Theology Academy
Theology Academy
Theology Academy
Theology Academy is an educational RU-vid channel dedicated to providing comprehensive and fact-based videos on various aspects of Christianity. With a primary focus on Theology and its historical context, this channel aims to enlighten viewers with accurate and well-researched information about theology.

One of the primary goals of Theology Academy is to explore Theology from a historical perspective. By providing insight into the cultural, social, and political contexts surrounding biblical events, the channel helps viewers gain a deeper understanding of the scriptures. Through meticulous research and analysis from professors at Yale, Harvard, and others, the videos shed light on the customs, traditions, and beliefs prevalent during biblical times, bringing the stories to life with historical accuracy.

From the Old Testament to the New Testament, Church Fathers to Church History, this channel offers a fascinating journey into the depths of Christianity's rich heritage.

Episode 3 | What’s agape got to do with it?
2 месяца назад
@Zb-uo2bl 3 часа назад
Have any of you noticed that those who are known by their Fruits...are known by their Fruits! But then, there is that "other strand", who are careful to list a detailed pedigree....proof of legitamacy!😮 Remove the fleece, nothing but a wolf.
@normmcinnis4102 19 часов назад
This is exclusively catholic history
@johndavid9496 День назад
bro❤ gud info👍
@simonslater9024 День назад
Also there’s never been any division’s and schisms because your either obedient to Rome ie the pope or your damned - it’s as simple as that. The Bible is a Catholic book and condemns protestantism and orthodoxy. At the council of Florence in the 15th century it was infallibly stated that schismatic’s are damned.
@simonslater9024 День назад
Constantine was the first Catholic emperor. The word Christian is inappropriate now because it incorrectly includes protestant’s who are NOT Christian because there’s ONLY CHURCH the holy Catholic Church.
@TheCuppycakedelight5 17 часов назад
How is it not Christian to say what the Bible says, only Jesus intercedes with us to God the Father? John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. God bless you.
@BearsArms45 3 дня назад
I’ve seen so many both “interfaith” absurdities as well as debates, where these outlandish representations of good faith between religions ends up with a giu putting Catholic priests and Christians in general on the spot asking “then am I not saved, and doomed to be damned?” And the Christian despite knowing his faith… despite knowing the answer is terrified his answer will come out sounding like “Sieg Heil” Stumbles and fumbles and murmurs and capitulates. Yet when addressing our own knowledge of the scripture and the wisdom of basically every single church father and clergymen and layman alike through the centuries have no problem recognizing that the obvious answer is “Fk off Pharisee. You synagogue of Satan. You are a child of your father the mother effing devil. And the sins of your wicked devil father, ye shall do.”
@hmac163 3 дня назад
You can’t really interchange Saul and Paul because he is only Paul after his conversion. I mean, it’s nitpicky, but it’s pretty important. Just my opinion.
@Joseph_Ben_David 3 дня назад
Your production is great. I might not agree with everything you say but it's very thought-provoking and I love this genre of thinking. Iron sharpens iron. Be blessed.
@DancingWithFools-b1y 4 дня назад
You can see in these very early writtings, The Way of Christ sadly morphing into a religion. The early stages of exchanging the spiritual growth knowing Christ develops to the external works of the flesh that brings bondage. Wretched bunch we are
@kingsleyobidigwe-xl7mf 4 дня назад
didn't they just later fall into paganism
@WPAOrthodox 4 дня назад
God bless you for this great video ☦️☦️☦️
@JohnS.-it6dy 5 дней назад
music and keyboard still too loud. not even needed.
@vanordman 5 дней назад
Your "historic" picture of the church Haga Sophia in Constantinople is inaccurate in several respects. The flying buttresses were added much later by the Turks as were the two minarets. The church shown was built by Justinian in 537AD. Constantine II did build the first Haga Sophia church but it didn't have the large dome of Justinian's Haga Sophia, which was the largest free standing dome in the world for 1,000 years. Just thought you might want to know.
@Berean_with_a_BTh 5 дней назад
You say in this video that the Council of Constantinople revised the Nicene Creed and that your next video will go into this in detail. You need to be aware that the Niceno-Constantinople Creed was attributed to the Council of Constantinople (381) by the Council of Chalcedon (451), despite there being no mention of it in the records of the Council of Constantinople or in any other official documents prior to the Council of Chalcedon. Neither Gregory of Nazianzus (who attended the opening sessions of the Council of Constantinople) nor Gregory of Nyssa (who attended the whole of the Council of Constantinople) ever mentioned it. Gregory of Nazianzus, only ever referred to the earlier Nicene form to express his ongoing concern about the Creed’s incompleteness regarding the Holy Spirit. Nor is it mentioned by the Church historians Socrates of Constantinople, Sozomen, and Theodoret of Cyrus, all of whom lived between these two Councils. The Council of Ephesus (431) likewise made no mention of it. It instead endorsed the earlier creed of Nicaea as a valid statement of the faith when anathematizing Nestorianism. It was first cited at the Council of Chalcedon on instructions from the chair of the meeting - the representative of the Emperor. However, since Canon 7 of the Council of Ephesus decreed "it is unlawful for any man to bring forward, or to write, or to compose a different faith as a rival to that established by the holy fathers assembled with the Holy Spirit (σύν ἁγίῳ πνεύματι) in Nicæa", a new version of the Creed could not be introduced. Hence, its back-dating to the Council of Constantinople. In other words, the attribution of the Niceno-Constantinople Creed to the Council of Constantinople was a "pious" fraud to get around a decree of the Council of Ephesus.
@Joseph_Ben_David 5 дней назад
Fantastic 😊
@atgred 5 дней назад
St. Ignatius of Antioch Christian is my name, Catholic is my last name. All of us should have the first name, but it is in the last name where the difference are. The word catholic was used for the first time in a letter from St. Ignatius of Antioch (A.D. 35 to 107) The Greek root of the term catholic means “according to the whole” or “universal.” Ignatius uses the term to refer to the visible and authoritative Church: “See that you all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as you would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is administered either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it. Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude of the people also be; even as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church.”-Letter to the Smyrnaeans, Ch 8 Ignatius urges the faithful to submit to the authority of their bishop because it is the will of God: “But inasmuch as love suffers me not to be silent in regard to you, I have therefore taken upon me first to exhort you that you would all run together in accordance with the will of God. For even Jesus Christ, our inseparable life, is the manifested will of the Father; as also bishops, settled everywhere to the utmost bounds of the earth, are so by the will of Jesus Christ… Let us be careful, then, not to set ourselves in opposition to the bishop, in order that we may be subject to God.” -Letter to the Ephesians, Ch 3,5 Ignatius recognizes the authority, or “presidency,” in particular of the Church at Rome: “Ignatius, also called Theophorus, to the Church that has found mercy in the greatness of the Most High Father and in Jesus Christ, his only son; to the Church beloved and enlightened after the love of Jesus Christ, our God, by the will of him that has willed everything which is; to the Church wich also holds the presidency in the place of the country of the Romans, worthy of God, worthy of honor, worthy of blessing, worthy of praise, worthy of success, worthy of sanctification, and because you hold the presidency of love, named after Christ and named after the Father; here therefore do I salute in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father.” -Letter to the Romans, Intro Ignatius indicates that the Church at Rome possessed the authority to teach others: “You have envied no one; but others you have taught. I desire only that what you have enjoined in your instruction may remain in force.” -Letter to the Romans, Ch 3 Finally, Ignatius confirms-as do other Church Fathers-that this authoritative Church at Rome was founded by Peter and Paul: “Not as Peter and Paul did, do I command you. They were apostles and I am a convict. They were free, and I even to the present time am a slave.” -Letter to the Romans, Ch 4. On the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. “Take note of those who hold heterodox opinions on the grace of Jesus Christ which has come to us, and see how contrary their opinions are to the mind of God… They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the Flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, Flesh which suffered for our sins and which the Father, in his goodness, raised up again. They who deny the gift of God are perishing in their disputes.”-Letter to the Smyrnaeans, Ch 6. Ignatius also explains that the Eucharist must be administered either by a bishop or one of his ordained ministers: “Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is administered either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it.” -Letter to the Smyrnaeans, Ch 8. Didache. PRAYER OF ST. IGNATIUS AT HIS MARTYRDOM AD 107 I am of the wheat of God. May I be ground up by the teeth of the wild beasts until I become the fine BREAD of Christ. My sinful passions are crucified, there is no burning in my flesh. A stream murmurs and flows deep down inside me. It says: Come to the Father. Worship on Sunday Letter to the Magnasians 9 Those, then, who lived by ancient practices arrived at a new hope. They ceased to keep the Sabbath and lived by the Lord's Day, on which our life as well as theirs shone forth, thanks to Him and his death, though some deny this. Through this mystery we got our faith, and because of it we stand our ground so as to become disciples of Jesus Christ, our sole teacher. How, then, can we live without him when even the prophets, who were his disciples by the Spirit, awaited him as their teacher? He, then, whom they were rightly expecting, raised them from the dead, when he came.
@Godconquersall143 6 дней назад
The ‘church’ mentioned was the one holy apostolic Catholic Church.
@ridingthecosmos6273 5 дней назад
Yup the today known as the Orthodox Church.
@AthanSMaliakkal 5 дней назад
​@@ridingthecosmos6273which orthedox part 😂lol.
@ridingthecosmos6273 5 дней назад
@@AthanSMaliakkal Eastern Orthodox ☦️ the true body and bride of Christ🙏
@AthanSMaliakkal 5 дней назад
@@ridingthecosmos6273 so what about other orthedoy. Also what about the discommunuon of Greek and Russian churchee. When we read history no church was in discommunuon like orthdox church. Every church had a patriarch and all was in communion with each other.
@ridingthecosmos6273 4 дня назад
@@AthanSMaliakkal History is full or schism lol. The Oriental orthodox left the true Church in 4th century. The Romans left the Church in 1054. The protestants came from Rome so they were never part of the true Church and the laity is in communion between Greek and Russia it is only a clerical schism due to politics not of faith. We are united in the Faith. We have 4 of the 5 ancient patriarchs in Eastern Orthodoxy. The one missing Rome because they left. So your Rome and Constantinople have broken communion in the past as well before 1054. This just shows you are ignorant on church history.
@sulongenjop7436 6 дней назад
The Nicean Creed is the most perfect description of God!
@VeilleuxMarc 5 дней назад
wrong, the apostle's symbol that we recite in the Rosary is the most perfect description of the Unique God ... the Father! It precedes the (ambiguous) Nicean council and we must filter/interpret the Nicean creed through the lenses of the apostle's creed/symbol.
@sulongenjop7436 2 дня назад
​@@VeilleuxMarcHail Mary is already described and spelt out in the Creed!!
@diosdadoapias 6 дней назад
It is true that a concept that is not logical or contrary to what is written or no substantive basis when being preached especially by those who have high status in their respective endeavors will be accepted as truth like the Nicene Creed about the relationship of god the Father and Jesus. Also the Trinity is another example.
@RuskSophia-h8d 6 дней назад
Martin Sandra Anderson Helen White Sarah
@mathewrichards2713 6 дней назад
Before Abraham “I AM”
@rachelleh5237 7 дней назад
Stephen was the first Martyr
@WarrenEden-u8c 7 дней назад
Jones Jennifer Jones Carol Miller John
@jasonhayward6965 7 дней назад
The word church is an acronym most religious words are church actually mean centaurian Hafele under royal Centurion Hafele so the answer is pretty clear here it would have been royals running the churches committing to all their accent deeds by people who serve them telling them they've done great deeds and God which is obviously another acronym which is granddaughter Dynasty maybe even Jesus which is actually the justice executive senate understand because Jesus is an acronym it was created by the Israelites when they were kicked out of Africa walked out onto the foot path stood there claiming the new holy land Africa then burned Rome because they weren't giving enough money for food and Rome collapse because it couldn't feed its Empire
@jasonhayward6965 7 дней назад
Gnosticism this word is an acronym most religious words are it means grand nation order star territory imperial centaurian imperial state medal and the word god is also an acronym it means grand order Dynasty
@bretoncelt 7 дней назад
There is a lot good in this video but some dishonesty is also present.
@SCPN333 8 дней назад
Did you know the Celts had a triune God within their pagen worship?
@SusScrofaVulgaris 8 дней назад
I got a theological question: should we throw the bibe out or just keep it as a paper weight, never read it and let others tell us what it says?
@SaneNoMore 8 дней назад
… and now to read the dogmatic hyper-deterministic comments of the Calvinists..
@KelvinBoatner-c1v 8 дней назад
Really how can Antioch be established in the 4 th century A.D by the Greeks but the Roman emperor Pompei took it from the Greeks in 64 B.C. Not possible bro !!!!!!!Fix it
@KelvinBoatner-c1v 8 дней назад
Why would the Roman emperor Pompeii capture the city of Antioch from the Greeks in 64 b.c. When earlier you stated Antioch wasn’t even a city until the 4 th century A.D. somebody is telling a lie!!!!!!
@CarloGoiff666 8 дней назад
the aislop is strong in this one
@JustHuman87 8 дней назад
Why did Ignatius think that being food for wild beasts would allow him to make it to God? Where did he get this theology?
@M3atP0psicl35 9 дней назад
Yeah....that's what happened. Lol. Just pay "taxes". Imagine if Hitler just told the Jews to pay "taxes". And then they didn't? What then? How is it different?
@WalkleyDennis-k3t 9 дней назад
Harris Dorothy Robinson Jason Clark Shirley
@chongsanchan1133 10 дней назад
At 13:15..The Greeks discovered Antioch 4th century BC, Not 4th century AD😂
@defendfreedom777 10 дней назад
I don't trust anything Constantine the Romans or the Catholic Church has their hands in,I do not accept the doctrine of the Trinity,I do accept the doctrine of the oneness of God, that is one God in three manifestations and not God in three persons.
@georgepierson4920 6 дней назад
Modalism was condemned by the early Church. Therefore, you accept heresy.
@defendfreedom777 6 дней назад
@@georgepierson4920 yes if my beliefs are considered heretic by the opinion of a bunch of heretics themselves then I accept that label ! The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the reasons why the Jews and the Muslims refuse to accept Christianity and Christ as the Messiah, but concerning the Muslims they are further out in left field than Catholics and in fact their doctrine is straight up the doctrine of devils.And for the record I don't accept the baptism in the name of the father son and holy Ghost either as baptism in Jesus name is the correct way to baptize.
@georgepierson4920 5 дней назад
​@@defendfreedom777 Jesus said to listen to the Church and to the Apostles. You admit that you refuse to listen.
@defendfreedom777 5 дней назад
@@georgepierson4920 I do not consider anyone else as a member of the true church of Jesus Christ unless they have confessed their sin acknowledge Christ as LORD and Savior repented of sin washed by the blood that Christ shed on Calvary forgiven Born again filled with the spirit of God with the evidence of speaking in tongues and baptized in Jesus name, most of the church world is lost as a goose ! The Catholic Church then and now are nothing, but a bunch of people who have defiled themselves with pagan doctrine so the Catholic Church doesn't mean diddly squat to me and I openly defy them and any others from the past until now that teach this doctrine of the Trinity.😎
@defendfreedom777 5 дней назад
@@georgepierson4920 There is only one true church and that is those who have been redeemed by Christ, you need to understand there is but one plan of salvation not 99 others so to speak, you can't get it 99% right and expect to be saved it's 100% right or nothing ! I don't think you know what the actual plan of salvation is, but if you think you know you are welcome to share it with me and we can debate as long as it remains civil.👍
@kevinmac8629 10 дней назад
So Luther and Calvin threw out books?
@Danial-x3k 10 дней назад
Holy Spirit guild the Church throughout times. Church of God ,God will take care of all His children .
@JasonJacksonJames 11 дней назад
these AI are killing me
@HenriettaKerr-g1u 11 дней назад
White Christopher White Eric Lopez Helen
@lukewagner8871 11 дней назад
This is the importance of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 3:22-24 KJVS And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: [23] Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. [24] So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil. But man was not mature in his choices regarding good and evil. Hebrews 5:12-14 ESV For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, [13] for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. [14] But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.
@HenriettaKerr-g1u 11 дней назад
Rodriguez Margaret Moore Jessica Williams Mark
@mvdwillik5991 11 дней назад
🤔 ✨✨✨✨✨Since they ask. Me about this film I do not approf to persicutions of churches. But to show these when truth told. What The Church f Fathers suffer for CHRIST. This nead to be taught in Schools. Not to be with old from young Christians from young. Why do they withoold it from young? I learn to love all by knowing TRUTH since a toddler... To fear GOD who Is One that HE love me so much HE came to suffer & Die went to death & hell in my place so for all. So did those laying oour Church Foundations for TRUTH of a TRi UNE TRU ALMIGHTY GOD Who Is OMNI Present who will Reward us Who Is Just and TRi UNE HOLY Alive knowing us all throughfully😅✨🙏🙌🙌🙌🙌💯👆👇👑💫💫💫💫💫🏆❤️❤️✨✨🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️They must just correct Repentfully mistakes if there is falsehood GOD would write it against their names. Why we can correct to be Forgiven, we ought not to add or subtract from TRUTH..
@SCPN333 11 дней назад
6:49, so Jesus is not God but Lord? Also, God of God implying more than 1 God? Also, dignified people should choose what everyone should believe, hmmm reminds me of the Pharisees.
@georgepierson4920 6 дней назад
Jesus said to listen to the Church.
@SCPN333 6 дней назад
@@georgepierson4920 Where?
@johnspizziri 11 дней назад
The content here is outstanding- and while I do not usually comment on the art; the graphics are amazing!
@schadracemilca6532 12 дней назад
Beautifully done Thx!
@Shubhamthakur065 12 дней назад
Thanks sir for your hard work ❤❤❤
@MannavanHuyssteen-zf3jc 12 дней назад
They high jacked the teachings of the Apostles and that is where antisemitism started!
@TheApostelicPrincess 9 дней назад
So you believe in the blasphemous Pharisees who oppose Christ all the time (1 Thessalonians 2:15)
@Toby-asdf 12 дней назад
I really do want this channel to succeed but the a.i.-generated imagery is so unsettling and makes the video unwatchable. I got halfway through then had to bail. The voice isn't quite as distracting but is still pretty lifeless and mispronounces important words. Please find a better way to present this content.
@ThePoptabs 6 дней назад
Completely agree, it' too distracting and ugly to watch/listen to, the previous video formatting was much better.