MindEconomy Explained
MindEconomy Explained
MindEconomy Explained
Hi my name is Omar, and I enjoy making interesting videos on economics.

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@andrewdoriani617 3 дня назад
Poland is now COOL. they roasted other european coutries
@marianoitaliano5059 7 дней назад
With Germany is a big issue. As well as we wanted to forgive your sins (the reparations are ridicouls and have no anchor in the international law), you still think you are superioror No mistake in your thinking. That is pure arrogance. For some reason we cannot understand it. The norsdtram, Schreoder connection to russia, on top of that German work model promoting only german leaders at the end(The german supervisor that know better). Why we now have problems with you? , Why France have a problem with you? You are the sick man of Eorope. Unfortunately.despite what you claim still ruled by racism.
@zepter00 10 дней назад
Poland has own giant. Orlen is on 44 palce on the list of top 500 bigges, richest and most valued comapnies in Europe.
@95phelipe 10 дней назад
Hahaha, from my polish-perspective this analisis is very funny. You just don't know what people lives here and how difficult socialy is here... People just learned how to survive in hard times so they can do a lot. Much more than others. But it comes from past. Hard history. Hard government. Hard people. Natürlich vielen dank! And no, there is no capitalism. This is state-capitalism. Try to do business here for longer. Good luck!
@piotrwojdelko1150 12 дней назад
i want to move there from the Uk.Where is good now?
@thejabber6457 23 дня назад
Poland and Germany should stop teasing eachother and unite to form the Federate Commonwealth of Germania... Scots and Anglos were once enemies and now they' share a country so why don't we let go of history and do the same? from a Pole... 🤞😁
@samsadeniz 26 дней назад
Arabian Gulf
@tommicheletti1196 29 дней назад
Superpower no, but yes after 2004 with billions of e€€€€ without paying shit into the eu, the rubbish polocks are getting rich unfortunately the eu let these countries of shit into the eu , no turning back. Hopefully in a year or 2, they can start paying €€€€€€€ into the budgets! Enough is enough, why the eu 12 has to make the ascescion 8 countries wealthier at our expense? Unfortunately gb pushed hard to let these countries of shit in. No the polocks will never overtake the eu 12. Our ecomies 4 times the polocks!!
@Dark-sj8zs Месяц назад
Because they don't have any Islamic terrorists there Islam is evil
@BigJake32 Месяц назад
Wishing you good health and happiness to all in Poland. 🇵🇱🇺🇲☮️
@ciaranReal Месяц назад
🇬🇧 🤝 🇵🇱 well done poland, atleast you guys have a good government that care about you unlike ours, who have turned britian into a shit whole
@Rubin-Igor Месяц назад
niby miło ale wsm wszędzie o nas mówią i to już nudne a poza tym ciągle tylko gospodarka, a co z historią którą KOCHAM ❤❤❤❤
@Mr11ESSE111 Месяц назад
in Swiss social monthly money help are higher then in Ireland 65% of peoples have monthly salary
@Mr11ESSE111 Месяц назад
Ireland have bdp per capita higher then Swiss and in reality salaries in Ireland are near 3x lower then in Swiss
@barbac3742 Месяц назад
The fall of the soviet block countries in CEE started from Poland and Solidarność (Solidarity) movement . Only after the semi-free parliamentary elections in June 1989 in Poland the communists lost the power and the Berlin wall fell , it should not be forgotten
@philzail2532 Месяц назад
A liberal mind set for Poland can be very dangerous because of the geographical location. I think they should consider legal roadblocks to prevent a passive government.
@horsemanoftheapocalapse5837 Месяц назад
Everything is soooo expensive
@JaydenRyan-dg4zl Месяц назад
Ireland is a s*******I've been invaded by immigrants all over the world even the Irish have to leave their own country shame on the politicians traitors
@user-vq2fz7pz9y Месяц назад
poland 1,7 trillion ahahahahahahahahahahahahah
@maciejfurman9484 Месяц назад
As a Pole I have to say that development of Poland is also the effect of being part of Western political structure eg. EU or NATO. Poles have been working abroad and send money to their famiilies. By this transfers the level of life changed in the last 30 years.
@Cardiovascular_disease Месяц назад
Great video, really great to see someone talking about some of Ireland's major problems. Unfortunately I really don't see anything changing in the near future, the government here has brought this country to its knee's, as a young person in Ireland I really don't see a future where I can afford to stay
@pawelhuszcza9611 2 месяца назад
"Liberal and progressives" as it turns out so far proved themselves to be really awful for the economic development around the world.
@AG-en5y 2 месяца назад
Apple is just virgin island with extra steps
@longmai9343 2 месяца назад
The drawbacks is not signigficant.
@STRACHU100 2 месяца назад
whos making these movies? and for what purpose??? its true that Poland is getting better place but salaries are stil at level of 25% of average german salary! stop bullshitting people!!!
@Lord_Saruman 2 месяца назад
They are successful because they have a homogeneous culture based on hard work and a sense of decency and responsibility. Unlike many European countries which have allowed millions of people from other cultures to infiltrate and corrupt the nation spirit.
@hydrocefalus2074 2 месяца назад
I'm Pole and I so much hate germany. They do so much pain for my grandparents and grandparens of my friends, I hate them so much.
@ddrid854 2 месяца назад
what a pile of rubbish, Poland "miracle" is because of 1) massive transfer of EU funds and 2) cheap workforce. now don't take me wrong Poland is doing great but will never become a superpower on these two premices
@martinzachariasz9130 2 месяца назад
Poland wouldnt accept any migrants which is great, left wants to destroy it with its zionist ideas
@CollieJenn 2 месяца назад
Love living here in Dublin but the weather is not so great.
@Paweu240 2 месяца назад
Show me where😂
@tomaszhoff8933 2 месяца назад
@tagartv89 2 месяца назад
oh wow we have a rich country where majority of people are poor how lucky we are
@orvilleclisby6748 3 месяца назад
Ireland is a part of the EU market, business taxes are lower than in the UK. Perhaps more UK businesses will set up a base there.
@LS-Moto 3 месяца назад
There are no tensions between Germany and Poland. Poland is bickering at Germany occasionally, and Germany doesn't give a damn. Poland is relying a lot on German investments, which make up a huge portion of the Polish economy. If Germany would take out all of its economy and investments from Poland (the entire car industry, all the grocery francises of which there are a lot, other companies like Siemens, Bosch, and so on, things would look incredibly bad for Poland, where as Germanys loss would be the equivalent of a kid not getting his allowance anymore. France and Germany are the biggest investors in Poland. I wish the Polish would themselves start creating something.
@FancyNaeser53 3 месяца назад
As a german i have to face constant germanophobia and racism from poles in the comment sections of social media...its crazy they believe that german land is rightfully theirs and that we stole it. They think they can talk from moral high ground all the time.they say we did nothing wrong and its always the evil germans
@polishnorwegianandspanish9145 3 месяца назад
It’s not true that Poland loves to hate Germany. Not at all. Young people think of Germans as our neighbours. People who survived WWII are not trusting of Germans - they have a valid reason. Polish are happy that Germany is not like Russia today, they are allies but there is also rivalry between Poland and Germany and Germany has its interest, the same as Poland and none of the counties will back down. I also think that Polish and Germans are different in a couple of way: 1. The US. Poland are very pro-US but also pro-EU. Poland is into a close cooperation with US when it comes to Economy and safety Germans are in general not pro-US; 2. Russia. Germany leaves some bridges to do business with Russia after the war because it contributed to their wealth. Poland thinks that the safety is the most important and Russia after the war will not be on our side, just like it is not on our side now; 3. Germany views China as a chance, Poland approaches China very carefully, because it is an ally of Russia and helps Russian to kill Ukrainians.
@x4020 3 месяца назад
I never knew that Poland is becoming a European superpower. Like in ww2 Germany and Ussr invaded Poland and Poland used to be a country of poverty. But now its the economic Poland, even the gdp per capita is pretty good, like 23,000 isn't bad. And I also thought that Poland wasn't that rich, but however I'm wrong but I'm impressed. I wish the poles very luck in developing and also nice video 📹 👍
@hansericsson7058 3 месяца назад
As a Swede Poland is ny favorite destination for vacation.
@fredericgonzalez 3 месяца назад
12:08; Nicolaus Copernicus served the Polish king, but he was a German native speaker.
@fredericgonzalez 3 месяца назад
2:43; Actually, in September 1939, Poland was conquered by Nazi-Germany AND Soviet-Russia. It means that the Soviet-Union has the same guilt as Nazi-Germany in the break out of World War II.
@jk5376 3 месяца назад
You neglected to mention Ireland has accommodated more Ukrainian refugees per capita than any other Western European country. While this was a great humanitarian response, it has contributed to the housing and accommodation problem. Also, all the big corporations do not have a presence in Ireland just because of low taxes. Ireland is the only English speaking country in EU, highly educated work force, easy access to European market., for example. Because of Irelands history, emigration from Ireland has always happened, even in boom times, due to family contacts with previous Irish scattered across the globe. On the historical part of the video, you did not mention the 30yr conflict in the northern part of the country, and it’s effect on the economy.
@John.M.Gannon 3 месяца назад
So why don't people just go?
@6teeth318 3 месяца назад
I am Danish not European. If i was to be anything but Danish, i would be Scandinavian. Never European.
@mihuhih2186 3 месяца назад
German economy 6x comparing to Poland
@AIOWKWODKEOW 2 месяца назад
Okay, and? Poland started industrializing in the 1900s, Germany started in 1805, the Polish economy was ruined by the Nazi invasion and communist regime for 46 years
@ntuthukomndaweni349 3 месяца назад
Wish it was my country 😢
@knalpotrombeng 3 месяца назад
It gave me insight into the economic perspective of the babyboomer generation.
@lawrenceomosa1155 3 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing this great idea. It describes the external factors and their effect on the economy.
@kavinza_7289 3 месяца назад
Thanks for shedding light on this issue. It's concerning to learn about the impact of retiring baby boomers on the European economy. Appreciate the insight.
@gryblk21 3 месяца назад
It is well known in the West that only China's economy is collapsing and it will have no impact on the global economy at all. Western media has all the news that's fit to print and wouldn't lie.