an ibada like sufis. He gave the example with tawaf. Tawaf= ibada Tawaf with clapping etc= Bida Dhikr= ibada Dhikr with weird headmovements and dancing = Bida
@ria1110 16 дней назад
Sorry that makes no sense to me. YEs of course surrogacy is haram. But IVF can't be ruled out as haram simply because of the faint possibility of a hypothetical mix up. So what if the IVF clinic was in Saudi Arabia, then would it be halal because the people are bound by sharia (to com back to the muslim/non muslim butcher shop analogy)?
@stephenconnolly1830 16 дней назад
The reason given is incorrect - the Persian and Byzantine empires were belligerent and had already performed hostile acts against the early Muslim state (including when the Prophet was still alive). This led the companions to state the following "when they aren't fighting they are preparing to fight" about the Romans. This prompted the early Caliphs to launch military campaigns against the two super powers to preempt them.
@hxyzazolchak 16 дней назад
That's one of the reasons. I don't think the byzantines or the Persians would have allowed Islam to spread in their lands uninterrupted either, and their leaders would not have converted either, so he was just giving one reason
@hossamakarkach4429 15 дней назад
I think you are wrong, the Persians and Byzantines did not attack the Medinan state, neither in Abu Bakr's time or the Prophet's time. Every battle recorded was between the Muslims and the other Arab tribes, specifically the Quraysh. As for the Battle of Mut'ah, even though we do not even have a single small reference from Byzantine sources that it happened - this was a war between the Byzantines and the Muslims, why did they start invading the Persians? Either way, this is not me defending the Romans and Persians but rather to tell the truth.
@stephenconnolly1830 15 дней назад
@@hossamakarkach4429 - you seem to have overlooked the battle of Mu'tah which involved the Byzantine army with Christian Arab allies sent against the Islamic state of Medina. The Persian emperors also demonstrated their belligerence in a variety of ways, only in-fighting stopped them from launching an all out war. Please reconsider your comment above.
@stephenconnolly1830 15 дней назад
@@hxyzazolchak- the account given in your response is pure speculation. The only reason for the military campaigns against Persia and Byzantium is the one given by me in my initial comment above.
@hossamakarkach4429 15 дней назад
@@stephenconnolly1830 You seem to have overlooked my whole comment as I did mention the battle of Mu'tah, and you can see how I did not edit that in my comment just now. Also as with your claim about the Persians, do please demonstrate me the proof. Although I do believe that there are justifications for the conquests committed by the Khilafāh, your argument has a few flaws.
@vanessac1965 16 дней назад
If Islam is pro mercy and pro life, then your concern about the very rare chance of a mistake is not a valid argument. Clinics have ways of managing the fluids safely. Surrogacy I agree is a corruption of motherhood and the rights of the child, but IVF is not
@majestic6303 17 дней назад
It’s a cultural thing that people do in south Asian countries
@saltymangoparty 11 дней назад
And central Asia.
@somalipirate20 17 дней назад
That’s my question!
@jarosawwieczorek835 17 дней назад
then write what happened to Jesus - because the Koran is completely unclear here...
@jibranabdeen890 17 дней назад
More of Sheikh Yahya and the rest of Maqasid
@bismillahschool 17 дней назад