Imgrund Owen
Imgrund Owen
Imgrund Owen
Short films with a midwestern flare.
@ellierice4521 7 дней назад
Excellent work! Make more!
@tkell31 Месяц назад
Nice. Good use of imagination. Liked the atmosphere. Very noir feel to it.
@Stephanie-gv8rh 2 месяца назад
So good!
@magic.marmot 2 месяца назад
Really nice take.
@magic.marmot 2 месяца назад
Good use of sound.
@BradyReese 2 месяца назад
Lol its terribly obvious when an actor doesn't smoke and pretends
@lcole8849 2 месяца назад
The sound engineer on this film deserves an individual award. The sound editing was impeccable. Kudos to all involved in this little masterpiece. ♥
@galacticwisdom7389 3 месяца назад
Excellent ... everything flows nicely, evolutive loops are the right way to use them :)
@iamhelloway 4 месяца назад
Old guy acts real well . Tho whole movie was meh
@lifegood3322 5 месяцев назад
This was great! People who can't do bitch about everyone who does!
@srogers500 6 месяцев назад
I like my Carter shaken, not stirred.
@toliskoskinas 7 месяцев назад
No smoker smokes like this. Better try more next time, this one is a joke and HPL doesn’t approve.
@Raphafast28 7 месяцев назад
I love how you switch the original perspective form Lovecraft original story! It’s pretty clever and interesting
@runeaeik 7 месяцев назад
Supernice ❤
@brody3431 7 месяцев назад
💋 Promo*SM
@robstimson4234 8 месяцев назад
No tentacled monsters, but l like the loop effect, which reminds me of 'lnto the Mouth of Madness'. Full length film, to my mind a Lovecraftian masterpiece. Nobody else gives a shit about it, which l think is fitting.
@FrankWhite-uc6gt 8 месяцев назад
RE complaints of bad acting: Guys, it's LOVECRAFT, who couldn't write natural dialogue or people behaving normally. The actors are perfectly in character! As for what Nyarlathotep is after, he wants to find out who the Professor shared information with to know who else to kill to keep things secret. And since he can't read the guy's mind, he has to use trickery. It was irresponsible for the Professor to send Carter into such danger without an Elder Sign or protective mantra or even a revolver, just in case. Armitage wouldn't have made that mistake.
@jennaimgrund 8 месяцев назад
How many knives does this women own?????
@paultheimgrundxiv 8 месяцев назад
Heyyy it's the best Christmas film ever made!
@dingesskahn 9 месяцев назад
super obvious that the dude doing the questioning doesn't smoke
@Silas-lc9op 4 месяца назад
Or act
@sb-px4yf 3 месяца назад
As a non smoker I couldn't tell.
@Deletirium 3 месяца назад
This is how non-smokers think smokers smoke. 1: long, meaningful drag 2: tilt head at the ceiling 3: savour 4: return with steely gaze 5: puff out cheeks and blow smoke out disdainfully 6: more steely gaze 7: gesture dramatically with cigarette 8: repeat 1-7 until finished 9: flick butt away in slow motion, preferably onto an exploaives fuse of some sort. 10: stroll away uncaringly while something blows up in the background How smokers actually smoke: 1: smoke 2: cough up phlem 3: spit 4: frantically wave the smoke out the bathroom window when wifey yells "are you smoking?" 5: question life choices... 6: repeat
@anthonybricker7654 2 месяца назад
lol, nice
@NothingIsKnown00 10 месяцев назад
Remembering that HP himself wrote short stories, building his universe incrementally, I love how these short films pick up the threads he left for us.
@OpenBiolabsGuy 10 месяцев назад
Statement of Jonathan Sims, the Archivist, regarding his experiences with eldritch horror. Statement begins.
@joeyjojojunior4886 11 месяцев назад
Don’t put stage actors in films. This was community theater acting.
@DavidLazarus 11 месяцев назад
Why do you have to promote smoking cigarettes in the 21st century?
@user-tp9hk8ox8s 8 месяцев назад
Lol, what?
@DartNoobo 5 месяцев назад
Because it fails to imitate human smoker. Who knows if it even has lungs or not
@kalashnicovcosis 11 месяцев назад
very nice. Piece of construvtive critisism, would be the sound. The dialouge sounds tinny, no matter the environment. But nice. Good to see H.P. still has a legacy that inspires. D
@Tony_SZ29 Год назад
Loved it! just one tiny detail, wish the guy paying the investigator really knew how to smoke, it was the only detail that kept me thinking this was not real.
@bertiesaurus 8 месяцев назад
Silly opinion. Is it not possible that the cosmic deity just doesn’t know how to smoke? It seems more like you’re doing some sorta weird elitist ‘oh well i smoke all the time so my immersion is ruined as a regular cool smoker person’
@beardedhussar1755 7 месяцев назад
@@bertiesaurus I actually noticed the same thing, and I haven't smoked in 20 years. And the OP said he loved it, so pump the brakes on the comment coaching. Nothing that detracted from the film, but yea, kinda obvious the actor has never smoked a day in his life, and that's not entirely a bad thing. And yes, since you asked, I would think an ancient, cosmic deity WOULD know how to mimic a man. Just take Nyarlathotep for instance.
@bertiesaurus 7 месяцев назад
@@beardedhussar1755I seriously do not believe that this is a reasonable thing to get caught up on, and I don’t think it’s fair to reference a different cosmic deity, which exists in different lore universe to explain this universe’s lore
@beardedhussar1755 7 месяцев назад
@@bertiesaurus That's the funny thing. It was just an observation from the OP. And one that I noticed. The show was excellent and based on an HP Lovecraft story, hence my reference to Nyarlathotep. So I believe I am in the correct universe. You are the only one getting hung up on the observation itself. It started with your first comment.
@mmestari 2 месяца назад
@@beardedhussar1755 " And the OP said he loved it, so pump the brakes on the comment coaching. " The comment coaching is more valid than the inane smoking coaching, which is pure cringe.
@reddragon771 Год назад
Nan these 5 year old clowns are looking for authenticity in a short movie which is based upon a fictional story. In every great horror movie all characters make a ton of choices that are completely illogical and inauthentic but that does not deter these clowns from going ga ga over them. Next they will be whining about how this ghost should look like,or how come ghosts can walk through walls,why is it so dark, as if they spend most of their time with ghosts and are completely aware of what they look like and how they behave in certain situations but the last straw for me was this lot using theories of physics on how a cigarette should be smoked from the side of your mouth and not the middle. I am a lifetime smoker who smokes atleast 30 cancer sticks a day but never have I smoked them from the side of my mouth. For me and a dozen of my friends it's the centre of the mouth method that works. These clowns need to do some research on how suspension of disbelief has been the strongest pillar of the art that is storytelling and especially when those stories are based in fiction and mythology.
@capnjackgallows3204 Год назад
That was anything but lovecraftian
@markbigelow2608 Год назад
Very well presented.
@ellkat3 Год назад
"You fool! Randolph is dead!"
@weSlaughter66 Год назад
I’m sorry but the acting is annoyingly over the top
@bholdr----0 Год назад
What an excellent vid! This is, I think, a worthy spiritual successor to some of lovecraft's short stories and his ideas vis: cosmic horror, etc; While it avoids some of his worst tendencies (towards excessive verbosity, anglophilia, repetitiveness, etc... And, you know..) The pacing, the dynamic between the two primary characters- the willingness to allow its ambiguity to be integral to its horror, and so on. Thanks for posting it!
@dennisbrantley6925 Год назад
Good little film. Its always funny to see a non smoker trying to play a smoking role and how ridiculous they look. What was he trying to do when taking a puff...eat it like an ice cream cone and then not inhale. Jeez would have been better to make him non smoker instead of him looking like a fool. The old man was a smoker though. That's the only constructive criticism I can bestow.
@anonymousbosch9265 Год назад
Excellent little concept and well executed. Really liked it
@butziporsche8646 Год назад
Cthulhu Phone Home!
@Will-dn9dq Год назад
Such a good lil film. Guy should known be careful as when staring into the abyss it stares back.
@Deletirium 3 месяца назад
So Nietzche, much edge. Big clap.
@duncanurquhart5278 Год назад
@Taliesin-xd7ke Год назад
Very interesting film.
@BacklashMR79 Год назад
This was excellent.
@kenbihler7175 Год назад
amused that others believe this is good acting. sorry, not impressed ... stilted , dry , unimaginative
@jemon2423 Год назад
Nobody of smart assases in the comments didnt thought that detective wasnt human, that means it maybe can read proffessor mind to produce a likeable image of a "cool smoking officer"? And may be proffessor didnt smoke himself?
@TruthSurge Год назад
4:54 ? why is there room echo in the voice overdub? I assume the lines were overdubbed later and the actor had too much room echo so the vid editor put a room verb on the other actor as well to make them sound similar in the walking with back to camera section. Shame because suddenly they're both in a bathroom talking instead of outdoors with no echo like before 4:54. Not nitpicking like others will say but noticing an obvious error that should not be there and is easily fixed by asking the actor to do his overdubs in a vocal booth. You can buy those things to put around a mic to block out most of the room echo. Ah the old feedback cycle plot tactic. How did he carve such great letters with only his teeth? wow. but why would he carve out HEK the first time? Maybe he didn't have time to finish it? anyway.... another unresolved short. Leaving stories unresolved is not cool, it's lazy, imo. It's all the rage with people but to me it's basically saying I can't figure out HOW to create a great ending so I'll just chop it off w/o having to commit to anything and call it a CLIFF HANGER! oh well.... There's a few ways to end but just stopping it seems a cheap way out of making that executive decision. I think resolving the conflict AND leaving something left dangling is a great way to end a story. Here, nothing is resolved except who the interrogator is (basically, the bad guy). But how does prof get out of the loop and to safety? Okay, carry on!
@jamirick13 Год назад
What did the older guys left hand say?
@user-tp9hk8ox8s 8 месяцев назад
He knows.
@cwis8406 5 месяцев назад
@@user-tp9hk8ox8sthank you so much that was bugging me
@JaydragonM Месяц назад
Thank you both soooooo much for asking and answering this question. I was trying so hard to read it!
@paulus.tarsensus Год назад
More confused, bewildered and perplexed at the end than at the beginning. Bad acting, bad sets, bad dialogue and this short probably assumes the viewer already knows something about some backstories. Should have left the cigarettes out; this was distracting and awkward.
@BlackKiryuu Год назад
A fantastic short!!
@bennyblanco14 Год назад
Great video ...just dont have anymore smoking scenes unless the actor knows how to smoke js
@blaque5582 Год назад
This… was really F’n good.
@blaque5582 Год назад
Reminds me of “The Endless”
@Reignor99 Год назад
the acting was bad
@CherudexGaming Год назад
@johnathanmonsen6567 Год назад
Imagine watching a horror short film with tons of high concepts involved, and then going on at length about the inaccuracy of the smoking as if that was the most important part of the narrative.
@drinking_master Год назад
I think as others implied it's a clue that he isn't human, but it obviously went over too many people's heads lol
@johnathanmonsen6567 Год назад
@@drinking_master Honestly I think it was an honest mistake that nobody should care about.
@DarkVBA Год назад
They are leading our attention from bad acting.
@Starskyrammings91 9 месяцев назад
@@johnathanmonsen6567. Wrong. First comments Right
@arturcarreira8595 8 месяцев назад
It breaks imersion... But whatever, its only in the beggining