Hypnosis, Meditation & Dharma Talk- Jason Wilde
Hypnosis, Meditation & Dharma Talk- Jason Wilde
Hypnosis, Meditation & Dharma Talk- Jason Wilde
Devas & Asuras to Modern Day UFO Pilots
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Internal Silent Smile Meditation
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Digital Detox Meditation
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Symphony of You Meditation
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Project Blue Beam - Is it real or not?
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Interdimensional Beings: Beyond Our Reality
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@CCS2203 5 дней назад
OMG a meditation with ads !!
@madmonkeymilton 16 дней назад
Screaming ads makes this awful... the nerve of some ppl
@billiewandaferguson2821 29 дней назад
Dang! I COULD have enjoyed this , but an add every couple minutes, as i try to follow the relaxation count down! 3 adds befor i could even go down the stairs!!! How the hell can you get into a state of relaxation when you are being obnoxiously yanked out of it with a loud long boisterous commercial add??
@billiewandaferguson2821 29 дней назад
And I have other hypnosis guided meditations on here that DONT do the adds, only befor and after, so I know buying the you tube upgrade isn't the answer.
@Lisa-ss2nd Месяц назад
How am I supposed to relax with all the freaking ads
@jasonwilde5829 Месяц назад
Pay for RU-vid premium. I can't control the ads.
@nathalieyinyoga8005 Месяц назад
Such a waste with all the add
@lostpodV2 2 месяца назад
was sounding good and relaxed until ads popped up. probably disable them or add the overlay ones only so its an uninterrupted guided meditation. Thanks
@jasonwilde5829 2 месяца назад
It's RU-vid and their algorithm. RU-vid premium resolves this. I wish there was another way
@jameskellam2980 16 дней назад
Joe T, Michael Sealey, Meditation Vacation, and numerous others do not have these ads.
@Danielspellman 2 месяца назад
Thankyou I enjoyed this explanation
@jasonwilde5829 2 месяца назад
Glad it was helpful!
@JavierD92 2 месяца назад
Cool how when you think about something, it seems to pop up days later.
@jeremyvrede4835 2 месяца назад
Enjoyed it, thank you👍🏽
@jasonwilde5829 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much! Namaste.
@palsdairy9541 2 месяца назад
Thank you Jason for this video🙏 You said you had past life as a Hindu, could you please make a video of telling us your past life story?
@jasonwilde5829 2 месяца назад
Yes - I was a young man in my early twenties - living in a coastal area where I knew I was a fisherman. I was awake in the early morning hours and looked over from my bed to see the figure of another man still sleeping in his bed - I immediately knew it was brother and could feel how much I loved him. We get glimpses.
@louisroth5941 2 месяца назад
@TheoriesofEverything Curt this guy says he doesn't belong on your podcast but I implore you to watch his content and consider interviewing him on the TOE podcast!
@louisroth5941 2 месяца назад
Is this a good channel? I see there are only 158 subscribers but I see the material is pretty similar to TOE with Curt Jaimungal. You should do a collab with him.
@jasonwilde5829 2 месяца назад
I don't think I'm smart enough for his channel. He only talks to scholars and professionals. I am nobody. But thank you.
@SacredDreamer 2 месяца назад
🧚 💓!
@jasonwilde5829 2 месяца назад
Thank you!!
@Delta_Tesseract 2 месяца назад
Namaste 🙏🏻💞 Every step. Every path. Every drop. Every life. Every one.
@jasonwilde5829 2 месяца назад
Love that!
@deanna3ddd 3 месяца назад
Listened for 6 minutes and a commercial came blaring out. Won’t ever listen again
@jasonwilde5829 3 месяца назад
You'll have to complain to RU-vid. That is out of my control.
@mandygershon8603 3 месяца назад
I lived in a house that seemed to be quite the patch. ;)
@mandygershon8603 3 месяца назад
You always make such thought-provoking content. Thank you for the way you think!
@jasonwilde5829 3 месяца назад
Thank you for listening.
@AspenVonFluffer 3 месяца назад
Jesus is the only real way.. Yes, all faiths look similar at first glance, but. I really like this explanation. Heaven is a mental construct and the only way "in" is through embracing Jesus. When your body dies all that is left is your soul. That soul needs to be in sync with Jesus. Everything else is a deception.
@mandygershon8603 3 месяца назад
I never really got into that particular lore -- thanks for sharing!
@jasonwilde5829 3 месяца назад
Any time!
@jmarvind 3 месяца назад
Ahimsa, not Ahisma. Other than that, thought provoking.
@mikemurphy5898 3 месяца назад
Well, despite you not being a "famous" YTer or a Rockstar, i still believe your opinion is equally valid. I've never understood why those people are given so much credence (LeBron James, as one example... if he wasn't an NBA star would anyone listen to his opinion? I doubt it). A couple thoughts. As science has progressed through my lifetime, we have learned more about how life works and its constituent parts, specifically how everything has a vibration. It makes sense to me that some vibrations may work better together than others and some might not work well with others at all... thereby is it possible that an alien species could benefit from the negative emotions experienced by humans? I see no law of the universe that prevents it, but i also certainly don't know for sure. Building on this, I've always found that island tribe (i can never remember the name, google it if interested) that has very odd knowledge about the earth that it seems they should not have interesting. What knowledge? I'm glad you asked... they say the moon was towed into orbit by beings (that sound alot like the dracos) and it changed the earth significantly. Ok, so what right? Well, they said before the moon was there, the oceans were almost perfectly flat (or calm), women's cycles weren't monthly, a mist so dense it hung in the air and made the sun hard to see but for a watery, blurry light in the sky, and that alpha centauri was a triple star system. So, ok, let's look at this. They've known alpha Centauri had 2 stars for a few hundred years but they didn't discover the 3rd star until *2018* which is basically yesterday in historic terms, so how did they know. Also, how did they know the tides are caused by the moon? And the moon causing the mist covering the earth to fall from the sky could explain the flood myth so many cultures have. If they're Draco, it also fits well with the biblical "serpent" changing the garden of eden to a place of hardship and toil via this act of towing in the moon. It also would help explain why so many of us don't seem to be equipped for spending a lot of time in the sun if this happened in the last 13k years, which is also when the islanders say this all happened, which again fits with the timeline of the flood myths. Now, do i believe this? No not necessarily but their unexplained knowledge coupled with the fact that their version answers a lot of questions very neatly that main stream science continues to struggle with more conventional explanations for, i find intriguing... doesn't make it true but it does make me feel like i need to keep an open mind because i do believe these stories came from somewhere. My point, i guess to your point in your video is it would seem plausible that there are both good and nefarious actors using the earth for whatever purpose they see fit. Moreover, if they're psychic beings which i do believe is possible (for more evidence just google Stanford University, psychic phenomena and 9-11) then could it be possible they "feed" or are much more effected by our positive and/or negative emotions? Idk but i feel like there is potential for correlation. Billy Corgan, lead singer for the smashing pumpkins alleged that a record exec changed into some type of reptilian in front of him, acknowledged the change and just being that close to the being left Corgan in *significant* pain for *several days.* To my knowledge he's never waivered on this story or changed it and hasn't reported any other similar incidents so could he be lying? Sure but it strikes me as kind of odd to just make up. Again, it's more about the patterns and unrelated people having similar experiences than any one person saying xyz... In closing, sorry i know this was long, i personally believe these beings could exist but are flesh and blood. I believe in angels and their reciprocal also but don't think they're on this plane of existence. Not "full time" anyway.
@Gan_Gineandro 3 месяца назад
I like your take, but also Mauro Biglino's take. Check out the video he made with his editor when he released is book, "Gods of the Bible". But also, more in line with your argument, you know of Chris Bledsoe and Mike Clelland?
@jasonwilde5829 3 месяца назад
Yes I know of Bledsoe and Clelland. Very fascinating.
@theoriginal7727 3 месяца назад
Aahhhhhh.. the oh-so-rare male voice that I can actually RELAX to!
@buriedtoodeep1508 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this meditation & this channel.
@jasonwilde5829 3 месяца назад
You are so welcome
@Aceofspades088 4 месяца назад
I enjoyed this thoroughly
@f4_50 4 месяца назад
Yes! Was there some 20 years ago on my way to Nanaimo. So pristine and beautiful! Was a prelude to Vancouver Island.
@SSMalik 8 месяцев назад
Dear Jason, you had an extraordinary experiences which charged the direction of you life. Knowing is real, it is direction experience of soul with reality. Communication with guru and other divine spirits is also real. Maybe we can talk about it someday. All experiences have both aspects depends on what is our intention and intellection.
@gregfrazer1202 8 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for sharing this!
@shiningones6765 8 месяцев назад
I did comment before.....seems it vanished. Great experience that seems to have sent you in the right direction of seeking more truth.
@metagleam 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing, your experience fits the mold of life changing experiences. I can surely relate since I have had a few. Also, I like the story about where you lived. I grew up near the Minnesota River Valley while living in a Minnesota Suburb. Lots of apple and pear orchards. The river was the first place us kids would run to after school. 1950s so us kids ran free, just be home by dark and the farmers liked us. Wouldn't trade those years for anything.
@wastereduce6288 9 месяцев назад
Amazing story. Thanks for sharing. Many of us have similar experiences of feeling connected to higher beings. I am also a regression therapist. We are all leading to somewhere and have come for a reason. Nothing is a coincidence.
@chrissylazar 10 месяцев назад
I am crying, happy tears. I am sending you 💙💙💙
@MaxEMcCabe 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing this Jason
@dollymae647 Год назад
All throughout my life I've had events occur. When I was young they always felt terrifying. Over the recent years these events seem much more positive and there is no denying there is a force of some kind (feels spiritual) that has been guiding me and trying to reach out. I do believe in God but at the same time feel this is different. I feel mentally different, I see things differently like the vail has been lifted. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I know what you mean about the nut factor lol but disregard that because fact is fact and how others perceive us is not our concern, they are only limited to their own experiences. Live on in truth and love.
@ufojules Год назад
Thank you for sharing and having the courage to finally tell us of your experience. Talking about trauma is hard. I have had trauma in my life and know how it feels. Absolutely fascinating account.
@WizardTerence Год назад
Thanks for sharing this... Interesting... Maybe you should go under and try to find out what happened when you blacked out. Sounds like missing time.
@Connection_Dependant 2 года назад
Spooky 👻