Guy who plays games to try and make you laugh

i am planning to start a RU-vid career the more subs i get the more often i'll post content

also i do twitch stream too www.twitch.tv/jamestercool come join if ya want!
Just. Play. Killer.
Месяц назад
June 2024 dev update scares me..
Месяц назад
Is Pop and Pain res still too strong?
Месяц назад
3 месяца назад
Maybe there is slight hope for DBD?
3 месяца назад
Most Killer players are babies.
3 месяца назад
One slowdown can extend the game by 10 mins.
4 месяца назад
Head-on is NOT a bully perk.
4 месяца назад
Killers way to hard, what do
4 месяца назад
Reacting to killer comments for funny
4 месяца назад
This is why people hate Skull merchant.
5 месяцев назад
@user-xj8xu6wy4f 11 дней назад
How do u control it
@RemyMa88 20 дней назад
I agree with most of your takes but one - hook respawn. And it’s for the sheer point of just because killers don’t have a reason to NOT hook you now, doesn’t mean anything is going to change and they aren’t going to STILL slug everyone for a 4k constantly. Nothing is actually changing in survivors favor … yet again. Instead of hook respawn literally just make Unbreakable base kit already .. that’ll incentivize killers to hook WAY more than “hOoK rESpAWn” ever will. 🙄 Seriously nothing is going to freaking change at all.
@jamestercool4412 19 дней назад
im saying this so bhvr can punish people who purposely bleed you out for 4 mins even though they have already won. slugging is a good way for pressure. however if there are only two survivors left a survivor should be able to always pick themselves up so a killer can't slug for a 4k
@flame_owner1959 Месяц назад
"I still shouldn't see this every game after a nerf behaviour." yeah x) felt the same with dead hard, it took 2 nerfs to not see it every single game. Also, why is it surprising to tunnel the ace out? Dude tried to kill himself on first hook, why complain about tunnelling someone who wanted to die anyways
@jamestercool4412 Месяц назад
thats why dead hard got nerfed again now isn't it? the videos not complaining about the ace getting tunneled. its about us getting slugged for 4 mins for just playing the game in a non toxic manner. guess we know you didn't watch the video :) its pretty nutty how you admit to having the same feelings about dead hard (which i was all for getting nerfed and in return so should pop and painres) and jump to the conclusion that im upset cause bro wanted to go next. no im upset cause killers can abuse mechanics just like survivors, no reason we should of been bled for 4 mins.
@flame_owner1959 Месяц назад
​@@jamestercool4412 damn, that's a lot of hostility coming from a simple question... I never said i wasn't against another pop and pain res nerf. I personally don't even play with those perks, i run either aura reading artist or speed demon clown. I just want to see more diversity in builds too. I did watch the video, and that question was only a reaction to the ace being tunelled. Your reaction to it was "no way he's getting tunelled", so i was wondering why you would be surprised to that. That's it
@jamestercool4412 Месяц назад
Oh hey your fine, I just like the conversations I have a bad way of coming off sometimes ;a; reading it back it does sound bad v.v my bad c: I want more builds on both sides as well, heck I cut down this video a ton even x.x it had a part were I'm just watching ace follow this guy cause he's so butt hurt which fair but xD
@Efnol Месяц назад
tunnelling - increase hook timer and make it so hooks are purely time based, not stages… it will effect all levels and cant really be exploited by either side. camping - 1) if the killer is anywhere near a survivor on hook, the hook timer is paused. 2) if the killer is anywhere near a survivor on hook, the anti camp bar fills. 3) killers powers are disabled for 10 seconds if they are nearby a survivor that is being unhooked. 4) you can no longer hook the same survivor twice in a row. slugging - make unbreakable basekit; increase the time it takes recover; increase the amount of time you can be slugged for and add a feature that lets you crawl while downed, allowing you to move faster, but you also bleed out ALOT faster.
@jamestercool4412 Месяц назад
increased hook timer would be fine, would make the game a lot better ngl. the camping i agree with 2 and 3. but for 2 add a feature where if you can see the killer it fills up as well for slugging if you do this the issue is you can't do 4 for camping period. i want killers to have fun as well and that does mean they need some tools other than just running 3 slowdowns and noed every game yknow v.v
@flame_owner1959 Месяц назад
Make the hooks time based?... You got to be kidding. If so, then the hook timer has to be lowered. How often have you seen someone go from stage 1 to stage 2, or from stage 2 to death without them missing skill checks or attempting escape? I feel like trying to balance this kind of thing would just end up badly. Because then, survivors will find ways to exploit these mechanics, especially the ones you mentioned. It would make playing killer impossible
@jamestercool4412 Месяц назад
@@flame_owner1959 you literally can run 3 slowdowns and noed and win nearly all of your games as killer. the only time you'll struggle is a 4 man swf playing seriously which is like 1 out of 50 games.
@Efnol Месяц назад
@@flame_owner1959 hear me out. time based hooks are actually a good idea if people are willing to expand on the idea… instead of just dogging on it like its the equivalent of invading poland in ww2. 1) with time based hooks, survivors cant exploit hooks… because that literally makes no sense, theyre just sitting on a hook… its the same gameplay mechanics. 2) with time based hooks, KILLERS cant exploit hooks anymore… since no matter what, survivors will have a guaranteed amount of time on hook. 3) with time based hooks, it closes the skill gap between high level and low level players. 4) with time based hooks, all 5 players are now able to play as much as the game as possible… because even if the killer wins, atleast 1 player didnt die with 2000 bloodpoints, which is just depressing when its a new player. 5) with time base hooks, the gameplay loop is more stable and consistent and might help bhvr with balancing in the future! 6) time base hooks remove these boring strategies, allowing all 40 killers to play in their own unique style… instead of all 40 playing the exact same way. 7) and finally, i just think this change would be huge for dbd, it completely revitalises the game… and even if we only see it in a ptb, atleast they tried doing something.
@flame_owner1959 Месяц назад
​@@Efnol but with time based hook, someone unhooking instantly will ruin the killer's efforts for a single down. That way, for a chase that could go anywhere from 15 seconds if the survivor is bad, to a few minutes if they are juicing the killer, they could only spend like 5 seconds on hook? And if you make the hooks timer longer, (more than a minute per stage), the killer could need dozens of downs on the same survivor in order to sacrifice them. I won't argue there can be good sides, but i think this is a major downsides and another mechanic would have to be implemented, like a minimum time on the hook, or if the survivor is unhooked really fast, then the timer still gets some more time ticking down.
@Galliao Месяц назад
Hey! That's close to my survivor build. But I go with Blast Mine. Too many killers just do not care about Chem Trap. It has zero impact on like 90% of the roster. I too get to enjoy the floor...
@jamestercool4412 Месяц назад
chem trap has saved me a lot actually ngl haha c: it really depends on what pallet you put it on ^.^ i love it its just the toxicity in this game feels fucking silly rn
@PigGuy2301 Месяц назад
I'm tired of people saying survivor complaints nowadays are simply "skill issue." Don't get me wrong, a lot of surv players say some stupid shit, but the role is fundamentally unfun right now. Doing nothing for long stretches of time, getting killed early, being stuck in matches, and a whole lot of other unfun boring bs. If the role requires 3,000+ hours of experience in order to become fun, the role is fundamentally flawed, sorry. Only 1 out of ever 10 surv matches are fun or so. At least killers get to play the game.
@jamestercool4412 Месяц назад
the fact that DBD players even think that 1000 hours isn't enough hours is nutty to me im ngl.. i've gotten skull merchant more than any other killer in the event lmao..
@ahrivixen5594 Месяц назад
this game imo doesnt have much life left into it by bhvr their bad changes will only get worse tho atleast me and alot of survivor friends are rarely playing let alone very close to just quitting the game with how bad its gotten also about the hook changes i disagree with it about being fine, yes lets reward bad killer players who dont keep track of their hooks even more even tho thats their limited resource (especially if a survivor died there) it would be like if pallets respawned after 60 seconds,
@jamestercool4412 Месяц назад
pallets and hooks are different however, a hook coming back just means the killer has no excuse to not hook you. therefore theres NO reason for you to NOT get hooked therefore people slugging you for 4 mins should be punished imo. and i get that same with my group, i just dced myself today for the first time in forever v.v
@ahrivixen5594 Месяц назад
@@jamestercool4412 that is true they are different its just a slippery slope in a way, because killers making a bad play killing someone on a hook at like end game near a door, is really game changing, and now they dont have to worry about that. in some stances it can also remove the chances of survivors to achieve some things for instance killers failing to get u to a hook because the nearest hooks where broken, so u wiggle out and have a chacne to find hatch for instance "unlikely but theres chances where it can happen"
@jamestercool4412 Месяц назад
hey no i completely agree with those, my hope is it leads to less instances of toxicity as literally the only people who will 4 man slug you for 4 mins is people be toxic and now there is no excuse for bhvr to not punish or give survivors a tool to bleed out faster. thats my hope in return for those amazing moments you described being removed v.v
@Efnol Месяц назад
this is why i dc against half the killers, they have no counterplay and if they do have counterplay its the most boring dumb shit possible. not to mention, all killer players are starting to show their true colours by sexually harassing me everymatch… but i guess that isnt serious enough for BHVR… unlike clicking flashlights, which if you do youre apparently the equivalent of hitler!
@jamestercool4412 Месяц назад
just play killer if your gonna play dbd ngl. run four slowdowns and just go from there lmao
@Sunnyyy_777 Месяц назад
Omg legion is probably one of my least favorites to go against 😂
@jamestercool4412 Месяц назад
@albertsmith9878 Месяц назад
On pc u press E and Space bar together near an obstacle!
@albertsmith9878 Месяц назад
I’m pretty sure u press E first and the jump so for pc it’s ( press E then space bar)!
@ass640 Месяц назад
Tried playing normal dbd today, absolute HIV ridden mess, uninstalled the game after 20 minutes lol
@averwynn638 Месяц назад
I miss her :( (chaos shuffle pls come home bby the kids miss u)
@Logan-rj4he 2 месяца назад
😭 'Promosm'
@Weird-City 2 месяца назад
Did they change the parry it feels you have to parry really early now I don't liker it doesn't feel right at all. Parry should be last moment not during the wind-upQ
@sockket6821 2 месяца назад
straight yappin for 10 minutes
@jamestercool4412 2 месяца назад
oh yeah? tell me more then brother what made it just yappin?
@UntrainedPuppy 3 месяца назад
So hooks that you can’t unhook people from, framerate issues, pixelated auras (playing killer) and much more
@jamestercool4412 3 месяца назад
oh its awful, the game is near unplayable
@MsGhoulz 3 месяца назад
Almost every time when I need it, my vaults while running are slow.
@bearded_grumby 3 месяца назад
needs to be fired
@HouseArthur 3 месяца назад
They ruined tbis game tbh...i bought the were-elk skin though for huntress so
@bertlesbertgh2290 3 месяца назад
go play civ
@arabman5848 3 месяца назад
Criminally underrated channel.
@HouseArthur 3 месяца назад
Hes very lucky i was not involved cause i would have had his internet shut off for weeks.
@jamestercool4412 3 месяца назад
naaah we don't need to go that far haha
@ahrivixen5594 3 месяца назад
this is one reason why i dont wanna even touch dbd anymore, and bhvr has their head so far up their own ass they dont even see this being an issue towards the game, my baby survivor friends i tried to get into dbd dont even wanna touch the game due to these people playing like this
@jamestercool4412 3 месяца назад
its so painful when i have someone who hasn't played the game come back to getting humped on the floor and never played the game ever again cause its such a sweaty environment. worse is they now get locked out of baby mmr so they can't learn the game..
@HouseArthur 4 месяца назад
@VileVamp 4 месяца назад
Why can't survivor players ever accept that they aren't the power role and that teamwork is ultimately what will get you out vs a good killer?
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
Why can't killer players accept that Killer isn't as hard as it was back when it first came out and ultimately we should be fine with stating what feels stupid to go against?
@VileVamp 4 месяца назад
@jamestercool4412 You're playing fucking doctor and clown, my guy. Even after the buffs they are a solid B tier at best, what, you think the power should just do nothing in loops? They're so easy to deal with compared to even nemy, you are so out of your element here.
@VileVamp 4 месяца назад
@jamestercool4412 You're are playing doctor and clown. They are easy to deal with, get better and stop blaming the game. The devs don't have to spoonfeed you free wins, this is ridiculous.
@imtheweirdo9377 4 месяца назад
Dont three gen yourself
@Nick-st2be 4 месяца назад
kinda crazy how many delusional almost braindead people this game creates within its community
@ProdigyFPS. 4 месяца назад
this is actually goated to use to avoid fall damage :o
@HouseArthur 4 месяца назад
@morganjacob1195 4 месяца назад
I'm sorry. I love this game I am barely over 1000 hours. But I still love it.
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
im glad you do nothing wrong with that ^^
@LuhKilla_ 4 месяца назад
your playing doctor.
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
doctors buff is insanely stupid since you can still stack detonation add-ons
@Defnothere 4 месяца назад
They could also incorporate a system where if a game takes long enough a hatch can spawn but only one survivor can escape from it unless the others have a key but also if the killer finds it allows the other survivors to get a chance to escape the exit gates. Or instead if a survivor finds the hatch, them escaping starts the end game collapse.
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
yeah something to still discourage only gens and say 'you still do chases..'
@Defnothere 4 месяца назад
@@jamestercool4412 Outrages idea to counter tunneling is to add base kit stealth perks after being unhooked instead of it just being borrowed time, I mean it could prove to be annoying for people who wanna tunnel out survivors as it's apart of the game but it could make for some good come backs for the survivors without making it unfair like distortion or calm spirit as well as hiding tracks for a short duration.
@Defnothere 4 месяца назад
It just seems to me that gen slow down perks are outdated for the games current state because of how ridiculous survivor perks were in the past, stats say that survivors and killers are even which is the problem because alot of games are random depending on which perks that are used and is not in depth as it should be ,what they should be doing is checking stats on is how long each match takes and balance perks that way.
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
the kill rates are apparently 60-40% HOWEVER i think that's boosted by people leaving early MMR and getting fucked by their first competent team
@naruto78961 4 месяца назад
Ngl my this really sounds like you’re a survivor main who’s experiencing what we call a skill issue. This entire video can be summed up as: “Killers don’t need buffs! Just get good!”. Like bro come on, who complains about the clown??? Dude is a bottom 5 killer. He was never weak to begin with????? Huh???????? Did you not play him at all before his bottle changes? Do you think that just because a killer is anti-loop that they can’t be weak? Sure, Doctor didn’t necessarily need buffs to his detonation timing and, as a Doctor main, it’s not what I would’ve changed but it’s a welcome change that really isn’t that groundbreaking. He’s not about to suddenly become an S tier killer because of it. Survivors who actually know what they’re doing are able to dodge the shocks. I agree that huntress didnt really need any buffs. Idk why they changed her. Battlefield 5 has more players because it’s literally a legacy franchise that stood beside COD at one point in the FPS genre, THE most popular genre in gaming.
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
Clown was only bad in players who didn't know him :) you literally seem to agree that the other buffs are at least weird but that makes me entitled..? and battlefield gets a peak at 3pm other than that it barley breaks 10k players. legacy or not its still sad a game with no updates and filled with hackers can nearly match a ip with most iconic horror franchises
@Ryan-jo6xk 4 месяца назад
Killers the easiest it's ever been and killer mains still keep crying about all of the survivors'perks they feel are unfair. Now it looks like the Devs want to nerf adrenaline.
@Defnothere 4 месяца назад
Tbf adrenaline is doing more than what it says it does in the description of the perk, the problem is they need to make It so other survivor perks don't steam roll a killer aswell as the same thing for killers not having these advantages just because of a slowdown perk
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
exactly, im all for nerfs in the right spots but nerfing adren WITHOUT touching slowdown is gonna really hurt if thats how it goes
@leemasefield7934 4 месяца назад
I love DBD and I've probably put more hours into it than any other game, just lately though its got really stale, really quick. I stopped playing as killer because it was either constantly zero hooks or 4k at 5 gens, there was no middle ground. I've mainly been playing survivor with my pal, the amount of times that the killer tunnels out the first survivor they see at 5 gens just to put the game into easy mode is ridiculous, they'll make it 3v1 and then start playing friendly, its infuriating, the other thing you see is the killers slugging for the 4k, because the final survivor getting hatch will obviously ruin their entire day.
@Kjllo1216 4 месяца назад
You play against low level survivors, Clown is easily countered by body blocking and barely any coordination. You don't even see background player with flashbang cause that shit's pretty much uncounterable without lightborn, sabo, fast gens, and insta heals and shit. I don't think you suck at this game, but I personally think you need to go deeper down that rabbit hole before you start making ridiculous assumptions about killer balance.
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
literally had a bang squad shown in my very next video after this with 3 p100's and would of won without using a single trap on trapper. sabo isn't a problem. fast gens are negated but running dumb amounts of slowdown. instaheals were nerfed to not be insta. i've been down the rabbit hole, its boring to me cause its easy compared to what it was, i don't want killer to go back there but they are def over buffing it to a degree that most don't find it enjoyable anymore
@SonnyJim173 4 месяца назад
I just wish people who didnt enjoying playing would stop playing and find something that does make them happy
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
i wish people would stop saying this and think its a valid point yknow?
@ahrivixen5594 4 месяца назад
tbh bhvr wants to make the game as insufferable to survivors as possible, im ok with killers being slightly on the strong side but they are just constnatly making things super obnoxious ontop of the killer buffs along time ago and survivor perk being gutted, they once again buffed some killers even more, hell another perk build to be super oppressive is just a full aura reading build being like bbq lethal, nowhere to hide, and maybe 1 gen slowdown perk, (i still use call of brine for the hell of it) and survivors struggle due to u just being in constant chase on them all the time, theres no down time, unless ur in a chaese with someone already, i also play sadako and seeing massive success just being a basic m1 killer with this build, kinda sad they overgutted deadhard the last iteration of it was more healthy when it did go off (without deadharding on the ground) ive lost complete faith in bhvr actually properly managing dbd from here on out in the future, and tbh i love the game but its time for the game to die or be forced to swap whos managing it, but unforutnatley that will never happen due to the sheer power of ips they have and no other asym being able to hold a candle due to the incompetence of their own teams
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
nah i get that, i've literally been playing trapper without traps with only deadlock and would of won all my games so i let people go for a while till i noticed i was getting babies.. sad i have to start going for the win just so i won't feel like im picking on new players..took me 4 hours of games at least before i got there so ehhhh point is one slowdown can win you the game and thats kinda dumb imo
@ahrivixen5594 4 месяца назад
@@jamestercool4412 yep
@HouseArthur 4 месяца назад
Why when i make video's i dont talk usually DBD WISE, i just play old gameplay vids for fun 100 percent agree on this video
@HouseArthur 4 месяца назад
@ocomolinaehain1795 4 месяца назад
@HouseArthur 4 месяца назад
@Defnothere 4 месяца назад
I get your point on why you made this video but the toxic dbd community is in charge of where the game goes and its very unlikely that any reasonable changes will be made
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
yeah no i get that i do.. i don't think its up to the toxic side but the devs are pretty bad at their own game explains a lot lol..
@Defnothere 4 месяца назад
@@jamestercool4412 customer is always right 👉
@thedrunkennorsemen8944 4 месяца назад
Dude you just sound pissed off that killers actually got a little love the fact that I can escape 9 times out of 10 when I play survivor is ridiculous and I'm not even that good
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
how does you literally saying your prob at low mmr affect the topic of high mmr play?
@imtheweirdo9377 4 месяца назад
How many times has your solo no hook teamate came and took the down for your death hook ass that's been getting tunnled through 3-4 gens?
@imtheweirdo9377 4 месяца назад
How many do you have your teamates take agro after they unhook you and killer is coming?
@imtheweirdo9377 4 месяца назад
Also most survivors do nothing to stop the tunneling or deturn it.
@imtheweirdo9377 4 месяца назад
I may get tilted sometimes but then when the next match starts. Im over it. That games over. And grim embrace is not op. It's mainly for m1 killers. Most killers with mobility are not gonna run that. And i don't see how that's unskillful and carrying killers considering you have to get a down and it only activates on first hook. So tunneling doesn't even give you value. Same with pop. You still have to get a down. And you have a timer. Also it makes sense for the killer to use slowdown. The longer they can keep you in the trial the better. Resources depleted, more likely to make mistakes, etc. And i mean survivor's have perks for gen speed. They should just add vc and ability to see teamates loaudouts
@imtheweirdo9377 4 месяца назад
Idk man. I love dbd. Even with all it's problems. I feel it's what gives it its charm.
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
i love it to man, thats why i wanted to start a discussion, i see so many of my friends quiting the game and its the same everytime "its just to sweaty"
@imtheweirdo9377 4 месяца назад
@jamestercool4412 so is every other pvp game. That's just the nature of pvp. Also, I'm sweaty. So I don't see a problem, especially with sbmm. I expect the players I go against to be sweats. And most of them are. Every once in a blue moon, I get a survivor with like 200-300 hours, but I always kill their squad and let them go if that's the case, considering I have over 2500 hrs. Those ppl should not be in my lobby. But hey, matchmaking isn't perfect 🤷‍♂️
@jamestercool4412 4 месяца назад
the new issue is, SBMM and the current meta punishes you for playing with someone who can't hold a chase - even more so if the killer tunnels them. im sure my 100 hour friend is a turbo threat after he head-oned you for fun yknow. and cause he can't hold a chase, pain res happens, then grim embrace, then pop. the game simply isn't designed for this as of currently.