Arabic With Ibtisam
Arabic With Ibtisam
Arabic With Ibtisam
Marhaba - Ahlan waSahlan (Hello - Welcome) to Arabic With Ibtisam! This channel teaches Palestinian Spoken Arabic to English speakers using short and effective videos.

I was born in Jerusalem, grew up in Bethlehem, and I’ve lived in Nazareth for the past 29 years. I’ve had the privilege to teach over one-hundred students (I have counted specifically 150 students that I can remember). My students have been from all over the world. See the list of countries below.

I bring to this channel 28 years of experience teaching Arabic to English speakers. I hope to help learners of the Arabic language speak clearly so they can be easily understood by native speakers. This channel is for anyone looking to learn the basics of spoken Arabic and improve their accent.

My email: ibtisamajaj1@gmail.com

My students are from: USA, Germany, France, Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Holland, Brazil, UK, South Africa, Paraguay, Kyrgyzstan and Israel.