Ratio Christi at UNCW
Ratio Christi at UNCW
Ratio Christi at UNCW
All of our new videos are in the “live” section.
The Shroud of Turin with Dave Glander
2 года назад
Nihilism: Zero Point (An Overview)
4 года назад
@royhiggins7270 15 дней назад
There has never been a person who has ever lived that represents how Jesus Christ can lead good people astray better than Donald Trump. Just the very fact that not all christians are even close to being on the same page when it comes to Trump shows how christ has no real influence upon any believers life. Which leads to the following truths of this post in which no christian can refute! If hell is real then abortion is the most humane thing that could ever happen to any potential human being ever! The risk of eternal torment if true will always outweigh bringing any finite life into this world. So how insane is a religion that makes human extinction the best option to human suffering? So the question for forced birth extremists is which is it? Do you honestly believe hell is real or is the bible lying? Are you ignorant to what eternal conscious torment is? Are you in denial that exponentially more people will suffer for eternity than claim a life in your heaven belief? Or do you just disregard and hate conscious life and don't care about those who will suffer for eternity? There will never be a hate as great as those that believe in hell yet want to force more births so that more will end up in eternal torment. Most forced birth christians agree that an aborted fetus would go to heaven...which would guarantee that they would be saved from eternal conscious suffering in hell! In fact, the majority of the world should have wished to have been aborted if Mark 9:42-48 is true. And this flawed thinking by the so called pro-life movement and christians is what makes them so dangerous and showcases their evil hypocrisy. They think they are moral but are far from it! They place the worth of a non-conscious being over the well being of every human on the planet. You see this in their support of Trump's authoritarianism, supporting those that do nothing about climate change or gun violence, supporting those that do nothing about America's unsustainable health care costs, supporting those that give tax breaks to billionaires at the expense of the poor and middle class and forcing raped 10 year old little girls to give birth. The pure hatred for all conscious life is the foundation of christians as shown by their real world actions, words and beliefs.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
a collection of scraps of paper some no bigger than my thumb written by no one knows who. and books were edited out - the gospel of judas.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
on the one hand we have a god who is sophisticated enough to create a universe using the intricacies of physics, chemistry, biology and quantum mechanics, a universe that is finely tuned to one part in zillions, with humans designed to have the most microscopic of biological machines to regulate the workings of their bodies, not to mention the uncountable operations our brain carries out every moment, and the complexities of consciousness, but you want me to believe that his person also thought nailing his son to a tree was a good idea. religists are crazy people.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
whose side is god on out there, any clue?
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
no prophecy was fulfilled. and prophecy made within the same book are worthless. what's you best prophecy? can it be improved upon? then it's not a prophecy, specifics or it's nothing.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
the trinity is the emperor's new clothes of religion, you have to pretend it makes sense or no heaven for you. even religists say the only way to make it work is to use "special logic" (michael jones / inspiring philosophy. it's just another bit of god stupidity apologists have to cover up.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
of course it's bad, you persecute gays and trans and you derail education and want to make laws that ruin lives, for every good thing god is responsible for there are a zillion lives he's ruined, can you people talk frankly about masturbation, not feel in the least embarrassed? that's god at work, pretending you're evil so he can keep your subscription. scam, it's a big fat UGLY scam. take a good look at japan, no gods, no rewards but no punishments either, they have no problem with anything LGBT+ and their crime rates, assaults in particular are 30-50 times LOWER than the US and europe, god make life worse, not better. and in japan you can leave your lattop and phone an no one will steal it. no god required.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
how can you be open minded when your CEO threatens to have you burned alive if you disagree? stupidest conversation imaginable. you have to OBEY and not think for yourself and just do as you are told. disagree with god, i dare you, see what happens.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
in fact if you want accurate bible study get it from atheists cos religists lie.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
religion is totally not based on facts. simple answer to that one. you are told, required, it is DEMANDED of you that you have faith - proof is irrelevant. you don't have to care about facts, none of you do.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
my university, kingston polytechnic as it was in 1982 when i was there said NOTHING about religion, religion has no part in education. and i've been to st martin's school of art - no mention of religion, i've been to london college of printing - no mention of god or religion, i've been to chelsea school of art - not one word about god, i have been to morely college of art - no one said anything about god, i've been to the art academy, no mention of religion and i'm currently doing sculpture at the masbro center - no mention of god. god appears NOWHERE, god is not required for ANYTHING. god is not in any manual, any book of instructions, no legal document, no maths equation, no chemical formula, no physics book, god is irrelevant other than for needy and insecure people who want to be reunited with their gold fish - and not burn. atheists don't need to threaten people with burning to recruit.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
i did a graphics degree and i don't recall ANYONE even mentioning religion in the three years i was at uni, in fact since i left school at 16 in 1970 i have had four conversations about religion - not instigated by me, god doesn't exist, why would i waste time talking about a fantasy to other people i have no respect for? ive had an amazing life, if god has a thing for atheists he has funny way of showing it. i have no beef with god if one exists, it's you sick, immoral, bullies that bother me, stay out of people's lives, god has ruined BILLIONS of lives. in fact i only found out last month my ex wife, who i've known for thirty years, is atheist too - we don't have any need of a god, no one does, why would the subject come up?
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
my parents were spiritualist and their only fault was they were terrible story tellers, they made the bible sound as dumb as it really is, and they took us to spiritualist church so at four years old i saw that religists are insane people who are needy and insecure and willing to lie to themselves. and atheism isn't a world view, it's the declaration that god is mythology, god is imaginary. but feel free to invent even more crap if it makes you feel good.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
no, there isn't an afterlife, but even if there was it's just as likely to be an atheist afterlife, we may say god doesn't exist, but that doesn't preclude other superstition, god could even PREFER atheists, we don't threaten people with hell if they don't sign up for a start.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
you can't be a god robot and be open minded, you have to do as you are told or burn. what drivel. NOT ONE of you will say god was wrong and immoral to kill everybody in the flood. not one.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
if you want to say "jesus said" you have to prefix it with "eusebius said that josephus said that matthew said that mark said" no one has a clue what jesus said, he could have been the town drunk for all you know. and who wrote matthew? cos it wasn't anyone called matthew. by the way, what's the point of this channel? no one is interested.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
even if the tea towel of turin weren't a fake it shows a dead man, we know he is dead.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
on the one hand we have a god who is sophisticated enough to create a universe using the intricacies of physics, chemistry, biology and quantum mechanics, a universe that is finely tuned to one part in zillions, with humans designed to have the most microscopic of biological machines to regulate the workings of their bodies, not to mention the uncountable operations our brain carries out every moment, and the complexities of consciousness, but you want me to believe that his person also thought nailing his son to a tree was a good idea. religists are crazy people.
@secular7027 8 месяцев назад
Truth is Relative
@jakeklassen17 8 месяцев назад
When paul says I don't do what I wanna do but do what I don't want to do he is talking about when he was living under the law cause he was a pharisee who knew the law inside out,,later says who will free me from that,,and it's Christ Jesus is the answer
@jeffreyerwin3665 10 месяцев назад
It is sad to see appologists for the Shroud still buying into the secret invisible repair hypothesis. 17:40
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
all it shows is a dead fellow, even if it weren't fake. i don't understand how dense you people can be.
@jeffreyerwin3665 2 месяца назад
@@HarryNicNicholas Yeah? And how many of these "dead fellow" burial cloth images are lying around town ? How many are of a person who was executed by crucifixion? How many with scalp wounds and a spear wound it the chest? Except for a very brief window between A.D. 6 and A.D.66, crucifixion victims were not allowed to be buried. Futhermore, art history proves that the facial image on the Shroud was used as a model for the images of Jesus that are on sixth century coins and icons. Sir, You do not seem to know the first thing about the Shroud or about its scientific investigations . Who is really the "dense" person here (LOL!) Circular reaoning: "The Shroud cannot be authentic, because,to be real, its images would have to be miraculous, and miracles cannot happen." Circular reasoning.
@simplesod9552 Год назад
Flawed reasoning and sophistry... The claims that are made about any religious belief are very difficult for anyone to test or validate 'objectively', so there is no way to assert the claim that anyone's religious beliefs are objectively true. The best any fervent believer of any religion can claim is their views and beliefs about their faith are strongly held 'subjective' truths.
@itsjustme9751 Год назад
I think he did a good job of explaining this subject, but there is no such thing as subjective truth. I know that is hard for some people to take, but truth is always one way, period. Opinions and feelings have nothing to with truth.
@johnrestucci8269 2 года назад
Dave , what EXACTLY do you have against the Catholic Church ??
@my11bagger Год назад
Let’s start with the highest leadership shielding pedophile priests from prosecution by local authorities.
@sebastianbache8862 2 года назад
Pure nonsense. Nothing more than wishful thinking religious scholars refer to as science. Hardly the face of a 30 something year old male and more like a 70 year old man. Explain that?
@dinopad10 2 года назад
Irony: he “doesn’t care much for Catholicism,” but spends over an hour defending a Catholic artifact.
@a_l_e_k_sandra 2 года назад
With all due respect, those are Christian artifacts.
@dinopad10 2 года назад
@@a_l_e_k_sandra Catholics are the first, and technically the ONLY Christians, genius. And the Shroud BELONGS to the Catholic Church.
@a_l_e_k_sandra 2 года назад
@@dinopad10 dear brother in Christ, that statement is neither true nor it is delivered in kind tone. I believe that, as you have access to the Internet, you will help yourself by obtaining more knowledge and the information regarding the matter.
@dinopad10 2 года назад
@@a_l_e_k_sandra Anyone who doesn’t know that Catholics are the first and original Christians, and that the Shroud belongs to the Catholic Church is far undereducated.
@giorgirazmadze5102 2 года назад
@@dinopad10 First of all Catholics aren't the first Christians! Eastern Orthodox are! Secondly, The shroud wasn't "born" in Italy! Romans hijacked it from Constantinople (Which has always been Orthodox Christian). So, technically the Shroud belongs to Eastern Church!
@ZehrifiedTV 2 года назад
Is there a "double-like" or "LOVE THIS" button?! AWESOME job
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
there should be a double fake button.
@tintioz3281 2 года назад
@vebnew 2 года назад
I own museum quality reproductions of the Lance of Longinus, nails, crown of thorns, Roman flagrums, and actual set of tefillin, a full size copy of both the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium. All items are stored in a silver case. I cannot handle any of them without weeping......
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
all fake, what a bunch of dishonest people christians are.
@chaseparish1791 2 года назад
This is great! Nice job Brother. Bet explanation of bilirubin that I’ve heard. Thank you
@AmazingGod.2230 2 года назад
God is a loving father, to anyone who seek him.
@arjunyadav3949 2 года назад
Kitna class ka hai ye
@arjunyadav3949 2 года назад
I don't know
@arjunyadav3949 2 года назад
@Theunderratedapologist 2 года назад
If Christianity is true and Jesus really did live, die, and His resurrection did indeed occur, then yes, there is an afterlife. By following the evidence where it leads, there is reasonable evidence that points to Christianity being true. Also, that Jesus really did die on the cross and had a bodily resurrection. If this is true, then we can have the assurance that whatever Jesus said is indeed true hence (preparing a place for us) = heaven. Jesus was fully God and fully man, and if Christianity is true and the events of Jesus are true, then I believe everything that was stated about the afterlife.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
jesus might have been a an actual person but gods are mythology, but that doesn't mean you can have an afterlife, just not necessarily yours - i mean you're going to look really dumb when the afterlife is ruled by atheists or satan.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
the trinity is the emperor's new clothes of religion, you have to pretend it makes sense or no heaven for you. even religists say the only way to make it work is to use "special logic" (michael jones / inspiring philosophy. it's just another bit of god stupidity apologists have to cover up.
@Theunderratedapologist 2 года назад
Great video! The Gospel is the good news that God loves the world and offers salvation from sin through His Son, Jesus. The gospel is the first importance and first in our experience of God's redemptive mercy, and first in the sense of being among the foundation of the faith. It is essential to get the gospel right. A man without Christ is a guilty sinner, answerable to God for breaking his law. That is why he needs the gospel. When we hear the gospel, we are responsible for the decision that we make about it. The gospel is a message about God. The gospel is a message about sin. The gospel is a message about Christ. The gospel is a summons to faith and repentance.
@HarryNicNicholas 2 месяца назад
it's not, it's for sick pe3ople who like to bully other people.
@Theunderratedapologist 2 года назад
Marriage is like a mirror. It reflects what it sees. If your marriage is strong, it is because both husband and wife have put in dedicated hard work. If the marriage has fallen weak, the husband or wife and sometimes both have neglected it. God never intended for anyone to have a weak marriage. The design He has for marriage is lifelong, fulfilling companionship. In order for the marriage to rise, both must obey God and his word, laying aside the worlds concept of marriage.
@Theunderratedapologist 2 года назад
Great video! It seems that we all have moral obligations that are universally binding on what we "ought" and "ought not" do with specific acts. There needs to be an explanation of why we have moral obligations. If God doesn't exist, then everything we do is permissible, thus resulting in chaos without order. We have an understanding that we ought to do good things rather than evil things because there is a moral law that has been written on our hearts. "The fact that a moral standard has been prescribed on the minds of all human beings points to a moral law prescriber. If there is no God, then what someone believes (whether right or wrong) would be just a matter of opinion. We must have a standard outside of humans to which we appeal in order to know murder is wrong.
@Theunderratedapologist 2 года назад
Marriage is like a mirror. It reflects what it sees. If your marriage is strong, it is because both husband and wife have put in dedicated hard work. If the marriage has fallen weak, the husband or wife and sometimes both have neglected it. God never intended for anyone to have a weak marriage. The design He has for marriage is lifelong, fulfilling companionship. In order for the marriage to rise, both must obey God and his word, laying aside the worlds concept of marriage.
@Theunderratedapologist 2 года назад
When is it appropriate to have sex? Sex is not just physical but also emotional. Scripture says that all sex outside of the confines of marriage between a man and woman is a sin. God has given us sex to enjoy and populate the earth, but it should only be shared between a man and a woman who has become one under God's standard. Sex is like fire: it can keep you warm at night (if it's with your spouse), but you get it anywhere else, it will burn your house down.
@dud3man6969 3 года назад
I’m a deist because I believe God only speaks to us through the divine language of nature. I don’t believe God just hit the start button and walked away. I don’t believe God would create the universe and life for no purpose. And I don’t believe we would appear prewired to seek these answers if there wasn’t a reason for it. I search my God given soul for the deeper meaning of all this. I’m very grateful to be a part of this. I believe we are to love God and people. But theology is a combination of philosophy, legends, fables and fantasy. This was a really hard thing for me to accept. I don’t mean any disrespect by this. As far as miracles go, I believe the creation of the universe and life are miracles. We’re surrounded by so many miracles we have become blind to them.
@AliMalik-iz9td 3 года назад
Every objective truth before it becomes so has some sort of subjectivity linked to it. You cannot just qualify whether or not ice cream cures cancer unless proven. Before that, it has to be subjective; a personal about everyone.
@Enam-Haq 3 года назад
But what are the criteria to set an objective truth?
@karenfranklin7355 3 года назад
voy.fyi magnificent
@mluhbadjingshai2896 3 года назад
Nicely explained. Thank you
@madisonkemmerer8009 3 года назад
Great Video! I'm going to show it to my Students For Life club members! Thank You!
@evolvingcreature7644 3 года назад
Thank u sir... 😁
@TheWay7 3 года назад
"An active trust" describes the Greek definition of "believe".
@TheWay7 3 года назад
My advice is to start with the definition of the Greek word and look at the differences between that and our understanding in modern contemporary Christiology. Hebrews 11:1 isn't what faith IS. It is how it works. What is faith? Look at the definition: Conviction of the truth of anything, system of belief,
@jordynconnelly9669 4 года назад
This is super helpful! Thank you so much for this resource! I am reading this book in Bible College and this has helped me to understand this topic so much better! I love the class interaction too! Their questions and the answers really helped to solidify the topic! Thank you!
@grantforrester3912 5 лет назад
@haleymellon364 5 лет назад
Wish I could have gone! Been waiting for this video :)