Jess of the Shire
Jess of the Shire
Jess of the Shire
I'm Jess and I talk about the art of storytelling, through Tolkien and other authors. Videos are out Fridays at 3pm EST.
The Stories Behind Númenor
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Éowyn: Book vs Movie
28 дней назад
The Cyclical Storytelling of Dune
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The Shire: The Places of Middle Earth
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Storytelling & Plagues: A Tradition
2 месяца назад
Samwise Gamgee: Book vs Movie
2 месяца назад
Tolkien's Problem with Dune
2 месяца назад
Why Do We Love DUNE?
3 месяца назад
Ranking (Almost) All of Tolkien's Works
3 месяца назад
The Lord of the Rings Sequel that Never Was
3 месяца назад
Gandalf: Book vs Movie
4 месяца назад
The Lord of the Rings: Magic in Moderation
4 месяца назад
The History Channel Doesn't "Get" Tolkien
4 месяца назад
Hobbits: An (Almost) Complete Guide
5 месяцев назад
How Tolkien Revolutionized Fantasy
5 месяцев назад
Investigating the Origins of Fantasy
5 месяцев назад
Legolas: Book vs Movie
6 месяцев назад
I Bathed Like a Medieval Person for a Month
6 месяцев назад
The Names of Middle Earth EXPLAINED
6 месяцев назад
Did Tolkien Hate Shakespeare?
7 месяцев назад
How Frankenstein Became a Modern Myth
7 месяцев назад
The Real Story of the American Renaissance Faire
7 месяцев назад
How to Host a Lord of the Rings Marathon
7 месяцев назад
@scottjackson1420 13 часов назад
Jess, I just saw an add that said the LOTR trilogy is coming back to theaters for a short run. First, is this going to be one sitting for all three extended movies? Second (and maybe this is too obvious to ask) are you going to attend there in your hometown? I have the extended addition DVD's on my shelf, and I have a HUGE TV and a surround system. I can watch them anytime, although I've never done them all in the same day. Why would I want to go to my local theater for this?
@DrMustacho 14 часов назад
He's a false prophet
@seajaytea9340 14 часов назад
Thank you. Your comments were excellent, as was your analysis. I have been a long time fan of the series. To me, Herbert was writing in response to Machiavelli. Be careful of giving power (& instruction) to any one person as they will distort humanity.
@godofacorns 15 часов назад
I would have clicked immediately if you'd added Leto II to the title. Love me some GEoD.
@darkenergystarchild4301 15 часов назад
Low-key, Dune is the Tale of Shai Hulud 😂!!! The whole imperium Intergalactic space travel the Guild, Presience ALL PREMEDITATED by Shai Hulud. He then sought out the *RIGHT Great House Bloodline (Atreides) then thru SPICE told the Bene Gesseret to tell Emperor to send Atreides to Arrakis. Led Paul into the Jihad via Spice then mergered with his son to rule the Imperium it has created thru SPICE as an actual Atreides SandWorm . SHAI HULUD!!!! 🔥
@darkenergystarchild4301 15 часов назад
Idigs the futuristic element of appreciation for Humanity due to previous calamity. Which fits the background as human civilization for the storyline.
@straightshowtunelove 15 часов назад
There is a parody of Dune that was done by The National Lampoon that I think you will love. In it, Paul is the "Kumkwat Haagendaaz" Or he who can cook a meal and have all of the food ready at the same time. LOL.
@WillowsVeganBakery 15 часов назад
@shiahalud 16 часов назад
There are no heros in dune lol just people
@zinhoferraz13 16 часов назад
Great video!
@dbrandow 17 часов назад
Herbert ends up defending the perpetrators of genocides by setting up the same false dichotomy that these maniacs always do: I had to do the genocide because the one and only possible future was worse. In the real world, there are dozens/hundreds/thousnads/etc of possible outcomes, virtually all of which are better than the genocide. Paul’s a villain, in part because Herbert setup a wildly unrealistic trolley problem. Nobody is 100% a villain or 100% a hero, but if you perpetuate a genocide, particularly on this scale, you are in the high 90s on the villain side.
@juliogrijalva75 17 часов назад
I’d say prescience is a superpower
@varyokh 17 часов назад
also to be honest i dislike dune as well
@varyokh 17 часов назад
dear lady for the sake of everything thats holy PLEASE either finish drinking that mug or put it aside, my ocd is making me INSANE its killing me xD its like watching someone else edging xD
@pure_the0ry 17 часов назад
He’s the hero. Heroes build bad power structures and are the product of them as well. But he is the hero, his prescience and “terrible purpose” are real.
@kryptonianguest1903 18 часов назад
That's the pop culture version of the trolley problem. RU-vid doesn't allow external links, so please google Open Yale Courses PHIL 181: Philosophy and the Science of Human Nature Lecture 15 Empirically-informed Responses for a brief discussion of the real trolley problem.
@johnnyrivas2619 18 часов назад
Dune Horseshoe Theory just dropped.
@theGingerFreak_ 18 часов назад
24:47 It's Germanic not German. Those two could not be more different from each other. I still Love the video. Your voice is beautiful to lissen to :)
@orcanimal 19 часов назад
Yes, Paul is a villain. He exploits the Fremen for personal goals and the "best path" for humanity that ONLY he can see, plus the Bena Gesserit made up their entire religion just to help facilitate Paul's Goal. It's literally what Iran/North Korea/other Theocratic goverments have been doing. Paul is literally Kim Jong Un
@animistchannel 19 часов назад
Wow, you totally nailed that whole thing with an incisiveness that stings. I have, of course, my own solution to the Trolley Problem, which involves derailing the whole freaking train before it gets to the switch, and punching the person who posed that dumbass question in the first place right in their stupid nose... which, as you point out so succinctly, means that I am certainly no longer human and have not been for a very very long time. Berzerkermanr noaddje, huh! Information-energy has a life and a flow of its own; and as single creatures being components of much larger systems of consciousness and social and physical ecologies, we can perhaps hope to achieve a kind of systemic representation of that flow -- aspects and attributes, perhaps -- or perhaps we should hope that we do not. This is the alchemy of evolution. In the case of the Returning, we simply don't have that choice to make, for it is the very purpose of our existence to embrace and transform according to these qualified aspects. For those humans who can say, like the elf queen: "I pass the test. I will diminish, and return into the West, and remain Galadriel" you have a chance to go through all these things and still remain you. This is the difference between the evoker and the invoker. The evoker, like Paul Atreides, can hope to summon great magics, and to return from that ceremony with whatever treasures or tragedies and still remain them. For the invoker like Leto II, however, like the shaman, it is inevitable that "What comes back is not the same as what went out." The magic is manifest upon the creature, not for its benefit, but to make it suitable to do what must be done to fulfill not its own purpose, but the purposes of Nature Herself. Humanity had become too good at control. Leto was made into such a creature that he could say, "You want control?! I'll show you the meaning of control, and the results thereof!" Ultimately, he was in fact rewarded for his faithfulness to his invocation, and he was set free to spread himself across the Nature of consciousness itself. He had Become what was required of him by the flow of information-energy, and so he was allowed to Become the Becoming, and the worms were let loose across the sands once again to wrap themselves in the truths of the winds. He had sown the channelled wind, and so at last he could Became the wirlwind, the chaos of identity in which thought could transcend a world. No, it's not about heroes and villains. It's closer to a function of fluid dynamics. Individuals are a kind of vortex in the stream, a symptom of turbulence that surrounds their own identity-matrix. Ultimately, you might say that Paul failed because he could not let go of his identity, and didn't want to. Leto II succeeded because he recognized that it was simply inevitable, and he returned his aspect to Nature along with his self when he was done, and so Leto... never... died. The truth is, he never really lived in the first place, and he made peace with that from the start, and so he could complete his work after all. Frank Herbert knew how these things worked, which makes me wonder what killed him at some point early in his life. He knew that such historical figures are, essentially, neither heroes nor villains. They are just symptoms of the state of Nature in their generation. Perhaps, if we can conclude anything about these matters, or gain any wisdom from them, it is this: "Don't take yourself too seriously, kid!" or as Gandalf put it at the end of The Hobbit, "You are a very fine person, Bilbo Baggins, and I am quite fond you; but you are only just a little fellow in a wide world after all." "Thanks goodness!" said Bilbo laughing, and handed him the tobacco jar.
@wjr4700 20 часов назад
Its crazy how they stole a whole culture and language and called it sci-fi
@Valdagast 20 часов назад
for the political version of the hero/villain identity, see horseshoe theory.
@rebbeccahoneycutt7941 20 часов назад
Full Hobbit and devout Arrakeen, this was beautiful. I love both Paul and Leto II (though technically he was III, read the books and you will understand....) But still, wonderful video. Happy to be one of your (many) subscribers!
@estherhoward7959 20 часов назад
Hi Jess, great video 👍 Just wondering what translation of the Bible do you quote in this video?
@rebbeccahoneycutt7941 21 час назад
All God's bless the blasphemous Yue. And may he and his wife find the ultimate peace of society. I pray I may never be served with the injustice of this philosophical tragedy.
@narrator69 21 час назад
There is a problem with the Trolley Problem. No one ever picks the third possible option, or even realizes it exists as far as I can tell. Just jam the switch halfway and derail the trolley. P.S. I love the new look for your hair.
@hectorcat 21 час назад
This Jess girl is amazing ❤
@thaumasmus 21 час назад
It's fascinating - ok, to me - to compare Paul Atreides with Robin Hobbs's FitzChivalry and Le Guin's Ged. I think it's fair to say that all three protagonists represent a rejection of the hero/antihero dichotomy. However, Atreides' character arc and denouement are significantly more (though not entirely) postmodern than metamodern by comparison with the other two. To me, this endears FitzChivalry and Ged, while leaving Atreides more akin - I'm reaching here - to a Turin or an Oedipus.
@FaidosWorkshop 21 час назад
Fun fact, the Greek god named Hypnos literally means sleep in Greek
@f0rth3l0v30fchr15t 21 час назад
The problem is that when somone can *actually* see the future, and the least worst option is to create the lake of blood and wade through it... that's a whole lot of oof.
@RogertheGS 22 часа назад
Maybe a different signoff for the Dune material? I don't feel very hobbity after contemplating the destiny of humanity and its tragic cost of billions of lives and a hero's soul... 😅
@papabearlives9995 22 часа назад
Ironically I'm reading ready player two . The world is going to hell and everyone going into the oasis is making things way worse because people t not doing anything in the real world but people go there to escape reality. So it's who's fault is it the ones who give an escape or the population for hiding from it . The moral argument is do we shut it down even though that's where kids go to school. Sorry if I am long winded but there's parallels here do you help one to screw over someone to better yourselves.
@Billpro25 22 часа назад
Great work of literature or not, Dune has certainly failed as a story to deliver the author's message. Honestly, Kentaro Miura's Berserk manga series does a better job on the 'beware of leaders' front... such a shame.
@rayjulien4739 22 часа назад
It always bugged me that no visual representation of Dune ever included that Paul was raised as a Mentat (1960 speak...pure masculine logic). Plus his Mothers Bene Gesserit (pure female) prowess...equals the Golden path. Was this the perfect solution...or the most unnatural solution ever.
@abject_ladder 22 часа назад
Paul Afraides, am I right?
@Seedmember 23 часа назад
"Hero" and "villain" are very subjective terms. Constantine the Great is heralded as one of Eastern Orthodoxy's biggest saints, for converting the Roman Empire into Christianity. The historical records speak of a very ruthless monarch though, something not uncommon, yet something that wouldn't fit a "saint" or "hero". Maybe we could have attributed one term or another to Paul, in hindsight, had Frank finished the story. Paul had seen a million million paths for humanity and decided that the jihad was the only viable for survival, but he was a human, elevated in abilities, sure, but still human. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe there were other paths he hadn't seen. Despite Frank leaving notes about the ending, I am not sure how much do his son's books remain true to what he had in his mind, if he had something in mind at all. An open ended finale would be fitting, as a message of not letting things like "fate" lock us down in a path that we are unwilling to see beyond. I like to think that Sapkowski wanted to "counter" the trolley problem with Geralt's quote "If I have to choose between two evils, I prefer to not choose at all" which in itself sparks debates as well. Paul made a choice of one evil but couldn't carry through in the end, so maybe there is validity in Geralt's quote.
@donfabian1542 23 часа назад
I personally find it very satisfying, that the question in this video cannot be answered so easily. In the end, humans are complex beings capable of demonstrating even more complex behaviours. Reducing this to two extremes (hero / villain) does often not honour that complexity. Most often taking a deep dive into the question why someone did something (the motive or motives) is much more rewarding. I think Frank Herbert is a master in portraiting this. Stereotype characters which can clearly be attributed to either villain or hero honestly bore me. I am glad that there are stories which offer so much more depth in character development.
@Stamboul 23 часа назад
I like to think of the first 2 books as one massive gom jabbar that Paul fails. In the end, he couldn't do what objectively needed to be done and fled from the pain.
@richarddeese1087 23 часа назад
A very good analysis. I say that as one who's read all 6 books dozens of times over. Always something new to learn! tavi.
@dresdyn100 День назад
Maud'dib and Leto II are neither heroes nor antagonists. The former is a warning, the latter is the solution taken to the extreme. The God Emperor's solution is vindicated in the later books. Comment written before watching this video.
@lidu6363 День назад
"Any one person who can answer the trolley problem objectively stops being human." I love it!!!
@RaMa-im4so День назад
Finally someone who actually has read the books and not only pretends to it while only talking about the films. Great analysis Jess, I agree Leto transcends the categories of Hero and Villain, his father was broken by the decisions he had to make and inthe end couldn't.
@pyroromancer День назад
Green top got the Rouge look going on zjess
@cardenuovo День назад
I agree with this criticism too lol I mean I get why they did it, but it was a bit silly at times. I was surprised at some of his lines in the book too, I suppose ‘wise’ is the best way to put it. You make an EXCELLENT point about Gimli being the only dwarf and thus being the character representative of dwarves as a whole, making his personality important.
@xenialafleur День назад
In the books, Paul is the coward who refused the Golden Path.
@TehRedBlur День назад
Yes let's talk about the Dune movies all the time, Jess. Denis Villeneuve is an absolute genius. I'm not sure how I feel about the changes made to Chani's character, but overall I'd say they are the greatest film adaptations of a novel since the Peter Jackson trilogy.
@timhaldane7588 День назад
23:00 Frank Herbert horseshoe theory
@zeroreyortsed3624 День назад
Dune is basically a greek tragedy, as far as the Atreides go. They realize they have to become the villains by everyone else's standards. In order to keep humanity from being destroyed.
@Nertea День назад
Thank you, this was very interesting take on Dune philosophy... And philosophy general
@mregskwach6037 День назад
Green for mourning is the perfect touch for this video.